Al Law Title 34 Ch 23

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The label for a drug compounded for office use should include what phrase?

"for office use"

if you fail to pay the renwal fee prior to Dec 31 (delinquency), you will pay $__/mo and only be reinstated as a licensed pharmacist upon paying the penalty and all lapsed fees, provided that the lapsed time of registration shall not exceed ____ years, at which point, reinstatement may only be had by satisfactory examination by the board

$10/mo 5 years

Any person who violates the provisions of section on drug substitution shall be punished by a fine of up to $______.


upon conviction, those possessing prescription drugs illegaly shall be fined not more than $_____ and, in addition thereto, may be imprisoned in the county jail for hard labor for not more than __year.

$1000 1 year

Each such investigator, before entering upon his or her duties, shall post with the board a bond in the amount $______ conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or her duties.


A penalty of___for each overdue month shall be assessed in addition to the permit fee for renewal of delinquent permits


No manufacturer, manufacturer affiliate, bottler, packager, repackager, third party logistic provider, wholesale drug distributor, private label distributor, outsourcing facility, or pharmacy business identified in the supply chain of any legend drug or device shall ship, or cause to be shipped, into the state any legend drug or device without a valid permit issued by the board. The civil penalty for a violation of this subsection shall be four thousand dollars ($_____) for each violation.


when products are made in anticipation of a prescription prior to receiving a valid prescription, what labeling or documentation should be referenced with these?

(1) A complete list of ingredients or designated name of the preparation. (2) Preparation date. (3) Beyond use date. (4) Storage under conditions dictated by composition and stability, including storage in a clean, dry place or in the refrigerator. (5) Batch or lot number.

if a component is transferred from the original container to another container, including, but not limited to, a powder being taken from the original container and stored in another container, the new container shall be identified with the following information:

(1) Component name and supplier. (2) Lot number and expiration date, if available. (3) Strength and concentration.

The board may use product analysis data from any laboratory that satisfies all of the following qualifications: 1. 2. 3.

(1) Is registered by the Food and Drug Administration. (2) If the product is a legend controlled drug, is licensed by the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. (3) Is ISO 17025 certified.

(b) The label on the compounded product for office use shall include the following information:

(1) The designated name and the strength of the finished product. (2) The quantity dispensed. (3) The date on which the product was compounded. (4) The beyond use date. (5) A lot or batch number. (6) Any other information the pharmacist deems necessary. (7) The name and address of the pharmacy.

what information should be included on the pharmacy record (>1 yr) of a compounded drug product sold to a presciber for office use?

(1) The name and address of the prescriber. (2) The date of sale. (3) A description and amount of the product sold.

(c) A pharmacist shall have responsibility to do all of the following: (as it relates to compounding)

(1) Verify all prescriptions. (2) Approve or reject all components of the compounded product, drug product containers, closures, and labeling. (3) Prepare and review all compounding records to assure that no errors have occurred in the compounding process. (4) Assure the proper maintenance, cleanliness, and use of all equipment used in a prescription compounding practice. (5) Assure that only personnel authorized by the supervising pharmacist shall be in the immediate vicinity of the drug compounding operation.

The board shall revoke or suspend the registration of a pharmacy technician or place on probation a pharmacy technician for any of, but not limited to, the following reasons:

(1) Willful violation of any provision of this article or the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (2) Willful violation of any rule or regulation promulgated in accordance with this article or the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (3) Action which threatens the public health, safety, or welfare. (4) Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. (5) Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor involving a drug related offense of a legend drug or controlled substance. (6) Obtaining the pharmacy technician registration by fraudulent means. (7) Violation of the laws regulating the sale or dispensing of narcotics, exempt narcotics, or drugs bearing the label "caution, federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription," or similar wording which causes the drugs to be classified as prescription legend drugs.

A record of the product's sale to the prescriber for office use shall remain on file at the pharmacy for not less than ____ year.


At its last regular meeting in each calendar year, the board shall organize by electing for a term of _____ year, effective the following January 1, a president, a vice-president, and a treasurer who shall be members of the board.


in the event of any sale in bankruptcy, at public auction or any other sale except in the normal course of business, the seller shall give written notice of such sale to the board at least ___ week prior to the day of sale,

1 week

what is the penalty for practicing pharmacy without al icense?

1. guilty of misdemeanor 2. upon convision, punished by fine not exceeding $1000 for each offense 3. fixed by the court tryinff the case 4. in discretion of court, sentenced to hard labor for the county not exceeding 12 month

what needs to be on pharmacy permit application?

1. ownership of the permit 2. names + license # of all licensed pharmacist 3. location of pharmacy where services performed 4. any other info required

After June 27, 1981, no third party prescription programs shall be instituted in this state unless: 1. 2.

1. program admin has given written notice of provisions of the particular program to all pharmacies in the state 2. all pharmacies in the state have had 30 days from the date of notice to enroll in that program

what are the requirements for oral prescriptions?

1. reduced to writing "immediately" 2. only pharmacist or intern may read the prescription or prepare a copy for the purspose of providing reference concerning treatment of the person or animal for whom the prescription was written 3. when copy is given, a notation shall be made that a copy has been given, theh date, and to whom

Each pharmacist licensed by the board shall notify the board in writing within ___days on change of employment.


The seller must complete and accurate report must be made in writing to the board by the proposed seller within ___ days after such sale showing the names and addresses of the parties to whom any narcotics, exempt narcotics, or dangerous drugs have been sold together with an itemized inventory thereof.


A copy of every rule and regulation containing a requirement of general application shall be electronically mailed to each registered pharmacist at least ____days before the effective date thereof.

10 days

Every person who desires to practice pharmacy within this state shall file with the secretary of the board his or her written application for licensure upon forms furnished by the board not less than ___days prior to his or her examination.

10 days

Reasonable costs associated with the audit shall be the responsibility of the auditing entity if the claims sample exceeds _____unique prescription hard copies.


prev question: A penalty of one hundred dollars ($____) for each overdue month shall be assessed in addition to the permit fee for renewal of delinquent permits.


The sale of poisons is restricted to the immediate supervision of a licensed pharmacist, and such poison shall not be displayed in a pharmacy in such a manner that a customer may obtain possession of such poisons when standing in an area allocated for customer use. No sale of a poison shall be made or delivered to any minor under ____ years of age or to any person known to be of unsound mind or under the influence of alcohol.


each pharmacist is required to complete ___ hours of CE per year, of which __ must be live

15 3 live

If the pharmacy benefit manager or its representative conducts an audit, the sample size shall not be greater than _____prescriptions, provided that a refill does not constitute a separate prescription for the purposes of this subdivision.


A final audit report shall be delivered to the pharmacy within ____ days after receipt of the preliminary audit report or final appeal, as provided for in Section 34-23-185, whichever is later.


he applicant shall furnish satisfactory proof that he or she is at least ___ years of age, of good moral character, and that he or she holds a professional degree from a division, school, college, or a university department of pharmacy recognized by the State Board of Pharmacy. Each applicant shall also be a citizen of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States, a person who is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal government.

