Anth Ch 5

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Code-switching results from someone being confused about which language variety to use in a given situation. T or F?


Culture is human behavior that is genetically transmitted. T or F?


Each human being belongs to a specific race. T or F?


If a person speaks a more "proper" form of English (such as SSAE instead of AA(V)E), then their thought process will become more complex and rational. T or F?


The orangutan, Chantek, could sign more than a hundred words. T or F?


The process of how culture is learned and taught is: Select one: a. Enculturation b. Cultural relativism c. Ethnocentrism d. Functionalism e. Externalization


Anthropologists have concluded that the typical Mexican man practices machismo. T or F?


Because they maintain great coercive and hegemonic power, states are generally peaceful and stable. T or F?


Imagined community refers to a fantasy society that an individual dreams about. T or F?


In the US, there is no gender inequality. T or F?


Mati women in Suriname have a fixed sexual identity that can be easily categorized. T or F?


Most ethnic conflicts today reflect an uninterrupted history of ethnic hatred.T or F?


Most people in the US tend to practice class and race exogamy. T or F?


One source of conflict between Croats and Serbs is that Croats are Christians and Serbs are Muslims. T or F?


Polygyny is marriage between one woman and two or more men. T or F?


Research by physical anthropologist Frans de Waal suggests that humans are innately violent and predisposed to conflict and social fissure. T or F?


Sexology is the scientific study of the best ways to have sex. T or F?


The "framing process" of social movements is the way in which the media frames them as sources of social conflict, rather than the issues they are trying to change. T or F?


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis argues that because the human brain is similar regardless of cultures, then all language is similar as well. T or F?


All human societies have some normative system for dealing with people who break the rules. T or F?


Gender is the social, cultural, and psychological constructs that are imposed on the biological differences of sex. T or F?


Research on Nuer kinship indicates that there is both a formal system of patrilineal descent and an everyday practice of tracing kinship bilaterally. T or F?


Samoans are an example of a cultural group who trace kinship through ambilineal descent groups. T or F?


State sovereignty is being challenged by powerful global structures like international financial institutions, NGOs, and corporations. T or F?


The Nyimba of Nepal and Tibet have practiced polyandry. T or F?


The idea that gender is "culturally constructed" means that masculine and feminine have different meanings in different cultures and gender roles are learned through enculturation.T or F?


When a language is lost, so also are many important cultural elements. T or F?


Women in Israel play a key role in defining and maintaining family. T or F?


A "nation" is technically a group of people who believe they have a shared origin, but it is generally used to mean "nation-state" - or a political entity in which the population shares a sense of culture, ancestry, and/or destiny and is governed in terms of political, economic, and military rule by a central structure. T of F?


A state may militarize its police to regulate its own population. T or F?


According to Ferguson and Gupta, the "spatialization of the state" is produced through everyday practices that are interwoven in all aspects of life, such as: getting mail, following traffic laws, taxes, voting, jury duty, etc. T or F?


According to biologist, Anne Fausto-Sterling, and others, the male/female binary of biological sex is related to notions of gender binaries (men/women, masculine/feminine). T or F?


Anticolonialism was connected to the rise of many independent nations throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean. T or F?


Aspects of globalization, such as migration and compression, are impacting kinship systems all over the world. T or F?


Being gay, a racial minority, and disabled presents a unique set of intersectional challenges due to overlapping hierarchies of sexuality, race, and ability. T or F?


Forced dowries are no longer legal in India. T or F?


Gender studies addresses issues such as gender construction in terms of sexuality, health, family, religion, economics, politics, sports, and identity. T or F?


Incest taboos prohibiting marriage and sexual relations between siblings and between parents and children are universal. T or F?


More than any other form of political organization, the state can carry out military action for both defensive and offensive purposes. T or F?


Much of the internal, ethnic conflict in Iraq over the past few decades stems from the WWI Sykes-Picot Agreement in which Britain and France divided up the Ottoman Empire to form many of the countries that make up the "Middle East" today, of which Iraq is one. T or F?


Public education plays a role in promoting nationalism in the United States by teaching the American "origin myth" which includes stories about "the First Thanksgiving" and settling the West. T or F?


Social movements are demonstrations of agency, not hegemony. T or F?


