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Qualifications for Ministerial Credentials

Salvation. Testimony to having experienced the new birth (John 3:5). b. Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Testimony to having received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues according to Acts 2:4. The Spirit-filled life will enable a minister to fulfill the fourfold mission of the church (Constitution, Article V, paragraph 10). c. Evidence of call. Clear evidence of a divine call to the ministry, evidenced by a personal conviction, confirmed by the work of the Spirit and the testimony of fellow ministers. d. Christian character. A blameless Christian life and a good report of those who are without (Titus 1:7; 1 Timothy 3:7). e. Doctrinal position. A thorough understanding of and agreement with our doctrinal position as contained in the Statement of Fundamental Truths. f. Assemblies of God polity. A satisfactory working knowledge of the principles, practices, and purposes of the Fellowship through a study of the General Council and district council Constitution and Bylaws. Voluntary cooperation and commitment to the Fellowship. An active loyalty to our constitutional agreements, a cooperative spirit, and a readiness to seek and receive the counsel of older mature Christians and those in positions of authority. By voluntary it is meant that, upon learning the principles, doctrines, and practices of the Assemblies of God, and by seeing the benefits to be derived from being associated with such an organization, persons of their own free choice decide to become members, thus subscribing to all that for which the organization stands. For the minister, by cooperation, it is meant, to the best of one's ability, complying with all decisions setting forth and defining duties and responsibilities incumbent upon members of the organization. It includes active participation and respect for the will of the majority expressed through constitutional processes. Hence, for the minister, voluntary cooperation means that when the minister decides to become a cooperating member of the Assemblies of God, this cooperation and participation thereby becomes obligatory and not optional. h. Basic education requirements. Any level of formal academic achievement (diploma or degree) shall not be a requirement for credentials; however, credential applicants shall meet the following criteria: (1) All applicants are required to be interviewed by the district credentials committee and, in preparation for the interview, pass a standard exam approved by the General Presbytery whereby they demonstrate knowledge of the Bible, Assemblies of God doctrines, and ministerial practices, unless an exception is granted by the General Council Credentials Committee or permitted by General Presbytery policy; and either (2) Successfully complete equivalent training to that indicated in paragraph (3) below, preferably, in an endorsed Assemblies of God postsecondary school; or in a seminary, college, Bible college, or school approved by the district credentials committee consistent with criteria established by the General Council Credentials Committee; or (3) Successfully complete courses, prescribed by the General Presbytery, offered in correspondence through Global University of the Assemblies of God, or pass the final examinations in the prescribed courses; or (4) Be recommended by a district credentials committee as qualifying for credentials through self-study and ministerial experience. Such candidates shall have a proven and fruitful ministry of substantial duration. Requests from a district for such a candidate shall be presented to the General Council Credentials Committee and may be granted on a case-by-case basis. i. Mandatory screening. All applicants for ministerial credentials shall be screened through a designated screening agency established by the Executive Presbytery. Said screening shall be done by the district council prior to the submission of the application to the office of the general secretary. j. Marriage status. We disapprove of any married persons holding ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God if either marriage partner has a former spouse living, unless the divorce occurred prior to his or her conversion or for the scriptural causes of a former spouse's marital unfaithfulness (Matthew 19:9), or the abandonment of the believer by the unbeliever (1 Corinthians 7:10-15), except as hereinafter provided. k. Ecclesiastical annulments and marriage dissolutions. The Executive Presbytery shall have the authority to determine whether an applicant qualifies for an ecclesiastical annulment. In such cases there must be clear and satisfactory evidence of deception, fraud, or other conditions which have a profound impact preventing the creation of a valid marriage union, unknown at the time of marriage by the applicant. The Executive Presbytery shall have the authority to determine whether an applicant qualifies regarding a former marriage when the termination of that marriage is consistent with the scriptural position of the Fellowship relating to the granting or holding of ministerial credentials; or if a former marriage ended prior to conversion. In those cases involving preconversion divorce they shall be decided on an individual basis just as those that deal with ecclesiastical annulments. Appeals from the decisions of the Executive Presbytery may be made to the General Presbytery. l. Eligibility of women. The Scriptures plainly teach that divinely called and qualified women may also serve the church in the ministry of the Word (Joel 2:29; Acts 21:9; 1 Corinthians 11:5). Women who meet the qualifications for ministerial credentials are eligible for whatever grade of credentials their qualifications warrant and have the right to administer the ordinances of the church and are eligible to serve in all levels of church ministry, and/or district and General Council leadership. m. Ministers from other organizations. If a minister from another reputable body desires to affiliate with the Assemblies of God, the credentials committees of both the General Council and the district councils are under no obligation to accept the applicant's previous ministerial status, but will judge each candidate on his or her own merits as to the level of credentials to be granted. Such applicants shall be required to: (1) Conform to Assemblies of God criteria for recognition. (2) Complete an application for ministerial recognition. (3) Submit a letter of recommendation from a neighboring Assemblies of God minister or the sectional presbyter for the applicant's area. (4) Submit a recommendation from the body with which the minister was formerly affiliated. If such is not available, letters of recommendation should be sought from three reputable ordained ministers who are familiar with the applicant's ministry, two of whom should be with the applicant's former credentialing body. (5) Take the credential examination. (6) Complete such courses as may be prescribed by the General Presbytery for ministers transferring from other credentialing bodies. (7) Meet with the district credentials committee for an oral interview. (8) Be recommended by the district credentials committee for action by the General Council Credentials Committee. (9) All previously ordained ministers so approved shall receive recognition as ordained Assemblies of God ministers with the laying on of hands by the district presbytery. All other applicants so approved shall receive the appropriate level of credential recognition. Ministers who receive Assemblies of God recognition shall relinquish their ministerial credentials with any other organization, unless an exception is granted by the General Council Credentials Committee upon recommendation of a district council credentials committee for a minister serving as a missionary in this country who holds a credential with a member body of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, or in special and/ or unique cases