19 years not 18

the federal prescription drug marketing act of ____ is adhered to by Alabama law

1987 (PDMA)

nder one signature line shall be printed clearly the words "_______ ___ _________." Under the other signature line shall be printed clearly the words "______ _____ ______." The practitioner shall communicate instructions to the pharmacist by signing on the appropriate line.

1: dispense as written 2: product selection permitted practitioner must communicate choice by signing the appropriate line

A prescription file or files shall be kept by every pharmacy for a period of not less than ___ years


Every written prescription issued in this state by a licensed practitioner shall contain ___ signature lines


No member shall serve more than _____ years in the same office on the board during a five-year term


The application shall be accompanied by ___ recent photographs of the applicant, no larger than 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 inches and certified on the back of each photograph by a notary public.


The committee shall receive names of pharmacists actively engaged in pharmacy practice or administration, or both, from companies and individuals, and shall narrow the list of nominees to ____names to be placed on a ballot to be voted on by all Alabama pharmacists


The entity conducting the on-site audit shall give the pharmacy written notice at least____ weeks before conducting the initial on-site audit for each audit cycle


Where not superseded by state or federal law, the period covered by an audit may not exceed ____years from the date the claim was submitted to or adjudicated by a managed care company, nonprofit hospital or medical service organization, health benefit plan, third-party payor, pharmacy benefit manager, a health program administered by a department of the state, or any entity that represents those companies, groups, or department


no pharmacist shall serve ____ full terms consecutively


In order to be considered enrolled in a school of pharmacy and pursuing his or her education as a pharmacist, a person shall not be absent from the school of pharmacy for more than ____ consecutive semesters or ____ consecutive quarters, dependent upon the system in use in the school of pharmacy

2 consecutive semesters or 3 consecutive quarters

biennial fee for pharmacy technicians is $__


Recoupments of any disputed funds, or repayment of funds to the entity by the pharmacy if permitted pursuant to contractual agreement, shall occur after final internal disposition of the audit, including the appeals process as provided for in Section 34-23-185. If the identified discrepancy for an individual audit exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars ($_____), future payments in excess of that amount to the pharmacy may be withheld pending finalization of the audit.


A chain pharmacist is defined as a pharmacist employed on a full-time basis by a chain pharmacy for a minimum of ____ years.


board board shall conduct meetings at least ___ times anually

3 more often when deemed necessary for examination of applications for licensure and for the transaction of business as may legally come before it

pharmacy technician shall complete _____ hours of continuing education annually, or ____ hours biennially, of which ___hour(s) per year shall be live presentation.

3/yr or 6/biennial 1 hr must be live per YEAR = 2 live per 2 years

A pharmacy shall be allowed at least ___days following receipt of the preliminary audit report in which to produce documentation to address any discrepancy found during the audit, with a reasonable extension to be granted upon request.


The administrator of a program shall notify all pharmacies enrolled in the program of any cancellation of coverage of benefits of any group enrolled in the program at least ___days prior to the effective date of such cancellation.


The pharmacy shall produce any items during the course of the audit or within ____days of the on-site audit.


The statement of charges and notice shall be served upon such a person at least ___ days before the date fixed for the hearing, either personally or by registered or certified mail sent to his or her last known post-office address. The burden of proof shall be on the board.


previous question... The further operation of the pharmacy or entity where pharmacy services are performed in the absence of licensed pharmacists is forbidden; provided, that the nonregistered owner shall have a period of ____days within which to comply with this subsection.


public notice of all stated meetings shall be given at least ___ days in advance of the meetings

30 days

How soon much appeals be made for a ruling? who should they be submitted to?

30 days to the circuit court of the county where the party aggrieved resides

For the purpose of this section, a chain pharmacy shall be defined as any retail pharmacy employing in Alabama a minimum of ____ full-time equivalent pharmacists.


An audit may not be initiated or scheduled during the first ____ calendar days of any month.


Prev question: provided the lapsed time of registration shall not exceed _____years, in which case reinstatement may be had only upon satisfactory examination by the board.


The alabala BoP consists of ___ members


he members of the board shall be licensed pharmacists who have been licensed in this state for a minimum of ____ years and who are actively engaged in the practice of pharmacy or pharmacy administration, or both


On or before August 1, 1996, and each ___ years thereafter, or whenever a vacancy occurs in the designated position for ____ pharmacists, the Alabama Society of Health System Pharmacists, or its successor organization, shall submit a list of three nominees to the Governor.

5 hospital

An audit may not be conducted ___months past the date the pharmacy benefit management plan terminated its contract to adjudicate claims with a pharmacy benefit manager, health plan administrator, or any other entity representing those companies.


Each state drug investigator employed by the board shall serve an apprenticeship of a minimum of ___months working with and under the supervision of the Chief Drug Investigator or other investigator designated by the board.


how soon much the pharmacist notify prescriber of emergency dispensing/

72 hrs

Every licensed pharmacist in order to continue to be licensed shall pay a biennial renewal fee to be determined by the board, but the fee shall not be less _____ nor more than _____ to the secretary of the board, the fee being due on October 31 and delinquent after December 31 of even-numbered years except, that holders of life certificates to practice pharmacy previously issued shall not be required to pay a renewal fee.

<25 nor more than 150

what must take place between the patient and the pharmacist before a compounded over the counter product is sold to the patient?

A compounded product shall be sold directly to the patient after professional interaction or consultation between the pharmacist and the patient.

what is a private label distributor

A firm that does not participate in the manufacture or processing of a drug but instead markets and distributes under its own trade name, and labels a drug product made by someone else. A private label distributor is responsible for the products it introduces into interstate commerce and for compliance with Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requirements and Current Good Manufacturing Practices regulations.

if a pharmacy prepares a compounded drug for a presceribrs office use, what must be filed in the pharmacy as record of this?

An order by a prescriber indicating the formula and quantity ordered shall be filed in the pharmacy

What is the definition of person per the rule?

Any individual, partnership, corporation, association, trust, or other entity.

how may a prescription be transmitted?

Any order for drug or medical supplies, written or signed or transmitted by word of mouth, telephone, telegraph, closed circuit television, or other means of communication by a legally competent practitioner, licensed by law to prescribe and administer such drugs and medical supplies intended to be filled, compounded, or dispensed by a pharmacist.

Any person desiring to open, operate, maintain, or establish a pharmacy or perform pharmacy services in this state shall apply to the board for a permit at least ___days prior to the opening of the business.

Any person desiring to open, operate, maintain, or establish a pharmacy or perform pharmacy services in this state shall apply to the board for a permit at least 30 days prior to the opening of the business.

definition of medical practitioner

Any physician, dentist, or veterinarian, or any other person authorized by law to treat, use, or prescribe medicine and drugs for sick and injured human beings or animals in this state.

what does mifsill mean in this paragraph?

