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Surface mining is used to extract what percentage of nonfuel resources in the U.S.?


A major earthquake is one that measures in what range on the Richter scale? In other words... At what point/range is an earthquake considered MAJOR

7.0 to 7.9

What is our approximate current global population?

7.4 billion

In less-developed countries, the poor, those making less than $2.25 a day, typically spend how much of their income on food?


What percentage of the earth's surface is covered by water?


Since 1900, how much of the genetic diversity of agricultural crops have we lost?


What percentage of the residents of dispersed urban areas in the United States drive alone to work every day?


Depletion time is the time it takes to use up approximately ____% of the mineral reserves at a given rate of use.


In 2010, the UN indicated that what percentage of the world's people are living along or near the ocean, mostly in large coastal cities?


What percentage of the food products currently on U.S. supermarket shelves contains some form of genetically engineered food or ingredients?


The geological layer, consisting of underground caverns and porous layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock, where groundwater flows, is called ____.

an aquifer

One of the reasons for cutting trees is to provide pulp for making paper. However, paper can be made from a number of other sources. What is not a viable source of paper?

animal fats

Which toxic substance is often used to extract gold and results in harmful environmental effects?


The delta for the Colorado River was destroyed by ____.

damming the river

Which Carbon compounds are involved in the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration? Check all that apply.

glucose and carbon dioxide

Hemp requires fewer pesticides and yield more pulp per hectare. What other source of pulp provides this benefit?


Which term describes species that play crucial roles in helping to keep their ecosystems functioning?


The Columbia River dam system has benefited many people, but it has ____.

sharply reduced populations of wild salmon

The term subsidence refers to ____.

sinking of ground when water has been withdrawn

One of the most important characteristics of a pesticide is how long it will stay deadly in the environment, a characteristic called ____.


A group of interbreeding individuals of the same species in the same geographic region


the number of individuals in a population found within a defined area

population density

Widespread human-influenced fires in tropical forests, such as the Amazon Rainforest, change weather patterns by raising temperatures and reducing rainfall resulting in droughts, which in turn makes forests more likely to bum. This is an example of a ____.

positive feedback loop

What describes an organism that is too old to reproduce?


The root cause of food insecurity is ____.


Ocean pollution from plastic items dumped from ships and garbage barges, and left as litter on beaches, kills up to ____ sea birds each year.


Urban rooftop greenhouses use as little as ____ of the water and ____ of the area occupied by conventional farms to produce similar yields.

10%; 5%

What is the carrying capacity for reindeer on St.Paul Island? (Chart has a flat bar at 100 labeled "carrying capacity")


Of the 20 key nonrenewable mineral resources it needs, what percentage does the U.S. import?


More modern countries use more water. For example, how much water does it take to produce one small car?

104,000 gallons

Of the estimated 50,000 plant species that people can eat, only ____ of them supply an estimated 90% of the world's food calories.


In the United States what percentage of direct water use is lost due to water leaks?


Burning tropical forests accounts for how much of the human-created greenhouse gas emissions?


Between which years is the population growing exponentially?

1825-1850 (its linear but it goes up a lot soooo ig so chief)

In what year did the population hit its maximum size before crashing?

1940 (function maximum)

Calculate the doubling time for a country with a growth rate of 3.5%.

20 years

What percentage of the world's oceans is fully protected, and closed to fishing and other harmful human activities?


In less-developed countries, poverty is a way of life for how many people at the present time?

1 billion

Each year, scientists measure the magnitude of how many earthquakes?


What percentage of water withdrawn from lakes, streams, and rivers is used by cities and residences?


What percentage of China's major cities are already facing water shortages?


A tree plantation is also called a(n) ____.

commercial forest

Protected areas linking isolated reserves is a design called ____.

habitat corridors

Robert Costanza of the University of Vermont estimates the monetary worth of the earth's ecological services per year at which of the following?

$33.2 trillion

What percentage of the world's water supply is liquid freshwater that is available to living organisms?


Calculate the natural growth rate of a country that has a crude birth rate of 14 and a crude death rate of 8. A positive answer means the population is growing; a negative answer means the population is declining.


For every shark that injures or kills a person, people kill about ____ sharks.