The Triangular Trade traded 3 kinds of commodities between Africa, the Americas, and Europe: human beings from Africa, raw materials from the Americas, and manufactured goods from Europe, and also helped shape the current global economy. T or F?


Gift-giving and potlach are both examples of: Select one: a. social reproduction b. social mobility c. redistribution d. flexible accumulation e. modernization


Of all the systems of stratification and power in a society, which of the following is commonly the most difficult to see clearly and to discuss openly? Select one: a. ethnicity b. gender c. class d. race


In China, what is the term for a village history book that documents local genealogies, among other things? Select one: a. Zhupu b. Fuzhou c. Ethnography d. Dowry e. Chen


One outgrowth of European colonialism was driven in part by the vast inflow of raw materials-sugar, cotton, and more-as well as labor, seen as expendable. As this economy grew, it led to the development of faster, cheaper processing methods, all of which led to Select one: a. the industrial revolution. b. a huge population explosion. c. major advances in scientific discovery. d. widespread social unrest.


The European drive to enter the world economy of the 1500s led to a frenzied effort to procure Select one: a. gold. b. slaves. c. spices. d. silk.


The Triangle Trade that emerged in the early 1500s resulted in an unprecedented level of economic, social, and military activity between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. The European effort to expand their own economic power in the Caribbean quickly proved unsustainable due to a shortage of Select one: a. people. b. ships. c. sugar. d. water.


Prior to the European exploration of the Americas, trade routes between China and Europe were accomplished via Select one: a. long-distance ship routes around the southern coast of Africa. b. long-distance overland routes through Asia and eastern Europe. c. long-distance ship routes around the southern coast of South America. d. long-distance overland routes via Siberia and Northern Europe.


The Harlem Birth Rights Project has helped to do what? Select one: a. prove that we can improve infant health in black communities by better educating the mothers b. show that structural issues like housing conditions, environmental factors, precarious or stressful employment, child care concerns, etc. have a significant impact on African American mothers' and infants' health, across class c. support Oscar Lewis's "culture of poverty" theory d. validate the 1965 Moynihan Report's findings that poverty is due to cultural patterns not structural economics e. help us understand how black women think


The text tells us that in areas with populous market towns where a small number of merchants and landholders managed to accumulate wealth, extreme stratification arose. This is likely because Select one: a. the absence of legal controls allowed a small subset of the population to control the market. b. wealth is often the accumulation of fixed assets, not cash. c. the absence of central banking entities precluded a fair redistribution of wealth. d. wealth is often acquired by those who have great skill with money.


Which religious denomination ordained the first openly gay bishop? Select one: a. the Methodist Church b. the Episcopal Church c. the Lutheran Church d. the Southern Baptist Church e. the Catholic Church


According to the textbook, the ecological footprint of humankind has changed in recent years due to what? Select one: a. the retrogradation of Mercury b. the rise of socialism c. new forms of production, distribution, and consumption d. the presence of strict and universal environmental protection laws that are followed by every nation e. the conclusive debunking of science that suggests global warming is real and a result of human activity


Currently, the world is consuming natural resources at double the rate required to maintain sustainable levels. This is a stark example of the problem of Select one: a. increasing poverty. b. overpopulation. c. the human ecological footprint. d. uncontrolled expansion of capitalism.


Fordism is important to understanding the growth of the US economy because: Select one: a. It made human workers irrelevant b. It was the main factor in the development of flexible accumulation. c. It changed the ways many corporations viewed and treated their laborers by paying a living wage and encouraging its mostly immigrant laborers to consume what they produced. d. It favored cheap, outsourced labor e. It helped justify unsafe working conditions for factory workers


Which event, discussed in Chapter 5 of Shapeshifters, helped to depict the normalization of violence against black girls, and the expectation of their resiliency and spunk, in mainstream discourses like the media? Select one: a. Elizabeth Smart's abduction b. Rhonda's bleach bath c. Erica Pratt's abduction d. the Move Experiment


Which of the following consists of wages earned from work, plus dividends and interest on investments along with rents and royalties? Select one: a. profits b. wealth c. income d. investments


Which scholarly publication examined the ways in which kinship can help people navigate the challenges the poverty? Select one: a. Kathleen Gough's Nuer Kinship b. Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities c. Carol Stack's All Our Kin: Strategies for Survival in a Black Community d. Patrick Moynihan's "The Negro Family: A Case for National Action" e. Susan Kahn's Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel


Keynes advanced the position that capitalism works best when Select one: a. free markets are able to implement the legal structures needed to succeed. b. all citizens are able to decide what the free market can and cannot do. c. government controls the free market completely. d. government reigns in the excesses of capitalism.