As used in this paragraph, misfill means a prescription that was not dispensed, a prescription in which the prescriber denied the authorization request, a prescription in which an additional dispensing fee was charged, or a prescription error.

what does the requirement for "pharmacist supervision" mean for a pharmacist assistant?

As used in this section, the term "supervision" shall be construed to mean that the supervising licensed pharmacist shall be either personally present or on call and available for consultation at all times, or a licensed pharmacist designated by the supervising licensed pharmacist shall be either personally present or on call and available for consultation at all times.

Commencing on _____ __, 201_, every manufacturer, bottler, packager, repackager, third party logistic provider, wholesale drug distributor, private label distributor, outsourcing facility, or pharmacy business identified in the supply chain of drugs, medicines, chemicals, or poisons for medicinal purposes shall register ______ (x/year) with the board by application for a permit on a form furnished by the board and accompanied by a fee

Aug 1, 2017 annually

T or F an assistant pharmacist is equivalent to a pharmacy technician

F PHARMACY TECHNICIAN. An individual, other than an intern, extern, or an assistant pharmacist, who performs pharmacy functions under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist.

T or F the RN can dispense controlled substances pursuant to this subsection

F The authority granted to a registered nurse pursuant to this subsection shall not apply to controlled substances as defined in Chapter 2 of Title 20.

T or F a permit issued under 34-23 is transferrable

F it is not

T or F audit results are not provided to the health benefit plan

F (8) Audit results shall be disclosed to the health benefit plan in a manner pursuant to contract terms.

T or F Any change in the control of ownership or licensed pharmacists shall be reported to the board in writing within 20 days of such occurrence.

F 10

T or F The next of kin of any deceased licensed pharmacist owner shall have a period of 60 days within which to comply with this chapter, during which time no prescriptions shall be filled unless a licensed pharmacist is on duty.

F 30 days

T or F A finding of an overpayment or an underpayment may be a projection based on the number of patients served having a similar diagnosis or on the number of similar orders or refills for similar drugs, and that recoupment shall be based on the projected overpayment or underpayment of actual claims.

F A finding of an overpayment or an underpayment may be a projection based on the number of patients served having a similar diagnosis or on the number of similar orders or refills for similar drugs, except that recoupment shall be based on the actual overpayment or underpayment of actual claims.

T or F an entity conducting an audit may require documentation that Is not required by state and federal law

F An entity conducting an audit shall not require any documentation that is not required by state and federal law

T or F Any pharmacist who engages in drug compounding shall be proficient in compounding and may continually expand his or her compounding knowledge by participating in seminars or studying appropriate literature, or both.

F Any pharmacist who engages in drug compounding shall be proficient in compounding and *shall* continually expand his or her compounding knowledge by participating in seminars or studying appropriate literature, or both.

T or F the sale of a drug can only occur by a pharmacist

F Barter, exchange, or gift, or offer of barter, exchange, or gift, and shall include each transaction made by any person, whether a principal, proprietor, agent, servant, or employee

T or F Each application for the renewal of a permit shall be made on or before October 31 of each even-numbered year, at which time the previous permit shall become null and void on December 31 of odd-numbered years.

F Each application for the renewal of a permit shall be made on or before October 31 of each even-numbered year, at which time the previous permit shall become null and void on December 31 of even-numbered years.

T or F the board cannot revoke, suspend, probation, or require remediation for a medical illness

F Inability to practice pharmacy with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness, inebriation, misuse of drugs, narcotics, alcohol, chemicals, or any other substance, or as a result of any mental or physical condition.

T or F No pharmacy or entity performing pharmacy services shall open for the transaction of business until it has been registered and a permit issued by the board.

F No pharmacy or entity performing pharmacy services shall open for the transaction of business until it has been registered, *inspected*, and a permit issued by the board.

T or F reconstitution is considered compounding

F Reconstitution of commercial products is not considered compounding for purposes of this article.

T or F The entity conducting the on-site audit may interfere with the delivery of pharmacist services to a patient but shall utilize every effort to minimize inconvenience and disruption to pharmacy operations during the audit process.

F The entity conducting the on-site audit may not interfere with the delivery of pharmacist services to a patient and shall utilize every effort to minimize inconvenience and disruption to pharmacy operations during the audit process.

T or F The final audit report shall be delivered to the pharmacy within 90 days after the conclusion of the audit, with a reasonable extension to be granted upon request.

F The preliminary audit report shall be delivered to the pharmacy within 90 days after the conclusion of the audit, with a reasonable extension to be granted upon request.

T or F the suspension, revocation, or probation by another state of BoP is not evidence to do the same in the state of alabama

F The suspension, revocation, or probation by another state of a license to practice pharmacy. A certified copy of the record of suspension, revocation, or probation of the state making such a suspension, revocation, or probation shall be conclusive evidence of the suspension, revocation, or probation.

T or F This article also applies to any audit, review, or investigation that involves alleged fraud, willful misrepresentation, or waste abuse.

F This article does not apply to any audit, review, or investigation that involves alleged fraud, willful misrepresentation, or waste abuse.

T or F Unless otherwise indicated by the practitioner, the prescription label on the dispensing container shall, for a substituted product, indicate the actual drug product dispensed, either the brand name, or if none, the generic name, and the name of the manufacturer, but not an abbreviation of the name of the manufacturer

F Unless otherwise indicated by the practitioner, the prescription label on the dispensing container shall indicate the actual drug product dispensed, either the brand name, or if none, the generic name, and the name of the manufacturer *or a reasonable abbreviation* of the name of the manufacturer

T or F While compounding, there shall be no more than 2 technicians per pharmacist.

F While compounding, there shall be no more than three technicians per pharmacist.

T or F any person who violates pharmacy permit law commits a felony

F a misdemeanor

T or F a repackager includes a physician licensed to practice medicine who as a part of his/her practice, administers, sells, or otherwise distributes any drug to a patient

F does not a apply to this, only applies to A person who purchases or acquires from a manufacturer or distributor, a drug, medicine, chemical, or poison for the purpose of bottling, labeling, or otherwise repackaging for sale or distribution.

T or F a 3rd party logistics provider is an entity that provides or coordinates the warehousing or other logistic services of a product in interstate commernce on behalf a manufacturer, wholesale distributor or dispenser, and does take ownership of the product and has responsibility to direct the sale or disposition of the product

F does not take ownership or responsibiltiy

T or F in general hospitals, skilled nursing homes, and extended care facilities not operating a pharmacy, the drug or medicine room shall be under the direct supervision and direction of a consulting pharmacist

F either a consulting pharmacist or a member of the medical staff who shall be a licensed practitioner of medicine

T or F it shall be the duty of the district attorney of the judicial circuit in Birmingham to prosecute violations of this chapter

F in the judicial circuit wherin any offense is committed

T or F a corporation cannot be issued a pharmacy license

F it can...It shall be the duty of the owners of pharmacies or the owners of entities where pharmacy services are performed who are not licensed pharmacists to immediately notify the board upon the termination of employment of licensed pharmacists and to cause the surrender of permits as indicated

T or F a prescription may be coded

F it may not be coded or written in charcters, figures, or ciphers, other than English or latin language

T or F the attorney general of the state shall be the attorney for the board of pharmacy

F it shall be, but the board may in its discretion employ other counsel.

