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thomas hooker

A Puritan minister who led about 100 settlers out of Massachusetts Bay to Connecticut because he believed that the governor and other officials had too much power. He wanted to set up a colony in Connecticut with strict limits on government.; thought there should be religious tolerance bc hypocritical

francisco coronado

A Spanish soldier and commander; in 1540, he led an expedition north from Mexico into new mexico; he was searching for the legendary Seven Cities of Gold, but only found Adobe pueblos- exterminated thru warfare and disease

paleo indian artifacts

what knowledge is constructed on about the first people in america; use middens (scrap piles) and coprolites (fecal matter)


william penn was son of royal navy admiral and landlord of valuable irish estates and when his father died, the king paid large debt in form of territory between new york and maryland -v large and soil and minerals were the best -attracted people in europe honestly and become known as colony for ordinary people, never profitable for penn and more cosmopolitan -wanted to create holy experiment and named philadelphia city of brotherly love -always reimbursed indians and helped them with alcholohism so had no major conflicts -prospered from outset, penn's recruitment of emigrants, thoughtful planning, and mild climate and fertile soil


-Colony originally founded as a refuge for debtors by philanthropists -founded by oglethorpe -needed military buffer between south carolina and spanish settlement in florida -reflected military purposes... limited size of land holdings, no alc, no africans, strict trade, no catholics -lowest portion of english population than any settlement -eventually loosed laws and returned control to king who made rep assembly

john smith

-Helped found and govern Jamestown. His leadership and strict discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter. -became council president and imposed work and order and raids against indians to steal food

middle grounds

-Lands where the Europeans and Indians had settlements, but no one group had total control -natives wanted euro to act like father and mediate disputes -at first french dominate here but by 18th century british controlled most and relationship deteriorated as new settlers couldn't adopt relationships and natives removed

ferdinand magellan

-Portuguese navigator who led the Spanish expedition of 1519-1522 that was the first to sail around the world. -found strait at south end of south america and then into pacific and then philippines

biological exchange

-aka columbian exchange -europe benefitted the most from exchange because disease was v bad for indians -euro introduced sugar, bananas, domestic livestock, and the horse (v important to natives), and more -euro learned new agri techniques, new crops (corn v important) (squash, tomatoes, etc) which revolutionized euro agri -natives began to learn spanish and portuguese and created dialects and morphed catholicism

christopher columbus

-aka cristoff colombo -genoase mariner who postulated existence of westward rout to asia (thought world was smaller, thought asia extended far more east, though atlantic was narrow enough to be crossed briefly) -sponsored by king ferdinand and queen isabella of spain (new monarchs wanted to prove strength -v religious and thought he was sent by god -led spain to dedicate more resources and energy into maritime exploration

tribal cultures

-alliances fragile -all experienced agri revolution in last century before euro came so more sedentary -developed customs and rituals and religion= important (on natural world and worshipped nature gods) -totems and large festivals -women did childcare, meal prep, and gathering food but algonquions, iroquius, and musketeers had women tend to field and often left alone so controlled social and economic things

new hampshire

-anne hutchinson led group to rhode island and then new netherland where she died of indian uprising -john wheelwright took her people to new hampshire and created a colony in 1679

pequot war

-competition over trade with dutch in new netherland and friction over land led to war between connecticut valley and pequot indians in 1637 -english allied with mohegan and narrangansett indians -john mason set stronghold on fire and survivors sold as slaves and pequot almost wiped out

vasco de balboa

-crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean

what did the spanish learn from experiences with the pueblos?

-don juan de donate claimed lands of pueblo indians and err colony of new mexico with encomienda system (license to exact labor and tributes from natives) and treated natives harshly -eventually relations improved with pueblos and covered to christinaity but when tribal rituals were suppressed, pueblos revolted -drove spanish away but eventually returned -taught they couldn't prosper in new mexico if remained in conflict with huge native population so tried to solve by either 1) intensify effort to assimiliate (baptize and enforce catholicism) 2) let pueblos own land, stop commandeering labor, and replace encomienda system, and let tribal rituals occur -new mexico est as pueblo pop decreased thru disease, war, and migration -NM still isolated and weak


