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Biological anthropology includes the study of which of the following topics?

-non-human primates -fossil record of human evolution -human variation -mechanisms of evolution

Geologists today now generally accept that:

-uniformitarianism was correct and that there have not been any major catastrophic geological events -catastrophism is the best explanation of the earth's history

If two parents are homozygous for a genetically inherited recessive trait, what is the probability that they will have a child who does not have this trait in his or her phenotype?


About how many species have been given scientific names so far?

1 3/4 million

What do anthropologists mean when they refer to the concept of "integration" in regards to cultures?

All aspects of a culture are interrelated

The system of biological classification used today was created by:

Carolus Linnaeus

The theory of evolution by natural selection was independently developed by:

Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace

Which of the following people believed that evolution has occurred?

Erasmus Darwin

Which of the following statements is true regarding biological evolution?

Evolution is genetic change in a population from generation to generation.

Which of the following statements is true?

Genes are segments of DNA molecules

The leading opponent of Lamarck's claim that evolution has occurred was:

George Cuvier

_________________ was a leading advocate of the theory of catastrophism.

George Cuvier

The "Great Chain of Being" theory holds that:

God created an infinite number of life forms, each one grading into the next, from simplest to most complex

Which of the following was true of the 18th century Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus?

He classified organisms on the basis of similarities and differences in physical appearance.

Which of the following statements is true of Charles Lyell?

He published evidence in support of the theory of uniformitarianism.

Which of the following statements is true about Mendel?

His ideas about genetics apply equally to plants and animals.

Which of the following statements is true?

Humans have altered the environments of some species in order to control the direction of their evolution.

Which of the following scientists suggested a cause of evolution?


Which of the following ideas was developed by Thomas Malthus?

Living things often produce far more offspring than are needed to maintain their numbers.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the acceptance of evolution?

Most scientists and the major religions in the Western World have accepted that biological evolution has occurred

In the diagram below, what accounts for the green pea seed in the f2 generation?

On average, 1 out of 4 offspring of heterozygous parents will be homozygous recessive.

Inherent in the holistic approach to learning about humans is the realization that

People cannot be understood by studying either their biological makeup or their cultural background alone. It is necessary to take into consideration both genetically inherited and learned traits in trying to explain how we have become the people we are.

The example of the peppered moths living near English industrial cities demonstrates that:

a change in an environment can result in the evolution of species living there

Gregor Mendel was:

a little known Central European monk

In science, a hypothesis that has been confirmed through numerous tests is known as:

a theory

Punnett squares are used by geneticists to determine the probability of different offspring genotypes. In the one shown below, what letter(s) belong in the lower right box?


Phenotype refers to the ______________________ of an individual.

actual physical appearance

The evolution of one species into two or more species as a result of different populations becoming reproductively isolated from each other is:

adaptive radiation

Most 17th and 18th century European biologists believed that:

all plant and animal species were created in their present form and have remained unchanged

_______________ are similar anatomical features in different species that do not have a known common ancestor.


Which field of anthropology is primarily interested in the prehistory and early history of societies and their cultures?


Incompletely penetrant genes are ones that:

are only expressed in the phenotype if certain factors in the environment are present

For Carolus Linnaeus, living things:

are today as they were when they were created by God

Assuming that both parent plants in the diagram below are homozygous, why would all of the f1 generation have yellow phenotypes?

because yellow is dominant over green

Which field of anthropology is primarily concerned with the non-cultural aspects of humans and near-humans?

biological anthropology

In the 17th century, James Ussher calculated the age of the earth:

by counting the generations in the Bible and then adding them on to modern history

Which of the following is not one of the 4 main fields of anthropology?


Some people have AB blood types for the ABO blood system. They have all of the characteristics of both type A and type B blood--they are not a blend of them. The inheritance pattern responsible for this is referred to as:


Polygenic traits are ones that are:

controlled by more than just a single pair of alleles

In which of the following is the common ancestor the most distant in the past?

convergent evolution

Which field of anthropology would most likely be interested in the marriage patterns and kinship systems of different societies around the world?

cultural anthropology

Charles Darwin's ideas concerning the causes of evolution were probably formulated in his mind:

during his voyage on H.M.S. Beagle, especially after he reached the Galápagos Islands

Convincing scientific evidence now indicates that:

evolution is occurring now

Which of the following best describe how anthropologists primarily learn new information about humans?

field work

Nonhomologous structures can result:

from either convergent or parallel evolution

Angelman syndrome is a rare form of mental retardation that can be more or less severe depending on the gender of the parent from whom it is inherited. This unusual kind of inheritance pattern is known as:

genome imprinting

Which of the Linnaean classification categories listed below is the highest level?


