aeneid book II 56- 623

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who spoke first in the dream


who is dei referring to


who told the greeks to build the horse


who opended her mouth with future fates


who was the first to die out of their group

Coroebus by the hand of Peneleus

who made the horse



Hector's son

why are the snakes coming

Laocoon hurled the spear in the stomach of the horse

who is sinon's kinsman since the beginnning who was killed and what happen

Palamedes, son of Belus, there was false information set up against him that he opposed the trojan war and he was killed, then Ulixes took over and Sinon was really upset so he promised himself to miss no chance of revenge

who was the king of rome who is compared to Ascanius when his head caught on fire

Servius Tullius, it told them he had a special destiny

who undid the pine bolts and freed the greeks from the horses womb


what do they think the trojan horse is

a blessing from the gods

troiae et patriae communis erinys

a common fury of troy and of her fatherland

who is aeneas' wife

a daughter of priam

what are the greeks compared to

a flood rushing through the palace cutting banks


a greek prophet

what happens at Androgeos

a greek thinks that they are greeks to and starts telling them what to do

how is Laocoon described

a priest to Neptune having been led by lot

what is pyrrus compared to

a snake which has fed on poisonous herbs and hidden all winter in the cold earth, but now emerges into the light, glistens with youth and raises its chest high to the sun

fit sonitus spumante salo

a sound is made by the foaming salt water

son of peleus


what does priam say to pyrrus after he kills his son right in front of him

achilles isn't actually your father because he would've had more respect

why do they realize they need to listen to the gods because aeneas has to leave

aeneas's son catches on fire

who are the sons of atreus

agamemnon and menelaus

heu fuge, nate dea, teque his ait eripe flammis. hostis habet muros; ruit alto a culmine troia

alas free, son from a goddess, and snatch yourself from these flames. The enemy has the walls; troy rushes from its high peak

ni mea cura resistat, iam flammae tulerint inimicus et hauserit ensis

and if my care should not resist them, already flames would have carried them and the unfriendly sword would have drunk their blood

et iam bis medium amplexi, bis collo squamea circum terga dati superant capite et cervicibus altis

and now twice having enfolded in the middle, twice having surrounded his neck the scaley back surmount with a head and high necks

pars cetera pontum pone legit sinuatque immensa volumine terga

and the other part skims the sea behind and it folds huge backs in a coil

et scelus expendisse merentem Laocoonta ferunt, sacrum qui cuspide robur laeserit et tergo sceleratam intorserit hastam

and they say that Laocoon, who harmed the sacred oak with his spear and he hurled his wicked spear into his back deserving, has paid for his crime

who is phebes


clamores simul horrendos ad sidera tollit

at the same time he raises horrible shouts to the stars

ille simul manibus tendit divellere nodos perfusus sanie vittas atroque veneno

at the same time he struggles to tear apart the knots with his hands having been soaked as to his bands with blood and black venom

where does Sinon say the greeks went

back to Mycenae to rearm and collect their gods to come with them to come back when the trojans least expect it

where does aeneas go after he sees the ghost

back to the cypress tree where a bunch of other refugees have gathered and they go on their journey

squalentem barbam et concretos sanguine crinis vulneraque ille gerens, quae circum plurima muros accepit patrios

bearing a filthy beard and hair matted with blood and those wounds, which very many he received around his native walls


big masses, could be rubble

what do surrounding trojans do

boys around and unmarried girls sing sacred songs and rejoice to touch the rope by hands

what do they decide to do and why

bring the horse in the walls because they see what will happen if they harm the horse

sed graviter gemitus imo de pectore ducens,

but gravely drawing groans from the bottom of his heart

ora dei iussu non umquam credita Teucris

by the order of the god not ever believed by the trojans

why was palamedes killed (specifically who)

by the trickery of odysseus

dividimus muros et moenia pandimus urbis FOS


eripe fugam finemque impone


who came to troy as an ally because he wanted to marry cassandra


who ruined their plan and their disguise

coroebus sees greeks dragging cassandra out of an alter and he runs to go get her but they kill him

who was the virgin the greeks killed when they first came to troy


sat patriae priamoque datum

enough has been given to the homeland and to priam

what shows up a lot in the passage

for you, tibi

where are the twins coming from

from Tenedos through the tranquil deep

quibus hector ab oris exspectate venis?