1.2 million

India once planted 30,000 varieties of rice; now most of the rice comes from how many varieties?


The Colorado River provides water and electricity to what percentage of the U.S. population?


If current trends continue, U.S. motorists will spend an average of ____ of their lives in traffic jams.

2 years

In Mexico City, the percentage of days each year in which air pollution standards are violated has fallen from 500 to ____.


The U.N. International Seabed Authority began issuing seabed mining permits in what year?


According to the USGS, each person in the United States uses an average of how many metric tons of mineral resources each year?


The United States has about 4.4% of the world's people. What percentage of the world's motor vehicles does the United States have?


What percentage of Americans say they would bike to work or school if safe bike lanes and secure bike storage were available?


In 2012, there were ____ megacities, cities with more than 10 million inhabitants.


Which law best explains why there are rarely more than 4 or 5 trophic levels in any given ecosystem?

2nd Law of Thermodynamics

By the year 2025, how many of the world's people are likely to lack access to clean water?

3 billion

Urban populations occupy about ____ of the planet's land area, but consume about ____ of the earth's resources.

3%; 75%

Forests cover about ____% of the U.S. land area.


Many marine scientists suggest we need at least ____% of the world's oceans fully protected as marine reserves.


Americans waste what percentage of their food?


Forests, both natural and planted, occupy how much of the earth's land surface, other than Greenland and Antarctica?


What percentage of the world's reliable surface runoff is currently being withdrawn?


By law, a country's offshore fishing zone extends to ____ kilometers from its shores.


The United States is withdrawing groundwater from aquifers at a rate that is ____ times faster than it can be recharged.


In the United States, about ____% of the forests are protected.


According to the World Resources Institute, if the current rates continue, how much of the world's remaining forests will be lost in the next two decades?


According to a 2010 study, what percentage of groundwater and surface water withdrawn in the U.S. is used to cool electric power plants?


Over the past 8,000 years, human activities have reduced the earth's original forest cover by about ____% , with most of that coming in the last 60 years.


The United States subsidizes mining companies through depletion allowances that amount to ____% of their gross income from mining and processing.


About ____ of the wood harvested globally each year is burned directly for fuel or converted to charcoal fuel.


Aquifers provide drinking water for how much of the world's population?


Despite their ecological value, the United States has lost more than ____ of its coastal and inland wetlands since 1900.


What percentage of the world's population lives in urban areas at the present time?


All the nations of the world are overfishing the world's global oceans, taking ____ more than the sustainable yield of fish.


Between 1970 and 2010, the proportion of Mumbai residents living in slums and shantytowns grew from 17% to ____.


Mexico City is working to build state-of-the-an waste processing centers that, within a few years, will process as much as ____ of the city's solid waste through recycling and composting, while burning some of it for energy.


Permanent damage to the ears begins after prolonged exposure to ____ decibels, and death can occur at a decibel level of _____dbA.


Which of the following soil horizons is considered topsoil?


Which of method is effective in reducing tropical deforestation?

All of these

What is Growing Power, Inc.?

An ecologically based farm developed by a former professional basketball player on a small urban plot that applies all three scientific principles of sustainability

The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan has several goals. Which goal below is not one of them?

Build a series of massive dams to stop water leaving the Everglades.

Ocean acidification is defined as rising levels of acid in ocean waters due to the ocean's absorption of ____ from the atmosphere.

CO2(carbon dioxide)

Match the elements with their use in the human body (in all organisms actually).

Carbon - building block of all organic compounds; main component of carbohydrates and fats Sulfur - a component of certain amino acids used to build proteins and in vitamins Phosphorus - part of the structural "backbone" that is essential in DNA and RNA Nitrogen - The key element necessary for building proteins; also an essential element in the formation of DNA and RNA

The disappearance of the tropical rain forests is an important issue with dire global consequences.

Carbon Cycle and Water Cycle

The majority of the earth's rare earth minerals are found in ____.


Which country has taken the strongest stand against urban sprawl?


Match the top 3 most populated countries in the world in order.

China, India, USA

Which of the following is known to be true concerning the possible mining of the ocean floor?

Countries cannot come to an agreement about who owns the minerals.