-english christians who did not like the church of england so became known as puritans because wanted to purify the church -some wanted to separate and have independent congregation and radical practices -wanted to simplify anglican form of worship and recuse power of bishops and reform local clergy -James I antagonized these people after death of elizabeth and resorted to arbitrary taxation -led to religious nonconformists wanting to find place of refuge

southeastern border of spanish empire

-est florida -conflict with english between carolinas and florida and tension with french in louisiana -eng used indians to revolt against spanish and spanish gave freedom to english slaves if they converted to catholicism -constant conflict drove spanish out of FL except for st. augustine and relied on africans and natives rotes -eng conquered Florida after 7 years war


-established by the puritans and led by john winthrop -little sign of attachment to church of england -filled with people who were honest and honored material success as evidence of god -called city upon a hill because viewed as a holy commonwealth that could serve as a model to others -a theocracy and dissendants had no freedom -had more families than jamestown or plymouth and reproduced rapidly -stong political and religious heirarchy


-euro became aware after columbus returned from west indies where cubans smoked cigars -tobacco widely used in europe by 17th century -King james I disliked -required territorial expansion and exhausted soil after only a few years -developed new strain called orinoco -vital in putting VA colony on firm economic footing -chained economy to single crop and transformed chesapeake society -led to expansion deeper into interior isolating them from jamestown and encroaching on natives land

what experiences and lessons characterized english's first attempt at colonization in a new land?

-first attempt at colonization of england = ireland -captured land and developed assumptions... 1) thought native pop were savages and lived like beasts that couldn't be tamed which they would take to america with view on natives 2) english settlement in different lands must retain rigid separation from native pops... build society in area physically separate from natives

who were george and cecilia's calvert and how were they significant?

-george calvert: 1st lord baltimore, new catholic, and water to east colony w great venture in real estate and retreat for english catholics who felt oppressed by anglicans but died after getting charter -cecilius calvert: son who received charter with huge territory and power -est maryland which became haven for catholics secretly but they were quickly outnumbered by protestants -natives here befriended them and have land, shelters and corn -no assaults, plagues, or starving time in maryland -religious toleration policy adopted... "act concerning religion" -severe labor shortage so adopted headright system in 1640 -became center of tobacco cultivation

plymouth plantation

-group of puritan separatists got permission from viriginia company and king face informal assurance and english merchants gave funds -called themselves the pilgrims and saints were the puritan separatists -chose sign just north of the cape called plymouth -was outside virginia companies and no legal basis for settling so formed mayflower compact which established allegiance to king -wiped out nearby pilgrims with small pox, -in 1630s, made profound changed and incorporated native food into diet and imposed euro patter on landscape and had domesticated animals -survival and growth depended on natives and had good relationship with squanto and somoset -had first thanksgiving with wampanoag -in 1622 military officer miles standish (leader) established semi military regime to impose discipline which led to trading surplus and developed fur trade with abenaki indianans in maine -then, william bradford changed communal labor plan and distributed land among families and took over debt and paid off -colony was in good economic standing and made money -had good economic standing

what was the main cause of tensions in the virginia colony?

-huge dispute on policy towards natives and border conflict as expanded west -sir william berkeley= governor and sent explorers to open interior of virginia -put down 1644 indian uprising and indians gave english lots of land in exchange for berkeley agreeing to prohibit white settlement w of line agreed upon -rapid growth of virginia pop and land along coast was scarce so immediately people went into 3 counties in indian territory

long held traditional theory on seeding of american continents

-humans crossed ancient land bridge over bering strait (actual land due to drop in ocean levels) 11,000 years ago into alaska and thought to be from mongolian stock and known as clovis -new evidence suggests not all from bering strait as people settled in chile and peru before n america so could have come by post; came from further in asia than mongolia (japan, polynesia) and some from euro/africa and mongolians came to dominate


-in SE region of US -included chickasaws, choctaws, and creeks, seminoles, and cherokee tribes


-in central america and yucatán peninsula -800 ad -written lang, numeric system, accurate calendar, advanced agri system, and important trade routes

iroquoian language group

-in northeast region of US centering in upstate NY -included seneca, cayuga, onondaga, oneida, and mohawk tribes and links with cherokees and tuscaroras in South

navigation acts

-in order to prevent the colonies challenge to mercantilism (trade developed with non english colonies), Charles II adopted these 1- 1660, closed colonies to all trade except that carried on english ships and required colonies to export certain items like tobacco only to england 2- 1663- all goods being shipped to england from euro to colonies had to pass thru england to be taxed 3- 1673- response to evasion of first two laws... imposed duties on coastal trade among english colonies and provided appointment of customs officials to enforce -led to creation of important shipbuilding industry and encouraged and subsidized development of us production of goods england needed -colonies did not follow the laws however so Charles II established agency to oversee and customs officials -then, revoked all charters and established one colony under english control- dominion of new england which were all protestant

why did europeans look to africa for new labor sources (spanish)?