from what shores long awaited Hector do you come?

what do the trojans think they are

greeks so they throw spears at them

what does pyrrus do

hacks down the door and storms into the palace

what does aeneas ask for after ascanius's head catches on fire and what does he get

he asks if this is actually an omen to show him another sign and he gets a shooting star and thunder

what did sinon do when he was going to be sacrificed

he escaped and ran away

what does aeneas do

he goes back into the flamming city and sees her ghost, who tells him it is too late and to go where the tiber river flows, there he will get a new kingdom and a new wife

ipse deos in dardana suscitat arma

he himself stirs up the gods against dardan arms

at the end of book two how is aeneas seen

he is beginning to be seen as a leader

what is symbolic about aeneas leaving

he is carrying the past on his back, his dad and his hands are leading to the future, his son

what is vergil doing here

he is giving Roman reputation to the Trojans

even though hector told him its hopeless what does he do

he puts on his arms and goes out to fight, if he dies its okay

what happens once they get to the cypress tree

he realizes creusa got lost

what did laocoon say and do before this

he said not to trust the horse, he feared greeks even bearing gifts and that they are either inside or the horse is against the trojan walls and he hurled his spear into the stomach

what did ulixes do to sinon

he spread rumors about him among the solders because he knew he was guilty and he was looking for weapons to go against him

what did apollo want

he wanted to be with her and she said no so he made her always tell the fates but no one would ever believe her

what was Laocoon doing

he was sacrificing a huge bull at the solemn altars

what is going on right now

hector appears in Aeneas's dream looking like he was after he was killed when he was dragged around troy


hector's widow

who does aeneas run into

helen, tyndarida, the daughter of tynadardus

hic aliud maius miseris multoque tremendum obicitur magis atque improvida pectora turbat

here another greater and much more terrible is presented to the miserable ones and it disturbs their unforseeing hearts

hic iuno scaeas saevissima portas prima tenet sociumque furens a navibus agmen ferro accincta vocat

here very savage Juno first holds the Scaen gates and raging gurted with iron calls her comrade battline from the ships

hic, ubi disiectas moles avulsaque saxis saxa vides, mixtoque undantem pulvere fumum,

here, where you see scattered masses and rocks torn from rocks, and smoke undulating with dust having been mixed in

ut te post multa tuorum funera, post varios hominumque urbisque labores defessi aspicimus!

how gladly we tired ones look at you after the many deaths of your men, after the various labors both of men and of the city!

what is the death of priam a reminder of

how pompeii was killed by people of Ptomley 13th on the shores of Egypt and beheaded

to the stars, ad sidera


si pergama dextra defendi possent, etiam hac defensa fuissent

if troy was bout to be defended by a right hand, then they would have been defended by this right hand

what does pyrrus say to priam right as he kills him

in that case when you are in the underworld, tell my father how horrible i am

where is ulixes

in the horse

why is this a problem

it is a bad omen if something happens on a threshold and the arms gave a yell but they didn't think anything was in it

why wont anchises leave

it is better to die in battle, he wants to stay in troy

what does Sinon tell the trojans will happen if they bring the horse into the city

it will bring the destruction of all Greeks

what is aeneas about to do when his mom shows up

kill helen


leather straps

what were the snakes doing once they got on land

licked their hissing mouths with their vibrating tongues

what is the man who thought they were greeks compared to

like a man going through rough briers who steps on a snake with all of his weight without seeing it

nowhere i will be absent


what is the savage gorgon

medusas face on her sheild, acgis



how does aeneas describe hector

mournful and pours out abundant weeping having been dragged by a two horse chariot as once and black with bloody dust and through his swelling feet having been pierced with leather straps

what word in latin is the unspeakable eveil


what is pyrrus's other name


neptunus muros magnoque emota tridenti fundamenta quatit totamque a sedibus urbem eruit

neptune shakes the walls with his great trident the foundations having been moved away and he is overthrowing the whole city from its resting place

who are the three gods tearing apart troy

neptune shakes the walls with his great trident, savage Juno calls her comrade battle line from the ships, and now tritonian athena has sat on the high citadels, look back, gleaming with fringe and the savage gorgon

what does hector say back at first


iam summas arces tritonia, respice, pallas insedit nimbo effulgens et Gorgone saeva

now Tritonian Athena has sat on the high citadels, look back, gleaming with fringe and the savage Gorgon

o patria, o divum domus Illium et incluta bello moenia Dardanium!