What occurs in alley cropping?

Crops are planted in strips between trees and shrubs.

Four of the following are disadvantages of dam and reservoir systems; one is not. Choose the one that is not.

Dams and reservoirs increases downstream flooding.

Which of the following is not a good solution for water waste?

Discourage organic farming.

We can all help sustain terrestrial biodiversity through various measures. Which of the following methods is least effective in sustaining biodiversity?

Eliminate local plants from your household garden

Researchers have suggested four principles for carrying out most forms of ecological restoration and rehabilitation. Which one of the following is not one of these principles?

Encourage the development of economic zones in the ecosystem.

Which has been a major factor promoting urban sprawl in the United States?

Federal and state funding of highways

When a resource has been economically depleted, we can do something about it. Which of the following is not suggested as an appropriate action to take to mitigate this issue?

Find alternative supplies of the resource.

With only 2% of its forests remaining, which of the following countries has gone from tropical paradise to ecological disaster?


Biologist E.O. Wilson proposed a list of priorities for protecting aquatic biodiversity. What is one of those priorities?

Identify and preserve the world's aquatic biodiversity hot spots.

Four of the following are ways to grow and harvest trees more sustainably; one is not. Choose the one that is not.

Increase road building into uncut areas.

species that tend to reproduce later in life, have a small number of offspring, spend large amounts of energy caring for their young, and have long life spans best describes...

K-Selected reproduction

Based on data for Ch. 6, which country would this age structure diagram best represent (I told you to study these graphs!)? * Graph has a large population with AIDS


To address the water supply problems in the Colorado River basin, experts call for the seven states using the river water to take several actions. What is not one of these?

Lower the price of water taken from the river.

"Fecal snow" has been observed in ____.

Mexico City

Tapping deep aquifers for water sources creates several concerns. Which of the following is not one of these?

Most are heavily polluted.

The second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century occurred in 1991 when ____ erupted.

Mt. Pinatubo

Which of the following is not true of the Colorado River basin?

Much needed sediment is washed to coastal wetlands.

In 1968, the U.S. Congress passed the ____ to establish protection of rivers with outstanding wildlife, geological, scenic, recreational, historical, or cultural values.

National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

In what 2 stages is "growth rate over time" considered low? (these next 2 questions reference the chart)

Preindustrial, Industrial

Which of the following is an effect of urbanization?

Recycling is less economically feasible.

Four of the following are important ecological services provided by forests; one is not. Choose the one that is not.

Releases atmospheric carbon

Ecologists and forest fire experts recommend several strategies for reducing fire-related harm to forests and people. What is one of those strategies?

Set small, contained surface fires in highest-risk forest areas.

Which state has made the best use of urban growth boundaries?


Which trophic level (TL) always has the greatest amount of energy available to it?

TL 1 (aka, Producers)

Mass extinctions, with 25-95% of species going extinct, have occurred several times in the history of the earth. What makes our current extinction rate different from previous mass extinctions?

The extinctions are human caused rather than natural causes.

Because of the rising prices of many metals, there is now particular interest in pursuing mining in what location? Remember- Choose the best answer (this is a tough one...)

The ocean floor

The "one way flow of high-quality energy" is one of the 3 factors that sustain life on Earth. If energy can not be created or destroyed, then why is it considered a "one way flow"?

The one way flow of high-quality energy describes the transfer of energy from the sun to all living things. Their feeding interactions into the environment are classified as low-quality energy. The transfer describes is considered a "one way flow" because the sun provides high-quality energy and this energy can not be transfered back into high-quality energy or returned to the sun. This is described in the 2nd Law of Thermodamics.

What is a major difference between the phosphorus cycle and the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles?

The phosphorous cycle does not include the atmosphere but the others do

What is a trend in urban population dynamics?

The proportion of the global population in urban areas is increasing.

There are four major problems associated with the use of the Colorado River's water. Which one of the following is not one of those problems?

The river gets most of its water from mountain snow melt.

The most populous city in the world, a hypercity, is ____.


Which statement about higher gasoline taxes is true?

They are difficult to implement due to lack of fast, efficient, reliable, and affordable mass-transit options, bike lanes, and sidewalks.

