American Government Chapter 14 Quizzes

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they discovered they were able to influence public opinion and, in turn, national politics

Once newspaper publishers and editors freed themselves from party control,

it saw an opportunity to gain a profitable market niche by differentiating its product from that of CNN and the broadcast networks. Fox News introduced a conservative slant by hiring conservative news anchors and loosening traditional constraints on editorializing while presenting the news.

Fox News became a conservative media outlet because


Franklin Roosevelt's first fireside chat saw such a large audience and outpouring of support, it prompted him to deliver more national radio addresses.


The golden age of newspapers was so named because they held a monopoly over mass communication and were the only outlet for national political news.


The profusion of news across the spectrum of political ideology has resulted in a better-informed citizenry.

to see even more sensationalized news; to select the news sources they find most congenial with their political views; to opt out of political information all together

The proliferation of alternative media gives viewers the opportunity


The relationship between politicians and reporters is built on a tension between reciprocity and competition.

politicians frequently found themselves bowing to powerful editors and publishers

The transformation of newspapers into instruments of mass communication meant that

the opinion of the people

Thomas Jefferson explained to a friend, "The basis of our government being ______, the very first object should be to keep that right."


To attract audience attention in the ever-changing media environment, producers and editors will often package the news in more sensational ways.


To characterize the news media businesses discredits their integrity as suppliers of vital civic information.


Today, almost ______% of television households subscribe to cable or to satellite services.

a leak

When politicians strategically give important information to the news media on the condition that its source not be identified by name, this is referred to as ______.

the public and fellow politicians

When politicians participate in newsmaking, they usually have two audiences in mind: ______.


Blogs have changed the media in another important way: by providing media outlets and entrepreneurs with space to develop digital-only content.


Local TV news broadcasts are typically rated more positively in terms of believability than any other mainstream news outlet.


Pack journalism refers to journalists following the same story in the same ways because they talk to one another while reporting and read each other's copy for validation of their own reporting.

the loss of ad revenue caused by the Internet

The financial decline of modern newspapers can best be attributed to


The most famous leaker in American history was "Deep Throat," who continuously provided news reporters at the Washington Post leads for investigating the June 1972 break-in at Democratic headquarters at the Watergate Hotel.

The Daily Show

Which of the following is an example of an infotainment news program?

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