oh fatherland, oh home of the gods troy and walls of the trojans famous in war!

o lux dardaniae, spes o fidissima teucrum, quae tantae tenuere morae?

oh light of troy oh most faithful hope of the trojans, what so great delays held you?

ei mihi

oh me, an exclamation of sorrow

ei mihi, qualis erat, quantum mutatus ab illo Hectore qui redit exuvias indutus Achilli vel Danaum Phrygios iaculatus puppibus ignis

oh me, such he was, so much changed from that hector who returns having put on the spoils of Achilles or having hurled Phrygian fires on the ships of the greeks

what happened four times

on the threshold itself of the gate it stopped and from the stomach four times the arms gave a sound

who is cassandra

one of the daughters of Priam who spent the night in the temple of apollo and snakes came and licked her eye and she became a prophet



who is pyrrus chasing

polites, a son of priam


priam's wife

what does priam do

puts on his armor and goes to the altar

horresco referens

retelling this I shudder

what does sinon say kept the greeks from leaving this long and weary war

rough seas and the south wind alarmed them as they were setting sail

passive voice of video


visus adesse

seemed to be present

illa sibi infestos eversa ob pergama teucros et danaum poenam et deserti coniugis iras praemetuens,

she fearing for herself trojans hostile on account of troy having been overturned and the punishment of the greeks and the angers of the deserted spouce,

dixerat et spissis noctis se condidit umbris. apparent divae facies inimicaque troiae numina magna deum

she had spoken and she hid herself in the think shadows of the night. There appears dire faces and great divine power of the gods hostile to troy

what does venus tell aeneas

she restrains him and asks him why he is raging so much

what does venus do for him

she takes the mist away from his eyes so he can see what other gods are destroying the city

who did calchas name had to be sacrificed


why did the trojans have a change of heart and shifted their passions

sinon said there was no where for him to go and that now his enemies were wishing to kill him, he was allowing himself to be taken prisoner

why did they make the horse so big

so that the trojans couldn't bring it inside their city


son of achilles


son of priam, gets chased and killed by pyrrus

nate, quis indomitas tantus dolor excitat iras? quid furis? aut quonam nostri tibi cura recessit?

son, what so great grief is stirring up uncomfortable angers? Why are you raging? where on Earth has your cares of us receeded?

what is laocoon compared to in this epic simile

such as a roar, when a wounded bull flees the altar and it has shaken out the uncertain ax from its neck



Iuno Scaeas savissima portas


magnoque emota tridenti fundamenta


parva duorum corpora natorum FOS


eripe, nate, fugam finemque impone labori; nusquam abero et tutum patrio te limine sistam

take flight, son, and put an end to the work; nowhere i will be absent and i will stand you safe on your father's threshold

what does sinon promise

that he is no longer loyal to the greeks and that if he saves troy, they have to save him

what does it mean if a snake ate a poisonous herb

that snake was also poisonous

pectora quorum inter fluctus arrecta iubaeque sanguinae superant undas,

the chests of which up right between the waves and their blood red crests one up above the waves


the citadel in troy

what is aeneas thinking about

the family he left at home like creusa his wife and iulus his son

ipse pater Danais animos virisque secundas sufficit, ipse deos in Dardana suscitat arma

the father himself supplies courage and second strength for the Greeks, he himself stirs up the gods against Dardan arms

what is jupiter doing

the father himself supplies courage and second strength for the greeks

what happened while the trojans were asleep and many had too much to drink

the greeks all poured out and slayed the guards and waited for their joined forced to come as they planned


the island the greeks hid on

where was the battle so bad that it was like there was no other battle

the palace of priam


the river that they though ran all around the earth

where do the snakes go

the twin serpants flee by gliding to the highest shrines and they seek the citadel of hostile minerva, and they are covered under the feet of the goddess and the orb of her sheild


