AP EURO - chapter 29

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Council of Europe

--European states were required by the US to cooperate w/ each other in order to receive Marshall Plan aid -^^^ also led to creation of the OEEC 1948 -both OEEC & Council of Europe promoted commerce & international cooperation -federalists hoped Council would become a European parliament - didn't happen b/c Britain opposed giving the council political power/soverignty

Teheran conference

-1943 - Big Three meet (still Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill) -divided Europe in concept with spheres of influence -Stalin & communism would heavily influence east Europe -Britain & US would influence west

Attlee & English socialism

-1945 Churchill out & the People's Budget back

iron curtain

-1946 speech by former PM Winston Churchill - said that an "iron curtain" divided Europe into two antagonistic camps -division of western & eastern Europe - west was dominated by classical liberalism, east was dominated by communism -b/c of Stalin at Potsdam -still today -Oct 1945 Truman declared that US wouldn't recognize any gov't established by force against the free will of its people & cut off all aid to Soviet Union

Marshall Plan

-1947 American plan for providing economic aid to western Europe to help it rebuild -US would spend billions of dollars rebuilding Japan & western Germany -US realized that they needed to rebuild them & stabilize them in order to stop them from becoming communist -another example of containment -one of the most successful foreign aid programs in history -initially offered to East Bloc countries also but Stalin rejected it b/c he feared Western interference in the Soviet sphere

Korean War

-1950-53 -Korea was divided at the end of WWII - USSR took north, US took south -USSR attacked south & US and allies defended -South Korea saved = successful example of containment

patterns of postwar migration

-1950s & 60s - influx of migrants into European lands -internal migration from rural areas to cities for jobs (self-motivated in the west, forced in the east) -brain drain - 3.5 million East Germans crossed to West Berlin before the Berlin Wall -Europeans moved across national borders for work - general pattern was migration from south to north -guest worker programs implemented by West Germany & other prosperous countries -postcolonial migration -new migration patterns results: -immigrant labor fueled economic recovery -growing ethnic diversity changed the face of Europe -new residents not always welcome - adaptation to European lifestyles was difficult, language barriers & separate communities for migrants -migrants faced employment & housing discrimination -targeted by anti-immigration laws of xenophobic politicians

European Coal & Steel Community

-1951 -1950 Jean Monnet (French statesman) & Robert Schuman (French foreign minister) -called for a special international organization to control all European steel & coal production -CD gov'ts in West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg accepted the idea -founded European Coal & Steel Community 1951 -quickly reached economic goal - single continental steel & coal market w/ no tariffs -same 6 nations as those who created the Common Market

Brezhnev Doctrine

-1968 -said that USSR would control eastern Europe (Soviet Bloc)

reason for rapid economic progress into the 1960s

-American aid (Marshall Plan) -Keynesian effects - deficit spending - gov'ts stimulated economy & spent more money than they had w/ US money -economic growth was basic objective for all western European gov'ts in order to avoid stagnations of 1930s

George Kennan

-American diplomat -was in Moscow during WWII -said communism needed to be contained -idea of containment 1947

Yalta conference

-Big Three met Feb 1945 -plans for Europe -Germany would be divided post WWII -Stalin promised that Eastern Europe countries would be free -USSR agreed to declare war on Japan 90 days post VE day -agreed division of Germany: west Germany would be classical liberal under the supervision of the US, east would be communist under the supervision of the USSR


-Communist Information Bureau -international organization dedicated to maintaining Russian control over Communist parties abroad


-Council for Mutual Economic Assistance -an economic organization of communist states meant to help rebuild eastern Europe with the help of the Soviets -created 1949 -"drunks holding up drunks" (b/c all of their economies were bad" -Stalin & USSR's control of the economies in easter European countries that they were controlling -communist version of Common Market for domination purposes -Stalin rejected being included in the Marshall Plan & created COMECON in response

Fidel Castro

-Cuban communist -1959 overthrew Cuban gov't -violation of containment - Russians would try to take advantage of Cuba's closeness to the US