-in the 16th century the need for slaves for sugar cane production (a labor intensive crop) and production moved to madeira, carribean, brazil -as demand increased, europeans needed labor and got from coast of w africa and w african kingdoms warred with one another to capture potential slaves in exchange for goods -looked to africa because native population drastically decreased due to disease that africans has resistance to -africans had practice in agrarian society so needed less instruction -sugar can plantation work was too intense to appeal to white laborers

what agricultural techniques did the colonists learn from natives?

-jamestown largely survived because of natives -were better adapted to soil and climate -taught them about girdling trees instead of uprooting because this was less labor intensive and then growing crops around trees -taught three sisters method (corn, bean and squash together) -taught about corn which was easy to cultivate, could produce huge yields, stalks could become sugar source, spoiled less easily


-largest empire in americas -in peru -began in mountains of cuzco -let by leader pachacuti -innovative administrative systems with network of paved roads

algonquin language group

-largest of the three language groups in NE -in the midatlantic seaboard (canada to VA along atlantic) -consisted of pequot, narragansett, wampanoag, masachusett, shawnee, miami, sauk, fox

natives in the northeast

-less of threat than to settlers in south -learned crops and agri techniques (annual burning and bean planting), n american fur trade, had important market for iron pots, blankets, metal tipped arrows, guns, rifles, alcohol which created emergence of wealthy families with influence -had tension because white wanted more land, part because change in agrarian economy (wild animals disappeared so focused on domestic animals and as herds expanded needed more land) -conflict with white brutality because puritans started to see as savages and threat to godly community -direct threat to native and land and food shortage led many natives to alcoholism and conversion to christianity and to war

how did the virginia company attract more settlers? how'd jamestown survive?

-london company becomes virginia company -raised additional capital by selling stock to adventurers who'd stay in england but share profits -attracted settlers by offering shares of stock to planters wiling to migrate at own expenses -provided free passage for poorer people who agreed to serve company for 7 years -gov de la warr and successors imposed harsh and rigid discipline on colony and organized work gangs; didn't function well for long and settlers evaded work so permitted private ownership and cultivation of land; landowners would repay company with part time work and contribute grain to storehouses -expanded and survived with harsh and rigid discipline (Warr, Dale, Gates) and increased military assaults on indians; had marketable crop tobacco

how does spanish settlement differ from England?

-monarchy greatly extended authority into direct governance of communities and little opposition for political institutions independent from spain -spain more successful in extracting surface wealth but spent less time on making agri and commerce profitable here -v strict commercial policies of spanish govt (british too weak for) and made v rigid and restrictive trade regulation -english, dutch, and french= permanent settlement and family life and outnumbered natives vs spanish= v small comparent to natives and small ruling class and no self contained euro society

carribean islands

-most english colonialism here and in bermuda during 17th century -wiped out natives through disease -spanish claimed all islands but only settled on cuba, hispaniola, and puerto rico so english french and dutch took over others -built economy on crop exports and sugar was main focus -all land devoted to sugar and destroyed natural habitat and land for food -was a labor intensive crop and too little natives so had to import labor and began relying on african slaves -provided slaves and plantation models for america

nathanial bacon and bacon's rebellion

-nathaniel bacon = wealthy young grad of cambridge who arrived in virginia and became member backcountry gentry because gov wouldn't give him land by coast which was considered for more people -backcountry disagreed with east about policies towards natives bc more in danger of attack -bacon resented gov and when doeg indians attacked whites and berkeley did nothing -led army to jamestown where burned city and drove gov into exile -bacon dies before could gain control and berkeley returns -this is the first example of socio economic class conflict!

