ANT Exam 2

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A two-spirit person of the Zuni Pueblo represents

a. A 3rd gender role that is not man and not woman

What do the authors argue is "natural"

a. A biological mother and biological father

1. Honor killings such as those commuted by conservative Muslimps in Pakistan are a tragic consequence of

a. A family who believes that a female member of their household has shamed them through her sexuality

1. The reason that human species exhibits a very low level of genetic variation is due to

a. A slower rate of genetic mutations than non-human species on our planet

1. White of the following social supports leads to the development of athletes who excel in a particular sport

a. All of the above

1. How did 19th and mid 20th century belief systems in the United States classify gender ad sexuality?

a. All of the choices are correct

1. Although there is overlap, how does ethnicity (membership in an ethnic group) differ from race?

a. An ethnic group claims a distinct identity based on cultural characteristics and a shared heritage, while race defines groups based on arbitrary physical traits

1. The old stereotypes of primates as living in male-centered, male-dominated groups came from 1960's research on

a. Baboon groups led by males, established by force, who provided internal and external defense of the troop

1. The greatest genetic diversity is between

a. Blacks and other blacks on the same continent

1. All of the following are correct of Navajo society, EXCEPT

a. Clan membership is tied to a historical person recognized to be the ancestor

1. Parenthood and other kinship roles and relationships are rooted in

all of the answers

1. Policies that forbid the inter-ratial or inter-ethnic marriage are essentially trying to prevent the natural hybridization of peoples. This hybridization is called


1. Chapter author McDowell argues that ISIS already demonstrates all of the following EXCEPT

an armed force

1. In the United States, the face that most divorced parents share time and financial responsibilities somewhat equally for their children reflects the practice of

bilateral descent

1. What type of property exchange demonstrates a higher value placed on women and their ability to work and produce children?

bride wealth

1. All of the following are aspects of a state society, EXCEPT


1. The cultural rule which emphasizes the need to marry within a cultural group is called


1. Negative reinforcements include


1. The set of ideas about the categories of gender, and the beliefs, behaviors and meanings associated with each gender is reffered to as

gender ideology

1. The perception that an individual has a valid right to leadership is called


1. Each of the four types of socio-cultural integration can be identified as

a. Egalitarian, ranked or stratified

1. All of the following are true about the Na people, who live in the foothills of the Himalayas, EXCEPT

a. Fathers are absent from their childrens lives

1. A social contract between two individuals and potentially their families that specifies rights and obligations of their union and their offspring is how antrhopologists think of


1. The residence pattern in which a couple resides with the wife's mother's family after marriage is called


1. The anthropological term for a trait that is inherited independently, and not bundled together with other traits, is


1. It has been argues that black athletes are naturally gifted runners and jumpers due to benefits passed down from their enslaved ancestors. What does the evidence say about this claim?

a. If we look at other sports, such as the high jump, one can see that white athletes from the US and Western Europe dominate; it is clearly cultural and social supports that create excellence in groups of people, not genetics

1. Complex belief systems often developed by those in power to rationalize, explain, and perpetuate systems of inequality are referred to as

a. Legitimizing ideologies

1. The family in which a person is raised is their family of ____, while the family they create by marrying and raising children is their family of ____

a. Orientation, procreation

1. What is the role of the peasant in the formation of state societies?

a. Peasant farmers were circumscribed geographically (unable to move elsewhere) when an elite minority arose to control their labor and means of subsistence

1. People who identify as hijras from India are

a. People who identify with a 3rd gender role in society

1. The study of the means of control in societies is the subject of

a. Political anthropology

Why doesn't class stratification develop in foraging societies

a. There is no advantage to hoarding food or having too much personal property

1. A male-dominated political and authority structure and an ideology that privileges males over females overall is called


1. The residence pattern in which a couple resides with their husband's father's family after marriage is called


1. Short-term uses of physical force that are organized to achieve a limited objective such as the acquisition of cattle, wealth, or abduction of women are called


1. Scholars who create, regional racial classification schemes which attempt to be more precise are known as


1. Author Peggy McIntosh (1988) talks about the unearned benefits and advantages associated with being a "white" person in the United States. The term she coined in her essay to refer to this set of advantages is

white privilege

1. Skin color is humans is represented in geography by a cline, or clinal pattern. The skin color cline means that

a. A certain skin color may be more common in. one region than another, but the variation is gradual and continuous

1. The fact that not only people of East Asian ancestry have an epicanthic eye fold, but also people from Central Asia, parts of eastern Europe and Scandanavia,....

a. A nonconcordant trait that is mistakenly associated with one racial group

1. The term cisgender refers to

a. A person whose assigned sex at birth matches their gender identity, such as a person assigned female at birth who identifies as a woman