The Requirements of Affiliation for a Local Assembly

Section 1. Procedure for Affiliation It shall be the responsibility of the district presbytery to determine when an assembly has reached a state of growth, stability, and maturity qualifying it for affiliation with The General Council of the Assemblies of God. Qualifications shall include a minimum active voting membership of 20 persons, unless an exception has been granted by the district in accordance with the provisions of General Council Constitution Article XI, Section 1, paragraph a, subparagraph (3). The assembly shall have matured to a point where a sufficient number of qualified persons are available for the offices called for in its constitution and bylaws. The procedure for affiliation shall be: a. A church desiring affiliation shall forward its request to the office of the district in which it is located. The district council shall provide an approved application form and procedural instructions. b. The meeting in which an assembly shall be set in order shall be presided over by an officer of the district who shall assist the assembly in the adoption of a constitution and bylaws acceptable to the district. c. An existing, mature church that desires to affiliate with The General Council of the Assemblies of God shall apply to the office of the district council for guidance and assistance. d. Upon approval by the district presbytery, the application for affiliation shall be forwarded to the general secretary of The General Council of the Assemblies of God. Recognition of affiliation shall occur upon receipt by the assembly of an official Certificate of Affiliation issued by the general secretary. In the event an application for affiliation is declined by a district presbytery, appeal may be made by the church to the General Council Executive Presbytery whose decision shall be final. Section 2. Annual Report and Offerings From Assemblies a. Annual Church Ministries Report. Each church of the Assemblies of God is requested to keep a current record of its membership and to report this information annually, on forms provided, to the office of the district secretary and the General Council secretary. b. Fellowship Partners Offering. It is recommended that each church send to the General Council at least one offering for each calendar year toward the support of the administrative offices of the General Council. This offering shall be called Fellowship Partners offering, and shall be included with the Annual Church Ministries Report. It is suggested that each church's minimal offering be based upon its average Sunday morning attendance. A church averaging less than 50 is asked to send $25 for the year; less than 100 but more than 50, $50; less than 250 but more than 100, $100; less than 500 but more than 250, $250; less than 1,000 but more than 500, $500; less than 2,000 but more than 1,000, $1,000; over 2,000, $2,000. c. Assemblies of God Total Giving (1) Participation. In order to support and develop the work and ministries of the Assemblies of God at home and abroad, all its churches are encouraged to send offerings at regular intervals. (2) Combined report. A combined report of all offerings that are designated for departments shall be given under the caption of Assemblies of God Total Giving. The intent is to provide recognition for contributions to all ministries of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, to place each appeal and ministry on an equal basis, and to lend encouragement to churches and individual contributors to determine the appeal to which they will respond under the leading of the Spirit. (3) Credit. Assemblies of God Total Giving recognition shall provide credit to Assemblies of God churches for contributions to the Fellowship Partners plan for support of the General Council; Assemblies of God World Missions, Assemblies of God U.S. Missions, Benevolences Ministries, Christian Higher Education (including educational institutions), Church Ministries (including men's, women's, church music, youth, and senior adults), General Administration (including executive and Spiritual Life offices), other General Council, regional, and district- sponsored or approved projects, and parent churches for satellite startup costs, up to 6 months, including property (facilities and equipment), promotion, personnel (pastoral selection and moving expenses). Contributions from districts other than where a district-approved project is located can be granted Assemblies of God Total Giving credit only if the district where the contribution originates gives its approval and if the contribution is channeled through that district or the National Leadership and Resource Center. It is expected that the National Leadership and Resource Center division or department related to a given project will be notified of approved projects. It is also understood that no district or region may receive Assemblies of God Total Giving credit for projects specifically disapproved by the General Council. Section 3. Safeguarding the Assemblies a. Pastors and leaders of assemblies should make proper investigation of persons who seek to gain entrance to teach, minister, or pastor. Use of the platform should be denied until spiritual integrity and reliability have been determined. It is recommended that Assemblies of God churches use Assemblies of God ministers since the use of non-Assemblies of God ministers may bring confusion and problems detrimental to the Fellowship. b. No minister dismissed by the Assemblies of God may be allowed to pastor or have ministry in an Assemblies of God church. Pastors and district officials should maintain an exchange of information regarding dismissed ministers known to be seeking ministry in our assemblies. Section 4. Relationships Between Churches, District Councils, and the General Council a. Nature. General Council affiliated churches are deemed to be sovereign, autonomous, self-governing, and self-determining bodies which have, by their sovereign, self-determining action in making application for and receiving recognition as a General Council affiliated church, entered into an agreement with the Fellowship to be amenable to the General Council and district council in matters of doctrine and polity. (See Constitution, Article XI, Section 1, paragraph d.) b. Relationships. Cooperative fellowship describes both the relationship that exists between local churches and their relationships with the district councils and the General Council. c. Organizational assistance. The services of both the General Council and district council are available to assist the General Council affiliated church in dealing with any of its problems, either internal or external, when requested by the pastor or a majority of the official board of the church or a petition signed by 30 percent of the voting members, with the petitioning process and delivery to the district council taking no more than 30 days in total to complete. When district officers receive such requests, it is recommended they first verify that scriptural principles of reconciliation, such as those found in Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 Timothy 5:19, have been reasonably attempted by the requesting party in situations involving interpersonal conflict. District officers shall respond by investigating problems and, if necessary, recommending remedial actions to the responsible district governing entity, (e.g., district presbytery or district executive presbytery). At its discretion, that governing entity may act to bring the church under district supervision and, when necessary, revert it from General Council status to district affiliated status until the governing entity considers the problem resolved. d. Preservation of affiliation. In the event the termination of affiliation with The General Council of the Assemblies of God is under consideration by an affiliated assembly, the pastor or board shall invite the district officers to participate in a specially called business meeting where such matters will be discussed and voted upon for the express purpose of giving the district officers the opportunity to present the case for continued General Council affiliation. A decision to disaffiliate shall require a two-thirds vote of the membership, or a more restrictive rule prescribed by the governing documents of the church or district. In the case of a previously existing church which later affiliated with the Fellowship through a vote of its membership, the percentage required to disaffiliate shall not exceed the percentage required when the church voted to affiliate. Section 5. Guidelines for Minimal Membership for General Council Affiliated Assemblies If a General Council affiliated church is unable to meet any of the criteria for affiliation as set forth in the Constitution, Article XI, Section 1, paragraph a, it shall seek the assistance of the district officers for help in maintaining the minimal requirement for General Council affiliation. The district may use any means prescribed by its bylaws to assist the church in returning to a position of strength. If the minimal requirements have not been attained, the church shall revert to district affiliated status until the minimal requirements for General Council affiliation have been attained, unless an exception has been granted by the district in accordance with the provisions of General Council Constitution Article XI, Section 1, paragraph a, subparagraph (3). Section 6. New Assemblies The planting of new churches shall be a priority goal of The General Council of the Assemblies of God. Resources at all levels shall be aligned to accomplish this purpose. Initiative for establishing new churches and the oversight of those churches may emanate from local assemblies, sections, and district councils. District presbyteries, sectional committees, or the authorities within a district charged with the responsibility of approving new churches shall not prohibit the planting of new churches unless a compelling reason exists. If it is determined that a compelling reason exists, a minister or local church desiring to plant the church shall have the right to appeal to their district presbytery or authorities within a district charged with the responsibility of approving new churches, and the decision of the district may be appealed to the General Council Executive Presbytery, whose decision shall be final. Section 7. Assemblies Resulting From a Division a. Status of assembly. When efforts to maintain unity and harmony in an assembly have failed, and a division results in a new congregation being formed, the district should exercise strong and wise leadership in ascertaining the facts and seek to preserve Assemblies of God adherents for the Fellowship. Within the bounds of ethical principles, sound doctrine, and district policy, all districts should seek to retain any meritorious group within the Assemblies of God. b. Status of minister. Circumstances in each case will determine whether the minister should be disciplined or denied ministry in either the original church or the dissident group, or even residency in the area where the division occurred. If a minister is guilty of inappropriate conduct resulting in a division, the district presbytery shall deal appropriately with the minister as provided in Article X, Section 3, of the Bylaws. Section 8. Transfer of Local Church Membership a. Letter of introduction. It is recommended that members request a letter of introduction from the church of which they are a member to be sent by mail to the church with which they desire to affiliate. b. Acknowledgment of transfer. It is recommended that the receiving church shall give an acknowledgment of transfer to the former church.

Support of Assemblies of God World Missionaries

A faith mission. The world missions program of the Assemblies of God is a faith mission. Missionaries are urged to place their faith in God for supplying their needs. Thus missionaries itinerate among the churches to solicit prayer and financial support. Church support. Every local church shall be encouraged to assume responsibility for support of duly appointed missionaries and approved ministries in cooperation with Assemblies of God World Missions. c. Undesignated and general emergency funds. Undesignated funds and general emergency funds may be used to meet the emergency needs of missionaries who raise their prescribed pledge and cash support and submit required financial reports to the division. d. District support. It is recommended that districts endorsing candidates for missionary appointment assume responsibility for their support as far as practicable.


According to the Scriptures, tithes should be used for the support of the active ministry and for the propagation of the gospel and work of the Lord and not be given to charity or used for other purposes. In tithing, the ministers ought to be examples. (2) We recognize the duty of tithing and urge all our people to pay tithes to God. It is recommended that arrangements satisfactory to the pastor and the church be made by all pastors and churches, so that the pastor may receive regular and adequate support. We disapprove, however, of the teaching that all tithes necessarily should belong to the pastor for his or her support.

Violations of Ministerial Courtesy

All discourteous conduct is disapproved, and all ministers are advised against interfering with pastors in charge of assemblies, whether it be by going in upon their work without consent or by such correspondence with members of the assembly as will hurt the influence of the leader. All correspondence which concerns the whole assembly shall be addressed to the one in charge and not to individual members. Where there is no pastor, letters concerning the work shall be addressed to the officers of the assembly. Any minister who so offends shall be subject to discipline.

Amenability of Credentialed Ministers to Both the District Council and the General Council

Amenability. All certified, licensed, and ordained ministers shall be amenable to both the district council and The General Council of the Assemblies of God in matters of doctrine and discipline. (See Bylaws, Article X.) All local church credential holders shall be amenable to their local church under guidelines established by the General Presbytery and district council in matters of doctrine and discipline. (See Bylaws, Article VII, Section 1.)