When the Kwakiutl of the Pacific Northwest perform a potlatch, there may be times when the excess of gifts are actually destroyed rather than given away. This is done in order to Select one: a. avoid giving excess resources to those who do not need them. b. reinforce the wealth of the chief by demonstrating his willingness to waste resources. c. avoid giving excess resources to others who may be future enemies. d. reinforce the prestige of the chief by demonstrating his capacity.


When the social rank of each member of the society is determined by who the parents were, we can probably say that such a society is Select one: a. authoritarian. b. reciprocal. c. egalitarian. d. ranked.


Why might we NOT consider the United States a form of ranked society? Select one: a. The leadership is inherited and prestige is hereditary. b. The leadership is not inherited, and neither wealth nor prestige is hereditary. c. The leadership is inherited and wealth is hereditary. d. The leadership is not inherited and prestige is hereditary.


Which economic theory suggests that the underdevelopment of certain countries is the result of how they have been exploited by the global market and asserts that colonial relations of power are maintained after colonialism? Select one: a. modernization theory b. neoliberal theory c. Keynesian economic theory d. free market theory e. dependency theory


Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to be attributed to one's habitus? Select one: a. Looking down on someone with a public university education b. Believing that heterosexual marriage and a two-parent family are ideal c. Feeling very proud of one's designer clothes d. Only wearing modest clothes e. Wishing bad luck for an ex who cheated on you


All human beings are sexually attracted to other people. T or F?


Anthropologists believe that there is no such thing as a cultural universal. True or False?


All cultures are made up of learned behaviors. T or F?


Culture and power are always related in some way, even if indirectly. T or F?


Globalization has changed the ways that anthropologists work and write. T or F?


Laughter is an example of paralanguage that conveys important information. T or F?


A critical insight of medical anthropology is that: Select one: a. Disease and medicine never exist independently from culture. b. Diseases are universal, biological entities and have little relation to culture. c. There is a single, universal medical model that is applicable to all cultures. d. Although diseases may have different names and different treatments in different cultures, the same diseases are present in all cultures. e. Traditional cultures have a greater number of diseases that modern medicine considers "psychological" than does modern culture.


According to the anthropologist Lila Abu-Lughod, the popularity of globally mediated television shows in rural Egypt are good examples of what kind of cultural process? Select one: a. A process of cosmopolitanism in which material from somewhere else is localized to have meaning relevant to one's culture and environment b. A process of migration c. A process of cultural imperialism in which urban Western/Northern culture dominates traditional Eastern/Southern cultures d. A process of cosmopolitanism in which poor people mimic wealthy people


Applying one's own cultural standards of value, worth, and morality to another culture is called: Select one: a. Ethnocentrism. b. Participant observation. c. Cultural relativism. d. Ethnography. e. Postmodernism. Feedback


Arranged marriages are prominent in each of the following areas EXCEPT: Select one: a. Central America b. the Middle East c. Africa d. Asia e. the Pacific


Believing that men are naturally less emotional than women is an example of which of the following? Select one: a. Gender ideology b. Gender performance c. Feminism d. Gender stratification e. Sexual violence


C.J. Pascoe's ethnography of gender construction among American high school students in California found that which group was most likely to use "fag discourse" to perform masculinity? Select one: a. white male students b. Latino male students c. Asian American male students d. Native American male students e. black male students


Each of the following contributed to ethnic and racial diversity in the early United States EXCEPT: Select one: a. Federal policies that encouraged miscegenation b. The conquest of Native American people and land c. The conquest of Mexican people and land d. Mass immigration from various regions in Europe e. The importation of enslaved Africans


Ethnocentrism is the tendency for: Select one: a. Every society to view itself as superior to others. b. Every society to want to exploit the wealth of other societies. c. Every individual to consider him/herself the equal of others. d. Every individual to want to see another's point of view. e. Every society to value the group above the individual.