1. What do the authors say have been the results for women's positions with the delevelpment of civilization compared with traditional societies

a. Development has brought mixed blessings for women

1. The types of societies most likely to recognize women's economic and reproductive contributions, as well as be more egalitarian in terms of gender relations are

a. Foraging and horticultural societies

1. All of the following are true about gender cross culturally EXCEPT

a. Gender is always binary or dualistic, consisting of males and females

1. A sodality is characterized by

a. Groups of people in a tribe who are connected by age and therefore form a kind of "set"

1. What are the harmful effects of exposure to high levels of ultraviolet radiation, expecially for people with light skin pigment?

a. It can damage skin cells, it can destroy the body's supply of folate a nutrient essential for reproduction, and it can cause cancer

1. What was the major criticism of the early 20th centuray "three-race" theory that divided the world's people into the categories of Caucasoid, mongoloid, and Negroid?

a. Many peoples of the world were omitted from the racial groups with no clear way of including them in one group or another

1. Bilateral cross-cousin marriage refers to

a. Marriage of a man to the daughter of his father's sister and his mother's brother

During the 1920's some scholars argued for a division of European races

a. Nordic, alpine, and Mediterranean

1. Melanin (the skin's pigment) acts as a natural sunblock, therby

a. Protection the skin from breakdown of folate

1. The process by which social, exonomic, and politicial forces determine the content and importance of racial categories is refereed to as

a. Racial formation

1. When anthropologists say race is not real, what they mean more accurately is that

a. Racial formation

1. Cross-culturally and historically, marriages based on free choice and romantic love are

a. Relatively unusual and recent

1. Anthropologist researching gender in the 1980's came to the conclusion that evaluation male dominance in any culture

a. Should be examined through the lens of different components of status and socio-economic and identity variables

1. Brazilians rely on an unofficial system of types to indentify differences among people. The tipos are based on

a. Slight but noticeable differences in physical appearance

1. Among people who self identify as white, one aspect of their lives tends to influence their experience of society and the advantages conferred, more than other aspects. This important feature is

a. Socioeconomic status or social class

1. What does McDowell, the chapter author, argue about the stability of states?

a. States tend toward instability, evidenced by the fact that very few states in history have lasted up to 1,000 years

1. Which types of societies throughout time have had the strictest controls over marriage, in order to reproduce the existing social structure?

a. Stratified non-egalitarian societies

1. In the US, the idea of a legitimate or illegitimate child refers to whether

a. The child was a result of a legally recognized relationship that entintled offspring to certain rights, including inheritance

1. A child born into a traditional Croation family will use different terms to refer to their mother's brother and father's brother as a reflection of

a. The different roles that these uncles play in a child's life based on an earlier agricultural lifestyle

1. In the 1930's, anthropologists Ruth Landes argued that Afro-Brazilian religious communities were matriarchal because

a. The leadership was made up of and controlled by women

1. While most of the human population is lactose intolerant, some people can digest milk and dairy products. This lactose persistence in some people is a result of

a. Their ancestors history of dairy farming

1. All of the following are true about matrilineages EXCEPT

a. They are also matriarchal, that is, women have more power than men

1. Several groups of people, including the Chukchi of Eastern Siberia and Inuit of Alaska, Canada and Greenland, have darker skin than other people living at similar latitudes.

a. This is due to the high Vitamin D content of the diets of these groups

1. All of the following are examples of symbolic ethnicity EXCEPT

a. Weekly visits to a buddhist temple

1. All of the following were used as evidence for what the authors call the creation story of universal male dominance in our human ancestors, EXCEPT

a. Women were able to join men on the hunt when necessary

1. One of the differences between the U.S. and Brazilian systems of "racial" classification is that in Brazil,

a. an increase or decrease in social status may change people's perception of an individuals "type" (tipo), while in the U.S. a change in social status does not influence the perception of race

1. The pressure on members of ethnic and immigrant minority groups to abandon their native customs, traditions, languages, and identities quickly and adopt those of mainstream society is


1. The socio-cultural process that creates kinship-based relationships of rights and obligations between members of a family is referred to as


1. A gift given by a bride's family to either the bride or the groom's family at the time of the marriage is referred to as


1. The often unnoticed system of rights and priveleges that accompany normatice sexual choices and family formation is called


1. At the level of the state, the law becomes

increasingly formal

1. The term anthropologists use for a marriage between one man and multiple wives is


1. The process by which an inaccurate concept or idea is so heavily promoted and circulated by people that it becomes an unquestioned "truth" is called


1. A set of behaviors expected of an individual who occupies a particular status is called a


1. A person whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex at birth, such as a person assigned female at birth who identifies as a man, may self-identify in a binary way as


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