T or F Every pharmacy when opened for business shall be under the personal supervision of a duly licensed pharmacist who shall have personal supervision of not more than 2 pharmacies at the same time

F not more than 1 pharmacy

T or F the board may accept intership affidavits from other states, without any restriction

F only if the internship requirements are no less than the requirements of the NABP

T or F prescriptions marked "refill prn" or equivalent may be refilled as many times as possible

F only in quantities commensurate with the dosage scheduled.

T or F a retail pharmacy is not allowed to repackage, relabel, and store controlled and non-controlled legend drugs for a patient residint in a residential care facility that does not have a pharmacy located on the premises

F only non-controlled drugs are allowed in this manner.. controlled substances are not allowed

T or F the board is required to provide a printed copy of rules and regulations mailed to all pharmacists

F only upon written request to the board

T or F a pharmacist is not liable or responsible for the actions of a pharmacy technician

F they are

T or F the board is not allowed to provide or furnish the proper prosecuting officers with any evidence as it or they may ascertain to assist them in the prosecution of any violation of this chapter

F they can

T or F the state drug investigator does not have the authority to inspect prescription files, prescription record books, poison registers, exempt narcotic registers, or any records pertaining to the filling and filing of prescriptions

F they can do all of those

T or F a compounded product for over the counter sale may *not* be made in advance in reasonable amounts in anticipation of estimated needs

F they can make it in advance

T or F while regular prescriptions records need to be made available readily for authorized inspection, compounding prescription records do not

F they do as well

T or F a pharmacist does not need to visually inspect a product made in anticipation of a prescription for its correct labeling

F they do.. needs to contain all info required of other prescriptions.

T or F an oral Rx from apractitioner does not need to instruct the pharmacist if a less expensive pharmaceutical equivaeltn product may be dispensed

F they must also specify on oral Rx's

T or F the administrator of a program must gain possession of any plan ID card such person may have been issued prior to cancellation of the program

F they must make every reasonable effort to gain possession of an yplan identification card

T or F prescription blanks supplied by a pharmacy or pharmacist to a practitioner may bear the name or address of any pharmacy or bear the name or address of any person registered under 34-23

F they shall not bear the name or address

T or F an agreement between a program administrator and a pharmacy shall establish reimbursement rates or procedures that result in reimbursement rates for services rendered to persons covered by the plan which are less than the usual and customary rates paid b customers not covered by a third party plan for similar or same services

F they shall not make this grement

what must be included in the labeling of a compounded drug product for over the counter sale?

It shall be properly labeled with the product's name, directions for use, list of active ingredients, and any necessary warnings.

ALl permits issued under the manufactuer, bottler, etc section shall become due on ____ 31 and become null and void if not paid by ___ 31

Oct 31 Dec 31 same as before

when is the fee for technicains due? when is it delinquent

Oct 31 delinquent on dec 31 of odd numbered years

The grant of authority by the board to any person, firm, or corporation authorizing the operation of a pharmacy, wholesale drug distributor, repackager, bottler, manufacturer, or packer of drugs, medicines, chemicals, or poisons for medicinal purposes. Nonresident wholesale drug distributors registered with the appropriate agency, in the state in which they are domiciled, and operating in compliance with Prescription Drug Marketing Act standards, shall be allowed to do business in this state.


During the temporary absence of a pharmacist, a sign shall be placed on the prescription counter in a prominent location easily seen by the public stating, "_________....."

Prescription Department Closed, No Pharmacist on Duty."

what pharmacy functions does a technician perform? (definition)

Those functions performed in a pharmacy department which do not require the professional judgment of a licensed pharmacist.

Any one of the above-named substances shall be deemed to be adulterated if it is sold by a name recognized in the ____________or ____________and it differs from the standard of strength, quality, or purity as determined by the test laid down therein.

United stated pharmacopoeia national formulary

What must the person or place of pharmacy be providing in writing before they are revoked or suspended?

a written statement of charges aginst him or her together with anotice of the time and palce of hearing

A finding of an overpayment may not include the dispensing fee amount unless any of the following apply: 1. 2. 3. 4.

a. A prescription was not actually dispensed. b. The prescriber denied authorization. c. The prescription dispensed was a medication error by the pharmacy. d. The identified overpayment is solely based on an extra dispensing fee.

T or F at all time, a pharmacist shall verify the weight or volume of all a____ of a compound a. active ingredients b. ingredients c. a and b

a. active ingredients does not say inactive ingredients

Which of the following are exempt from the definition of wholesale drug distributors as well? (select all that apply) a. intracompany sales b. manufacturer and distributor sales representatives who distribute drug samples c. charitable organiations distributing to nonprofit affilates of that organization d. certain purchases by hospitals or other health care entities that are members of a group purchasing organization e. distributor of blood and blood components

a. intracompany sales b. manufacturer and distributor sales representatives who distribute drug samples c. charitable organiations distributing to nonprofit affilates of that organization d. certain purchases by hospitals or other health care entities that are members of a group purchasing organization e. distributor of blood and blood components

The auditing entity shall ____ the dispensing fee in the calculation of an overpayment unless a prescription is considered a misfill. a. not include b. include

a. not include

Each entity conducting an audit shall establish a written appeals process under which a pharmacy may appeal an unfavorable ________ audit report to the entity. a. preliminary b. final c. both

a. preliminary

who needs to attend al board meetings? a. president b. vice president c. secretary

a. president vp in absence of president

what must be included in an agreement between a third party program administrator and a pharmacy? (select all that apply) a. amount of reimbursement to the pharmacy b. frequency of payment by the program administrator to the pharmacy c. method for the adjudication of complaints or settlement of dispute between parties

all of above

which may be used in the compounding of drug products? (select all that apply) a. automated b. mechanical c. electrical d. limited commercial scale manufacturing e. testing equipment

all of them

The section on illegal possession of prescription drugs does not apply to (select all that apply) a. licensed pharmacy b. licensed pharmacist c. wholesaler d. manufacturer e. representative of any of the above

all of those

how often does pharmacy permit need to be renewed?

at least biannualy

If the pharmacy benefit manager does not include their __________ guidelines within their provider manual, then the notice must include a documented checklist of all items being audited and the manual, including the name, date, and edition or volume, applicable to the audit and auditing guidelines.


