Ap Euro Quiz questions

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How many people died in WWII

50 million

As practiced the the 1930s, appeasement was

A British policy the aimed to give Hitler whatever he wanted to avoid war

How did German chancellor Heinrich Bruning try to cope with the Great Depression in the early 1930s?

By cutting government spending and squeezing wages and prices

Between 1981 and 1989, Ronald Raegan and the US Congress`

Cut taxes and ballooned the government deficit

What agreement did the U.S develop to resolve the economic problems of Germany and international tensions in Europe in 1924?

Dawes Plan

What was the consequence for European national governments in meeting the fiscal standards to join the monetary union?

Governments had to reduce health and social benefits for their citizens

What did Richard Nixon do following his election to the US presidency in 1968?

Gradually reduced American involvement in the Vietnam War

Which country led the way in the legalization of unions?

Great Britain

Serbian prez Slobodan Milosevic's actions in 1990 hastened separatism and war in Yugoslavia. His ultimate goal was to establish...

Greater Serbia

What was Hitler's lebensraum?

He believed that Germans needed living space to thrive and grow, which they would find in the East.

In the late 1920s , how did Adolf Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle class voters?

He deemphasized the anti-capitalist elements of national socialism and vowed to fight communism.

How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy?

He left big business to regulate itself and never purged its members

The German government's printing of money to pay unemployment benefits to workers striking in the Ruhr against the Franco-Belgian occupation of 1923 led to


What was the Nazi policy of "coordination"?

It forced German society to conform to National Socialist ideology, as Nazis took over previously independent organizations

What was the purpose of the Enabling Act in 1933?

It gave Hitler dictatorial power for 4 years

How did the USSR initially organize the Eastern European nations as it threw out pro-Nazi regimes?

It handed power directly to the national Communist parties in the regimes

what characterized China's trade with Europe in the centuries before the Industrial Revolution?

It sent more goods and inventions to Europe than it received/

Which statement describes the Great Rebellion?

It was the last major effort to drive the British out of India by military force.

Why did Britain's abandonment of the gold standard not aid its recovery?

Many other wealthy countries abandoned the gold standard after Britain

In the early 20th century, traditional arts and amusements of people in villages and small towns were overshadowed by

Modern mass media such as cinema and radio

Which of the following characterizes early 19th century British cities?

Nearly all land was used for buildings, so parks or open areas were almost nonexistent

What was the consequence of FDR's agreement at the Teheran conference?

Only Soviet troops would liberate Eastern Europe

What did Prez. Franklin Roosevelt's NRA attempt to do?

Plan and control the U.S economy, especially by reducing competition

How did Mao Zedong gain the support of the Chinese peasantry?

Promised to expropriate land from the large landowners

Max Weber the most prominent and influential late 19th century sociologist, argued that the rise of capitalism was directly linked to

Protestantism in Northern Europe

What was Georges Hausmann's contribution to 19th century life?

Rebuilding Paris

After WWII, the Soviet Union

Reestablished a harsh dictatorship

The postindustrial society that emerged at the end of the 1970s

Relied on high tech and service oriented jobs for economic growth rather than on heavy industry and manufacturing jobs

The signatories of the 1928 Kellogg-Briana Pact agreed to...

Renounce war as an instrument of international policy

By the summer of 1917, what was the situation in the Russian countryside?

Russian peasants were seizing the land in a agrarian upheaval

What was the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916?

Secret agreement by Britain and France to divide up former Ottoman territories

New national holidays in the late 19th century helped instill a sense of patriotism in populations. Bastille Day was an example from France, which was the example fro Germany, celebrating their victory in 1971?

Sedan Day

What did Jean-Paul Sartre mean by "existence precedes essence"?

Since there are no timeless or absolute truths, people must struggle to define their essence after they are born, completely on their own

What happened to Czechoslovakia four years after the Velvet Revolution in 1989?

Split into Czech Republic and Slovakia

Which battle was the decisive turning point in the clash between the Soviet Union and Germany


The Great Depression did not hit Britain as hard as the US or Germany, in part because...

The British government had moved away from international markets and toward production of goods for the domestic market

Which institution did Otto von Bismarck's Kulturkamf target?

The Catholic Church

Gabriel Marcel found the answer to the postwar broken world in

The Catholic Churchq

Which position did Christian Democrats endorse during the 1950s?

The Cold War vs. the Soviet Union

What does the "middle way" refer to?

The Scandinavian response to the Great Depression

In his philosophical writings, Friedrich Nietzsche argued that

The Wester world had overemphasized rationality and stifled the authentic passions that drive human activity and true creativity

What did German historian Heinrich von Treitschke argue about imperialism?

The acquisition of colonies was essential to great nations

What was the result of breaking the Berlin blockade in 1948-49?

The creation of East and West Germanyq

Who was Theodore Herzl?

The founder of the Jewish national movement

Utilitarianism was Jeremy Bentham's idea that social policies should promote

The greatest good for the greatest number

The novel Madame Bovary caused its author to be prosecuted for outrage against public morality and religion because it portrayed

The love affair of an adulterous middle class housewife

Where did Nazi administrators initially gain experience in mass murder

The murder of Germans w/ physical and mental disabilities prior to the war

What was the primary factor that influenced whether European immigrants returned to their native lands?

