American History 1121 Study Guide

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What did Columbus name South America?

"The Other World.

What was the system of land grants used by the Portguese?


Who opened North America to French colonization?


Where did the French Huguenots establish colonies?

Charlesfort, South Carolina Fort Caroline, Florida

What name was Christopher Columbus known for in Spain?

Christobal Colon

He believed he had been chosen by God to spread the Gospel to other lands?

Christopher Columbus

What was Cristobal Colon?

Christopher Columbus

La Salle traveled the length of the Mississippi River from the __________ to its mouth at the _____________________

Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico

Eric the Red was exiled to?


The Zeno brothers made their voyages before or after Columbus' voyages?


What group of people were used more than Indians as slaves in Brazil?

black Africans

What kind of people were most of Roberval's colonist?


When approximately was the first permanent Viking settlement settled in North America?

1010 AD

An Amerind is another name for what?

American Indian

Who was the first European to use the term "New World" in reference to the American continents?

Amerigo Vespucci

What is another term for "American Indian"


The Mongoloid migration to America occurred across ____________________

Bering Strait

Thome de Sousa headed the first central government of what New World colony?


Where was the largest congregation of sixteenth Jews located in the Americas?


Corte-Real's expedition was sponsored by which countries?

Denmark and Portugal

Jews were the majority stockholders in this company?

Dutch West India

What was the system of land grants used by the Spanish?


Who established the Norse settlement at Julianehab?

Eric the Red

Who was exiled to Greenland and established the Norse settlement at Julianehab?

Eric the Red

Luis de Santegal secured what for Columbus' voyages?


He explored southwestern states and conquered Hawikuh

Francisco Coronado

He was the brutal conqueror of the Inca Empire?

Francisco Pizarro

He was the brutal conqueror of the Inca Empire

Francisco Pizzaro

What were the Huguenots?

French Protestants

Columbus believed he had been chosen by whom to spread the Gospel to other lands?


What were the Viking names for the lands Leif Ericsson discovered in America?

Helluland, Markland and Vineland

What explorer opened the New York area to Dutch trade and settlement?

Henry Hudson

Who opened the New York area to Dutch trade and settlement?

Henry Hudson

He was a greedy conqueror of the Aztec Empire

Hernando Cortez

Who was the greedy conqueror of the Aztec Empire?

Hernando Cortez

He explored southeastern states and crossed the Mississippi River

Hernando de Soto

French Protestants were called?


Where was the first Spanish continental settlement located on?

Isthmus of Panama

Who was the first Jew in the future United States?

Jacob Barismon

Who discovered the St. Lawrence River?

Jacques Cartier

He was a priest who explored the Mississippi River with Louis Jolliet

Jacques Marquette

He search for the Fountain of Youth

Juan Ponce de Leon

He searched for the Fountain of Youth

Juan Ponce de Leon

Who's ambition was to find the mouth of the Mississippi River and claim the interior of _____________ for France?

La Salle's, North America

What was the "Protector of Indians" because he was and advocate for Indian rights?

Las Casas

Who was converted to the Christian faith in Norway?

Leif Ericsson

Who was converted to the Christian faith while in Norway?

Leif Ericsson

The Treaty of Tordesillas established this _________________ between Spanish and Portugal holdings?

Line of Demarcation

He was the first to lead Europeans to view the Grand Canyon

Lopez de Cardenas

He was a trader that explored the Mississippi River in search of the Northwest Passage

Louis Jolliet

He was a cartographer who named Amerigo's Land

Martin Waldseemuller

Columbus was a __________, _______ and _______, so he undoubtedly knew the sagas and legends about early adventures.

Navigator, cartographer and scholar

What American city was a fulfillment of La Salle's dream of a New World Paris?

New Orleans

Verrazano searched for a Northwest Passage and sailed into ___________________, but failed to discover the ______________ river

New York Harbor, Hudson

"Great Ireland" may have been part of what continent?

North America

This Dutch system restricted trade and led to its destruction?


What was the system of land grants used by the Dutch?


He was a Portuguese discoverer who discovered Brazil

Pedro Cabral

He was the Portuguese discover of Brazil?

Pedro Cabral

What was the first permanent settlement in French Canada?


Who founded Quebec?

Samuel de Champlain

Who was the first recorded white birth in America?

Snorri Thorfinnson

During Columbus' life time, what country was engaged in a war with the Moors?


Who's flag did Magellan sail under?


What was the population of New France like?


These Mongoloid migrates did not do what?

Speak the same language

List the possible three oldest Spanish settlements in the United States

St. Augustine, Florida Santa Fe, New Mexico Tubac, Arizona

After the attempt to build the Tower of Babel, Mongolian tribes began to migrate to where?

The Americas

The Mongoloid migration to America probably occurred across where?

The Bering Strait

What does "La Leyenda Negra" mean? And what was a part of?

The Black Legend, Spanish encomienda system

What was the English title of Columbus' book?

The Book Of Prophecies

Who continued to persecute the Jews wherever they went?

The Inquisition

Magellan's voyage was important because I proved these four things?

The earth was round, Asia could be reached by sailing west, the New World was two large continents, The earth was much larger than had been thought.

Who was the first to head the government in Brazil?

Thome de Sousa

The _________________ was established the 1494 Line of Demarcation?

Treaty of Tordesillas

The Narvaez-de Vaca expedition opeed the door to the fast area of North America known as the?

United States

Who failed to discover the Hudson River?


What was the system of land grants used by the French?


What did Jacques Cartier return to France believing America was?

Was not worth anything

The Scottish and Irish Celtic churches ________ Roman Catholic.

Were not

Who was the first leader of the New Netherland colony?

Willem Verhulst

Who were the two men who quarreled with the Dutch West India Company?

William Usselinex Peter Minuit

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