Does not require a full-time licensed pharmacist (exempt from requirement) a. packager b. wholesaler (distribution only) c. repackager d. outsourcing facility

b wholesaler who distributes only otherwise you need a full-time licsnsed pharmacist confined to onprimise pharmaceutical operation

Each applicant for licensure by reciprocity shall be personally interviewed by _______ members of the board before being granted a license, and the applicant shall pass a written examination on the laws governing the practice of pharmacy in this state. a. 1 b. 2 or more c. 3 or more d. 4 or more

b. 2 or more

The registration of a pharmacy technician shall be renewable ______in ____-numbered years upon payment of the required renewal fee

biennially odd numberd years

what needs a pharmacy permit? a. pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, drugstore, pharmacy department, Rx dept, prescription lab, dispensary, apothecary b. "A" + establishment with title implying the sale, offer to sale, compounding or dispensing of drugs in the state c. "b" + any person performing pharmacy services in the state

c. interestingly, a person needs a permit with the bop

If more than one pharmacy or entity where pharmacy services are performed is operated by________ a separate application for registration shall be made and a separate permit issued for each such establishment. a. the same owner b. a different owner c. a and b

c. a and b

what is the definition of pharmacy services a. offering for sale, compoundin or dispensing of prescriptions, drugs, medicines, chemicals, or poisons pursuant to a prescription b. sale or provision of, counseling of, or fitting of medical devices, including prosthetics and DME c. both a and b

c. a and b

may accept oral prescription a. pharmacist b. intern c. both

c. both

authorized means for permitting refills of prescription a. oral b. written c. both

c. both doesn't specify what type of written...

The board may revoke, suspend, place on probation, or require remediation for any licensed pharmacist or a holder of a pharmacy intern or extern certificate for a specified time as determined by the board and take the same or similar action against the permit to operate any pharmacy in this state, whenever the board finds by a _____, that the pharmacist has been guilty of any of the following acts or offenses: a. preponderance of evidence b. pursuant to a consent decree c. both a and b

c. both a and b

You cannot authorize a person, firm, or business establishment to serve as a pick-up station or intermediary for the purpose of having prescriptions filled or delivered, except for a. for profit b. for gratuitously c. neither a or b d. both a and b

c. neither a or b no exclusions

An applicant who has been expelled from an examination for cribbing, cheating, or other dishonest conduct shall not be permitted to complete the examination applied for and shall not be permitted to file a new application for examination during the balance of the same ______year or the ______year next following the expulsion

calendar year calendar year

All holders of a permit (manufacturer, bottler, etc..) shall, before shipping any drug bearing the legend, "____________......." or similar wording causing these drugs to be known as legend drugs to new customers, assure themselves that the recipient is either a duly licensed doctor of medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine or holds a registered pharmacy permit from the board by contacting the office of the board.

caution, federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription

On or before August 1, 1994, and each five years thereafter, or whenever a vacancy occurs in the designated position for a _____ pharmacist, the Alabama Pharmacy Association, or its successor organization, shall submit a list of three nominees to the Governor.


Any substance of a medicinal nature, whether simple or compound, obtained through the process of the science and art of chemistry, whether of organic or inorganic origin


he preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging, and labeling of a drug or device as the result of a licensed practitioner's prescription drug order or initiative based on the practitioner/patient/pharmacist relationship in the course of professional practice.


what constitutes practicing pharmacy without a license?

compounding or disepensing Rx....

what ist he definition of a residential facility for the previous question?

convalescent home nursing home extended care facility mental health or psychiatric facility rehabilation facility developmental disability center assisted living facility specialty care assited living facility

For on-site audits a pharmacy benefit manager shall also provide a list of material that is ______ or ________during the course of an audit to the pharmacy

copied or removed

MEDICINE. Any drug or combination of drugs that has the property of ______, ______, _____, _____, or _____ diseases or that which may be used for those purposes.

curing, diagnonsing, preventing, treating or mitigating disease

how long can a pharmacist be out of the prescription department for, without being considered closed? a. not more than 3 hours daily b. not more than one-half hours at any one time c. not more than one week for temporary illness d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What kind of mail order pharmacy needs a permit from Alabama BoP? a. mailing drugs to any point in Alabama b. mailing drugs to any point out of Alabama c. any point outside of Alabama to inside Alabama d. all of the above

d. all of the above in out in in out in

All certificates of licensure shall expire on _____ 31 of even-numbered years.


From the names submitted to the Governor, the Governor shall appoint a replacement on or before ______ 31 of the same year the nominations are received, for the member or members whose term or terms are expiring


pharmacist assistant: All certificates so issued shall expire on _____31 of even-numbered years. In order to continue to obtain a certificate as a pharmacist's assistant, a biennial renewal fee in an amount determined by the board shall be paid, but the fee shall not be less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150).

dec 31

To sell, distribute, administer, leave with, give away, dispose of, deliver, or supply a drug or medicine to the ultimate user or his or her age


All medicinal substances, preparations, and devices recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary, or any revision thereof, and all substances and preparations intended for external and internal use in the cure, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or animal and all substances and preparations other than food intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or animal.


All permits issued under this section shall become due on _______31 and shall become null and void on _________31 of ______-numbered years.

due Oct 31 null & void Dec 31 of even numbered years

how much is the pharmacist assistant license cost?

e fee shall not be less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than fifty dollars ($50) upon the issuance of such certificate.

hospitals and skilled nursing homes using vending machines or mechanical devices for the storage and dispensing of drugs, the machines or devices shall be stocked only under the supervision of ______, and the drugs may be dispensed from the machine or device only by an individual acting in accordance with established institutional hospital pharmacy policy a. licensed pharmacist b. consulting pharmacist c. licensed physician d. a and b e. a and c

e. a and c

The auditing entity conducting a pharmacy audit shall not compensate an ________ or _______ with which an auditing entity contracts to conduct a pharmacy audit based on the amount claimed or the actual amount recouped by the pharmacy being audited.

employee or contractor

A candidate for licensure as a pharmacist during the time prior to graduation from an accredited college of pharmacy.


) The auditing entity shall not use ___________to calculate penalties or amounts to be charged back or recouped unless otherwise required by federal requirements or federal plans.


A health benefit plan located or domiciled outside of the State of Alabama is deemed to be subject to this article if it _________ claims for health care services submitted by or on behalf of patients, insureds, or beneficiaries who reside in Alabama a. receives b. processes c. adjudicates d. pays e. denies f. all of the above

f all of the above

what are/is is NOT covered under the pharmacy audit integrity act? a. nonprofit hospital b. medical service organization c. health benefit plan d. third party payor e. PBM f. health program administerd by a department or state g. Alabama Medicaid agency

g. Alabama Medicaid agency

Three members shall be appointed by the _______


what is Any individual or group plan, employee welfare benefit plan, policy, or contract for health care services issued, delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed in this state by a health care insurer, health maintenance organization, accident and sickness insurer, fraternal benefit society, nonprofit hospital service corporation, nonprofit medical service corporation, health care service plan, or any other person, firm, corporation, joint venture, or other similar business entity that pays for insureds or beneficiaries in this state

health benefit plan

The notice (previous question) shall contain what items?

his or her name, license number, the name of the pharmacy where formerly employed and the name of the pharmacy where currently employed

when is the pharmacist assistant fee due?

his renewal fee shall be paid to the secretary of the board and shall be due on October 31 and delinquent after December 31 of even-numbered years.

how must prescriptions be stored? (what order, how filed)

in which the original of every prescription compounded or dispensed shall be filed in the order of compounding with number and date of dispensing placed on each prescription Each pharmacy shall produce any prescription file whenever legally required to do so. Such prescription file shall at all times be open for inspection by the prescriber, the board, or its investigators.