The possibility of buying new land in the home country

How did the Ottoman Empire's efforts at reform in the latter half of the nineteenth century undermine the empire's stability?

The reforms created equality before the law for all citizens, which increased religious disputes and split Muslims into secularist and traditionalist camps.

What resulted from the Ladies National Association's protest against the British Contagious Diseases Acts in the 19th century?

The repeal of the laws

What was a characteristic of the society established by deindustrialization in the 21st century?

The top tier of society was a small affluent group of highly paid experts, executives, and professionals

Name ways in which Paris in 1900 differed from Paris in 1848

- the streets were wider in order to prevent the building of barricades - everything was more spaced out and less cramped, which allowed space for things like parks - the streets were organized into neat blocks and houses were bigger

Great Britain enacted near universal male suffrage in what year?


What was Zionism?

A response to radical anti- semitism; advocated for the creation of a Jewish national state in Palestine where Jews could settle and live free of social prejudice

The typical European immigrant was

A small farmer or rural craftspersonq

Louis Napoleon believe that national unity and social progress were best served by

A strong national leader whose efforts to provide jobs and stimulate the economy would serve all people, rich and poor

The United States between 1815 and 1932....

Absorbed the largest overall number of European immigrants

When did Jews in Palestine proclaim the state of Israel?

After Britain withdrew from Palestine

How did electric streetcars affect industrial cities?

Allowed for more types of people to access decent housing, and workers and school children could access their destinations quickly

In the nineteenth century, Edwin Chadwick gained fame as...

An advocate of public sanitation

The American stock market crash of October 1929 was primary the result of

An imbalance between real investment and speculation

What is a pogrom?

An organized attack on a certain group of people

How was the Tet Offensive perceived in the US?

As a sign that the war was not close to ending

Who was the founder of the National Organization for Women?

Betty Friedan

What characteristics did Communist and Fascist dictators share?

Both engaged in state-controlled social engineering projects meant to replace individualism with a unified "people"

How did Russia meet the onset of WWI in 1914?

Embraced the war with patriotic enthusiasm

In most European countries how was emigration related to population growth in the 19th century?

Emigration increased about 20 years after a rapid growth in population as land became scarce

How did the West German minister of the economy foster economic growth?

Emphasized free market capitalism

What is a characteristic of the presidency of Vladimir Putin?

He reasserted anti-Western Russian nationalism and centralized political authority in the Kremlin

The target of the first of two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 was


How was the revolution in Romania differently from the revolutions in the rest of Eastern Europe?

It became violent and bloody when Communist leaders ordered security forces to slaughter thousands

What was the result of Margaret Thatcher's effort to encourage low and moderate income renters to buy their apartments?

It created a new class of property owners

What is the consequence of globalization for national economies?

They are much more vulnerable to worldwide economic panics

Why did some non-Westerners become "modernizes" in the face of new imperialism?

They believed that only by copying some European achievements they could escape Western domination.

How did the Nazis manage their Northern States?

They established puppet governments with collaborators willing to rule the states in accord with German needs

T or F: Ernest Renan believed that a nation could be formed through shared suffering or glory in the past, as well as common hopes and dreams for the future.


T or F: Nationalism in the 19th century could appeal to both those on the rights as well as those on the left.


Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of war when he

Used the pretext of German minorities in Danzig to threaten Poland

Which states did Nazi Germany add to its realm before WWII began?

Austrian and Czechoslovakia

what did orthodox economists believe in the 1930s?

Balanced budgets were the key to economic growth

What was "nativism" in the 19th century?

Beliefs and policies that gave preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants

Why was Britain more ready to conciliate Germany than France following the Versailles peace settlement?

Britain had depended heavily on the German market for their exports before World War I

How did governments during WWI intrude even further into people's daily lives than they had in the 19th century?

By setting production goals and limiting wages and prices

One way in which countries tried to build up national unity was through

Centralized institutions, such as military conscription and public education

In "On the Equality of the Human Races", Count Arthur de Gobineau divided humanity into the white, black, and yellow races and

Championed the Aryan race for its supposedly superior qualities

in the 20th century, what was John Maynard Keynes known for?

Denounced the Treaty of Versailles for economic reasons

At the end of the 20th century, trade was deeply affected by the Internet and

Deregulation of financial systems

What did Marcel Proust attempt to do in "Remembrance of things Past'?`

Discover the inner meaning of memories of childhood and youthful love

What was the breakthrough implication of Louis Pasteur's work?

Diseases were caused by living organisms that could be controlled

What did the notorious forgery, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", suggest Jewish elders were planning to do?

Dominate the globe

Changes in the structure of European society after WWII were primarily the result of

Economic and technological transformationq

In the 1950s and 1960s, what became the goal of all Western European governments?

Economic growth

The Allies adopted the principle of unconditional surrender to

Encourage mutual trust among the allies

What was the effect of Lenin's NEP?

