CSE 316 Midterm #1 Review

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What does the following code output: console.log([..."Paul"]) A. ["P","a","u","l"] B. ["Paul"] C. "Paul" D. [..."Paul"]


What type of data structure is used to represent the DOM? A. Tree B. Stack C. Queue D. Linked List E. Heap


Which attribute would I change to add spacing outside the 'border' of an element? A. Margin B. Padding C. Spacing


Which css property controls the text size? A. font-size B. text-size C. font-style D. text-style


System Testing

All components are integrated and system is tested as whole

What is aim of configuration management?

Allow all developers to access project code in a controlled way, see what changes have been made, and compile and link components to create a system

What are the structural components of a Web Application?

Web browser/client Web Application Server Database Server

Will the following JavaScript code run without errors? str1 = 'Hello'; str2 = 'World'; greeting = str1 + ', ' + str2 + '!'; lengthOfString = greeting.length;


Write CSS to surround all p tags with a border of 5 pixels all around with a solid purple color:

p { border: 5px solid purple; }

Write css to modify center text and modify font size for all paragraphs?

p { text-align: center; font-size: 24px; }

State Diagrams

show how the system reacts to internal and external events

True or False: React is a JavaScript library? A. True B. False C. None of the above


How to make comments in HTML?

<!-- -->

What tags should every html page have?

<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> </html>

Where do the main content of a web page belong in standard html website?

<body> tag

How to have striked text in HTML?


How to have a form that tells server to run "action.php" when form is submitted?

<form action="/action.php"></form>

Change the following code so that the text color is blue without an external or internal style sheet: <h1>Hi</h1>

<h1 style="color:blue;">hi</h1>

How to link an external style sheet called styles.css to an HTML file?

<head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> </head>

How to have an internal style sheet?

<head> <style> </style> </head>

How to set an image in HTML?

<img src="url for image file" width=# height=# alt="alt text">

How to have text input for HTML with label: "Name" and place holder: "Paul"

<input type="text" name="Name" value="Paul">

How to have highlighted text in HTML?


How to have subscript in HTML?


How to have superscript in HTML?


How to construct table?

<table> <tr> <th> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <t/table>

How to change unordered list bullet to a square or something else?

<ul style="list-style-type:circle"> list-style-type can be circle, square, disc, none

How to create an unordered list in html?

<ul> <li></li> <li></li> </ul>

Which of the following allows you to push your changes to a git repository? Assume that you are the sole developer of the repo? A. git push origin master B. git fetch master C. git pull D. git add


__________ refers to monitoring and updating deployed software. A. Maintenance B. Requirement analysis C. Design D. Development E. Unit Testing F. Debugging


____________ -> Design -> Evaluate Design -> Code -> Test, Debug, & Profile Components -> Integrate -> Test, Debug, & Profile Whole -> Deploy -> Maintain A. Requirements Analysis B. Poll Stakeholders C. Hire Developers D. Brainstorm Ideas


How to add a hyperlink in HTML?

Add an anchor tag and set href attribute. <a href="url"> </a>

In MVC where are the business rules?

Controller (Server)

Is JavaScript Strongly Typed? A. Yes B. No


JavaScript function setInterval takes two arguments. One is a number value in milliseconds. What was the other argument type? A. boolean B. function C. Real number D. String E. Date


What company owns and operates Github? A. Atlassian B. Microsoft C. Mozilla D. Oracle E. Sun Microsystems


What do we call the tree data structure that manages all the content currently in a Web page? A. Binary Search Tree B. DOM C. Heap D. JSON E. Schema


What is the output of the following code? console.log([]==true); A. True B. False C. None of the above


Which attribute would I change to add spacing around an element but within its border? A. Margin B. Padding C. Spacing


If I want to style all 4 states of an element, what is the correct order? A. :link, :hover, :active, :visited B. :active, :hover, :visited, :link C. :link, :visited, :hover, :active D. Order does not matter


Which of the following is a valid way to store the first button element of a given webpage in a variable? Assume the button has a className of "button" and an id of "first_button". A. var btn = window.getElementById(0); B. let btn = document.getButton(1); C. var btn = document.getElementById("first_button"); D. let btn = document.getElementByClass("button"); E. Button btn = new Button(window.get("button", 0));


Which style attribute do you change to change the color of text? A. font-color B. text-color C. color D. background-color


Give an example of a "full stack" framework:

CakePHP Laravel Rails


Changes required after development

What are benefits of Incremental Development?

