AP Euro quiz-30 Years War

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what does Wallenstein do at the end of the Danish phase?

he recruits and develops a professional army that is answerable to him only

what is going on with Wallenstein at the end of the Swedish Phase?

he was in secret talks with the protestants an was a loose cannon with his army that will attack anyone they want to

what did the french phase cause a massive increase in?


what happened to the political power of the HR Empire?

it fade into oblivion

what was the difference between the 30 years war and and other wars?

it was effectivively total war compared to the little wars

who did Wallenstein defeat in the north?

the protestants

at the end of the swedish phase, what does it seem will be undone?

the reformation

what did Ferdinand II not tolerate?


when was the first defenestration?


when was the second defenestration?


when did the 30 years war officially end?


when does Germany finally unite?


when was the third defenestration?


in 1625, how many years had the war been going on/

7 years

how many were dead in the French Phase?

8 million which was 1/3 of the population

who did Ferdinand use in the danish phase for the army?

Albrecht Von Wallenstein

what region did France win after the war?


where did the Spaniard troops flood in to?

Catholic German states

who were the bohemian rebels crushed by?

Count Tilly of the Holy Roman Empire

what was Frederick married to and who was she the daughter of?

Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James I of England

after the 30 thirty war who takes the lead in the European trade, culture, and politics?

England, Holland, and France

who inherited Bohemia in the Bohemian phase of the 30 years war?

Ferdinand II

who stood alone as the most powerful nation on the continent?


In the French Phase, who switched roles?

France and Sweden

who becomes involved in the swedish phase?

France and Sweden

in the Bohemian phase who was it between?

Fred vs. Ferd

who loses in the Bohemian phase?


who did the Bohemians name as their new king?

Frederick II

in the danish phase, who feared Ferdinand?

German Princes

who organized the most modern army of its time?

Gustavu Adolphus, King of Sweden

who invaded the HR Empire to help the Lutherans?

Gustavus Adolphus, King od Sweden

at the end of the war, wht was being threatened?

Hapsburg power

Who aids the Protestants againts the Catholic Holy Roman Empire?

Richelieu of Catholic France

how did the Jesuits respond to the Edict of Restitution?

Jesuits streamed into Bohemia to re-convert the Protestants

in the Swedish Phase, who led and who supported?

Sweden led and France supported

What region would still be hotly contested as late as WWII?

The Alsace Region

what were the 4 phases of the 30 years war?

The Bohemian Phase, The Danish Phase, The Swedish Phase, and The French Phase

who did Ferdinand bring back in the Swedish phase to stop the Swedish advance on the HR Empire?


Who was Gustavus Adolphus?

a briliant leader, courageous, and organized the most modern army of its time

in the danish phase, what made up Ferdinand's army?

a mercinary with 125,000 soldiers

in the Frech Phase, what collapsed and what was the result of that?

agriculture and a famine

in the French phase, who was participating in the war?

all countries in Europe

who did the 30 years war involve?

all the major european powers?

when and where is Adolphus was killed?

at the Battle of Lutzen in 1632

how many died in the 30 years war?

between 3-7 million

how was Wallenstein assasinated?

by one of his own men at request of the emperor

who is Frederick defeated by?

by the Catholic forces of Bavaria

after the war what religion was added to the list of religions allowed in Germany?


at the begining of the war, who was against who?

catholics vs. protestants

what does Wallenstein do with his new found army?

defeats the Danish

what was a nation's economy based on?

fighting in the war and sustaining the nation's position in the Thirty Years war

in the Danish Phase, what was Ferdinand trying to do?

get rid of all reistance and crush northern Holy Roman Empire

what didSpain have to do at the end of the war?

grant the Dutch Independence

what did Ferdinand do to calm the German princes in the Danish Phase?

he fired Wallenstein

what does Federick o after he is defeated?

he flees

what did German Protestants regain at the end of the war?

lost territory

what did the rebellion in Bohemia do to other people?

made them want to rebel too

What 3 things were used more after the 30 years war?

maps, field glasses, and training manuals

at the end of the danish phase, what was happening?

mercenaries from all over Europe joined different stages of the war

what did the treaty disallow?

papal meddling in religious; the pope is no longer involved in religion

what was the revolt in the 30 years war

protestant prince chose their own emperor, Frederick V, and denied the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand the II

what did the war start about and then what did it end about?

religion and then politics

what did the Edict of Restitution do?

restored to Catholics all lands lost since 1552; deprived all Protestants, except Lutherans, of their religious and political rights

after Bohemia is defeated who does Ferdinand reinforce his empire with?

spanish troops

who did the French support on the Religious side of things and why?

supported the protestant states in order to keep Germany weak and to weaken the Hapsburg Empire

What did Louis XIV learn from the 30 years war?

that no participants in the 30 years war was poweful enough to completly knock out its opponents

What led to balance of power politics

the 30 years war

what did the treaty at the end of the war nullify?

the Edict of Restitution

which phase was the most destructive?

the French Phase

Who was Ferdinand II?

the Holy Roman Emperor who was Catholic and inherited Bohemia in the Bohemian phase

who was the protestant cause taken up by in 1625 in the Danish Phase?

the King of Denmark, Christian

what ended the 30 year's war

the Peace of Westphalia

how was the 30 years ar resolved?

the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648

what sparked the 30 years war?

the defenestration of prague and the catholics destroying a protestant church in Bohemia

what was the impact of the 30 years war?

the first continent wide war of the modern era

where was the battleground for the 30 years war?

the holy roman empire

what weapon came in during the war?

the muzzle-loading rifle

what did the traty uphold?

the peace of augsburg

who happened to Germany in result of the 30 years war?

the states have stronger individual rights but they remain weak and divided; physically they were devestated

what happened in the Swedish phase when Ferdinand brought Wallenstein back?

the sweden advance against the HR Empire was stopped

what heppens to the HR Empire in result of the 30 years war?

they dissolve

how did the bohemians fel about Ferdinand II?

they hate him

in the French phase, what happened to German towns?

they were decimated

why was France and sweden working together strange?

they were on opposite ends of the Religious spectrum

why did Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden invade the HR Empire?

to help the Lutherans

what did France and Sweden both want?

to stop the Hapsburg power

in the French phase, what was crippled all throughout Europe?


what is balance of politics?

where the nation states where willing to go to war to prevent any one nation from gaining too much power

what was the defenestration of prague?

where there was a chucking of Catholics out of windows ino poop

what is Frederick known as and why?

winter king forhis short time in power

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