Why Do People Use Drugs??
It i normal to continue a pleasurable stimulus
"Addiction to pleasure" Thoery
Addiction is caused by brain Dysfunction and odd biochemical patterns (emphasize CNS) -Drugs interfere with different people mire/ less intensely
Biological Theories
Model that states: -Experimentation -Escalation- increase use -Maintenance- belief drug use is good for them -Dysfunction- problems emerge -Recovery -Ex-Addict- successful quitting
Career Pattern of Addiction
Personality disorder (needs, motives, and attitudes)
Character/ Personality Predisposition Model
Close association of significant reinforcing stimulus with another stimulus
If people are left without attachments, they will deviate from norms
Control Theories
Belief addiction is chronic and progressive (the user has no control over abuse)
Disease Model
Overlap between mental illness and drug addiction
Drug Abuse/ Psychiatric Disorders
Inherited traits predispose people to use
Genetic Explinations
Repeating certain patterns of behavior until they become habitual
Values and attitudes that lead to using drug habitually and addictively
High Risk Drug Choices
Drug use in relation to positive reinforcers
Learning Theories
Values and attitudes that lead to controlling drug use/ self-monitoring
Low-Risk Drug Choices
Poor morals and lifestyle choices
Moral Model
Drugs enhance pleasure centers (ex. inability to cope, boredom etc.)
Positive Reinforcers
Drug use is caused by rapid and disruptive social change in society
Social Disorganization and Social Strain Theories
Focus on microscopic explanations that concentrate on the roles played by significant others and their impact on the user
Social Influence Theories
Focus on how the organization of society is responsible for drug use
Structural Influence Theories
Focus on macroscopic explanations of drug use and that society has an impact on them
Structural Influence Thoeries
How many Principle Biological Theories are there??
How many major models of addiction are there??