Which of the following is true of tree plantations?

They are not biologically diverse.

What is true of genetically modified crops?

They could reduce biodiversity

Which of the following is true of surface fires?

They free mineral nutrients that are locked up in vegetation and litter.

What is an advantage of modern synthetic pesticides?

They increase profits for farmers

Which of the following is a characteristic of exurbs?

They lack an socioeconomic center

What is a disadvantage of modern synthetic pesticides?

They may become less and less effective.

Which of the following is not a primary goal of a dam and reservoir?

To clean the water supply

Which biome was the focus in the Core Case Study?

Tropical Rainforest

What is true of water and water supplies associated with urban areas?

Urban development has destroyed or degraded wetlands.

Which of the following statements is true?

Urbanization varies throughout the world but is increasing everywhere.

Due to limitations of resources and competition between populations, there are ____ limits to population growth in nature.


Which vertebrate was the subject of the Ch.4 Core Case Study?


Explain why a food web is a better representation of an ecosystem than a food chain.

While a food chain is simply a sequence of organisms detailing the flow of energy between each one, a food web describes many food chains interconnected between each other. This allows the viewer to learn not only which direction the energy is flowing, but also the relationship between organisms of different food chains.

Which of the following is experienced by residents of Mexico City?

Widespread salmonella and hepatitis infections

What would cause a population to overshoot its carrying capacity?

a reproductive time lag between birth and death rates

What is CITES?

a treaty banning trade in endangered species

A population's distribution of individuals among various age groups

age structure

What is not considered a major problem for U.S. public parks today?

agricultural runoff

The purpose of mitigation banking is to ____.

allow the destruction of wetlands if an equal wetland is created elsewhere

Some species that tend to reproduce later in life and have a small number of offspring with long life spans. This reproductive strategy commonly ____.

are vulnerable to extinction

What is the zone of hot, partly melted rock that flows and that can be deformed?


In any ecosystem, what is always at the base of all food chains?


One result of the increasingly efficient global hunt for fish is that larger individuals of commercially valuable wild species are ____.

becoming scarce

In recent years, jellyfish blooms have ____.

been rising in numbers

What is now likely to draw people to urban areas?

better health care

Areas especially rich in plant species that are found nowhere else and are in great danger of extinction are called ____.

biodiversity hotspots

What is the term for the portion of the earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere where life is found?


Please identify the levels of organization we discussed in class as either biotic, abiotic, or both.

biosphere - both biome - both ecosystem - both community - biotic population - biotic organism - biotic

Conservationists around the world are using a design in which an inner core of a reserve is surrounded by two protective areas. This design is known as ____.

buffer zone concept

The rise in white-tail deer populations in suburban areas are causing numerous problems. What is the greatest, most deadly problem?

car wrecks

The maximum population of a given species that a particular habitat can sustain

carrying capacity

Some coastal fishing communities have developed allotment and enforcement systems for controlling fish catches in which each fisher gets a share of the total allowable catch. These systems help sustain fisheries and jobs and are called ____.

catch-share systems

Industrialized livestock production generates 1% of the world's climate-changing greenhouse gases, more than all the world's cars, buses, and planes. Most of this comes from ____.

cattle belching

Tropical forests in the Amazon basin and other South American countries are primarily being cleared or burned for ____.

cattle grazing and soybean plantations

According to water resource experts, the main cause of water waste is ____.

cheap prices

Many of the world's poor only have access to a low-protein, high-carbohydrate, vegetarian diet and suffer from ____.

chronic malnutrition

What is the pattern of development in which houses, town houses, condominiums, and two- to six-story apartments are built on parts of the tract and the rest, typically 30-50% of the area, is left as open space for wildlife preserves, parks, and walking and biking paths?

cluster development

Which product is commonly grown in plantation agriculture?


Rainwater harvesting ____.

collects rainwater from rooftops and stores it

When it appears that it is no longer profitable to continue fishing as a result of overfishing, the fish populations are said to be ____.

commercially extinct

"Of the 65 other mammal species documented in the park, the white-tailed deer, groundhog, chipmunk, and some squirrel and bat species are the most commonly seen. Over 200 species of birds are regularly sighted in the park, 85 of those migrate from tropical regions. Some 120 species nest here." Which level of organization is being described?


