American Govt.-Chapter 1

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What are the four characteristics of a state?

1. population - a state must have people 2. territory - a state must have land 3. sovereignty -has a supreme absolute power within its own territory 4. government - every state is politically organized

What are the five basic concepts of democracy?

1. worth of individual -each individual is a separate & distinct being 2. equality of a persons -all men created equal 3. majority rule, minority rights -majorities arrive at satisfactory solution to public problem; will to listen to minority arguments 4. necessity of compromise - majority agreement -find position most acceptable to largest number 5. individual freedom - can do as you please as long as freedom of all will allow

What are the six purposes of the American system of government as described in the Preamble of the Constitution?

1.Form a more perfect union - link the states and people more closely together to build strength 2.Establish justice - the law in both its content and administration, must be reasonable, fair, and impartial 3. Provide for the common defense - defend nation against foreign enemies 4. Insure domestic tranquility - to provide order and keep peace in our country 5. Promote the general welfare - task govt performs your benefit; schools, clean air, clean water, safe food 6.Secure the Blessings of Liberty - protecting rights and maintaining laws

What are the four theories of the origins of a state?

1.The Force Theory - state can be run by a military 2. The Evolutionary Theory - state developed naturally 3. The Divine Right Theory - God created the state and God had given those of royal birth the "divine right" to rule 4. The Social Contract Theory - "social contract" give up as much power to govt as necessary to promote the safety & well-being of all

What are the four factors underlying the free market system?

1.private ownership 2. individual initiative 3. profit 4. competition


A body of people living in a defined territory who have a government with the power to make and enforce law without the consent of any higher authority

federal government

A form of government in which powers are divided between a central government and several local governments

presidential government

A form of government in which the executive and legislative branches of the government are separate, independent, and coequal

parliamentary government

A form of government in which the executive branch is made up of the prime minister, or premier, and that official's cabinet


A form of government in which the leader has absolute power and authority


A form of government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite.


A form of government in which the supreme authority rests with the people.


A joining of several groups for a common purpose.


A system of government in which the power to rule is in the hands of a single individual

public policy

All of the many goals that a government pursues in all of the many areas of human affairs in which it is involved


An institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies.

division of powers

Basic principle of federalism; the constitutional provisions by which governmental powers are divided on a geographic basis (in the United States, between the National Government and the States).


Having supreme power within its own territory; neither subordinate nor responsible to any other authority.

How is power gained:

In a dictatorship power is taken either by political or military means. In a democracy power is given by some form of election.

Who holds sovereign power?

In a dictatorship the leader holds power versus democracy the power is with the people.

Who is the ruler responsible to:

In a dictatorship the leader is responsible to themselves, in a democracy the elected individual's are held responsible

What is a mixed economy?

The government supports and regulates free enterprise through decisions that affect the marketplace. Governments keeps competition free and fair

executive power

The power to execute, enforce, and administer law

How does law of supply and demand operate?

When supplies of goods and services become plentiful, prices will tend to drop; on the other hand, supplies become scarce, prices will very likely rise

unitary power

a centralized government in which, all powers held by government belong to single, central agency


the body of fundamental laws setting out the principles, structures, and processes of a government

judicial power

the power to interpret laws, to determine their meaning, and to settle disputes that arise within the society

legislative power

the power to make a law and to frame public policies

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