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316. In a broad sense, America was A) a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery by Europeans. B) a place that nurtured a love for Britain. C) completely dependent on Britain for economic support. D) a place where no new ideas took shape. E) none of the above.


326. Under the mercantilist system, the British government reserved the right to do all of the following regarding the American colonies except A) prevent the colonies from developing militias. B) restrict the passage of lax bankruptcy laws. C) nullify any colonial legislation deemed bad for the mercantilist system. D) restrain the colonies from printing paper currency. E) enumerate products that must be shipped to Britain.


333. The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to A) raise money to support new military forces needed for colonial defense. B) punish the American colonists. C) reduce the number of printed documents in America. D) enable tax collectors to become wealthy. E) raise taxes to a higher level than in Britain.


336. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Sugar Act, (B) Declaratory Act, (C) Stamp Act, (D) repeal of the Stamp Act. (A) A, C, D, B (B) C, A, D, B (C) C, B, A, D (D) B, A, C, D (E) A, B, D, C


342. As a result of American opposition to the Townshend Acts, A) British officials sent regiments of troops to Boston to restore law and order. B) the port of Boston was closed. C) Americans killed several British soldiers in the Boston Massacre. D) Parliament repealed all of the taxes levied under this legislation. E) Prime Minister Townshend was forced to resign.


354. The First Continental Congress was called in order to A) consider ways of redressing colonial grievances. B) become a legislative body. C) write the Declaration of Independence. D) decide which of Parliament's taxes the colonies would and would not pay. E) help implement provisions of the Quebec Act.


357. As the War for Independence began, Britain had the advantage of A) overwhelming national wealth and naval power. B) an alliance with Spain and Holland. C) a well-organized and united home government and population. D) first-rate generals and a well-supplied professional army. E) all of the above.


322. Under mercantilist doctrine, the American colonies were expected to do all of the following except A) supply Britain with raw materials not available there. B) become economically self-sufficient as soon as possible. C) furnish ships, seamen, and trade to bolster the strength of the Royal Navy. D) provide a market for British manufactured goods. E) refrain from exporting woolen cloth.


323. The first Navigation Laws were designed to A) help colonists get the best possible price for their trade goods. B) eliminate Dutch shippers from the American carrying trade. C) foster a colonial economy that would offer healthy competition with Britain's. D) encourage agricultural experimentation in the colonies. E) support the mapping of the Atlantic trade routes.


337. Colonists objected to the Stamp Act because A) it was a very expensive tax. B) they believed it could not be repealed. C) Parliament passed the tax, not the colonists. D) they opposed all taxes. E) they wanted their independence.


346. The tax on tea was retained when the Townshend Acts were repealed because A) Parliament believed the colonists would not object. B) the money was needed to support troops. C) it kept alive the principle of parliamentary taxation. D) it was the only tax passed by the colonists. E) colonial governors requested it.


347. The local committees of correspondence organized by Samuel Adams A) promoted his bid to become governor of Massachusetts. B) promoted independent action in each colony to support the British. C) kept opposition to the British alive, through exchange of propaganda. D) served as a precursor to the United States Postal Service. E) led the Boston Massacre.


348. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) clash at Lexington and Concord, (B) meeting of the First Continental Congress, (C) Quebec Act, (D) Boston Tea Party. (A) C, D, A, B (B) B, A, C, D (C) D, C, B, A (D) A, B, D, C (E) A, D, C, B


350. The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was A) an isolated incident. B) directed only at the British East India Company. C) not the only such protest to occur. D) supported by friends of America in Britain. E) the result of the Intolerable Acts.


353. The Quebec Act was especially unpopular in the American colonies because it did all of the following except A) turn an extensive amount of territory over to Catholic control. B) affect many colonies, not just Massachusetts. C) deny the French the right to retain many of their old customs. D) alarm land speculators, who saw a huge area snatched from their grasp. E) it set a dangerous precedent against jury trials.


313. The Proclamation of 1763 A) was warmly received by American land speculators. B) removed the Spanish and Indian menace from the colonial frontier. C) declared war on Chief Pontiac and his fierce warriors. D) prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. E) opened Canada to American settlement.


321. The founding of the American colonies by the British was A) accomplished in a well-planned fashion. B) based on the high-minded aspirations of groups such as the Puritans and the Quakers. C) undertaken by the government in every case. D) undertaken in a haphazard manner. E) rarely undertaken by trading companies or religious groups.


318. Republican belief held that the stability of society and the authority of the government A) rested with the legislature. B) depended on a strong hierarchical culture. C) rested with a strong monarchy. D) rested on an interdependence of all citizens. E) depended on the virtue of its citizenry.