German Democratic Republic (DDR)

-East German state -established 1949 -DDR was most loyal Bloc state

Organization of European Economic Cooperation (OEEC)

-European states were required by the US to cooperate w/ each other in order to receive Marshall Plan aid -^^^ also led to creation of the Council of Europe 1948 -both OEEC & Council of Europe promoted commerce & international cooperation


-Indian British-educated lawyer -built mass movement in India preaching non-violent noncooperation with Britain -gained a new, liberal constitution from Britain in 1935 -after war, Labour Party in Britain gave sovereignty to India -conflict between India's Hindu & Muslim populations created lasting conflict -Gandhi was assassinated Jan 1948 by a radical Hindu nationalist who opposed partition of India

Potsdam conference

-July 1945 -Cold War began here -Stalin, Truman Attlee -Truman demanded immediate free elections in eastern Europe -Stalin announced that USSR was going to control eastern Europe (against Yalta promises) -"a freely elected government in any of these East European countries would be anti-Soviet and that we cannot allow" - Stalin -^^^ start of Cold War - pitted communism against classical liberalism -Stalin wanted to establish a defensive buffer zone of sympathetic states around USSR & wanted to expand communism & the Soviet state - believed that only communists could be truly dependable allies

Chinese civil war

-Mao Tse Tung -1949 communists won civil war --> became the People's Republic of China (PRC) -failed example of containment


-North Atlantic Treaty Organization -12 countries -defensive military alliance of Western gov'ts against communism -collective security - if one was attacked then everyone else helped -headquarters in Brussels, Belgium -another successful example of containment -1955 West Germany joined NATO & was allowed to rebuild its military to defend against possible Soviet attack

Cold War arms race

-Soviet Union got atomic bomb 1949 -became US rival -started arms race -lasted 1949-1987 -Soviets graduated to advanced nuclear weapons in 1957


-Soviet satellite launched 1957 -started space race w/ the US

Warsaw Pact

-Soviet-backed military alliance of eastern European nations -communist version of NATO - military alliance against NATO -now Europe was militarily & politically divided into 2 hostile blocs -didn't include Yugoslavia -Yugoslavia = communist gov't under Josip Tito (Tito became leader after WWII) - was never dominated by USSR, Yugoslavia was independent & chose to be communist


-Stalin died 1953 = power struggle began, Politburo power struggle within CPSU -Nikita Khrushchev became General Secretary of CPSU 1955-64 -Khrushchev's de-Stalinization speech at 1956 Party Congress - called Stalin evil, a murderer, accused him of killing Sergei Kirov - people were shocked -de-Stalinization = the liberalization of the post-Stalin Soviet Union led by reformer Nikita Khrushchev -era of reform 1955-64 -a little more freedom & choice -tried to raise standard of living & consumerism -Stalinist controls over workers relaxed -Khrushchev's de-Stalinized foreign policy - "peacefully coexistence" w/ the West through 1960 - said there was enough room for both, brought hope of cooperation -de-Stalinization stimulated rebelliousness - Poland, Hungary

Berlin Airlift

-US came up with it -Western allies coordinated 24/7 flights of provisions over roadblocks to supply West Berlin -for 9 months -proved successful & Soviets backed down after 342 days -another example of containment - US couldn't allow West Berlin to be absorbed by communism

Cuban missile crisis

-US was trying to assassinate Fidel Castro (communist leader of Cuba) -Russians (on Khrushchev's orders) put nuclear missiles in Cuba & aimed them at the US -President Kennedy countered w/ a naval blockade of Cuba -US & USSR were on the brink of nuclear war but USSR eventually backed down -caused Khrushchev's influence to decline