Military Service

As a Movement we affirm our loyalty to the government of the United States in war or peace. We shall continue to insist, as we have historically, on the right of each member to choose whether to declare their position as a combatant, a noncombatant, or a conscientious objector.

Basic Education Requirements for Credentialed Ministers

Basic education requirements. Any level of formal academic achievement (diploma or degree) shall not be a requirement for credentials; however, credential applicants shall meet the following criteria: (1) All applicants are required to be interviewed by the district credentials committee and, in preparation for the interview, pass a standard exam approved by the General Presbytery whereby they demonstrate knowledge of the Bible, Assemblies of God doctrines, and ministerial practices, unless an exception is granted by the General Council Credentials Committee or permitted by General Presbytery policy; and either (2) Successfully complete equivalent training to that indicated in paragraph (3) below, preferably, in an endorsed Assemblies of God postsecondary school; or in a seminary, college, Bible college, or school approved by the district credentials committee consistent with criteria established by the General Council Credentials Committee; or (3) Successfully complete courses, prescribed by the General Presbytery, offered in correspondence through Global University of the Assemblies of God, or pass the final examinations in the prescribed courses; or (4) Be recommended by a district credentials committee as qualifying for credentials through self-study and ministerial experience. Such candidates shall have a proven and fruitful ministry of substantial duration. Requests from a district for such a candidate shall be presented to the General Council Credentials Committee and may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

Ministerial Transfer of Credentials from One District to Another Must Occur within Sixty Days

Certificate of transfer. When a member minister takes up residence in another district, a certificate of transfer shall be issued within 60 days by the district of which he or she is a member, unless there are charges pending against the minister. The certificate of transfer shall be accepted by the district into which the minister moves. Exceptions may be made for the following: (1) Ministers moving to serve at the Assemblies of God National Leadership and Resource Center. (2) Those who have attained the age of 60 and are no longer engaged in active ministry and those who have attained the age of 65 and are not pastoring a church. (3) Those who are in the Armed Forces currently on active duty. (4) Those who are serving on the staffs of schools affiliated with the General Council and district council or nonaffiliated schools acceptable to the General Council and the district council in which the school is located. (5) Those who are appointed U.S. missionaries or world missionaries who are on furlough or on temporary assignment in the United States and reside in a district other than their home district. (6) Ministers having membership in one district and a mailing address only in another district. (7) Students in schools outside their home districts. (8) Those who are serving in a non-Assemblies of God institution providing: (a) They have a regular scope of ministry which reaches beyond district boundaries. (b) Both districts agree to the exception. (c) The institution is acceptable to both districts. (9) Church planters involved in transdistrict ministry.

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A. provides campus ministry to evangelize and disciple American and international college and university students.

Recognition of Ministry Gifts without Regard to Gender, Race, Disability, or National Origin

Christ's gifts to the Church include apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11), exhorters, administrators, leaders, and helpers (Romans 12:7,8). We understand God's call to these ministry gifts is totally within His sovereign discretion without regard to gender, race, disability, or national origin. Three classifications of ministry are recognized and transferable among all Assemblies of God districts: the ordained minister, the licensed minister, and the certified minister. All ordained, licensed, and certified ministers holding current ministerial credentials are authorized to perform the ordinances and ceremonies (sacerdotal functions) of the church, and those holding a local church credential as provided below. A fourth classification of ministry, a local church credential, may be provided by a local General Council affiliated church under basic guidelines adopted by the General Presbytery and such additional guidelines adopted by the district council. The local church credential shall be non-transferable (limited to the issuing local church) and shall be limited to 2 years, unless the credential is solely required for active and ongoing local ministry in a prison, hospital, or institution. A person holding a local church credential can perform the ordinances and ceremonies (sacerdotal functions) of the church if authorized in writing by the senior pastor of the local church issuing the credential. No other classification of ministry shall be recognized other than those described in this section.

Sacerdotal Functions of Credentialed Ministers

Christ's gifts to the Church include apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11), exhorters, administrators, leaders, and helpers (Romans 12:7,8). We understand God's call to these ministry gifts is totally within His sovereign discretion without regard to gender, race, disability, or national origin. Three classifications of ministry are recognized and transferable among all Assemblies of God districts: the ordained minister, the licensed minister, and the certified minister. All ordained, licensed, and certified ministers holding current ministerial credentials are authorized to perform the ordinances and ceremonies (sacerdotal functions) of the church, and those holding a local church credential as provided below. A fourth classification of ministry, a local church credential, may be provided by a local General Council affiliated church under basic guidelines adopted by the General Presbytery and such additional guidelines adopted by the district council. The local church credential shall be non-transferable (limited to the issuing local church) and shall be limited to 2 years, unless the credential is solely required for active and ongoing local ministry in a prison, hospital, or institution. A person holding a local church credential can perform the ordinances and ceremonies (sacerdotal functions) of the church if authorized in writing by the senior pastor of the local church issuing the credential. No other classification of ministry shall be recognized other than those described in this section.

The Nature and Purposes of Discipline

Discipline is an exercise of scriptural authority for which the church is responsible. The aims of discipline are that God may be honored, that the purity and welfare of the ministry may be maintained, and that those under discipline may be brought to repentance and restoration (Galatians 6:1). Discipline is to be administered for the restoration of the minister, while fully providing for the protection of the spiritual welfare of our local assemblies. It is to be redemptive in nature as well as corrective, and is to be exercised as under a dispensation of mercy.

Ministerial Discipline: The District Hearing the Case

District hearing. In the event the reports or complaints cannot be dealt with privately to the satisfaction of all concerned, the superintendent of the district in which the alleged offense is said to have occurred, or the superintendent of the district with which the minister is affiliated, shall arrange for a hearing by the district credentials committee for the accused minister. The minister shall be required to appear at the hearing in the hope the matter can be resolved.

Ecclesiastical Annulments and Marriage Dissolutions

Ecclesiastical annulments and marriage dissolutions. The Executive Presbytery shall have the authority to determine whether an applicant qualifies for an ecclesiastical annulment. In such cases there must be clear and satisfactory evidence of deception, fraud, or other conditions which have a profound impact preventing the creation of a valid marriage union, unknown at the time of marriage by the applicant. The Executive Presbytery shall have the authority to determine whether an applicant qualifies regarding a former marriage when the termination of that marriage is consistent with the scriptural position of the Fellowship relating to the granting or holding of ministerial credentials; or if a former marriage ended prior to conversion. In those cases involving preconversion divorce they shall be decided on an individual basis just as those that deal with ecclesiastical annulments. Appeals from the decisions of the Executive Presbytery may be made to the General Presbytery.

Eligibility of Women in Ministry

Eligibility of women. The Scriptures plainly teach that divinely called and qualified women may also serve the church in the ministry of the Word (Joel 2:29; Acts 21:9; 1 Corinthians 11:5). Women who meet the qualifications for ministerial credentials are eligible for whatever grade of credentials their qualifications warrant and have the right to administer the ordinances of the church and are eligible to serve in all levels of church ministry, and/or district and General Council leadership.