One preservation strategy for the remaining grasslands in the Southwestern U.S. involves land trust groups that pay ranchers for ____, which are deed restrictions that bar future owners from developing the land.

conservation easements

For heterotrophs, what is the primary method of assimilating nutrients?


Which procedure would most likely be used to mine coal on hilly terrain?

contour mining

What moves large volumes of rock and heat within the mantle, much like gigantic conveyor belts? Hint- This process predominately occurs in the upper mantle (in the Asthenosphere)

convection cells

About 20% of the world's grain production is used to make biofuels such as ethanol for cars mainly using which grain?


Costa Rica is considered a superpower of biodiversity, with an estimated 500,000 plant and animal species. This biodiversity is chiefly a result of the ____.

country's geographic location and its government's strong conservation efforts

During stage 2, what is the main cause of of the rapid increase in "total population"?

decrease in death rate

Based on the section 1 of your reading and figure 6.2 from your book, since the 1980's, the global population growth RATE has ________.


The temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forest for agriculture, or other uses, is called ____.


The time it takes to use up a certain proportion of the reserves of a mineral at a given rate is referred to as the ____.

depletion time

When the productive potential of soil, especially on arid or semiarid land, falls by 10% or more because of prolonged drought and human activities, ____ occurs.


One major human activity that has contributed to flooding is ____.

destroying vegetation

Which of the following is a disadvantage of clear-cutting?

destroys and fragments wildlife habitats

Large dam and reservoir projects ____.

disrupt the migration and spawning of fish

Surface mining, when compared to subsurface mining, ____.

disturbs more land

Sea-bottom habitats are being threatened by ____.

dredging operations and trawlers

Withdrawing too much water from an aquifer can cause several issues. Which of the following is not one of these?


Why are infant mortality rates higher in the US than other developed countries?

drug abuse during pregnancy

The variety of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems found in an area or on the earth is called ____.

ecological diversity

What term refers to the process of repairing damage caused by humans to the biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by ecosystems?

ecological restoration

Ecologists warn that human population growth, economic development, and poverty are exerting increasing pressure on the earth's ecosystems and on the ____ it provides.

ecosystem services

The Core Case Study lists 3 major factors as to why the Earth's human population has increased so dramatically. Which of the following was not a reason given?

emergence of new energy sources- coal, oil, natural gas

Departure of individuals from a population to another area


In 2011, an international panel of scientists concluded that because of a combination of habitat loss, overfishing, pollution, and ocean acidification, marine life is poised to enter a new period of ____.


A combination of all factors that may limit growth of a population

environmental resistance

Based on information provided in this graph, what factor keeps populations near carrying capacity?

environmental resistance

Which of the following is not an economic service provided by forests?

erosion reduction

What is a result of phosphate rich runoff from land into surface water supplies?

eutrophication- increased growth of algae in streams, lakes, and other water bodies

When plotting the number of individuals in a population against time, the data yield a J-shaped curve. What does this curve indicate?

exponential growth

One way of increasing our supplies of rare earth minerals is to ____.

extract and recycle them from discarded electronics

Which activity is least likely to be involved with the sustainable management of freshwater fisheries?

facilitating the introduction of commercially important nonnative species

A severe shortage of food leading to mass starvation, many deaths, economic chaos, and social disruption, is called ____.


A second green revolution has been taking place since 1967, based on ____.

fast-growing rice and wheat

There are many advantages to using microorganisms for mining. Which of the following is not one of these?

faster removal of the mineral

As large species of fish are overfished, the fishing industry is shifting to smaller marine species and about 90% of this catch is converted to fishmeal and fish oil, most of which is ____.

fed to farmed fish

A concentration of a particular wild aquatic species suitable for commercial harvesting in a given ocean area or inland body of water is called a ____.


Which of the following is defined as the area of ocean needed to sustain the fish consumption of an average person, a nation, or the world?


What is the largest cause of soil erosion?

flowing water

The place where an earthquake begins is called its ____.