Cost of accommodating is reduced Easier to get customer feedback on completed development Very rapid deployment

The css rule defined below would be applied to which of the following elements? input { ... } A. <input class="input">... B. <input id="input">... C. <input name="input">... D. All of the above


Which of the following is not a valid way of setting up an event listener on "node" to handle a mouse click? Assume that the function "clickHandler" is defined. A. node.addEventListener("click", function() { // handling code }); B. node.onclick = clickHandler; C. node.registerEventHandler(nodeID, "click", clickHandler); D. node.addEventListener("onclick", clickHandler); E. node.onclick = () => { // handling code };


Which of these is not a W3C Standard? A. HTML B. JavaScript C. CSS D. React


What must be done in Design stage?

Define system architecture

What is the drawback of waterfall model?

Difficulty in accommodating change. A phase must complete before moving on to next phase


Dry runs with reduced system Then Full Deployment

What is dynamic model?

Dynamic interactions between objects

A modification on which attribute will properly modify the text inside a div in raw JavaScript? A. myDiv.text B. myDiv.src C. myDiv.txt D. myDiv.style.text E. myDiv.innerHTML


Given an object instance 'person' with a variable called 'name', what other way could you access person's name field other than person.name? A. name.person B. person[name] C. person -> name D. person.get(name) E. person["name"] F. None of the above


What is the output for the following code: let a = 1 console.log({a}) A. Error B. 1 C. {1} D. {1:1} E. {a:1}


Which of the following is preferred version of setting up an event listener on "node" to handle a mouse click? Assume that the function "clickHandler" is defined. A. node.addEventListener("click", function() { // handling code }); B. node.onclick = clickHandler; C. node.registerEventHandler(nodeID, "click", clickHandler); D. node.addEventListener("onclick", clickHandler); E. node.onclick = () => { // handling code };


What is configuration management?

General process of managing a changing software system

What is done in requirements analysis/engineering phase?

Establish services customer requires Establish constraints which it operates and is developed Establish definitions of behaviors which system should exhibit

What are standard HTTP commands?


What version of HTML is the current W3C recommendation?


What is system integration?

Help developers define what versions of components are used to create each version of a system

What does HTML stand for?

Hypertext Markup Language

What must be done in Detailed Design stage?

Identify principal system objects, develop design models, specify object interfaces

Which development process has concurrent activities?

Incremental Development

What is the Box Model?

It is used to explain padding and margins Refers to the layout of an element.

Give an example of test tools


What is version management?

Keep track of different versions of software components

What is waterfall model best for? And why?

Large Systems developed over multiple sites Because plan driven nature helps coordinate development

In MVC where is the data?

Model (database)

Are strings mutable in JavaScript?


Will the following JavaScript code run without errors? str1 = 'Hello'; str2 = 'World'; greeting = str1 + ', ' + str2 + '!'; theComma = greeting[5]; greeting[5] = ';';


What kind of model is Water fall model?

Plan-driven model

What are drawbacks of Incremental Development?

Process is not Visible System structure degrades with new increments Extra time and money need for refactoring Managers need regular deliverables to measure progress

What is a web framework?

Software framework that is designed to support development of web apps

What does REST stand for?

Representational State Transfer

What are the steps of developing requiremets?

Requirements Elicitaiton: discovering requirements for customers, users, and stakeholders Requirements Specification: Writing formal requirements specification document Requirements Validation: Check for correctness Requirements Change

What are the separate phases of Waterfall model?

Requirements analysis and definition System and Software Design Implementation and Unit Testing Integration and System Testing Operation and Maintenance

Give example of APIs for Web services:

SOAP based on XML REST based mostly on JSON

Why use REST?

Separates Client and Server Platform and language independent Easy to use Discoverable Not constrained by Format

Component Testing

Several individual units are integrated to create components

What is purpose of Validation?

Show a program does what it is intended to do Find program defects before it is put into use

Sequence Models

Show sequence of object interactions that take place

Subsystem Models

Shows how the design is organised into logically related groups of objects

What set of activities is required to develop software system?

Specification Design Detailed Design Implementation Validation Deployment (testing) Evolution

What is structural model?

Static structure of system in terms of object classes and relationships

What are 2 kinds of design models?

Structural and Dynamic

A structured document setting out detailed descriptions of the system's functions, services and operational constraints is an example of

System Requirements

What is development testing?

System is tested during development example: Unit testing and integration testing

What is idea of Architectural Design?

System will be composed of subsystems

What is software reuse?

Systems integrated from existing components or application systems

What are web services?

Technology that enables programs to communicate through HTTP on the internet

What is Release Testing?

Test complete version of system before it is released

Unit testing

Testing functionality of objects or methods

What is contained in head tag?

Titles, css, info

In MVC where is the user interface?

View (Client)

Statements in a natural language plus diagrams that describe the services' system and their constraints written primarily for customers is an example of

User requirements

What are the types of requirements?

User requirements and System requirements

How can you collect data in HTML?

Using form tag

What is implementation?

basically coding

How to have bullets that is pulled in with text? (inside a border)


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