The Three Levels of Ministerial Credentials in the Assemblies of God

General requirements. They shall show promise of usefulness in the gospel work. They shall devote full or part time to Christian ministry and, at the discretion of the district credentials committees, may remain under the supervision of a pastor or a ministry coach or mentor. They shall show evidence of a divine call and be actively engaged in some aspect of ministry and proclamation of the gospel, except in case of ill health or advanced age. (2) Pastoral requirements. In the event a certified minister is serving in a position as the pastor, he or she shall be expected to advance to the ministry license level within 2 years of acceptance of the pastorate. This shall not apply to any minister who has reached the age of 65 or older, or whose certificate has been issued on a provisional basis. Any exceptions shall be at the discretion of the district credentials committee. (3) Exception for provisional issuance. A Certificate of Ministry may be issued on a provisional basis to a person who has not met all the credentialing requirements but who is deemed by the district credentials committee to be essential to the continuity of a church or a ministry. The reason for such a provisional issuance must be ministry driven, and the justification for its use is terminated when the minister ceases to be involved in the ministry for which it was initially granted unless the minister accepts another qualifying assignment. Other limitations are: (a) The ministry certificate on a provisional basis will be issued for 1 year and shall not be renewed more than two times. (b) A person who has been granted the Certificate of Ministry on a provisional basis must meet the qualifications for a ministry certificate within a 3-year period. Licensed minister. Qualifications for license shall include clear evidence of a divine call, character and preparation suitable for that calling, practical ministry experience, and an evident purpose to devote one's life in service to the proclamation of the gospel. e. Ordained minister. Qualifications for ordination are outlined in the New Testament (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:7-9). In addition: (1) Applicants must be 23 years of age or older. (2) They must have met all the requirements in making application and in completing the prescribed application form. (3) No person may be ordained to the ministry until he or she has shown evidence of a divine call and has held a ministry license and has been actively engaged in ministry and proclamation of the gospel for at least 2 full consecutive years immediately prior thereto. (4) Residency requirements of applicants. Applicants must be residents of or hold credentials in the district where they make application and appear before its credentials committee. District councils are required to refrain from approving any applicant for ordination who may have been licensed in another district, until such licensed minister shall have been a member of the district in which he or she is seeking ordination at least 1 year. Applicants who have not been a member of the district where they apply for ordination for 2 full consecutive years must meet the requirements and secure the endorsement of the officers of the district in which they were previously licensed, as well as the district of their residence. (5) Exceptions to requirements. The General Council Credentials Committee, upon request by a district credentials committee and where exceptional circumstances exist, may waive the requirements for an applicant holding a ministry license for 2 full consecutive years or being a member of the district in which he or she is seeking ordination for at least 1 year. (6) In order to maintain active status, ordained ministers shall be engaged in viable ministry and proclamation of the gospel except for cases of disability, retirement, or other valid circumstances as determined by the general secretary.

Disapproved Doctrine: Unconditional Security

In view of the biblical teaching that the security of the believer depends on a living relationship with Christ (John 15:6); in view of the Bible's call to a life of holiness (1 Peter 1:16; Hebrews 12:14); in view of the clear teaching that a man may have his part taken out of the Book of Life (Revelation 22:19); and in view of the fact that one who believes for a while can fall away (Luke 8:13); The General Council of the Assemblies of God disapproves of the unconditional security position which holds that it is impossible for a person once saved to be lost.

Assemblies of God World Missions and the Indigenous Principle

Indigenous principle. The Pauline example shall be followed as far as possible by seeking out neglected regions where the gospel has not been preached and by establishing self-supporting, self-governing, self-propagating national churches in all regions.

Christian Marriage Is between a Man and a Woman

Marriage was established by God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:18, 21-25) and confirmed by Jesus Christ to be a permanent relationship between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:4-6). Because marriage is not only a commitment to a spouse, but also to God (Genesis 2:24; Mark 10:9; Ephesians 5:31), a believer should marry only another believer (2 Corinthians 6:14). Christian marriage is a reflection of the love, purity, and permanence between Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:23-33). Even though some marriages may fall short of the biblical ideal (see Article IX, B, Section 5), husbands and wives who devote themselves to God (Ephesians 5:21) and find nurture and instruction in the body of Christ (Hebrews 10:25) can realize the strength and blessing of God in their relationship.

Disapproved Doctrine: Legalism

Matters of conscience. The Assemblies of God strongly affirms that the Scriptures teach a life of "holiness without which no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14). However, since sincere commitment to holy living sometimes results in sharp differences of opinion among believers on debatable matters of personal conscience, the Assemblies of God disapproves the practice of pressing these debatable matters of personal conscience upon others (Romans 14:1-4). b. Adding conditions to salvation. The Assemblies of God strongly affirms that salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8,9). Therefore, the Assemblies of God disapproves any teaching or practice that seems to add conditions to salvation (Galatians 3:1-5).

Divorce and Remarriage

Membership (1) Marriage entanglements before conversion. There are now among Christian people those who became entangled in their marriage relations in their former lives of sin and who do not see how these matters can be adjusted. We recommend that these people be received into the membership of local assemblies and that their marriage complications be left in the hands of the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:17,20,24). Membership Common-law marriages. We recommend that in no case shall persons be accepted into membership who are known to be living in a common-law state of matrimony. b. Remarriage. Low standards on marriage and divorce are very hurtful to individuals, to the family, and to the cause of Christ. Therefore, we discourage divorce by all lawful means and teaching. We positively disapprove of Christians getting divorces for any cause except fornication and adultery (Matthew 19:9). Where these exceptional circumstances exist or when a Christian has been divorced by an unbeliever, we recommend that the question of remarriage be resolved by the believer in the light of God's Word (1 Corinthians 7:15,27,28). c. Local church leadership (1) Standard for offices of bishop, or elder, and deacon. Since the New Testament restricts divorced and remarried believers from the church offices of bishop, or elder, and deacon, we recommend that this standard be upheld by all our assemblies (Titus 1:5-9; 1 Timothy 3:12), except when the divorce occurred prior to conversion (2 Corinthians 5:17) or for the scriptural causes of a former spouse's marital unfaithfulness (Matthew 19:9), or the abandonment of the believer by the unbeliever (1 Corinthians 7:10-15). (2) Prerogative of local assemblies. It is understood that recommendations are not binding, but local assemblies shall maintain the prerogative of setting their own standards (in accord with provisions of Article XI of the Constitution). d. Performing marriage ceremonies (1) Ministerial guidelines. We discourage any Assemblies of God minister performing a marriage ceremony for anyone who has been divorced and whose former spouse is still living, unless the case is included in the exceptional circumstances described in Bylaws, Article IX, B, Section 5, paragraph b. (2) Violation of conscience not required. We realize that the remarrying of such persons included in the exceptive circumstances in Bylaws, Article IX, B, Section 5, paragraph b, could violate the conscience of a minister; and if this should be the case, the minister should not be expected to perform such ceremonies. (3) Same-sex ceremonies. No minister shall perform any type of marriage, cohabitation, or covenant ceremony for persons who are of the same sex. Such a ceremony would endorse homosexuality which is a sin and strictly forbidden in God's Word (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26,27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:9-11). Any minister of our Fellowship who performs a ceremony for these types of disapproved relations, unless innocently deceived into doing so, shall be dismissed from the Fellowship. (4) Counsel. An Assemblies of God minister is urged to counsel applicants for marriage ceremonies with scriptural guidelines for Christian marriage prior to performing the ceremony. A minister may not perform ceremonies for persons who, in the minister's opinion, approach marriage without proper forethought, wisdom, and sobriety. e. Ministerial credentials. We disapprove of any married minister of the Assemblies of God holding credentials if either minister or spouse has a former spouse living unless the divorce occurred prior to conversion or for the scriptural causes of a former spouse's marital unfaithfulness (Matthew 19:9), or the abandonment of the believer by the unbeliever (1 Corinthians 7:10-15). (See also Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2, paragraphs j and k.)

Performing Marriage Ceremonies

Ministerial guidelines. We discourage any Assemblies of God minister performing a marriage ceremony for anyone who has been divorced and whose former spouse is still living, unless the case is included in the exceptional circumstances described in Bylaws, Article IX, B, Section 5, paragraph b. (2) Violation of conscience not required. We realize that the remarrying of such persons included in the exceptive circumstances in Bylaws, Article IX, B, Section 5, paragraph b, could violate the conscience of a minister; and if this should be the case, the minister should not be expected to perform such ceremonies. (3) Same-sex ceremonies. No minister shall perform any type of marriage, cohabitation, or covenant ceremony for persons who are of the same sex. Such a ceremony would endorse homosexuality which is a sin and strictly forbidden in God's Word (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26,27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:9-11). Any minister of our Fellowship who performs a ceremony for these types of disapproved relations, unless innocently deceived into doing so, shall be dismissed from the Fellowship. (4) Counsel. An Assemblies of God minister is urged to counsel applicants for marriage ceremonies with scriptural guidelines for Christian marriage prior to performing the ceremony. A minister may not perform ceremonies for persons who, in the minister's opinion, approach marriage without proper forethought, wisdom, and sobriety.