An urban area where people have little or no easy access to nutritious food without traveling long distances is called a(n) ____.

food desert

A second-growth forest is a(n) ____.

forest resulting from secondary succession

When reading a food web, in which direction do the flow-of-energy arrows point?

from prey to predator

Which kind of diversity allows organisms on earth to adapt to and survive many changing environmental conditions?

genetic diversity

Farmers could not grow lettuce in the arid interior of California without ____.

government subsidies

What is one breakthrough material in the materials revolution that is being used for bridges and buildings?


The hydrologic cycle is driven primarily by which two natural forces?

gravitational energy and solar energy

One approach to preserving open space, used in cities such as Toronto and Vancouver, is to surround a city with a(n) ____.


Water in the spaces between soil, rock, and gravel is called what ____.


Areas such as the San Joaquin Valley and Mexico City have experienced subsidence because ____.

groundwater was overpumped

According to this site, the US has 1 birth every 8 seconds, 1 death every 13 seconds, and one immigrant every 28 seconds. No information was given for emigration. This comes to 10,800 births, 6646 deaths, 3086 immigrants, and 0 emigrants.

growing by 7240 a day

Use the following information to calculate the growth of this population of raccoons. In a population of raccoons 18 babies are born, five males leave the area to avoid competition and find food, 10 raccoons are killed by cars and other predators, and two raccoons join the population in search of mates. What is this population experiencing?

growth by 5 raccoons

Country Development- Select from Developed, Developing, or Transitional Countries

high fertility rates - developing corrupt government - developing low literacy rates - developing mainly primary industry jobs- fishing, farming, mining - developing Ex- many African countries - developing a.k.a.- newly industrialized - transitional improving social freedoms and open trade between countries - transitional Ex- Mexico, China, India - transitional easy access to healthcare and education - developed Low infant mortality rates - developed

There are seven species of sea turtles. All are in danger of becoming extinct, mostly due to ____.

human impacts on their environment taking place during the last 100 years

What type of rock is granite?


A population increases through birth and ____.


The largest recorded loss of life from a tsunami was ____.

in 2004 in Indonesia

The greatest marine biodiversity is located ____.

in coral reefs

Based on the section 1 of your reading and figure 6.3 from your book, where is global population increasing the most?

in developing countries

Most local government services (schools, roads, police and fire protection, welfare, and so on) depend on ____.

income taxes

Which of the following is a harmful effect of even carefully designed logging roads?

increased erosion

The removal of mangrove forests in coastal areas has resulted in ____.

increased flooding

Overgrazing occurs when too many animals graze for too long and exceed the carrying capacity of a rangeland area. Overgrazing causes all of the following except ____.

increased retention of water

What is the effect of Mexico City's warm, sunny climate on its pollution problems?

increased smog

All of the following are reasons why populations typically live in clumps except...

increases the chance of competition in order maintain group dominance

With traditional intensive agriculture, farmers increase their crop yields by ____.

increasing their inputs of human and draft-animal labor

What is a major threat to the biodiversity and ecological function of the Great Lakes?

invasive nonnative species

Approximately 26 million children each year suffer irreversible brain damage from lack of ____.


Anemia may be the result of a deficiency in ____.


Which of the following is a type of metallic mineral?


Changes in the DNA molecules of a gene in any cell that can be inherited by offspring are called ____.


Mining causes long-term harm to the environment in a number of ways. In general, what is not one detrimental effect of mining?

large amounts of radioactivity

One advantage to raising animals in feedlots is ____.

less land use

People in the United States spend how much of their disposable income on food?

less than 10%

The term undernutrition refers to people who consume ____.

less than the basic number of daily calories

One invader that particularly worries scientists and fishers on the east coast of North America is a species of ____ native to the western Pacific Ocean.


Rapid growth followed by a steady decrease in population growth until the population size stabilizes at its carrying capacity

logistic growth

Most conservation biologists believe the most important reasons for protecting wilderness and other areas from exploitation and degradation involve the ____.

long-term needs of all species

Overnutrition and undernutrition are both key factors which could lead to...?

lower life expectancy

The severity of an earthquake is a measure of its seismic waves, and is called ____.