Punnett squares can be used to predict the probability of:

having an inherited disease or a genetically determined physical trait

The Linnaean system groups organisms together into the same or similar classification categories based on presumed:


When two species both have similar anatomical structures that were inherited from the same ancestor that also had them, the similarities are referred to as being:


Nonhomologous structures are:


The idea that different pairs of alleles are passed to offspring independently is Mendel's principle of:

independent assortment

Mendel believed that the characteristics of pea plants are determined by the:

inheritance of units or factors from both parents

A regulator gene can:

initiate or block the expression of another gene

If there is a single pair of alleles that determine the number of toes for an animal species and homozygous dominant individuals have 8 toes, heterozygous ones have 7, and homozygous recessive ones have 6, the inheritance pattern would be referred to as:

intermediate expression

The most likely explanation for the fact that the Hawaiian Islands did not have any land mammals until humans arrived is that:

life on these islands has evolved largely independently of the rest of the world

Most species:

live in tropical regions

Charles Darwin was best known in the 19th century for:

making the idea of evolution acceptable for scientists and the educated general public

Rapid rates of evolution would be most expected among species that:

mature in a few days or weeks and then reproduce

If there were a gene for intelligence and the effect of that gene was altered by the inheritance of another gene, the latter gene would be referred to as a:

modifying gene

When there are three or more alleles of a specific gene, it is referred to as a:

multiple-allele series

The great diversity of life was largely caused by:

natural selection and adaptive radiation

Darwin and Wallace's theory of evolution by natural selection failed to explain how:

new genetic varieties can appear in a population every generation

Which of the following statements about Darwin is true?

none of the above (a)He failed to convince the majority of biologists and other educated people in the late 19th century that life evolves. b) He thought that the biggest and strongest animals are always at an advantage in natural selection. c) His book On the Origin of Species did not sell well and the biologists in his time did not take much notice of it.)

Which of the following is true of the scientific method of inquiry?

none of the above (a)The first step is the formulation of hypotheses or predictions. b) It is used primarily in trying to understand the supernatural world. c) If after repeated testing, a hypothesis still holds up as a valid explanation for a group of facts, it becomes accepted as an unchallengeable theory.)

Which of the following statements is true about Charles Darwin?

none of the above (a)He believed that evolution was due to the inheritance of acquired characteristics. b) He supported Lamarck's explanation of how evolution occurred. c) He understood that the variation that exists in natural populations of plants or animals is the result of repeated mutations.)

It is more accurate to define new species by:

observing breeding patterns of living organisms

An allele is:

one of several possible forms of a gene

Which of the following is the highest level of classification?


The fact that monozygotic twins do not have identical phenotypes despite the fact that they may look alike is an indication that:

phenotypes are a result of both the genotype and environmental influences

If medical researchers discovered that there is a single human gene responsible for all of the various forms of physical deterioration commonly associated with diabetes, it would be referred to as:


Which field of archaeology would most likely be interested in ancient pre-literate societies around the world including those of most early North American Indians?

prehistoric archaeology

Boucher de Perthes is known for discovering something in northern France during the 1830's. What was it?

prehistoric stone tools

Most ancient species:

probably became extinct without leaving fossils

Charles Darwin concluded that the 13 species of finches on the Galápagos Islands:

probably evolved from one ancestral South American species

The idea that for any particular trait, the pair of alleles of each parent separate and only one allele from each parent passes to an offspring is Mendel's principle of:


What would a gene be called if it is inherited by both genders but expressed differently in the phenotype of men and women?


If the genes for a trait are inherited by both men and women but only show up in the phenotype of women, they are referred to as _____________ genes.


The fossil record shows that:

some species are evolutionary transitions between major groups of organisms

Which of the following is an exception to Mendel's idea that genes are passed on unchanged from generation to generation?

stuttering alleles

"Naming, describing, and classifying organisms into different categories based on their characteristics" is a definition of:


Biologists have discovered that:

the basic simple language of the DNA code is the same for all organisms

When the genotype consists of a dominant and a recessive allele, the phenotype will be like _________________ allele.

the dominant

The theory of uniformitarianism holds that:

the earth is very old and has been subject to slow, progressive geological changes

Paleoanthropologists are mostly interested in learning about:

the fossil record of human evolution

In the Linnaean classification system, the word "genera" refers to:

the plural of genus

Through careful observation, Charles Darwin came to understand that:

those individuals whose variation gives them an advantage in staying alive long enough to reproduce are more likely to pass their traits on to the next generation

Humans mostly classify animals with their sense of:


Which of the following is a characteristic of anthropology?

-It is concerned with both human biology and culture. - It is concerned with human variation, evolution, and adaptation

Which of the following kinds of work would applied anthropology include?

-cultural resource management -medical anthropology -ethnobotany

Culture is:

-entirely learned during our lifetimes. -the full range of learned behavior patterns and knowledge acquired by people as members of a society. -what made it possible for humans to transform themselves from relatively insignificant plant and dead animal scavengers in Africa to a truly global species capable of controlling the fate of all other species.

Charles Darwin believed that:

-evolution occurs -natural selection is the cause of evolution

The scientific method of inquiry involves which of the following steps?

-formulation of questions based on preliminary observations -formulation of hypotheses or predictions that can be tested -testing of hypotheses through systematic observation and/or experimentation

Newly discovered species are given ___________________ designations.

-genus and species -binomen -Latin name

When did the Western biological sciences begin to think of taxonomy as a reflection of evolutionary distances?


If two people who are both carriers for a genetically inherited fatal recessive disease decide to become parents, what will be the odds that their children will also be carriers?

2 out of 4

If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetically inherited recessive disease and they decide to become parents, what is the probability that they will have a healthy child?

4 out of 4

Two centuries ago, most European and American scientists believed that the earth is approximately _______________ years old


If two parents are heterozygous for a genetically inherited dominant trait, what is the probability that they will have a child together who has this trait in his or her phenotype?


Which of the following is true about anthropology?

Anthropology as an academic discipline is comparatively young. Its roots go back to the intellectual Enlightenment of the 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe and North America.

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