Ministry in a Non-Assemblies of God Church

Ministers shall not be limited or restrained from entering open doors to preach this Pentecostal message, so long as they retain Assemblies of God doctrine, standards of holiness, proper attitudes, and proper ministerial conduct without compromise. Inasmuch as unity is a vital principle for growth and spiritual development of the Assemblies of God Fellowship, it is essential that we recognize our relationship to each other and that we practice Christian cooperation in all our pastoral, evangelistic, missionary, and local church work. We recommend therefore that our ministers confer with district council officials before engaging in ministry in any church group or organization not affiliated with the Assemblies of God so as to ascertain whether such ministry might result in confusion or misunderstandings. If the minister does not have district approval, he or she shall be expected to refrain from conducting services for the church. Ministers who violate this principle shall be subject to discipline.

U.S. Missions Missionary Church Planters and Developers

Missionary Church Planters and Developers provides ministry to facilitate and support the development, planting, and multiplication of missional churches.

Affiliated Churches Are Amenable to the General Council While Being Sovereign, Autonomous, Self-Governing, and Self-Determining

Nature. General Council affiliated churches are deemed to be sovereign, autonomous, self-governing, and self-determining bodies which have, by their sovereign, self-determining action in making application for and receiving recognition as a General Council affiliated church, entered into an agreement with the Fellowship to be amenable to the General Council and district council in matters of doctrine and polity. (See Constitution, Article XI, Section 1, paragraph

Local Assemblies and the Right of Self-Government

Right of self-government (sovereign rights). Each General Council affiliated assembly has the right of self-government under Jesus Christ, its living Head, and shall have the power to choose or call its pastor, elect its official board, and transact all other business pertaining to its life as a local unit. It shall have the right to administer discipline to its members according to the Scriptures and its constitution or bylaws. It shall have the right to acquire and hold title to property, either through trustees or in its corporate name as a self-governing unit. The fact it is affiliated with The General Council of the Assemblies of God shall in no way destroy its rights as above stated or interfere with its sovereignty. The governance model adopted by the local assembly shall conform to the guidelines of Constitution, Article XI, Section 1, paragraph a, subparagraph (4).

The Qualifications for Ministerial Ordination

Ordained minister. Qualifications for ordination are outlined in the New Testament (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:7-9). In addition: (1) Applicants must be 23 years of age or older. (2) They must have met all the requirements in making application and in completing the prescribed application form. (3) No person may be ordained to the ministry until he or she has shown evidence of a divine call and has held a ministry license and has been actively engaged in ministry and proclamation of the gospel for at least 2 full consecutive years immediately prior thereto. (4) Residency requirements of applicants. Applicants must be residents of or hold credentials in the district where they make application and appear before its credentials committee. District councils are required to refrain from approving any applicant for ordination who may have been licensed in another district, until such licensed minister shall have been a member of the district in which he or she is seeking ordination at least 1 year. Applicants who have not been a member of the district where they apply for ordination for 2 full consecutive years must meet the requirements and secure the endorsement of the officers of the district in which they were previously licensed, as well as the district of their residence. (5) Exceptions to requirements. The General Council Credentials Committee, upon request by a district credentials committee and where exceptional circumstances exist, may waive the requirements for an applicant holding a ministry license for 2 full consecutive years or being a member of the district in which he or she is seeking ordination for at least 1 year. (6) In order to maintain active status, ordained ministers shall be engaged in viable ministry and proclamation of the gospel except for cases of disability, retirement, or other valid circumstances as determined by the general secretary.

Serious Doctrinal Error within the First Two Years of the Newly Established Assemblies of God

PS: 110-111

The Birth of Assemblies of God Foreign Missions

PS: 139-155

The Ministry of David Wilkerson and Teen Challenge

PS: 312-315

Baptism in the Holy Spirit with Evidence of Speaking in Tongues and the Parham School (Bethel Bible School)

PS: 48-51

The Apostolic Faith Mission and the Azusa Street Revival

PS: 52-59

Statement of Fundamental Truths Adopted in 1916

PS: 98,111

Hot Springs, AR (April 1914) and the Beginning of the Assemblies of God

PS: 99-107

The Worldwide Constituency of the Assemblies of God

PS: Pg.7

Imminent Return of Christ

Post-Tribulation Rapture. The General Council of the Assemblies of God has declared itself in the Statement of Fundamental Truths that it holds to the belief in the imminent coming of the Lord as the blessed hope of the Church; and since the teaching that the Church must go through the Tribulation tends to bring confusion and division among the saints, it is recommended that all our ministers teach the imminent coming of Christ, warning all to be prepared for that coming, which may occur at any time, and not lull their minds into complacency by any teaching that would cause them to feel that specific Tribulation events must occur before the rapture of the saints.

Reinstatement of a Lapsed Ministerial Credential

Reinstatement of lapsed minister. Ministers whose renewal applications are not postmarked by January 15 shall be recorded as lapsed as of December 31. They must make application for reinstatement and pay a nonrefundable fee of $100, to be divided equally between the district and the General Council. These ministers shall not be subject to the minimal time lapse required of those whose credentials have been terminated for other causes.

Who Comprises the Membership of the General Council of the Assemblies of God

Section 1. The General Council of the Assemblies of God The membership of The General Council of the Assemblies of God shall consist of all ordained and licensed ministers holding a current fellowship certificate and churches holding a Certificate of Affiliation issued by The General Council of the Assemblies of God. Section 2. Assemblies of God The membership of the Assemblies of God shall consist of all ministers of the Assemblies of God and all other persons who are members of churches affiliated with The General Council of the Assemblies of God and its district councils. Section 3. Voting Constituency The voting constituency at a General Council shall consist of all members of The General Council of the Assemblies of God holding a current fellowship certificate who are present and registered and those delegates chosen by churches affiliated with The General Council of the Assemblies of God who are present and registered, each church being entitled to one delegate

Sponsorship of a Resolution for Consideration by the General Council

Sponsorship policy. All resolutions presented to the Resolutions Committee shall be signed by the author or sponsor. When a resolution is presented for the consideration of the General Council in session the author, sponsor, or a spokesperson appointed by the author or sponsor shall be expected to be the first speaker on behalf of the resolution

Ministerial Credential Renewals and Reinstatements

Terminology (1) Renewed. The term renewed shall apply to all ministers who have met the annual deadline for renewal including those who are delinquent but who renew by January 15. (2) Reinstated. The term reinstated shall apply to the persons whose names have been deleted from the official ministerial list, who upon application are approved for restoration of credentials. b. Expiration date. All fellowship certificates are valid only until December 31 of each year and must be renewed annually. The renewing of credentials is the responsibility of the individual minister. Ministers who do not receive an annual renewal form by December 1 should notify their district office. c. Grace period until January 15. All who have not renewed their fellowship certificates postmarked on or before December 31 shall be considered delinquent. They shall be required to pay a late fee of $50 up until January 15, to be divided equally between the district and General Council. d. Reinstatement of lapsed minister. Ministers whose renewal applications are not postmarked by January 15 shall be recorded as lapsed as of December 31. They must make application for reinstatement and pay a nonrefundable fee of $100, to be divided equally between the district and the General Council. These ministers shall not be subject to the minimal time lapse required of those whose credentials have been terminated for other causes. e. Reinstatement of other than dismissed minister. When a minister who is a member of our Fellowship is removed from our rolls for any cause, except failure to renew and dismissal, and shall apply for reinstatement, he or she shall not be eligible for reinstatement until at least 6 months have elapsed after his or her name has been stricken from our list of ministers. The application must be made in the district where the minister resides and be accompanied with a nonrefundable fee of $100 to be divided between the district and the General Council. (See Bylaws, Article X, Section 12, paragraph b, for reinstatement of dismissed minister.) The district of residence shall seek a letter of clearance from the district that processed the termination and, upon receipt of the clearance, may add its endorsement and forward the application, together with the letter of clearance, to the General Council Credentials Committee for its action. f. Support of the National Leadership and Resource Center. The work of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in U.S. and world missions fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the executive officers and offices. Ordained ministers should recognize their obligation to contribute $25 per month ($300 per year) from their tithes, or as an offering. Licensed ministers should contribute $20 per month ($240 per year) from their tithes or as an offering; and certified ministers should contribute $10 per month ($120 per year) from their tithes or as an offering. All who can are strongly urged to give more than the suggested amount, either personally or through the assemblies they pastor. Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for renewal of credentials of all active ministers. If their contributions are in arrears, they shall be given opportunity to meet this deficit with their renewal.