How has anthropological fieldwork in non-Western areas most changed since the mid-1900s? Select one: a. Today, anthropologists work among people who are very likely to read their works and comment on them. b. Today, anthropologists work primarily in colonial areas, where the native population benefits from scientific study. c. Today, anthropologists no longer seek permission to do fieldwork in isolated geographical areas. d. Today, anthropologists serve in local governments and can return favors to populations who participate in their research. e. Today, anthropologists no longer do long-term fieldwork as they did years ago.


In contemporary anthropology and the other social sciences, the concept of race: Select one: a. Has been found to be inadequate for scientifically meaningful classification of humans. b. Has great scientific utility but no political implication. c. Is agreed on by both biological and cultural anthropologists to be very useful in analyzing human behavior. d. Is outmoded as there are no patterned biological differences in the human species. e. Has been defined consistently throughout history and across cultures.


One of the most critical goals of cultural anthropology as an academic discipline is to: Select one: a. Learn about and describe various cultures. b. Increase the level of culture in particular human societies. c. Place large numbers of cultural anthropologists in political offices. d. Determine the direction of human evolution. e. Preserve world heritage for future generations.


The grassroots women's movement CO-MADRES, formed by Salvadoran women, primarily addresses which social issues: Select one: a. gender-based violence like rape b. environmental concerns c. child labor d. media representations of women e. technology


Traits such as skin color, hair color and texture, and nose shape are the basis of: Select one: a. Phenotype b. Generic racial category c. Intelligence d. Temperment e. Sexual prowess


Which model of marriage is most common in the contemporary world? Select one: a. Monogamy b. Polygyny c. Attirogyny d. Kinologyny e. Polyandry


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the Bafokeng of South Africa?: Select one: a. They have been unable to navigate the structures of modern banking introduced by their colonizers b. They suffer from extreme poverty despite having a great deal of corporate success c. Through shrewd and aggressive investing, they transformed their collective wealth into a substantial ethno-corporation. d. Colonial settlers from Europe seized their land in the mid 19th century e. They are an ethnic group of the Tswana nation that migrated to what is now South Africa in the 12th century


Which of the following is NOT one of the four primary systems to classify relatives in your parents' generation? Select one: a. endogamous b. lineal c. bifurcate bifurcate merging d. bifurcate collateral e. generational


Which set of statistics accurately reflects how many women made up the computing workforce in 2014? Select one: a. All women: 26%; Asian American women: 5%; African American women: 3%; Hispanic women: 1% b. All women: 26%; Asian American women: 15%; African American women: 5%; Hispanic women: 10% c. All women: 46%; Asian American women: 15%; African American women: 5%; Hispanic women: 10% d. All women: 26%; Asian American women: 12%; African American women: 1%; Hispanic women: 1% e. All women: 46%; Asian American women: 15%; African American women: 11%; Hispanic women: 8%


Which theorist put forth the idea of biopower (or biopolitics) to talk about cultural conventions and laws designed to discipline the body? Select one: a. Michel Foucault b. Anne Fausto-Sterling c. Jared Diamond d. Margaret Mead e. Michelle Rosaldo


In what way is one's "family of orientation" more influential than one's "family of procreation"? Select one: a. The family of orientation is always a nuclear family b. The family of orientation is the structure through which most people learn about the social world, about relationships, and where they develop life skills. c. The family of orientation provides most people's primary sexual relationships. d. The family of orientation consists of more people. e. The family of orientation is chosen.


Linguists view African American Vernacular English (AAVE) as: Select one: a. More complicated but less abstract than SSAE. b. Neither superior nor inferior to SSAE. c. Simpler than SSAE but more abstract. d. Linguists do not recognize the existence of AAVE. e. Inferior to Standard Spoken American English (SSAE).


The "melting pot" refers to which approach to social heterogeneity?: Select one: a. genocide b. assimilation c. nativism d. multiculturalism e. pluralism


The hijra subculture: Select one: a. Has disappeared from Indian society. b. Historically, has had a ritual role in Indian society. c. Has no connection to the rest of Indian society. d. Was introduced by the British into Indian society. e. Is reviled by all of Indian society.


The idea that gender is "constructed" means that: Select one: a. Masculine and feminine are essentially the same in all cultures, and any differences across cultures are relatively superficial. b. Gender is different from sex in that it is established by social norms and values (i.e., culture) rather than biology. c. Most cultures have few expectations about behavior as it relates to gender. d. In a free society, like the United States, we can take on any gender characteristics we like without social or legal consequence. e. Gender traits are best analyzed with reference to material items, especially the built environment.