what aspects of america appealed to english

-newness and contrast to own troubled land with social and economic ills (wars, religious strife, harsh economic transformation of country side which made tenant farmers lose jobs) -overfarmed land, polluted rivers, and constant religious switch up in england -had serious surplus population problem

prince henry the navigator

-not himself a navigator because royalty but established school for navigation in lisbon -portuguese -first to find faster trading route with asia -went as south as cape verde on african west coast -inspired others to keep going

english reformation and relation to settlement in america

-occured because political dispute between the king and the pope when pope wouldn't allow him to get divorced so king created new religion and made himself head -created church of england/ anglican church -when catholic daughter of king henry came to throne (queen mary) she enforced catholicism -then, elizabeth came to throne and severed from catholic church again -this content back and forth kept changing what religion was legal or illegal so gave high incentive to leave

dutch settlement

-one of the leading trading nations with merchant fleet -dutch henry hudson let to dutch claim territory and est new netherland -over decade later, still active in trade in furs and dutch w india co in 1624 est trading posts around hudson, delaware, and connecticut rivers -encouraged holland, germany, sweden, and finland to settle here... granted feudal estates called patroons in exchange for people bringing more people -had new netherland with new amsterdam town

slaves in caribbean

-outnumbered whites so fearful of revolt from slaves and treated them more strictly and watched more closely -cheaper to buy new slaves so would work them to death in the harsh climate and treated v poorly -tried to create families, sustain african religion, and establish patterns of resistance

southwestern colonies

-principle spanish colonies north of mexico= florida, texas, new mexico, arizone, and california -weak and peripheral and attracted religious minorities -new mexico was most populous and prosperous of these and had largest non native pop -killed many natives thru diseases and remaining had to convert to christianity -intent on creating prosperous agri society and enlisted natives as labor... led to revolts -in 17th and 18th century, threaten by french so began to fortify claim to texas -spanish here were committed to enlisting the native population not displacing them and sought to convert to catholic, recruit to agricultural workers and trader partners

rhode island

-result of political and religious dissent of roher williams -bought track of land from narragansett after living with them -when other dissendants came got charter and created govt with no support of church -all faiths could worship here -viewed as sewer of sinners

french settlement

-rivals to engljand and formed first permanent settlement in 1608 in Quebec -population in colones grew very slowly and few french catholics wanted to leave home... french protestants already excluded -when settled, forged close and direct friendly ties with natives deep within the continent -jesuit missionaries wanted to convert natives and penetrated indian society but gave the option and did not force -courers de bois (boys/men of the forest) were fur traders who often became part of the natives and travelled interior natural waterways; were agents for fur trade for algonquions which let french become part of the society and opened way for elements of french presence in new world -alliance with algonquions led to conflict with iroquois


-second attempt at english settlement in america -raleigh got 6 year grant and found island of roanoke off coast of carolina but queen wouldn't give all financial support so went to private investors -Greenville led men to roanoke to establish colony in 1585 -in spring, francis drake arrived with long overdue supplies but colonists boarded ship and returned to england -raleigh tried again in 1587 w new group and then john white left to get more supplies but hostilities with spain got in way and couldn't go back for 3 years -when white returned in 1590, deserted and croaton carved on post -following this, no one got such undefined grants of land

who were the powhatan indians and why'd they come in conflict with settlers?

-sir thomas dale (virginia) led unrelenting assaults against powhatan indians while trying to expand and kidnapped chiefs daughter pocohantus -then powhatan ceased attacks but brother Opechancanough became chief and resumed effort to defend tribal land -attacked and killed 347 colonists -finally, fighting ceased and peace treaty signed in 1646 to formally end hostilities and remove indians from land -after this uprising, faced bankruptcy and james 1 revoked charter and colony came under the control of crown


-superseded mayans in mexico -est city of Tenochtitlan in 1300 AD in modern day mexico city -aqueducts, public buildings, schools, military, medicine, slaved -dominance thru tribute (heavy tax paid in goods and enforced by military -religion based on human sacrifice