Purpose of the General Council of the Assemblies of God

That God's purpose concerning man is (1) to seek and to save that which is lost, (2) to be worshiped by man, (3) to build a body of believers in the image of His Son, and (4) to demonstrate His love and compassion for all the world.

The Executive Presbytery Serves as the Board of Directors

The Executive Presbytery shall constitute the Board of Directors of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, performing such functions as are usual and customary for a board of directors. Executive Presbytery and Board of Directors shall be interchangeable terms

Divine Healing and Professional Medicine

The General Council of the Assemblies of God disapproves of any credentialed minister counseling a believer to exclude medical advice and/or treatment when seeking prayer for physical healing. Assemblies of God ministers shall not represent medical advice and/or treatment as a lack of faith in God's healing power.

Dissolution of a Corporation and the Distribution of Assets and Payments of Obligations

The assets of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, a Missouri corporation, are irrevocably dedicated to religious and charitable purposes as stated in its Articles of Agreement and this Constitution. In the event of the dissolution of the corporation, and after providing for the payment of its debts and obligations, the remaining assets will not inure to the benefit of any private person or persons but will be distributed to one or more nonprofit organizations which are organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes and which are exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

The Primary Roles of the District Council

The district is primarily relationship based. The district should facilitate a network for resources and relationships and provide training for credentialed ministers and local churches. The district provides ministry events to the local church, such as camps, conferences, and retreats; and relates to the General Council affiliated churches in accordance with provisions of the Constitutional Declaration, Constitution Article XI, Bylaws Article VI, and the constitution and bylaws of the respective district council. The district oversees district affiliated churches in accordance with its own bylaws, and processes and recommends ministerial credentialing and discipline for its constituents.

The Regular Sessions of The General Council of the Assemblies of God Membership Referred to as "General Council" Occur Every Two Years

The membership of The General Council of the Assemblies of God shall consist of all ordained and licensed ministers holding a current fellowship certificate and churches holding a Certificate of Affiliation issued by The General Council of the Assemblies of God

Disapproved Doctrines and Practices as It Pertains to Eschatological Errors

The restitution of all things. The Assemblies of God understands the teaching of Acts 3:21 to limit the restoration to that of which the prophets have spoken, thus denying the universal redemption theory. We are opposed to all forms of universalism (Matthew 25:46; Revelation 20:10). b. Setting a date for the Lord's return. It is unwise to teach that the Lord will come at some specified time, thereby setting a date for His appearing (Mark 13:32,33; Luke 12:37-40; 1 Thessalonians 5:2). It is also unwise to give out from the platform, or publish, visions of numbers and dates fixing the time of the second coming of the Lord. c. Post-Tribulation Rapture. The General Council of the Assemblies of God has declared itself in the Statement of Fundamental Truths that it holds to the belief in the imminent coming of the Lord as the blessed hope of the Church; and since the teaching that the Church must go through the Tribulation tends to bring confusion and division among the saints, it is recommended that all our ministers teach the imminent coming of Christ, warning all to be prepared for that coming, which may occur at any time, and not lull their minds into complacency by any teaching that would cause them to feel that specific Tribulation events must occur before the rapture of the saints. d. Amillennialism. The General Council of the Assemblies of God disapproves of the amillennial teaching and its attendant erroneous philosophy which denies the fact of a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ on the earth, and substitutes for it the theory that this Christian or Church dispensation is the spiritual Millennium of which, its proponents say, the Bible writers prophesied. e. Credentials jeopardized if made an issue. We recommend that those ministers who embrace any of the foregoing eschatological errors refrain from preaching or teaching them. Should they persist in emphasizing these doctrines to the point of making them an issue, their standing in the Fellowship will be seriously affected (Luke 21:34-36; 1 Thessalonians 5:9,10; 2 Thessalonians 1:4-10; Revelation 3:10,19, 20).

Voting Constituency at a District Council

The voting constituency shall consist of all ordained and licensed ministers, and accredited delegates from affiliated churches, and such other persons as may be prescribed by the district constitution and bylaws, who are present and registered at district meetings.

The Work of The General Council is Governed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised

The work of the General Council shall be governed by parliamentary procedure as set forth in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, in keeping with the spirit of Christian love and fellowship.

Credential Holders Who Transfer between Language/Ethnic Districts and Geographic Districts

Transfers between language/ethnic districts and geographical districts. Credential holders from language/ethnic districts may transfer to geographical districts and credential holders from geographical districts may transfer to language/ethnic districts provided the credential holder is serving as a pastor or staff member of a church in the district that the credential holder desires to transfer to. In instances where the credential holder is not a pastor or staff member of a church in the district to which the credential holder is transferring, both districts shall agree to the transfer. Credential holders must settle their district financial obligations before transfers are granted. The credential holder shall have a right of appeal to the General Council Credentials Committee in the event either district recommends denial of the transfer.

Voluntary Cooperation and Commitment to the Fellowship

Voluntary cooperation and commitment to the Fellowship. An active loyalty to our constitutional agreements, a cooperative spirit, and a readiness to seek and receive the counsel of older mature Christians and those in positions of authority. By voluntary it is meant that, upon learning the principles, doctrines, and practices of the Assemblies of God, and by seeing the benefits to be derived from being associated with such an organization, persons of their own free choice decide to become members, thus subscribing to all that for which the organization stands. For the minister, by cooperation, it is meant, to the best of one's ability, complying with all decisions setting forth and defining duties and responsibilities incumbent upon members of the organization. It includes active participation and respect for the will of the majority expressed through constitutional processes. Hence, for the minister, voluntary cooperation means that when the minister decides to become a cooperating member of the Assemblies of God, this cooperation and participation thereby becomes obligatory and not optional.

The Composition and Terms of Office of the Executive Presbytery

a. Composition and terms of office. The Executive Presbytery shall consist of the general superintendent, the assistant general superintendent, the general secretary, the general treasurer, the executive director of Assemblies of God World Missions, the executive director of Assemblies of God U.S. Missions, together with 15 other persons to bring the number to 21. The terms of office for all members of the Executive Presbytery shall begin 60 days after date of election and shall continue for 4 years or until their successors qualify. Each nonresident executive presbyter may serve a maximum of three consecutive four-year terms. A nonresident executive presbyter who has completed three consecutive four-year terms, is eligible to be nominated and elected again after having not served for four years. If he or she initially fills an unexpired term, he or she would still be eligible for three, four-year terms. b. Board of Directors. The Executive Presbytery shall constitute the Board of Directors of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, performing such functions as are usual and customary for a board of directors. Executive Presbytery and Board of Directors shall be interchangeable terms

The Corporate Officers and the Executive Leadership Team of The General Council

a. Corporate officers and terms of office. The General Council corporate officers shall consist of the general superintendent, the assistant general superintendent, the general secretary, and the general treasurer. They shall serve as the officers of the corporation. Their terms of office shall begin 60 days after the date of election, and shall continue for 4 years or until a successor qualifies. b. Executive Leadership Team. The General Council officers along with the executive directors of Assemblies of God World Missions and Assemblies of God U.S. Missions shall constitute an Executive Leadership Team. The terms of office for the executive director of Assemblies of God World Missions and the executive director of Assemblies of God U.S. Missions shall continue for 4 years or until their successors qualify. Members of the Executive Leadership Team shall be amenable to the actions of the Executive Presbytery within duties prescribed in the Bylaws.