Nikita Khrushchev

-Ukrainian, joined Politburo in USSR after WWII -became General Secretary of the CPSU 1955-64 after power struggle post-Stalin's death 1953 -Khrushchev's de-Stalinization speech at 1956 Party Congress - called Stalin evil, a murderer, accused him of killing Sergei Kirov - people were shocked -said Stalin "supported the glorification of his own person" & accused him of torturing & murdering thousands of loyal communists -de-Stalinization

Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland

-WWII -fostered Russian nationalism & relaxation of dictatorial terror -1945 Soviet people hoped that a grateful party & gov't would grant greater freedom & democracy - disappointed

Federal Republic of Germany

-West Germany became FRG in 1949 & gained independence -created classical liberal democracy w/ US help -Christian Democratic Party (CDP) won elections - socialist, more capitalistic -Konrad Adenauer - CDP chancellor to 1963 -Ludwig Erhard - CDP minister of economy -Adenauer & Erhard restored Germany

Common Market

-aka European Economic Community (EEC) -created by 6 western European nations in 1957 (France, Italy, West Germany, Netherlands, Belgium Luxembourg) when they signed the Treaty of Rome -part of a larger search for European unity -countries would work together & would have free trade w/ no tariffs & would integrate their economies -guaranteed peace b/c countries that are dependent on each other won't fight each other -created solid base for economic growth - encouraged trade, promoted global exports, helped build shared resources for modernization of national industries -England wasn't a part of it b/c they didn't like it

Eastern Bloc

-aka Soviet Bloc -Stalin said that USSR would control Eastern Europe -Red Army established satellite states - had puppet gov'ts -Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, East Germany -national Communist Parties established one-party dictatorships - these parties were subservient to Moscow -dissenters were arrested, imprisoned, executed

England: why did conservatives lose elections in England after they'd won the war?

-b/c liberals would bring socialism -Attlee (liberal) replaced Churchill (conservative) as PM

youth culture

-baby boomers created distinctive & international youth culture -youth styles: British Teddy Boys, West German Halbstarken (half-strongs), French blouson noire (black jackets) = rebellious clothing, cynical attitudes -American jazz & rock spread in western Europe -youths played key role in consumer revolution - "teenagers" had money to spend --> fashion, music, media marketed for the "young generation" -rapid growth of universities & college students - opened new opportunities for the middle & lower classes

United Nations

-began San Francisco 1945 -security council - to be policemen, keep the world in line -the fix to the League of Nations

Brain Drain

-brain drain = elite & educated & skilled people crossed from West Berlin to East Berlin & didn't go back -made communism look bad - showed that people were choosing freedom & classical liberalism over communism -Khrushchev responded by the building of the Berlin Wall

postwar changing roles for women

-changing roles for Western women due to economic growth - more married women worked in careers -economic boom created demand for labor = job opportunities for women -economy gradually shifting away from male-dominated heavy industry (coal, steel, shipbuilding) & more towards white-collar service industries = job opportunities for women -western women shared the postwar education revolution = more job opportunities -eastern European worked b/c Communist Party created rules supporting women's careers -1960s feminist movement in western Europe fought discrimination in pay, advancement & occupational choice - found widespread support among working women


-countries granted independence to colonies but required them to agree to be economically dependent on the country -colonies became a source of income

Treaty of Rome

-created the Common Market -signed by 6 nations 1957 - Italy, France, West Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg

1956 Hungarian uprising

-de-Stalinization stimulated rebelliousness -Imre Nagy (liberal communist reformer) ran the country for Khrushchev -Nagy tried to break away from USSR & called on the US to protect them -Nagy wanted to still be communist but be independent -Russians invaded & killed about 10,000 Hungarians, hung Nagy = message to eastern Europe that USSR was still in control -US didn't help

1956 Polish unrest

-de-Stalinization stimulated rebelliousness -unrest b/c Poland was Catholic & communism was atheistic -the Polish didn't lie the Russians - they were cruel to Polish in 1944 -uprisings & people protesting for freedom of political prisoners (those who were arrested for their political beliefs -Polish gov't let the political prisoners go - mistake -Khrushchev didn't do anything