Which is a disadvantage of using aquaculture to produce fish?

makes dense fish populations more vulnerable to disease

Protecting ____ and restoring them in areas where they have been destroyed are important ways to reduce the impacts of rising sea levels and storm surges, because these can slow storm-driven waves.

mangrove forests

Limestone, when exposed to heat and pressure, becomes ____.


The excessive turbidity, or cloudiness, of Lake Wingra in Madison, Wisconsin, was caused by the introduction of which of the following?

marine seaweed

The traditional approach to estimating fish populations is the ____.

maximum sustained yield

Hypercities and megacities are merging into vast urban ____.


What is the first phase of urbanization, as experienced in the United States?

migration from rural areas to large central cities

A naturally occurring, chemical element or inorganic compound that exists as a solid with a regular repeating internal arrangement of its atoms or ions is called a(n) ____.


For natural selection to occur, an adaptive trait ____.

must be a heritable trait

Biological evolution by natural selection is when genes ____, individuals ____, and populations ____.

mutate; are selected; evolve

Ammonia that is not taken up by plants may undergo _____ by replacing the H with O to form nitrites and nitrates.


This cycle is dependent on symbiotic bacteria for each process...

nitrogen cycle

What type of crust is thinner and denser, and made up of Fe- and Mg-rich minerals?

oceanic crust

What proportion of urban Americans live in the suburbs?


The newer approach to estimating fish populations, one which takes into account interactions between species and has more room for error, is ____.

optimum sustained yield

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), which health issue causes problems to a greater number of people?


In sustainable community development, the "triple bottom line" refers to ____.

people, the planet, and profits

Warmer and more acidic ocean water is stressing ____, the foundation of the marine food web.


Organic fertilizer is derived from ____.

plant and animal materials

What is probably the biggest problem for U.S. national parks today?


All of the following are aspects of family planning in developing countries except...

preference for male children

Which age range is most helpful when predicting the demographic trend of a country's population?

prereproductive ages

One of the most important and effective ways to reduce flooding is to ____.

preserve and restore wetlands

Please identify on which trophic level (TL) the following terms would be found?

producers (autotrophs) - TL 1 herbivores - TL 2 primary consumers - TL 2 secondary consumers - TL3 tertiary consumers - TL 4 quaternary consumers - TL5 heterotroph - TL 2,3,4,5

Compared to high-input farming, low-input agriculture ____.

produces similar yields with less energy per unit of yield

A fishing method called, ____ fishing, is used to catch surface-dwelling species such as tuna, mackerel, anchovies, and herring, which tend to feed in schools near the surface or in shallow areas.


Acid mine drainage occurs when ____.

rainwater seeps through spoils piles and produces sulfuric acid

Unfenced grasslands in tropical and temperate climates that supply forage for grazing animals are called ____.


Curitiba, Brazil's biggest challenge today, in terms of urbanization, is ____.

rapid population growth

Michael Rosenzweig suggests we need to learn how to share with other species the spaces we dominate. He calls this new form of conservation biology ____.

reconciliation ecology

One effect of zoning in cities is that it can ____.

reduce automobile use

Desalination has a number of problems. What is not one of these?

reduces soil salinization on irrigated lands

Compared to traditional tillage, conservation tillage ____.

reduces topsoil erosion

Scientists are now cataloging species in the deepest part of the ocean by using ____.

remotely operated deep-sea vehicles

What is not one of the ecosystem services of rivers?

remove silt that accumulates in deltas

Humans alter the evolution of populations through all of the following EXCEPT:

reproductive isolation

Identified deposits from which we can extract the minerals profitably at current prices are referred to as ____.


One method of desalination uses high pressure to force saltwater through a membrane filter. This method is called ____.

reverse osmosis

About two thirds of the world's human population survive primarily by eating one or more of three grain crops. What are these three grains?

rice, wheat, and corn

Projected climate change threatens aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services, partly by contributing to ____.

rising sea levels

The slowest of the earth's cyclic processes is the ____.

rock cycle

Precipitation that does not infiltrate the ground or evaporate is called ____.

run off

Repeated irrigation in dry climates leads to accumulation of salts in the upper layers of the soil, a process called ____.