327. Before 1763 the Navigation Laws A) were enforced heavily in the American colonies and were very effective. B) hurt Great Britain more than the American colonies. C) were a great burden to only India. D) discouraged smuggling by American colonial merchants. E) were only loosely enforced in the American colonies.


351. The most drastic measure of the Intolerable Acts was the A) Quartering Act. B) Quebec Act. C) Sugar Act. D) Courts Act. E) Boston Port Act.


324. The British Parliament enacted currency legislation that was intended primarily to benefit A) Virginia tobacco planters. B) British merchants. C) New England merchants. D) backwoods farmers. E) the Crown.


330. A new relationship between Britain and its American colonies was initiated in 1763 when ____________________ assumed charge of colonial policy. A) Charles Townshend B) George Grenville C) Lord North D) William Pitt E) King George III


334. Passage of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act A) led many colonists to believe that the British were expanding colonial freedom. B) convinced many colonists that the British were trying to take away their historic liberty. C) resulted in fewer laws being passed by Parliament regarding the colonies. D) exemplified to many colonists the difference between legislation and taxation. E) required action by each colonial legislature.


335. Unlike the _______________ Act, the _______________ Act and the _______________ Act were both indirect taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports. A) Townshend, Stamp, Sugar B) Stamp, Sugar, Townshend C) Stamp, Quartering, Townshend D) Declaratory, Stamp, Sugar E) Quartering, Stamp, Sugar


338. When colonists shouted "No taxation without representation," they were rejecting Parliament's power to A) legislate for the colonies in any matter whatsoever. B) levy revenue-raising taxes on the colonies. C) enforce the old Navigation Laws. D) regulate trade in the empire. E) choose colonial legislators who would pass taxes.


340. "Virtual" representation meant that A) almost all British subjects were represented in Parliament. B) every member of Parliament represented all British subjects. C) colonists could elect their own representatives to Parliament. D) Parliament could pass virtually all types of legislation except taxes. E) each member of Parliament represented only people in his district.


345. Match each individual on the left with the correct description. A. Samuel Adams B. John Adams C. Crispus Attucks 1. a casualty of the Boston Massacre 2. a foreign volunteer who drilled American troops during the War of Independence 3. a pamphleteer who first organized committees to exchange ideas and information on resisting British policy 4. a Massachusetts politician who opposed the moderates' solution to the imperial crisis at the First Continental Congress A) A-4, B-3, C-2 B) A-3, B-4, C-1 C) A-2, B-4, C-2 D) A-2, B-1, C-3 E) A-4, B-1, C-2


349. When Parliament passed the Tea Act, colonists A) rejoiced that Parliament had seemingly accepted the American definition of representation. B) suspected that it was a trick to get them to violate their principle of "No taxation without representation." C) immediately called the First Continental Congress into session. D) avoided the tax on tea by buying their tea directly from the British East India Company. E) gave up tea and turned to coffee.


352. The Quebec Act A) outlawed Catholicism in British Quebec. B) denied Quebec a representative assembly and trial by jury. C) restricted Quebec's boundaries to the area north of the Great Lakes. D) was generally ignored by the thirteen seaboard colonies because it had little effect on their relations with Britain. E) granted Quebec a representative assembly and trial by jury.


361. The colonists faced all of the following weaknesses in the War for Independence except A) poor organization. B) sectional jealousy, which constantly interfered with the appointment of military leaders. C) great difficulties in raising money to support the army. D) the use of numerous European officers. E) a weak central authority running the war effort.


363. African Americans during the Revolutionary War A) fought for both the Americans and the British. B) fought only for the British. C) fought only for the Americans. D) supported neither side, as both enslaved them. E) seized the opportunity to gain their freedom by running away to Barbados.


356. As a result of Parliament's rejection of the petitions of the Continental Congress, A) Americans reluctantly obeyed the British laws. B) fighting and bloodshed took place, and war began. C) Sam Adams and John Hancock were arrested. D) America sent new petitions to Parliament. E) Ben Franklin returned to the colonies since his efforts failed.


358. All of the following were weaknesses of the British military during the War for Independence except A) second-rate officers. B) soldiers who were incapable of fighting effectively. C) the need to keep many soldiers in Europe in case of trouble. D) the long supply lines. E) brutal treatment of their soldiers.


319. The "radical whigs" feared A) too much democracy. B) a written constitution. C) the arbitrary power of the monarchy. D) a too powerful parliament. E) all of the above.


329. In some ways, the Navigation Laws were a burden to certain colonists because A) northern merchants derived greater benefit from the system than did southern planters. B) those colonists were heavily taxed to help provide financing for the Royal Navy, which protected colonial and British trade. C) they stifled economic initiative. D) Britain had the only European empire based on mercantilistic principles. E) they gave greater benefits to slaves holders.