-the first permanent English settlement in North America, found in East Virginia -in 1607 -when spanish armada attacked england and english won, ended spains domination of atlantic and english felt freer to establish themselves -colony on peninsula extender from James River N bank -bad location because trying to avoid natives so selected easily definable place but it was low, swampy, and had malaria ridden mosquitoes, brackish water, thick woods, lay in territory of powerful powhatan indians -agriculture was low priority, too busy looking for gold, and rich men who didn't want to do dirty work, thought they could use indians for food -little interest in family centered community so little women and had difficulty forming relationships with natives so couldn't establish real households and no permanent feelings -experienced starving time between 1609 and 1610

archaic period

-the history of humans in America during a period of about 5,000 years beginning around 8000 B.C. -developed tools and farming and sedentary settlement led to larger civilizations -most important crop=corn

london company vs plymouth merchants

-the two groups James I issued a charter to; gave london company land to colonize in south and plymouth merchants land to colonize in north -london company= est jamestown and first successful

land columbus discovered

-thought in japan but landed in bahamas, then cuba, then returned to spain with indians because thought was in east indies -hit carribean on second try and had short lived colony hispaniola -third time in 1498 reached mainland and went along northern coast of S america where passed mouth of orinoco river so realized not in china

why did europe not explore the americas during the middle ages

-unaware of existence before 15th century -little incentive to follow others -small duchies and kingdoms with little provincial outlook -subsistence agriculture predominated and limited commerce -roman catholic church held major authority and was nominal political center... couldn't launch single venture -lack of organization at time (countries were new and smaller and didn't have excess wealth to explore)

3 periods of spanish empire

1) age of discovery (columbus to first 2 decades of 16th century) 2) age of conquest (est dominance over natives thru warfare and disease) 3) age of colonization (began in 1570s with ordinances of discovery bc had to expand now thru colonization)

3 factors that motivated spanish to settle new world

1) god: catholic church with mission of converting natives; ferdinand and isabella est requirement that catholocism is only religion of new world 2) gold: got 10x more gold and silver than rest of world combined making them most wealth nation 3) glory also, profitable agri economy and settlers helped est elements of euro civilization

changes that created incentive for europe to explore new world

1) significant pop growth after rebounding from black death so rise in land value, reawakening of commerce, and increase in prosperity let to landowners purchasing goods from distant regions and new merchant class arose to meet demand... led to increase in trade, shipbuilding and navigation and interest in new markets and trade routes 2) ride n new governments that were more powerful and united because pope was distant so created centralized nation states and had tax systems so increased wealth and wanted to enhance commercial growth 3) inspired by marco polo and wanted to find faster way to asia

starving time

1609-1610 *A period of starvation endured by the Jamestown colonists *The colonists depended upon trade with the local Native Americans for their food supplies *A series of conflicts between the colonists and the Native Americans limited the colonists' ability to trade for supplies and to farm their own food *A large number of colonists died and others tried to flee to England; however, boats arrived with supplies from England intercepted the colonists and forced them to return to Jamestown *Additional support from England, the development of new industries, and the creation of new trade partnerships helped ensure the settlement's long-term survival

the carolinas

1665 - Charles II granted this land to pay off a debt to some supporters. They instituted headrights and a representative government and religious freedom to attract colonists. The southern region of the Carolinas grew rich off its ties to the sugar islands, while the poorer northern region was composed mainly of farmers. The conflicts between the regions eventually led to the colony being split into North and South Carolina. -white caribbean migrants established slave based plantation society here and proprietors encouraged importation

king philips war

1675 - A series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wompanowogs, led by a chief known as King Philip (metacomb). The war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians. The colonists won with the help of the Mohawks, and this victory opened up additional Indian lands for expansion.

how soon after columbus did english discover the new world

5 years after (1497)... john cabot sailed to NE coast and others looked for NW passage but no serious settlement for another century (waited because spanish firmly controlled oceans)

treaty of tordesillas

A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal (how portugal got brazil)

anne hutchinson

A Puritan woman who was well learned that disagreed with the Puritan Church in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Her actions resulted in her banishment from the colony, and later took part in the formation of Rhode Island. She displayed the importance of questioning authority. -est NEW HAMPSHIRE -claimed women religious leaders should be allowed

roger williams

A dissenter who clashed with the Massachusetts Puritans over separation of church and state and was banished in 1636, after which he founded the colony of Rhode Island to the south; secularization!