On or before August 1, 1997, and each five years thereafter, or whenever a vacancy occurs in the designated position for the ________ pharmacist, the independent pharmacist members of the Alabama Pharmacy Association, or its successor organization, shall submit a list of three nominees to the Governor.


Of the three appointed members, one member shall be engaged in the practice of pharmacy or pharmacy administration, or both, in a hospital, one in an __________ pharmacy, and one in a _______ pharmacy.

independent pharmacist chain pharmacy

Each member of the board shall serve a term of five years beginning on _______1 following appointment and terminating on December 31 of his or her fifth year as a member of the board.


Any drug, medicine, chemical, or poison bearing on the label the words, "caution, federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription," or similar wording indicating that such drug, medicine, chemical, or poison may be sold or dispensed only upon the prescription of a licensed medical practitioner.

legend drug

what are the exceptions for drug substitution (what is legal?)

less expensive pharmaceutical alternative and therapeutic equivalent drug product w/ same active ingredient or ingredients, same dosage form, same strength, in all case where the practitioner expressly authorizes such selections in accordance with division 4 of this section, also for out of state practitioners who do not specify brand only,

Ch 34-23 does not apply to the manufacture or sale at wholesale or retail of patent or proprietary medicines what items?, as long as they are sold or offered to the general public

manufacture or sale at wholesale or retail of packaged, bottled, or nonbulk chemicals, medicines, medical and dental supplies, cosmetics, and dietary foods when identified by and sold under a trademark, trade name, or other trade symbol, privately owned or registered in the United States Patent Office.... Basically as long as its not an rx (if the article meets the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act other than prescription legend drugs.)

Each state drug investigator shall have the power to inspect the medicines and drugs or drug products or domestic remedies which are _________, packaged, packed, made, sold, offered for sale, exposed for sale, or kept for sale in this state, and for this purpose shall have the right to enter and inspect during business hours any pharmacy or any other place in this state where medicines or drugs or drug products or proprietary medicines are manufactured, packaged, packed, made, sold, offered for sale, or kept for sale, whether or not licensed by the board.


A person or entity, except a pharmacy, who prepares, derives, produces, researches, tests, labels, or packages any drug, medicine, chemical, or poison.


a wholesale drug distributor is a person, other than a ________, the co-licensed partner of them, a third-party logistics provider, or __________ engaged in the business of distributing drugs and medicines for resale to pharmacies, hospitals, or practitioners, or government ageiecnce, or other lawful outlints permitted to sell drugs.

manufacturer repackager

he production, preparation, propagation, conversion, or processing of a drug or device, either directly or indirectly, by extraction from substances of natural origin or independently by means of chemical or biological synthesis and includes any packaging or repackaging of the substance or substances or labeling or relabeling of its container, and the promotion and marketing of such drugs or devices.


what may be included in the third party prescription program

may include, but not be limited to, employee benefit plans whereby a consumer receives prescription drugs or other pharmaceutical services and those services are paid for by an agent of the employer or others.

how many times can you take the exam (NABP) before having to take additiona preparation as directed and approved by the board?

may take 3 times. if you fail the 3rd exam, that's when the board requires you to take additional preparation

Following the appeal, if any of the issues raised in the appeal are not resolved to the satisfaction of either party, that party may ask for ________ of those unresolved issues unless other remedies are granted under the terms of the contract.

mediator A certified mediator shall be chosen by agreement of the parties from the mediators list maintained by the Alabama Supreme Court. The cost of mediation shall be borne by agreement of the parties or by the decision of the mediator.

HOSPITAL. An institution for the care and treatment of the sick and injured, licensed by the Alabama State Board of Health and authorized to be entrusted with the custody of drugs and medicines, the professional use of drugs and medicines being under the direct supervision of a ______ ________ or pharmacist.

medical practitioner

No holder of a permit shall ship any legend drug to any person or firm after receiving written notice from the board that the person or firm no longer holds a registered pharmacy permit. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a ______.


Any person found in possession of a drug or medicine limited by law to dispensation by a prescription, unless such drug or medicine was lawfully dispensed, shall be guilty of a ________

misdemeanor - google: a nonindictable offense, regarded in the US (and formerly in the UK) as less serious than a felony.

T or F when performing drug substitution, A pharmacist shall record on the prescription form the _____ and ________ or _______of any drug product dispensed as herein authorized.

name and manufacturer or distributor

What must be conspicuously displayed in the prescription department in a place readily observable by the public?

name of licensed pharmacist on duty

T or F can a RN dispense legend drugs under the standing order or direct supervision of a physician only?

no A registered nurse in the employment of the State Health Department or a county health department may, in the provision of health care services, dispense legend drugs as provided in this section under the standing orders or direct supervision of a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state and pursuant to procedures established by the Board of Pharmacy and implemented by a pharmacist licensed to practice pharmacy in this state.

On or before December 1, 1995, and each five years thereafter, and on or before December 1, 1998, and each five years thereafter, or whenever a vacancy occurs in a __________ position, the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Pharmacy Association, or its successor organization, shall select a committee of five pharmacists who are members of the association to serve as a nominating committee.


The previous statement does not apply for what kinds of pharmacy sales?

normal sale "bona fide sale" of a pharmacy as a business when the board has been notified of such proposed sale.

a proprietary medicine is not ... a. b. c. d.

not a. Drugs which are only advertised and promoted professionally to licensed physicians, dentists, or veterinarians by manufacturers or primary distributors. b. A narcotic or drug containing a narcotic. c. A drug the label of which bears substantially either the statements "caution--federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription" or "warning--may be habit-forming". d. A drug intended for injection.

