ap euro test practice

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The ideals were modified to accommodate the fact that most women had become part of the paid workforce

A historian of nineteenth=century European society is most likely to use Image 2 as evidence that

The expansion of social welfare programs

After the Second World War, European states undertook which of the following to address the circumstances depicted in the poster?

Expanded civil rights for gays and lesbians

Based on its platform, the Green League of Finland likely supported which of the following?

The loosening of traditional moral restrictions on economic activity

Bentham's argument exemplifies which of the following processes at work in eighteenth-century Europe?

increasing use of credit for complex financial transactions

Bentham's argument in the passage is best explained in the context of the


Bentham's arguments concerning personal liberty reflect most closely the principles of the

less reliant on using Scripture to challenge Catholic tradition

Compared with Luther's sixteenth-century critique of the Roman Catholic Church, Voltaire's critique in the first paragraph of the passage is

the greater ability of inventors to profit from their inventions due to government support

Compared with a historian espousing the more traditional view of the Industrial Revolutions a truly transformative event, de Vries would be more likely to emphasize the importance of all of the following EXCEPT

less reliant on notions of European cultural superiority

Compared with a late-nineteenth century Social Darwinist view of the world, Voltaire's view in the passage is

The mass mobilization of children for the war effort

Countries in the coalitions that opposed Revolutionary and napoleonic France were most eager to adopt which provision of the decree?

Newton's notion of a mechanistic universe

Descartes' understanding of the human body, as shown in the image, is most similar to which of the following?

Philip's policies controlling religious beliefs and practices were similar to the policies of most other monarchs at the time

How did Philip II's religious policies illustrated in the passage compare to the policies pursued by other fifteenth and sixteenth century European monarchs?

supporting a large number of small schools was economically insufficient

In 1881 and 1882, the French government passed laws making primary education free and compulsory for all children in France. Based on the data in Source 1, all of the following likely influenced French legislators in passing the laws EXCEPT a concert that

the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by King Lois XIV in 1685 had led to the persecution of members of the Protestant minority

In addition to being informed by general principles, Voltaire's concern with promoting religious toleration was primarily relevant to supporters of the Enlightenment in eighteenth-century France because

start nationalist uprisings in countries outside of France

In subsequent years, the French government used the institutions created by the decree to

many men were becoming more involved in child rearing and household management

In the late nineteenth century, the ideals of family life and gender roles reflected in the two images underwent which of the following transformations?

Feminist agitation for greater political and social rights

Marinetti's "scorn for woman" was most likely a reaction to which of the following?


Marinetti's manifesto had the greatest influence on which of the following political groups

developing rival colonies and overseas trading networks

Other European states reacted to the Portuguese establishment of a trading-post empire by

domestic unrest and foreign aggression against the radical Revolutionary government

The French government issued the decree primarily in response to

The growing discontent with the conventions and values of contemporary society

The Futurist movements was most lcelarly part of which of the following intellectual trends in the early twentieth cnetury?

Before the middle of the eighteenth century, the European population was subject to Malthusian crises

The conventional view of pre-industrial economies as incapable of sustained economic growth was in part informed by which of the following assumptions?

democratic governments were more successful in delivering economic prosperity to their citizens that nondemocratic governments were

The data in Table 2 most strongly suggest that

The onset of the Great Depression

The economic conditions portrayed in the poster are most directly a result of which of the following?

The push by reformers to end serfdom

The estate owner's admonition that the Tsar cannot give orders directly to the serfs is best understood in the context of which of the following?

The unification of Germany

The events alluded to in the last two sentences of Source 2 are most directly related to which of the following?

Protestants made effective use of the increased availability of printing technology to spread their ideas.

The events described in the passage best illustrate which of the following aspects of the religious conflicts in Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

Some of the m believed that the discoveries of new science warranted new approaches to social and cultural issues

The ideas expressed in the passage best illustrate which of the following about Enlightenment intellectuals?

They used information obtained through dissection to reconceptualize the body as an integrated system

The image demonstrates which of the following regarding scientific advances in early modern Europe?

The implementation of mercantilism to promote the state's economic interests

The licensing of trade described in the passage is an example of which of the following state policies?

a shift in the center of economic power from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic states

The long-term economic effect in Europe of the establishment of trading networks and colonies such as the one described in the passage was


The manifesto's reference to "beautiful ideas worth dying for" was most likely influenced by which of the following nineteenth-century intellectual movements?

The restoration of political stability in the aftermath of the Congress of Vienna

The material prosperity evident in Image 1 was in part attributable to which of the following?

The continued dominance of landowning elites

The passage provides evidence for which of the following features of Russian society

Western European national governments began to institute extensive programs of poor relief to offset the decline in wages

The pattern shown in the table was partly an effect of which of the following changes in the economy of western Europe?

An increasing productivity gap between Russia and industrialized Europe

The persistence of the social and economic system illustrated by the passage contributed strongly to which of the following?

The political debate over the cost of the welfare state

The platform's emphasis on education and public services is most clearly part of which of the following?

The increasing reliance on immigrant labor

The platform's references to minorities and multicultural communities reflect which of the following trends in late-twentieth-century Europe?

The growing influence of consumerism

The political platform outlined in the passage was a reaction to which of the following in the late twentieth century?

The exploitation of economic suffering to promote radical politics

The poster is most clearly evidence for which of the following rends in the period it was printed?

It undermined Germany's efforts to isolate France diplomatically

The rivalry depicted in the cartoon had which of the following effects on European politics in the period before the First World War?

Governments used the expansion of public education as an opportunity to promote nationalist sentiment

The two sources together best support which of the following statements about late-nineteenth-century European governments and public education?

Europeans' deeper awareness of the world's cultural diversity, gained through scientific exploration and travelers' accounts

Votaire's mockery of the notion of one true religion in the second paragraph of the passage is most directly influenced by which of the following?

To portray the British naval buildup as a justifiable reaction to a German threat

Which of the following best describes the intended purpose of the cartoon?

Population growth in a relatively stagnant economy

Which of the following best explains the changes in wages for unskilled laborers indicated by the data in the table?

Before the advent of the steam engine, a dense network of canals and roads had been built in Britain in response to the growing commercialization of agriculture and manufacturing

Which of the following best supports de Vries' argument?

The "economic miracle' in Western Europe

Which of the following contributed the most to the overall pattern shown in Table 2?

Adam Smith

Which of the following economic thinkers would most likely agree with Bentham's argument?

The outcome of the Thirty Years' War (1648)

Which of the following events marked the effective end of Spain's ability to act as a champion of Catholicism in Europe?

Owning and reading Protestant religious literature was illegal in Spain

Which of the following is best supported by the passage?

Economic data may have been reported differently in the Eastern Bloc countries than it was in Western European countries

Which of the following is the most serious potential limitation of the dat in the tables for assessing the comparative performance of European economies?

The decreasing importance of agricultural activity as a contributor to the overall economy

Which of the following was a long-term trend that emerged in response to the economic patterns represented in the table?

The adoption of the Soviet model of rapid industrialization and economic planning by COMECON countries

Which of the following was the main cause of the economic developments reflected in Table 1?

Britain's economic reliance on an overseas colonial empire

Which of the following was the most significant factor contributing to the rivalry depicted in the cartoon?

The establishment of a European-dominated system of plantation agriculture

the Portuguese slave trade described in the passage led most directly to which of the following?

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