A legal document giving certain rights to a person or company; granted by king for settlement in america and for merchants to start companies and have monopoly for trading in an area


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought; focused on nation rather than the individual; thought overseas ventures would aid this because would benefit whole nation and could find markets and limit imports; increased competition between nations -richard hakluyt said colonies would create new markets, alleviate poverty and unemployment, and for poor who stayed in england they'd prosper too

ordinances of discovery

An order by the Spanish king in the 1570s that banned the most brutal military conquests. This established American presence in the new world through colonization

new york

Charles II granted this area to his brother, the Duke of York, as the English took over New Netherland in the area, very aristocratic and autocratic -english resented dutch for being wedge between north and south english colonies so sailed english fleet here and they surrendered with condition that dutch settlers won't be replaced -very diverse colony with many backgrounds and religions no representative assembly but had local governments -great dutch patroons had lots of economic and political power and power widely distributed

indentured servant

Colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years; virginia company did this


English dissenters who broke from Church of England, preache a doctrine of pacificism, inner divinity, and social equity, under William Penn they founded Pennsylvania -extremely amiable and called society of friends

puritan separatists

English people who believed the Church of England was not reformed enough, and wished to worship in their own independent congregations, despite English laws that required all subjects to attend regular Anglican services. -were imprisoned and elected so some wanted to leave in search of personal religious freedom -got land grande in massachusetts and new hampshire and charter and created Mass bay company to establish colony -believed in bible and salvation/damnation so sought salvation over course of life

virginia dare

First English child born in America; daughter of john white

new jersey

James gave to two friends, Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, a section of NY between the Hudson River and Delaware Bay -carteret named new jersey but eventually it became royal colony under the crown -tons of ethnic and religious diversity but no important call of large landowners and mainly small famers; had no major city

john rolfe

Jamestown colony leader who showed that tobacco could be grown successfully in Virginia; developed strain called orinoco that was big lead and produced high quality crop and found english buyers for it -also married pocohantus


Large French estates. Such seigneuries along the bank of the St. Lawrence river helped to create the boundary line of French settlement before the Seven Years' War; had to bring 50 immigrants over for it


Maryland and Virginia

hernando de soto

Spanish Conquistador; explored in 1540's from Florida west to the Mississippi with six hundred men in search of gold; discovered the Mississippi, a vital North American river.

hernando cortes

Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547); most brutal conquistador; could defeat because smallpox made native pop decrease

francisco pizarro

Spanish explorer who led the conquest of the Inca Empire of Peru in 1531-1533.

st augustine

The first permanent European settlement in the New World -est in 1565 by spanish -marked beginning of colonization effort


Thomas Hooker led a large group of Puritans to settle in the Connecticut River Valley; they had slight religious disagreements with the leadership of Massachusetts The major colonies in the Connecticut River Valley agreed to unite as the Connecticut colony In 1639, the colony formed a set of laws known as the Fundamental Orders; these laws provided for representative government by those who were permitted to vote When the corporate colony was established and recognized by England, its charter was founded on the Fundament Orders The Fundaments Orders are an important example of the growth of political democracy

indians use of firearms

early exchange of technology led to indians buying tons of the flintlock rifle; proved more useful than matchlock and could defend themselves in battle bc of this

Meadowcraft Rock Shelter

first pre clovis site discovered in north america (preclovis is before land bridge so by boat)


government run by religious leaders

where were most african slaves from

large region below saber known as guinea

first attempt at english settlement in america


stuart restoration

reestablishment of monarchy in the person of Charles II, the son of Charles I, after Cromwell's death. It temporarily ended England's troubles. -resumption of colonialism and charters issue d for carolina, new york, new jersey, and pennsylvania with a focus on permanent settlement not quick commercial success

spanish caste system

system based on race that was used for social control and also determined a person's role and importance in society. Peninsular, Creole, Mestizo (dominance of mestizos bc less euro women than men ), mulattos, slaves


system in which settlers were granted land in exchange for settling in Virginia; gave 50 acres of land to each settler and those already living in the colony got 100 acres each -encouraged new families to migrate as 50 per member -settlers could pay for passage of others and each one to come got headright for -allowed prosperous to import new labor and form plantations -paid 1 shilling a year for each headright to colony

house of burgesses

the first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619, representative colony set up by England to make laws and levy taxes but England could veto its legistlative acts. -the lower house of the virginia general assembly

portugal and spain

the first powers to explore the americas because had excess wealth and the man power


was part of pennsylvania until 1701 when penn gave them charter of liberties to establish own colony -had representative assembly that greatly limited authority of the proprietor and permitted lower counties to establish representative assembly -when 3 did, became delaware

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