If any pharmacy technician fails to pay the renewal fee as required by this subsection, he or she may be reinstated as a pharmacy technician only upon payment of a penalty of not less than $___ nor more than $___, as determined by rule of the board, for each lapsed ____and all lapsed fees for each lapsed year

not <10 nor >20 year

Every application for a permit for a new pharmacy or entity where pharmacy services are performed shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined by the board, but the fee shall not be less than ___ nor more than ___

not <100, but not more than 200

every application for a permit due to transfer of ownership shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined by the board, but the fee shall not be less than ___ nor more than ____

not <150, not >400

prev question:: The fee shall not be less than____ nor more than ____ for a renewal permit.

not <250 nor >1000 renewal

Every application for a renewal permit for an out-of-state pharmacy or entity where pharmacy services are performed shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined by the board, but the fee shall not be less than ___ nor more than ___

not <400, not >750

for manufactures, bottlers, packagers, repackagers. etc.. of drugs (previous question), the feel shall not be less than ___ nor more than ____ for a new establishment

not <500 nor > 2000 new establishment

prev question: The fee shall not be less than ____ nor more than _____ for a permit due to transfer of ownership.

not <500 nor >2000 transfer of ownership

Every application for a permit for an out-of-state pharmacy or entity where pharmacy services are performed shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined by the board, but the fee shall not be less than ___ nor more than ___

not <750, not >2000

what are the restrictions for pharmacy department size? (dispensing department, or compounding department, including the portion utilized for the sale of restricted drugs)

not less than 240 square feet surface of compounding center not less than 24 inches in widge, and not less than 16 square feet of working space for 1 pharmacist and not less than 24 sq feet of space for 2 working pharmacist if on duty at any one time. the aisle space or floor area shall extend the full length of the compounding center and it should nbe clear and unobstructed for aminimum of 36 inches from the working side of the prescription compounding center

Every application for a renewal permit shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined by the board, but the fee shall not be less than ___ nor more than ___

not less than 50 not more than 150

A facility at one geographic location or address that is engaged in the compounding of sterile drugs, which has elected to register with the federal Food and Drug Administration as an outsourcing facility and complies with the requirements of Section 503B(d)(4)(A) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

outsourcing facility

what is: A business that administers the prescription drug or device portion of pharmacy benefit management plans or health insurance plans on behalf of plan sponsors, insurance companies, unions, and health maintenance organizations

pharmacy benefit manager

Compounding rules: potable water shall be supplied under continuous _____ pressure in a plumbing system free of defects that could contribute contamination to any compounded drug product.


Unless superseded by state or federal law, auditors shall only have access to ________ audit reports on a particular pharmacy conducted by the auditing entity for the same pharmacy benefit manager, health plan, or insurer.


how must the permit issued to each pharmacist by the board and licensure certificates issued to each pharmacist be displayed in the pharmacy? (descriptive words)?

prominently and conspicuously in the pharmacy

The practice of pharmacy and the management and operation of pharmacies are hereby declared to affect the public _____, _______, and _______of the people of Alabama

public health, safety and wellfare

what can be done by a person that is not duly licensed pharmacist to a prescription in an institution?

reading, interpreting, and writing or verifying the writing of adequate directions as necessary to assure patients understanding of the prescribers intentions by a duly qualified nurse practicing his or her profession in a licensed hohspital or similar institution

what must appear on for refilled prescriptions?

record of the date of refill mustappear on the prescription or in a permanent prescription record book

what criteria must be met for a person to be issued an assistant's certificate for a pharmacist?

resident of the state, proof from 2 pharmacists in the state, neither related by blood or marriage, within a perdiof of 90 days subsequent to Aug 26, 1966, estabilishing the fact that he or she has filled prescriptions under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist over a period of at least 15 successive years next preceding the offer of such proof

. In nursing homes which are not classified by the State Board of Health as ____ _______ _____, _____ homes, homes for the _______, _________institutions, and all related institutions except those operated by and in conjunction with a licensed hospital, medicines or drugs bearing the wording on the label "caution, federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription" or similar wording that causes the medicines or drugs to be known as prescription legend drugs shall be furnished by a licensed pharmacy on the prescription of a licensed practitioner of medicine for individual patients, and there shall be no prescription legend drugs on the premises of these institutions other than those so prescribed except an emergency kit as authorized by the State Board of Health

skilled nursing homes maternity homes homes for the aged domicilary institutions

Products prepared in anticipation of a prescription prior to receiving a valid prescription shall be prepared in reasonable amounts. what is reasonable amount?

something representative of historical rates of usage

the third party program shall not apply to which services/programs?

state of Alabama Medicaid program public education employees health insurance plan any corporation organized under the provisions of T10, Ch4, art 6 for establishment and operation of health care service plans

when a pharmacy commits a clerical or recordkeeping error, under what circumstances may a pharmacy be subject to recoupment for these errors?

such errors may be subject to recoupment, provided that a pharmacy shall not be subject to a charge-back or recoupment for a clerical or recordkeeping error in a required document or record, including a typographical or computer error, unless the error resulted in overpayment to the pharmacy.

a pharmacy services permit includes certain services performed by a pharmacy, but excludes....

the receipt or inventory of drugs, medicines, chemicals, poisons, or medical devices

A PBM includes a person or entity acting for a pharmacy benefit manager in a contractual or employment relationship in the performance of pharmacy benefit management for a managed care company, nonprofit hospital or medical service organization, insurance company, or_________

third party payor

means any system of providing for the reimbursement of pharmaceutical services under a contractual arrangement or agreement between a provider of such services and another party who is not the consumer of those services

third party prescription program

emergency prescriptions may be dispensed under what critiera?

unable to readily obtain a refill authorization from prescriber 1. one time emergency refill 2. up to 72 hr supply of prescribed medication - as long as not a CII - medication is essential to maintenance of life or continuation of therapy in a chronic condition 3. create a written order containing all the prescription information required in this chapter and title 20, ch 2 4. dispensing pharmacist notifies the prescriber of the emergency dispensing

A pharmacy technician shall not perform pharmacy functions or be present in the prescription department of a pharmacy unless he or she is ...

under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist

Pharmacists shall determine that all finished products have an acceptable degree of weight variation among capsules, and shall assure a reasonable _______ and _________ of all compounded products.

uniformity integrity

when can a program administrator withhold payments to a pharmacy beyond the time period specified in the payment schedule provision of the agreement?

when individual claims for payment returned to the pharmacy for such reasons such as incomplete or illegible info.

what does this pharmacist assistant allowed to do?

will authorize the person to practice pharmacy in this state; provided, that the person shall be under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist at all times, and such person shall be subject to all of the provisions of this chapter governing the practice of pharmacy in this state, including, but not limited to, the revocation or suspension of such certificate for violations of the provisions of this chapter; and provided further, that such person shall pay an original registration fee to be determined by the board

The entity shall provide the pharmacy with a ______ report of the audit and comply with all of the following requirements:


What facility may be exempt from the rule to prevnt a intermediary or pick-up station from having prescriptions filled or delivered?

xcept with respect to controlled substances, any facility recognized as a federally qualified health center, as defined in 42 U.S.C. §1396d(l)(2)(B), operating health care practices and providing pharmacy services in the state is expressly exempt from this subsection. Each eligible federally qualified health center is authorized to fill certain prescriptions at one location and deliver medications to clinics for patient pick-up subject to the review of the board.

T or F When mental or physical capacity to practice is at issue, every pharmacist licensed to practice pharmacy in the state shall be deemed to have given consent to submit to a mental or physical examination or to any combination of the examinations and to waive all objections to the admissibility of the examination, or to previously adjudicated evidence of mental incompetence.


T or F Each state drug investigator shall be subject to the same restrictions as other officers of the law in regard to search and seizure.


T or F The product may not be sold in bulk to other pharmacies or vendors for resale.