Access to water is an issue for all of humanity. Which issue is not one of the four that the author has cited with regard to this access?

scientific issue

Four of the following are measures to speed up ecosystem recovery; one is not. Choose the one that is not.

secondary succession

What type of rock is formed from the weathered remains of other rocks?


Vibrations caused when energy accumulated over time is released are called ____.

seismic waves

Removing intermediate-aged or mature trees from a forest is known as ____.

selective cutting

The major goal of industrialized agriculture for any crop has been to steadily increase each crop's ____.

yield per unit of land

Most of the water in the Colorado River comes from which of the following sources?

snow melt in the Rocky Mountains

The best way to maintain soil fertility is through ____.

soil conservation

All of the following are areas of the biosphere where life can be found except...


The U.S. population is shifting to the ____.

south and west

Both geographic and reproductive isolation may result in ____.


What term describes the number of different species in a given area?

species richness

Waste soil and rock removed during surface mining is called ____.


When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, the continental plate usually slides up and over the denser oceanic plate, pushing it down into the mantle, a process called ____.


The materials revolution ____.

substitutes silicon and other materials for metals

The rotten-egg smell coming from volcanoes and anaerobic decomposition in bogs and swamps comes from the substance ____________________.


Most precipitation falling on terrestrial ecosystems becomes _____.

surface runoff into lakes, streams, and the ocean

To encourage more responsible fishing practices, an important component of sustaining aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services is bottom-up pressure from consumers demanding ____.

sustainable seafood

Large sections of the earth's crust, called ____, slowly separate, collide, or grind along against each other at the earth's surface.

tectonic plates

Many biologists and wildlife conservationists believe that the best way to keep from hastening the extinction of wild species through human activities is to protect threatened habitats and ecosystem services. This is referred to as ____.

the ecosystem approach

The rate that the tectonic plates move is comparable to ____.

the rate that fingernails grow

The interaction of physical and chemical processes that change rocks from one type to another type is known as ____.

the rock cycle

At a certain depth, the area where the spaces in soil and rock are completely filled with water. What is this called?

the zone of saturation

Think carefully--- China has lower costs for the mining of rare earth minerals because of ____.

their fewer environmental regulations

HIPPCO is an acronym that aids in remembering ____.

threats to the world's biodiversity

Slash and burn agriculture is a type of ____.

traditional subsistence agriculture

Tectonic plates can move in opposite but parallel directions along a fracture or fault at a boundary called a ____. Hint- also called "strike-slip"

transform fault

What is the most efficient means of water delivery to crops?

trickle or drip irrigation

Plantation agriculture is a form of high-input agriculture that involves growing cash crops and is primarily used in ____.

tropical, less-developed countries

What are a series of large (water) waves generated in the ocean by an earthquake, landslide, or volcanic activity?


By 2050, what proportion of the world's population is expected to live in urban areas?


Forests provide habitats for about ____ of the earth's terrestrial species.


What proportion of the world's CO2 emissions come from motor vehicles and industrial facilities in urban areas?


What proportion of urban Americans live in the inner city?


An old-growth forest is a(n) ____.

uncut or regenerated primary forest undisturbed for at least 200 hundred years

Much of the earth's sulfur is stored in which reservoir?

underground rocks and minerals

Although Portland's population increased by 38% between 1980 and 2011, its urban area expanded by only 2%. This illustrates the use of ____.

urban growth boundaries

Cities generate large amounts of heat because of factories, cars, lights, air conditioning, and dark roofs. This creates a phenomenon called ____.

urban heat island

Which of the following is a method of grassland restoration?

use of portable fencing to confine cattle to ungrazed areas

What is gray water?

used water from showers, sinks, dishwashers, and tubs

Surface fires ____.

usually bum only undergrowth and leaf litter on the forest floor

Indirectly used water, that is, water consumed to produce food and other products, is called ____.

virtual water

Each year, at least 250,000 children under six years of age go blind from lack of ____.

vitamin A

Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide are naturally added to the atmosphere by _____.


What process adds water until the water table rises and envelops the deep roots of plants, resulting in a loss of productivity and ultimately killing them?


What is the land from which surface water drains into a particular lake, river, or other body of water?


The term overnutrition refers to ____.

when energy use is less than energy intake

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