Berlin Wall

-encompassed West Berlin -b/c of the Brain Drain - wall wasn't to keep West Berliners in, but to keep East Berliners out -1961- Nov 1969 -made communism look bad - showed that people were choosing freedom & classical liberalism over communism


-extreme French nationalism -^^^ was de Gaulle's attitude towards restoring France's greatness -put French interests above everything else

Vietnam 1975

-failure of containment -north (communist) defeated south (classical liberal) -1956-1970s -thousands of refugees (from the south) went to Western Europe & the US

guest worker programs

-government-run programs in western Europe designed to recruit labor for the booming postwar economy -implemented by West Germany & other prosperous countries -countries granted dual citizenship -most guest workers were young, unskilled single men who labored for low wages in entry level jobs -originally, low wage workers sent money back home to families -later, people stayed in new countries & raised families -changed ethnicities - changed the face of Europe

Prague Spring

-in Czechoslovakia 1968 -Dubcek = head of communist party in Czechoslovakia -wanted to give the people more rights & liberalism but also stay communist -Brezhnev warned Dubcek but he didn't listen -Red Army + DDR, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary invaded & kicked out Dubcek

Truman Doctrine

-in response to communist uprisings in Greece & Turkey 1947 -doctrine was America's policy geared to containing communism to those countries already under Soviet control -US would help its friends who were threatened by communism so communism wouldn't spread & would stay contained in those countries who were already communist -US gave Greece & Turkey $400 million each to help & contain communism - successful -US promised to use diplomatic, economic, & military means to resist communism's expansion

post WWII Europe

-in ruins - France destroyed, Germany destroyed, eastern Europe destroyed -millions of displaced persons -authorities dealt with Nazi wartime crimes - 100k Germans & Austrians convicted, non-German collaborators also punished, a minority received the death sentence -Nuremberg trials -Theodor Adorno (German philosopher) - 1951 said "there can be no poetry after Auschwitz"

Nuremberg trials

-international military tribunal organized by the 4 Allied Powers -part of Allied occupation gov'ts' denazification procedures to identify former Nazi Party members & punish those responsible for the worst crimes -tried & sentenced the highest ranking Nazi military & civilian leaders (12 sentenced to death) -marked the last time that the 4 Allied powers worked together to punish former Nazis - afterwards each carried out separate denazification programs

Bretton Woods agreement of 1944

-linked western currencies w/ the US dollar -established the International Monetary Fund & the World Bank - to facilitate free markets & world trade -towards European unity


-policy of postcolonial gov'ts to remain neutral in the Cold War & play both to the US & the USSR for what they could get -"pro-western" & communists both were trying to recruit non-aligned states -communists: Soviets & Red Chinese advocated rebellion in the developing world & promised an end to colonial exploitation followed by freedom & equality in a socialist state -the insurgent guerrilla armed with a Soviet AK-47 became the new symbol of Marxist revolution -western Europe (esp US) advocated competing version of independence based on free-market economics & liberal democracy

displaced persons

-postwar refugees -included 13 million Germans, former Nazi prisoners & forced laborers, & orphaned children -searched for food & shelter, had caravans in the streets -1945-47 United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Administration - opened DP camps, spent $10 billion on clothes & food & shelter -not all DPs could go home - Soviet/Eastern European people who'd spent time in the West seemed unreliable by the Stalinist regimes


-postwar reversal of Europe's overseas expansion -caused by the rising demand of colonized peoples themselves, the declining power of European nations, and the freedoms promised by US & Soviet ideals -16 new countries made out of old colonies b/c countries couldn't afford colonies anymore (1945-60) -neo-colonization -new non-aligned nation-states = Cold War competition -ethnic strife post-nation-state -communists: Soviets & Red Chinese advocated rebellion in the developing world & promised an end to colonial exploitation followed by freedom & equality in a socialist state -the insurgent guerrilla armed with a Soviet AK-47 became the new symbol of Marxist revolution -western Europe (esp US) advocated competing version of independence based on free-market economics & liberal democracy -Dutch colony of Indonesia -British colony of India