331. Match each act below with the correct description. A. Sugar Act B. Stamp Act C. Declaratory Act 1. first British law intended to raise revenues in the colonies 2. asserted Parliament's absolute power over the colonies 3. required colonists to lodge British troops in their homes 4. generated the most protest in the colonies. A) A-3, B-2, C-l B) A-1, B-4, C-3 C) A-1, B-4, C-2 D) A-4, B-1, C-2 E) A-2, B-1, C-4


359. Many Whigs in Britain hoped for an American victory in the War for Independence because they A) favored French domination of North America. B) were strongly pacifist. C) feared that if George III triumphed, his rule at home might become tyrannical. D) rejected colonialism. E) opposed the mercantilist system.


314. Change in colonial policy by the British government that helped precipitate the American Revolution involved A) removing British troops from American soil. B) beginning a war with Spain. C) removing the majority of the British navy from American waters. D) compelling the American colonists to shoulder some of the financial costs of the empire. E) all of the above.


320. Mercantilists believed that A) a mother country needed to import more goods than it exported. B) power came from a small colonial empire. C) the mother country produced raw materials and colonies produced the finished product. D) a country's economic wealth could be measured by the amount of gold and silver in its treasury. E) colonies drained a country of its resources.


325. The British Crown's "royal veto" of colonial legislation A) was used frequently to overturn laws passed in colonial assemblies. B) prohibited colonists from conducting the slave trade. C) was what finally provoked the War of Independence. D) was used sparingly by the British Parliament. E) was opposed by many members of the British Parliament.


328. Despite the benefits of the mercantile system, the American colonists disliked it because A) it forced the South into a one-crop economy. B) it favored the northern over the southern colonies. C) it forced economic initiative on the colonists. D) it kept them in a state of perpetual economic adolescence. E) all of the above.


344. Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) Boston Massacre, (B) Townshend Acts, (C) Tea Act, (D) Intolerable Acts. A) A, B, C, D (B) D, B, C, A (C) C, B, D, A (D) B, A, C, D (E) A, C, D, B


355. The First Continental Congress A) was attended by delegates from each of the thirteen colonies. B) adopted a moderate proposal for establishing a kind of home rule for the colonies under British direction. C) made a ringing declaration of America's independence from Britain. D) called for a complete boycott of British goods. E) adjourned shortly after convening.


360. As the War for Independence began, the colonies had the advantage of A) highly reliable and well-supplied troops. B) potential aid from the Armed Neutrality League. C) a well-organized, strongly committed, and united population. D) many outstanding civil and military leaders. E) able naval leaders.


362. By the end of the War for Independence, A) the majority of Americans supported independence with selfless devotion. B) America had an army larger than Britain's. C) the American military no longer needed foreign assistance. D) a few thousand American regular troops were finally whipped into shape. E) America had built a strong navy.


364. Regarding American independence, A) a majority of Americans supported the cause selflessly. B) most of the American business community sacrificed profit for victory. C) France gave little assistance. D) only a select minority supported independence with selfless devotion. E) Spain was in total opposition.


311. The Proclamation of 1763 was designed mainly to A) oppress the colonists. B) punish the Indians. C) show the power of Parliament. D) allow western settlement by the colonists. E) work out a fair settlement of the Indian problem.


312. In the wake of the Proclamation of 1763 A) American colonists obeyed the law they hated. B) relations with France improved. C) relations between the American colonies and the British government improved. D) the American colonies believed their destiny had been destroyed. E) American colonists moved west, defying the Proclamation.


315. When it came to the Revolution, it could be said that the American colonists were A) eager revolutionaries. B) up until the end wanting more than the "rights of Englishmen." C) little concerned about economics. D) clearly opposed to tightening commercial bonds to the British. E) reluctant revolutionaries.


317. The American colonial exponents of republicanism argued that a just society depends on A) a powerful central government. B) a weak army. C) a strong aristocratic tradition. D) support for hierarchical institutions. E) the willingness of all citizens to subordinate their private interests to the common good.


332. The first law ever passed by Parliament for raising tax revenues in the colonies for the crown was the A) Stamp Act. B) Declaratory Act. C) Townshend Acts. D) Quartering Act. E) Sugar Act.


339. Actions taken by the colonists that helped them unite include A) the Stamp Act Congress. B) nonimportation agreements. C) spinning bees. D) the making and wearing of homemade woolen goods. E) all of the above.


341. Colonial protest against the Stamp Act took the form of A) convening a colonial congress to request repeal of the act. B) a colonial boycott against British goods. C) violence in several colonial towns. D) wearing homemade woolen clothes. E) all of the above.


343. The colonists took the Townshend Acts less seriously than the Stamp Act because A) they saw the futility of resistance. B) smuggling was nearly impossible. C) it was a direct tax. D) the items taxed were rarely used. E) it was light and indirect.


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