When ethnocentrism becomes very marked and begins to target a specific ethnic group, it can lead to: Select one: a. Bureaucratization. b. Racism. c. Cultural relativism. d. Moral superiority.


Within the discipline of anthropology, globalization has: Select one: a. Decreased the need for anthropologists. b. Tended to increase the political involvement of some anthropologists. c. Enabled anthropologists to use technology to do fieldwork without leaving their offices. d. Allowed anthropologists to become members of native cultures to a greater extent than before. e. Made it easier for anthologists to publish their findings.


"Mental maps of reality" and "worldview" refer to: Select one: a. Culturally adapted maps b. Anthropological methodologies c. Cultural classifications of what exists in the world and the meanings assigned to them d. Zones of freedom e. Theories of psychological illness


A language variety associated with wealth, success, education, and power is called: Select one: a. slang b. idiolect c. prestige language d. language continuum e. vernacular


In Langkawi culture, kinship is acquired in each of the following ways EXCEPT: Select one: a. fostering b. co-feeding c. ritual dance d. co-habitating e. exchanging bodily substances


The following describe the ways most anthropologists today define culture, EXCEPT: Select one: a. A set of norms, values, and symbols that shape social interaction among a group of people b. The way that humans lend meaning to the world. c. Elite art forms such as art museums, the opera, or ballet. d. A system of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, artifacts and institutions e. A mental template for organizing and understanding the world.


To say that anthropology is holistic means that anthropologists are particularly interested in: Select one: a. Objects and acts regarded as holy by various peoples. b. The whole personality of any particular individual. c. The integration of biological, sociocultural, and environmental factors in explaining human behavior. d. Studying every culture in the world. e. The efforts to find holes in particular theories.


What is ethnography? Select one: a. It is the reconstruction of past cultures based on material remains. b. It is the scientific study of the concept of culture and adaptation. c. It is the process of doing qualitative, fieldwork-based research. d. It is the protection and exhibition of cultural resources. e. It is the process of seeking laws and general principles that govern cultural phenomena.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Chapter 1 of Shapeshifters? Select one: a. It introduces the ethnography as an exploration into the "politics of care" among poor young black women who have been positioned at the bottom of several intersecting hierarchies (race, gender, and class). b. It introduces the reader to city where Fresh Start is located and "maps" the city through the lives of women, namely the women from the Brown family. c. It presents a detailed history of the city of Detroit, the location of Fresh Start. d. It tells the background story of Janice, one of the young women who lives at the Fresh Start shelter. e. It suggests that the 1965 Moynihan Report is connected to contemporary, inaccurate, and pathologizing views of black families and black women.


Which of the following is a primary concern of contemporary anthropological approaches to gender (from the last couple decades)? Select one: a. Explanations for universal male dominance b. The ways in which men in many cultures feel threatened by female empowerment c. Structural processes that construct gender stratification, stereotypes, and ideologies d. Questions about why there are so few women in anthropology e. Ways to increase women's power in contemporary society


Which of the following is a true difference between interpersonal racism and institutional (or structural) racism? Select one: a. Institutional racism can impact someone's physical safety and interpersonal racism can not. b. Institutional racism is connected to a racial ideology that considers one group inferior and interpersonal racism is not. c. Institutional racism is always intentional because it is a system that maintains racialized inequity and interpersonal racism is not always intentional or conscious. Correct d. Interpersonal racism causes psychological trauma and institutional racism does not e. There is nothing that we can do about institutional racism but individual racism can be improved with education and interaction.


Which statement about language and gender is true? Select one: a. Men are not more likely to use dominant speech acts than women. b. Women tend to take up more time talking in mixed-gender groupings in classes, seminars, etc. c. People are enculturated, or socialized, into different language practices based on their assigned gender category d. Female and male brains are wired differently in terms of linguistic capacity e. Speech practices not related to gender.


Among the Nuer, land, cattle, and fisheries were distributed by sacred ritual leaders. T or F?