Leonid Brezhnev

-replaced Khrushchev as General Secretary -limited re-Stalinization - wanted a medium between Stalin & Khrushchev

Big Science

-results of research during the war inspired Big Science - tackled extremely difficult problems -during WWII: British developed radar, development of rocketry & jet aircraft, atomic bomb was most spectacular & deadly development -during Cold War: US & USSR gov'ts provided lots of money for science -US took the lead after WWII - missiles, nuclear submarines, spy satellites -both sides of the cold war had enough nuclear firepower to destroy the world multiple times -space race of the 1960s - Soviets put the 1st satellite into orbit & sent first astronaut into space, US was embarrassed by their success & responded w/ 1969 moon landing

Charles de Gaulle

-shaken national self-esteem in France b/c of collaboration -coordinated the Free French, was an inferior Big Three member -1944 formed the 4th French Republic after liberation 1946 -considered a hero for bringing the country back together -1946-58 Algerian fight for independence - conflict over whether or not to grant independence brought down the 4th Republic -1958 de Gaulle created 5th French Republic (to 1969) -elected French president 1959 -de Gaulle was resentful of being treated as inferior during WWII by the Big Three -viewed US as main threat to genuine French independence -goal: make France great -how? minimize Britain & US -wouldn't let Britain into the Common Market -1968 pulled France out of NATO b/c de Gaulle resented American leadership -also pulled out b/c de Gaulle wanted to create France's own nuclear force (b/c US had nuclear weapons in Europe & controlled them) -"Gaullism"

postcolonial migration

-the postwar movement of people form former colonies & the developing world into Europe -migrants could claim citizenship rights from their former colonizers -moved spontaneously (unlike guest workers who migrated b/c of recruitment programs)

monolithic communism

-the western assumption that all communist countries were under USSR control -only eastern European countries were -assumption that China, Cuba, DPRK were under USSR control = wrong assumption


-under Leonid Brezhnev in USSR -wanted a medium between Stalin & Khrushchev -crackdown in USSR & Bloc states -standard of living went down -producing for arms race against US & western Europe = massive army buildup -mid-1960s - cautious, avoided direct confrontation w/ the US


-was fascist & isolated

why did the Politburo fire Khrushchev?

-weren't afraid of him -'61 0 Berlin Wall was admitting that communism couldn't compete w/ classical liberalism -'62 backed down in Cuban Missile Crisis -Khrushchev was replaced by Leonid Brezhnev

Berlin Blockade

-western Berlin was classical liberal but Berlin was in the middle of eastern Germany (communist) -Stalin didn't want west presence + the West replaced the currency in West Germany & West Berlin --> Stalin blocked roads from West Germany to West Berlin -1948-49 -US responded w/ Berlin Airlift -results: paved way for creation of 2 separate German states 1949, showed that containment worked (West Germany joined NATO), Soviets countered w/ Warsaw Pact

Christian Democrats-

center-right political parties that rose to power in western Europe after WWII -offered voters a vision of reconciliation & recovery -Italy CD's won majority in parliament 1948, France's CD party, the Popular Republican Movement provided postwar leaders after Charles de Gaulle, West Germans chose CD gov't 1949-1966 -rejected authoritarianism & narrow nationalism -harshly anti-communist -championed traditional family values - appealing b/c war left many broken families, won majority of women's votes -instituted welfare measures like education subsidies, family & housing allowances, public transportation, public health insurance -followed US - advocated free-market economics & promised consumer goods -accepted need for limited gov't planning when necessary -committed to cultural & economic cooperation - many believed that a new "European nation" could rebuild the continent

Josip Tito

resistance leader & communist chief of Yugoslavia -proclaimed independence & successfully resisted Soviet domination 1948 -chose to be communist -got away with it b/c there was no Russian army in Yugoslavia during war -Yugoslavia = non-aligned state

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