the underworld

whose fault does venus say all of this is

the will of the gods

why is gemini and angues a hyperbaton

the words are far away in the construction

tum vero tremefacta novus per pectora cunctis insinuat pavor,

then indeed a new terror winds through the hearts having been made to tremble around,

what does he say about killing helen

there is no honor in killing a women, but there is a lot of honor to wipe out an unspeakable evil

what does the shooting star symbolize

there was a shooting star after caesar died which meant he had become a divinity

what do they do to Laocoon

they bind him with huge coils

why is neptune and apollo tearing the walls down

they built the walls but because they were never paid by the king they were angry

apollo and neptune

they built the walls of troy but were not paid by king laomedon so neptune is destroying the walls and juno is asking for more greeks to come

what do the snakes do when they see laocoon

they enfold the small bodies of his two children and feeds on their miserable limbs with a bite

what was so bad about sinons lies

they had never been tricked for 10 years but because he cried, they believed him and the trap was set

how do they get through all of the battle

they put greek amor on

how do they get the horse into the walls

they put wheels under its feet, and they stretch flax chains on its neck

what do the greeks do after they supposevly can't leave

they send Eurypylus to consult the oracle of Apollo

ducendum ad sedes simulacrum orandaque divae numina conclamant

they shout together that the statue must be brought to the seat and the divine power of the goddess must be begged

what did the trojans do when sinon cried and ask them to pity his suffering

they spared him and pitied him and Priam ordered him to be free of his chains

what is the epic simile after he gives the speech to the army

they were like wolves foraging blindly on a misty night driven by their ravening hunger leaving their young behind

what are the trojans interrupted by and what would they have done

they would've followed the priest Laocoon and destroyed the horse but a bunch of shephards come with a prisoner, Sinon

sic ait et manibus vittas Vestamque potentem aeternumque adytis effert penetralibus ignem

thus he speaks and carries garlands with his hands and powerful Vesta and the eternal fire from interior sanctuaries

what does priam say to sinon

to forget the greeks and that he is now one of them, but he asks all about the horse

what does hector tell aeneas to do

to gather up the household gods and go found a new city for them

according to sinon, why did they build the horse

to make up for the violation of the Palladium and the divinity of Pallas

what was the purpose of sinon's story

to open troy to the greeks

what did diomede and ulixes do to upset athena

tore down the palladium, the sacred statue of Athena in Troy, so now Athena was against them

what does Sinon tell the trojans will happen if they're hands violate this offering to Minerva

total destruction will fall upon the empire of Priam and the Trojans



what did calchas tell the trojans once athena was against them

troy could not be taken over by the greeks unless they go back home and get the image and bring it back to troy

who hated each other

ulixes and sinon, this tactic is the common enemy

dividimus muros et moenia pandimus urbis

we divide the walls and we open the walls of the city

what do the people do when they see the snakes

we flee away pale from the sight

nos delubra deum miseri, quibus ultimus esset ille dies, festa velamus fronde per urbem

we miserable ones for whom that day was the last we poor people decorate the temples of the gods with festive frond through the city

instamus tamen immemores caecique furore et monstrum infelix sacrata sistimus arce

we press on however unmindful and blind because of madness we stand the unlucky monster in the fortified citadel

what happened when they brought the statute to the greek camp

weird stuff started happening and athena herself kept appearing with flashes of lightening

quae causa indigna serenos foedavit vultus? aut cur haec vulnera cerno?

what undeserved cause has defiled your serene face? or why do i see these wounds?

when was the last time aeneas saw his mom

when she ran off after she pretended to be lost near carthage

ne + indirect question


what does venus say he should be

will you not sooner look on where you left anchises, the parent tired by age, whether your wife creusa survives and your boy ascanius? around all of who on all sides greek battle lines wander

immensis orbibus angues imcumbunt pelago pariterque ad litora tendunt

with huge coils, snakes lie on the sea and they stretch equally towards the shore

what does the oracle tell them

you must sacrifice a greek life just like how they had to sacrifice agamemnon' s daughter to get to troy

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