A clan is: Select one: a. A descent group that carefully traces genealogical connection b. A group of people who join together to defend a piece of land c. A network of people from different backgrounds who come together under a single shared identity d. A group that believes that it shares a common ancestor but does not have genealogical documentation of their relations e. Any kinship group traced by consanguineous relations


All of the following are aspects of hegemony, EXCEPT: Select one: a. It is maintained through institutional discourses like public school curriculum b. It helps define deviance in a society c. It is maintained via ideas about is normal and natural d. It is maintained through coercion e. It is maintained via consent by the populace


All of the following are ways that globalization has affected anthropology, EXCEPT: Select one: a. Anthropologists have become increasingly more politically engaged with indigenous peoples. b. Anthropologists have become more active in social action to defend minority populations. c. Anthropologists today are more focused on studying relationships and exchanges between populations. d. Studies today are less holistic and tend to focus on the particular and specific characteristics of the societies in which the anthropologist is researching. e. Anthropologists frequently collaborate with those they study in order to better represent the culture and its changes.


An intersexual is someone who: Select one: a. has no sexual attractions to anyone b. is in the process of transitioning from one gender to another c. is sexually attracted to different sexes d. was born with both male and female genitalia, gonads, and/or chromosomes e. has multiple sexual partners at one time


Boas insisted that anthropologists must value a culture on its own terms. This idea is called: Select one: a. Logical positivism. b. Postmodernism. c. Phenomenology. d. Cultural relativism. e. Dualism.


Bridewealth is: Select one: a. a ritual is which a woman is given to her husband's family b. A price paid to whoever officiates the wedding ritual c. A gift given by the bride's family to the husband's family d. A gift of money, livestock, or other goods given by the groom's family to the bride's family e. A way of describing a bride's total financial assets Feedback


Ethnographic research entails the following methods, EXCEPT: Select one: a. Being in the same location as the people one is studying for an extended period of time b. Talking with the people one is studying, ideally in their primary language c. Conducting participant-observation d. Determining which cultural practices are admirable and which need to be changed among the community being studied e. Taking extensive field notes Feedback


Which of the following can be described in the following way: a hybrid, rule-governed variety composed of syntactical and lexical features from various dialects of English and various West African languages? Select one: a. Haitian Creole b. Urban slang c. Pittsburghese d. African American English/ Black English/ Ebonics e. Irish English I


According to scholars like Benedict Anderson and Jane Carsten, nationalism and kinship are related in each of the following ways EXCEPT? Select one: a. Nationalism draws on many ideas of kinship and family to unite very different kinds of people. b. Birth, biology, and marriage are ways of attaining citizenship, similar to the ways many kinds of kinship is formed. c. Members of a nations sometimes see themselves as part of an extended family that share an ancestry. d. Metaphors like motherland and fatherland are used by many people. e. You can never choose your family just as you can never choose which nation of which you are a member.


All of the following are associated with Franz Boas, EXCEPT: Select one: a. He trained a generation of U.S. anthropologists. b. He was a critic of evolutionism. c. He was the first professor of anthropology at Columbia University. d. He was a champion of human rights. e. He did his fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands.


Cultural relativism requires that: Select one: a. All cultures be seen as equally good. b. All cultures be seen as equally self-serving. c. All cultures be measured against our own. d. An individual must give up his/her culture in order to understand another culture. e. Values and customs be understood in terms of the culture of which they are a part.


How is Malinowski's approach to the study of cultures different from Boas'? Select one: a. Boas focused on the study of witchcraft, and Malinowski focused on craniometry. b. Their approaches are similar, except that Franz Boas did not actually carry out ethnographic fieldwork. c. Malinowski was an cultural evolutionist and Boas was a critic of evolutionism. d. Boas focused on the study of child-rearing, while Malinowski focused on the study of history and body measurements. e. Malinowski emphasized the notion of function in society, while Boas focused on the study of history and adaptation of culture.


Which of the following is an example of a theory that is central to US gender ideologies and that some anthropologists question in terms of accuracy? Select one: a. The Chicken or the Egg b. Men are like dogs, and women are like cats c. Man against nature d. Men are from Mars women are from Venus e. Man the Hunter, Woman the Gatherer


Which scholar's research suggested that, across many cultures, women were relegated to the private, or domestic, sphere while men dominated the public sphere (business, politics, etc.)? Select one: a. Matthew Gutmann b. Sherri Ortner c. Margaret Mead d. Emily Martin e. Michelle Rosaldo


All biologists agree that there are only two categories of biological sex for humans. T or F?


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