District Councils: Geographical and Language/Ethnic Districts

a. Geographic districts. A geographic area may be recognized as a district of the Assemblies of God in accordance with the provision for district councils in the Bylaws. The territory of such a district is confined to its geographical area of operation and may therefore overlap or coincide with that of one or more other language/ethnic district councils. (See Bylaws, Article V, Section 6.) b. Language/Ethnic districts. A language/ethnic group may be recognized as a district of the Assemblies of God in accordance with the provision for district councils in the Bylaws. The territory of such a district is confined to ministry among certain language/ethnic groups, and its geographical area of operation may therefore overlap or coincide with that of one or more other district councils

Relationships between Churches, District Councils, and the General Council

a. Nature. General Council affiliated churches are deemed to be sovereign, autonomous, self-governing, and self-determining bodies which have, by their sovereign, self-determining action in making application for and receiving recognition as a General Council affiliated church, entered into an agreement with the Fellowship to be amenable to the General Council and district council in matters of doctrine and polity. (See Constitution, Article XI, Section 1, paragraph d.) b. Relationships. Cooperative fellowship describes both the relationship that exists between local churches and their relationships with the district councils and the General Council. c. Organizational assistance. The services of both the General Council and district council are available to assist the General Council affiliated church in dealing with any of its problems, either internal or external, when requested by the pastor or a majority of the official board of the church or a petition signed by 30 percent of the voting members, with the petitioning process and delivery to the district council taking no more than 30 days in total to complete. When district officers receive such requests, it is recommended they first verify that scriptural principles of reconciliation, such as those found in Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 Timothy 5:19, have been reasonably attempted by the requesting party in situations involving interpersonal conflict. District officers shall respond by investigating problems and, if necessary, recommending remedial actions to the responsible district governing entity, (e.g., district presbytery or district executive presbytery). At its discretion, that governing entity may act to bring the church under district supervision and, when necessary, revert it from General Council status to district affiliated status until the governing entity considers the problem resolved. d. Preservation of affiliation. In the event the termination of affiliation with The General Council of the Assemblies of God is under consideration by an affiliated assembly, the pastor or board shall invite the district officers to participate in a specially called business meeting where such matters will be discussed and voted upon for the express purpose of giving the district officers the opportunity to present the case for continued General Council affiliation. A decision to disaffiliate shall require a two-thirds vote of the membership, or a more restrictive rule prescribed by the governing documents of the church or district. In the case of a previously existing church which later affiliated with the Fellowship through a vote of its membership, the percentage required to disaffiliate shall not exceed the percentage required when the church voted to affiliate.

Safeguarding Local Assemblies from Dismissed Ministers

a. Pastors and leaders of assemblies should make proper investigation of persons who seek to gain entrance to teach, minister, or pastor. Use of the platform should be denied until spiritual integrity and reliability have been determined. It is recommended that Assemblies of God churches use Assemblies of God ministers since the use of non-Assemblies of God ministers may bring confusion and problems detrimental to the Fellowship. b. No minister dismissed by the Assemblies of God may be allowed to pastor or have ministry in an Assemblies of God church. Pastors and district officials should maintain an exchange of information regarding dismissed ministers known to be seeking ministry in our assemblies.

Language and Ethnic District Councils

a. Recognition qualifications. In order to become a district of the Assemblies of God, a language/ethnic group must have a minimum number of 40 Assemblies of God churches (of which at least 50 percent are General Council affiliated status) and meet all other guidelines established in Article V, Section 1. b. Equality of districts. Language/ethnic and geographic districts shall have the same privileges and responsibilities within the framework of the Constitution and Bylaws. c. Cooperative relationship. Both the language/ethnic district and the geographical district shall seek to promote a spirit of fellowship and cooperation. The language/ethnic district officers and the geographical district officers should inform or consult with each other concerning the opening of new language works or institutions of any kind, in a given area. It is strongly recommended that the language/ethnic district and the geographical district appoint representatives to serve with their respective presbyteries to provide and encourage cooperative strategies and relationships. The language churches, whether members of a geographical or language/ethnic district, are encouraged to unite where possible, in fellowship activities. d. Sponsorship and affiliation of a language/ethnic group. Should an English- speaking church desire to initiate sponsorship of a language/ethnic group or a language/ ethnic church desire to initiate sponsorship of an English-speaking group, it shall consult with its district officials for counsel and guidance. The respective districts/fellowships should inform their counterparts concerning the beginning of such churches. The sponsoring church may provide facilities and support to such a work through its district U.S. missions department. Such an effort may be initiated with the objective in mind that it will develop into an Assemblies of God church. When such a church reaches as many as 20 adult members, unless an exception has been granted by a district in accordance with the provisions of General Council Constitution Article XI, Section 1, paragraph a, subparagraph (3), it may then seek affiliation with a district of its choice following prescribed guidelines as outlined in these Bylaws. e. Church transfer procedure. When a church desires to transfer from a language/ ethnic district to the geographical district in which it is located or from a geographical district to a language/ethnic district, the following procedure shall be followed: (1) The pastor or board of the church considering transfer shall make initial contact with the district superintendent to which the church presently belongs. There shall be opportunity for mutual dialogue with the district superintendent and district leadership as to the advisability of the transfer. (2) If the pastor or board of the church desires to pursue the possibility of transfer, following the initial contact and dialogue noted above, the pastor or board of the church may then contact the superintendent of the district to which they desire to transfer. (3) If the leadership of both districts agrees with the desire of the pastor or board of the church to transfer from one district to another, then a congregational meeting of the church membership shall be held. A transfer shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the membership. (4) If the leadership of the district to which the church presently belongs is not in favor of the transfer but the receiving district is, the leadership of the present district shall be given an opportunity to present its case before the membership of the church at a congregational meeting. The church membership may then proceed to vote, with a two-thirds vote required for a transfer to be approved. (5) If the leadership of the district to which the church presently belongs, after a favorable vote by the church membership, still does not wish to approve the transfer, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Presbytery for a final decision in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution (Article XI). (6) If the leadership of the district to which the church presently belongs is in favor of the transfer, after a favorable vote by the church membership, but the receiving district is not in favor of the transfer, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Presbytery for a final decision in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution (Article XI). (7) The Executive Presbytery shall be empowered to authorize the credential transfer of ministers serving the transferring church to the district in which the church is transferred. (8) Churches seeking a transfer to another district must settle their financial obligations with their present district before a transfer is granted.

The Representation, Qualifications, and Responsibilities of the General Presbyter

a. Representation, qualifications, and responsibilities. The General Presbytery shall be composed of individuals of maturity, experience, and ability whose lives and ministry are above reproach, who shall represent the Fellowship in all phases of its work in their respective fields. The General Presbytery shall be the official policy-making body of the Assemblies of God when the General Council is not in session. Each district shall have the privilege of representation on the General Presbytery by three members—the district superintendent together with two others who shall be elected by their district council, one of whom shall be an ordained pastor of a church located in the district. They shall take office immediately. b. Executive presbyters ex officio members. All members of the Executive Presbytery shall be ex officio members of the General Presbytery. c. World and U.S. Missions representation. The foreign fields shall be represented on the General Presbytery by the regional directors and the International Ministries director of Assemblies of God World Missions and by two others from each of the overall areas which the regional directors and the International Ministries director represent. [See Bylaws, Article II, Section 2, paragraph d, (2)] The stateside missions work shall be represented on the General Presbytery by the departmental directors of Assemblies of God U.S. Missions. [See Bylaws, Article II, Section 2, paragraph d, (3)] d. Endorsed postsecondary schools representation. The duly endorsed postsecondary schools of the Assemblies of God shall be represented on the General Presbytery by their presidents. [See Bylaws, Article II, Section 2, paragraph d, (4)] e. Evangelists representation. The Assemblies of God evangelists shall be represented on the General Presbytery by the national evangelists representative. [See Bylaws, Article II, Section 2, paragraph d, (5)] f. Ethnic fellowship representation. A duly authorized ethnic fellowship shall be represented on the General Presbytery by one of its qualified members. An ethnic fellowship comprised of more than 100 churches shall be represented by two of its qualified members; and, an ethnic fellowship exceeding 150 churches shall be represented on the General Presbytery by three of its qualified members. [See Bylaws, Article II, Section 2, paragraph d, (6)] g. Ethnic Relations and Hispanic Relations representation. The Assemblies of God Office of Ethnic Relations and the Assemblies of God Office of Hispanic Relations shall be represented on the General Presbytery by the director of Ethnic Relations and the director of Hispanic Relations. h. Additional representation. One ordained minister under 40 years of age and one female ordained minister shall be selected to represent each geographic area, the Language Area—East Spanish, the Language Area—West Spanish, the Language Area— Other, and the Ethnic Fellowship area as general presbyters. These members shall serve a 1-year term. i. Auditors. Duly qualified auditors may attend the sessions of the General Presbytery. [See Bylaws, Article II, Section 2, paragraph d, (8)] j. Honorary general presbyters. Upon the approval of the General Presbytery, honorary members may be chosen by the General Council from among those ministers who (1) have reached the age of 60 years and (2) have served on the General Presbytery for 20 years or more, or served on the General Presbytery as a General Council executive officer for 8 years or more. The addition of such honorary members shall be in addition to the regular number of presbyters granted each district.