T or F A finding of an overpayment may not include the cost of the drugs that were dispensed in accordance with the prescriber's orders, provided the prescription was dispensed according to prescription documentation requirements set forth by the Alabama Pharmacy Act and within the plan limits.


T or F A pharmacy may use the records of a hospital, physician, or other authorized practitioner of the healing arts for drugs or medicinal supplies written or transmitted by any means of communication for the purposes of validating the pharmacy record with respect to orders or refills of a legend or narcotic drug.


T or F An auditing vendor contracting with multiple pharmacy benefit managers or health insurance plans shall not use audit reports or other information gained from an audit on a particular pharmacy to conduct another audit for a different pharmacy benefit manager or health insurance plan.


T or F Any amount to be charged back or recouped due to overpayment shall not exceed the amount the pharmacy was overpaid.


T or F Any procedures or other records required to comply with good compounding practices shall be retained for the same period of time as required for retention of prescription records.


T or F Ch 34-23 does not containg anything that shall prevent any licensed practitioner of the healing arts from personally compounding, dispensing, administering, or supplying to his or her patient drugs and medicines for their use.


T or F Each application for the renewal of the permit for manufacturer, bottler, etc... shall be made annually on or before December 31


T or F Each entity conducting an audit shall provide a copy of the final audit report, after completion of any review process, to the plan sponsor in a manner pursuant to a contract.


T or F Interest shall not accrue during the audit period.


T or F No licensed pharmacist or pharmacy operating within this state shall accept for refund purposes or otherwise any unused portion of any dispensed prescription.


T or F No mail order pharmacy shall transact business in this state without a permit from the board.


T or F No program administrator shall deny payment for services to any pharmacy which may have resulted from the fraudulent or illegal use of any identification card by any person unless the pharmacy has been notified that the card has been canceled or discontinued and that the program administrator has been unsuccessful in attempting to regain possession of the card.


T or F Notwithstanding Section 20-2-51 or any other law to the contrary, each person licensed by the board to practice pharmacy may distribute or dispense controlled substances during the biennial period for which the person is licensed.


T or F The board may issue a license without examination to an applicant who furnishes satisfactory proof that he or she has been licensed to practice pharmacy by examination in another state that under like conditions grants reciprocal licensure without examination to pharmacists duly licensed by examination in this state, that he or she is a person of good moral character and temperate habits, and provided that the requirements in the state from which the applicant is reciprocating were no less than the requirements of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy


T or F The information shall be considered to be valid if documented on the prescription, computerized treatment notes, pharmacy system, or other acceptable medical records.


T or F The pharmacy shall have the right to submit amended claims through an online submission to correct clerical or recordkeeping errors in lieu of recoupment of a claim where no actual financial harm to the patient or plan has occurred, provided that the prescription was dispensed according to prescription documentation requirements set forth by the Alabama Pharmacy Act and within the plan limits.


T or F The prohibition in subdivision (1) (previous question) shall not apply to any unused or expired dispensed medication returned solely for the purpose of destruction in compliance with applicable law or rules of the board.


T or F The registration of each pharmacy technician shall expire on December 31 of odd-numbered years.


T or F The sale, purchase, or trade of a drug by a retail pharmacy to another retail pharmacy or practitioner, for relief of temporary shortages, is exempt from this definition


T or F When authorized by the board and where there are specific complaints, the state drug investigator shall have the right to inspect all records, shipping tickets, or any other document pertaining to the transfer of drugs or drug preparations, from or to hospitals, pharmacists, wholesale establishments and manufacturers, or any other place or establishment where the preparations of drugs are kept or stored.


T or F a conviction of a felony is reason to be revoked, suspended, remediated, or placed on probation


T or F a pharmacist must direct the preparation of a compound when the written procedures are not present


T or F a pharmacy may prepare a compounded drug product for a prescriber's office use


T or F compounded prescriptions for animal must be handled and filled in the same manner as prescriptions for humans


T or F compounding includes he preparation of drugs or devices in anticipation of prescription drug orders based on routine, regularly observed prescribing patterns.


T or F compounding may also be for the purpose of, or as incident to, research, teaching, or chemical analysis.


T or F from previous 2 questions..The dispensing of the drugs shall meet all labeling, packaging, recordkeeping, and counseling requirements of a prescription.


T or F he pharmacy shall not be subject to recoupment of funds by the pharmacy benefit manager unless the pharmacy benefit manager can provide proof of intent to commit fraud or such error results in actual financial harm to the pharmacy benefit manager, a health insurance plan managed by the pharmacy benefit manager, or a consumer


T or F if you convict acrime or offense that reflect the inability of the practitioner to practice pharmacy with due regard for the health and safety of patients, you can be revoked, suspended, remediated, or placed on probation


T or F if you violate laws requiring the "caution, federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription", you can be revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or require remediation


T or F obtaining a license, permit or registration from the board fraudulently can cause you to be revoked, suspended or placed on probation or require remediation


T or F the professional practice of any physician licensed to practice medicine is exempt from the requiremetns of this section (manufactuer, bottlers, etc..)


T or F the secretary shall not serve as a member of the board


T or F pharmacist preceptors must be approved by the board and be willing to cooperate with the board in developing the necessary training requires and provide appropriate documentation to the board


T or F if there is question of physical or mental capabilities of a pharmacist, the board may require the pharmacist to be submitted to psychological examination by a psychologist

T designated by the board- expenditure by the board, unless the pharmacist raises the issue of mental or physical competence or appeals a decision regarding his or her mental or physical competence, then they pay for it

T or F No person shall dispense or cause to be dispensed a different drug or brand of drug in lieu of that ordered or prescribed without the express permission in each case of the person ordering or prescribing such drug, except as provided below:

T substitution of drug laws

T or F the secretary of the board shall issue the pharmacy permit if the application is found satisfactory by the board

T the secretary can do it

T or F a product is not adulterated if it is of lesser strength and if the product is clearly labeled with the actual strength

T this appears to be an exception

T or F Nothing shall authorize or require the state drug investigator or state drug investigators to inspect the offices of doctors of medicine who have duly qualified with the State Board of Medical Examiners.

T this chapter does not apply to them

The audit shall not consider as fraud any.. (what kind of errors/mistakes)

The audit shall not consider as fraud any clerical or recordkeeping error, such as a typographical error, scrivener's error, or computer error regarding a required document or record;

what drugs can the RN dispense if previous criteria are met?

The nurse may dispense the legend drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, family planning, hypertension, and other programs if approved by the State Board of Pharmacy.

what components of written procedures for the compounding of drug products does the board mandate?

The procedures shall include, but not be limited to, a listing of the components, their amounts in weight or volume, the lot number of the components, if available, the order of component mixing, a description of the compounding process, and a designated name for the finished product.

Which is true of compounded drug products sold to a prescribers office use? a. administered in prescribers office b. dispensed to patitent c. a and b

The product shall be administered in the prescriber's office and shall not be dispensed to the patien

if a over the counter compounded product is made in advance, where must it be stored?

The product shall be stored within the prescription department

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