Encouraged peasants to sell their surpluses in free markets and allowed private traders and small manufacturers to do business again

What did the Popular Front do after its 1936 victory in France?

Encouraged the union movement and proposed a far-reaching program of social reforms that included a 40 hour work week

Which region increased its wealth and power relative to the rest of the world in the 19th century?


How did the USSR's treatment of Czechoslovakia in 1948 demonstrate its intention to consolidate its hold on Eastern Europe?

Even though the Czech Communist Party had won significant electoral support, Stalin still orchestrated the overthrow of the government and establishment of a 1 party communist dicatatorship

What was a central component of the improvements of sanitation in the 19th century?

Excrement from outhouses could be carried off my water through sewers at low cost

What pattern did migration out of Europe often follow in the 19th century?

Families and friends would coordinate their migrations so that they would settle together in a new land.q

In which 1915 battle did the British unsuccessfully try to take the Dardanelles and Constantinople from the Ottoman Turks?


The German Communist Party reserved their greatest hatred and sharpest barbs for

German Social Democrats

How did the West German chancellor Helmut Kohl build support for German reunification in East Germany?

He offered East Germans an economically advantageous swap of East German currency for West German currency

What was the flaw in Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory of evolution?

His assertion that characteristics parents acquired in the course of their lives could be passed onto their offspring by heredity

The growth of the middle class in the postwar era has been primarily attributed to

Increased demand for technologists and managers

What did the Swedish response to the Great Depression involve?

Increasing social welfare benefits and state spending on public works projects

How did Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff react to German's loss in the war in the fall in 1819?

Insisted moderate politicians should take responsibility for defeat

How did the US respond to the decolonization movement after WWII?

It encouraged European nations to let go of their former colonies

Who were the Swallows?

Italians who traveled back and forth from South America to plant grain.

In 1904, Russian territorial ambitions in Asia led to war with what country?


What was the British political party that emerged during the 1920s as the main opposition to the Conservative Party?

Labour Party

What were two motivations that caused Europeans to emigrate?

Lack of available land in their home country and better opportunities in neo-Europes

With the United States failure to ratify the Versailles treaty, many French leaders placed their hopes for future security on

Strict implementation of the treaty

Who was Poland's first non-Communist minister?

Tadeusz Mazowiecki

Why did illegitimacy rates decline after 1850?

The higher incidence of marriage for expectant mothers

What event finally galvanized NATO action against the Bosnian serbs?

The slaughter of thousands of citizens in Srebenica

How did the Nazis seek to legitimize their racial policies?

They established research institutes and academies that measured and defined racial differences in order to present prejudice in the guise of enlightened science.

Why did nationalists oppose the proposed EU constitution?

They feared losing political sovereignty and cultural identity

How did the Western powers react to the declarations of independence by Syria and Iraq?

They invaded the two regions and defeated the movements

What is one way that women became more visible in society during WWI?

They moved into skilled industrial jobs

What happened to most Chinese immigrants to Cuba?

They spent most of their lives as virtual slaves

How did real wages for workers and peasants in the USSR compare with those in the Russian empire in 1913?

They were lower

Prior to Pastuer's discovery, how did many people believe diseases were spread?

Through bad odors of decay and filth

What was the goal of the Prussian parliament in the 1850s and 1860s?

To establish that it held final political authority and that the army was responsible to it

For artists such as the Dadaists and Surrealists, what was the purpose of art?

To expose the bankruptcy of society and produce radical social change

What was the primary goal of the opponents of the Nazis in the Protestant and Catholic Churches?

To preserve religious life in Germany

What did the leaders of the Prague Spring hope to accomplish in Czechoslovakia?

To reconcile socialism with internal party democracy, in which local decision by trade unions, managers, and consumers would replace rigid bureaucratic planning

Why did German Kaiser William II instigate the First Moroccan Crisis in 1905?

To test the Anglo-French alliance and boost German influence over international affairs

Until 1859, what was Cavour's goal?

To unify the states of northern and perhaps central Italy in an expanded kingdom of Sardinia

Did the Qing Dynasty represent a traditionalist or modernist response to Europe and imperialism?


Why did Charles de Gaulle pull France from Nato?

Viewed the US as the main threat to French independence

Why were Jewish immigrants in the 19th century unlikely to return to their native land?

Violent anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe

Why did Hitler have the leader of the SA storm troopers killed in 1934?

Wanted to win the support of the traditional military but the SA leaders expected to be given top positions in the army

Following th failure of his program of nationalization in the early 1980s, Francois Mitterand

Was forced to introduce austerity measures

What describes the Eastern Bloc living standards in the 1970s?

Well below those in the West but well above those in the developing world

The term "total war" is applied to WWI to capture the idea that the war

Would involve soldiers and civilians in a total and national effort to win

What was the outcome of the decolonization of the Belgian Congo?

belgium quickly withdrew from Congo, granting it independence w/ haste

Boris Yeltsin's role in the disintegration of the USSR included

emerging as a radical reform Communist who embraced the democratic movement and led Russia to declare independence from the Soviet Union

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