The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of a Local Assembly Is in Alignment with General Council and District Council Bylaws

a. Requirements for affiliation. Churches desiring to be affiliated with The General Council of the Assemblies of God shall meet the following requirements. They shall: (1) Accept the tenets of faith of the Assemblies of God; (2) Adopt a standard of membership that may be determined either by the local assembly or by agreement with the district council; (3) Have a minimum active voting membership of 20 persons who shall accept responsibility to maintain scriptural order in the local body. In cases where there are fewer than 20 voting members, an exception may be granted by the district, in compliance with General Presbytery policy, and provided that the church has demonstrated the capacity for self-governance; (4) Adopt Articles of Incorporation, a constitution or bylaws compatible with models recommended by the district council, or district approved governance models that provide for adequate accountability, amenability, and safeguards so that a pastor and/or governing body cannot directly or indirectly exert dictatorial control over a church; (5) Have an adequate number of spiritually qualified members to fill the offices of the church called for in its constitution or bylaws; and (6) Make provision for a pastor who is a credentialed minister in good standing with the General Council and a district council; and (7) Demonstrate a willingness to contribute to Assemblies of God missions. b. Relationship to and support of the General Council and district councils. A General Council affiliated assembly should cooperate in the work and support the programs of the General Council and district councils and may send delegates to the General Council and district councils. c. Right of self-government (sovereign rights). Each General Council affiliated assembly has the right of self-government under Jesus Christ, its living Head, and shall have the power to choose or call its pastor, elect its official board, and transact all other business pertaining to its life as a local unit. It shall have the right to administer discipline to its members according to the Scriptures and its constitution or bylaws. It shall have the right to acquire and hold title to property, either through trustees or in its corporate name as a self-governing unit. The fact it is affiliated with The General Council of the Assemblies of God shall in no way destroy its rights as above stated or interfere with its sovereignty. The governance model adopted by the local assembly shall conform to the guidelines of Constitution, Article XI, Section 1, paragraph a, subparagraph (4). d. Subordinate in matters of doctrine and polity. A General Council affiliated assembly shall recognize that a district council or The General Council of the Assemblies of God has the right to approve scriptural doctrine and polity and to disapprove unscriptural doctrine and polity and the authority to withdraw its Certificate of Affiliation if deemed necessary. (See Article VI, Section 4, of the Bylaws.) e. Right of appeal. When in need of counsel or advice, the General Council affiliated assembly may appeal to the district officers for help. It may appeal from a decision by the district officers to the Executive Presbytery of The General Council of the Assemblies of God when there is a question whether or not the assembly has received proper help from the district. When exceptions are taken to the decisions of the Executive Presbytery, either by the General Council affiliated assembly or by the district presbytery, appeal may be made to the General Presbytery.

Duties of the Executive Presbytery

a. Serve as the Board of Directors of The General Council of the Assemblies of God. They shall be authorized to act for the corporation in all matters that affect its interests while the General Council is not in session, subject to the provisions of paragraphs h and k of Section 7 of this Article. b. Interpret policy originating in the legislation of the General Council or the General Presbytery. Such interpretations shall be final unless reversed at the next meeting of the body in which the legislation originated. c. Buy, take, lease, or otherwise acquire, own, hold in trust, use, sell, convey, mortgage, lease, or otherwise dispose of real property, personal and mixed, tangible and intangible of whatsoever kind; to borrow monies as deemed necessary and to issue bonds of whatsoever kind, trust deeds, mortgages, debentures, and notes; and to enter into contracts; all as may seem expedient and proper in the furtherance of the work of The General Council of the Assemblies of God. d. Hold in trust such funds as may be committed to them as trustees, or to dispose of the same as may be directed. e. Issue annuity bonds or contracts, and to protect the same by judicious investments. f. Purchase or dispose of securities as need requires in an effort to strengthen the financial position of the corporation. g. Arrange for and announce the meetings of the General Council, with consideration for the interests of the Fellowship as a whole. The decision of time and place for such meetings shall rest in their hands. h. Call business meetings of the General Presbytery when deemed advisable. i. Make a report to the General Council of their activities on behalf of the Fellowship as may be directed. j. All properties of the corporation shall be bought, taken, held, sold, transferred, mortgaged, leased, assigned, or conveyed in the corporate name upon authorization by the Executive Presbytery, as trustees thereof, and the president and the general secretary shall be authorized and they hereby are authorized to execute all documents pertaining to such transactions. k. Be amenable to the General Presbytery in all matters under the functions and duties of the General Presbytery. l. Protect and enhance the vision of the general superintendent and other executive officers. m. Provide oversight of internal operations of the National Leadership and Resource Center as indicated in The General Council of the Assemblies of God Operations Manual. Oversight includes: (1) Approve The General Council of the Assemblies of God National Leadership and Resource Center Operations Manual; (2) Review and approve official minutes of the Executive Leadership Team and Executive Presbytery meetings; (3) Speak into the conceptual phases of new National Leadership and Resource Center initiatives; (4) Provide evaluative perspective and input regarding National Leadership and Resource Center effectiveness; (5) Ratify the hiring of National Leadership and Resource Center employees at national department director levels and above; (6) Regularly review General Council financial statements and audit reports; (7) Approve the annual National Leadership and Resource Center budget; (8) Delegate to the Executive Leadership Team specific responsibilities, as needed, related to the functioning and management of the National Leadership and Resource Center; (9) Make or ratify appointments to boards, committees, and commissions as required; (10) Monitor and resource the well-being of the general superintendent and other Executive Leadership Team members. n. Assist with the mediation of district and church issues, as well as providing a resourcing and referral service for legal and administrative matters to the Fellowship. o. Pray for and maintain communication with those who serve as primary leaders in the areas represented by each executive presbyter; p. Serve as spiritual elders in counsel with and ministry to the general superintendent and other members of the Executive Leadership Team; q. Pray for and monitor, with the Executive Leadership Team, the spiritual health and vitality of the General Council and the National Leadership and Resource Center; r. Serve as spiritual partners in the advancement of the mission of districts and ministry networks throughout the Fellowship through prayer, consultation, and collaboration regarding best practices; s. Serve as the General Council Credentials Committee, strongly advocating for aspects of Assemblies of God doctrine and support for its missionary initiatives; t. Provide an annual self-assessment based on the roles, relationships, and responsibilities of the Executive Presbytery to the General Presbytery.

Ministerial Financial Support of the National Leadership and Resource Center

f. Support of the National Leadership and Resource Center. The work of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in U.S. and world missions fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the executive officers and offices. Ordained ministers should recognize their obligation to contribute $25 per month ($300 per year) from their tithes, or as an offering. Licensed ministers should contribute $20 per month ($240 per year) from their tithes or as an offering; and certified ministers should contribute $10 per month ($120 per year) from their tithes or as an offering. All who can are strongly urged to give more than the suggested amount, either personally or through the assemblies they pastor. Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for renewal of credentials of all active ministers. If their contributions are in arrears, they shall be given opportunity to meet this deficit with their renewal.

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