APUSH Chapter 7

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Florida and War Fever

-"Frontiersman" in N wanted Canada, those in S wanted to acquire Spanish Florida in order to stop Indian attacks, gain access to rivers w/ port access -1810 setters in W. Florida captured Spanish fort at Baton Rouge, President Madison agreed to annex territory- Spain Britain's ally, made pretext for war -by 1812 "war harks" elected during 1810 elections eager for war- some ardent nationalists seeking territorial expansion, others defense of Republican values -speaker Henry Clay of Kentucky and John Calhoun of SC led Republicans in pressing for Canadian invasion- Madison declared war June 18, 1812

Technology in America

-America adopted British tech (which bothered Brits but oh well) and Samuel Slater built mill in RI 1790, first US factory -American inventor Oliver Evans created automated flower mill -Eli Whitney revolutionized weapons making and invented cotton gin in 1793; growth of textile industry in England created great demand for cotton, new business led slavery to become more important than ever -North cotton supply led NE entrepreneurs to create American textile industry in 1820s/30s- as N became increasingly industrial S more firmly wedded to agriculture -interchangeable parts!! yay!!

Rising Cities

-America remained largely rural, only 3% lived in towns of more than 8,000 in 1800 census -major US cities such as New York and Philly large and complex enough to rival secondary cities of Europe -urban lifestyle produced unique culture

War of 1812 - Battles with Tribes

-Americans forced to surrender Detroit and Fort Dearborn (Chicago) in first months; American frigates and privateers successful, but by 1813 Brit navy (less occupied w/ Napoleon) devoted resources and imposed blockade -US began to have success in Great Lakes- Oliver Perry beat Brits at Put-In-Bay 1813, burned capital at York; William Henry Harrison victorious at Battle of the Thames- disheartened Natives of Northwest and diminished ability to defend claims -Andrew Jackson defeated Creek Indians @ Battle of Horseshoe Bend 1814, continued invasion into Florida and captured Pensacola Sept 1814

Peace Settlement

-Aug 1814 John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Albert Gallatin met in Ghent, Belgium w/ Brit diplomats; final treaty did little but end fighting- US dropped call to end impressments, Brit dropped call for Indian buffer in NW -Brit accepted bc exhausted and in debt after Nap conflic; US believed w/ end of Eur conflict, less commercial interference would occur -Treaty of Gent signed Dec 1814, free trade agreement 1815; later Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817 led to disarmament on Great Lakes -war disastrous to Natives, lands captured in fighting never restored, most important allies now gone from NW


-Brit Navy had terrible conditions, impresment used, many deserted when possible and joined Americans; to stop loss Brits claimed right to stop and search American merchant ships and reimpress deserters -1807 Chesapeake-Leopard incident: Brit fired on US ship that refused search, US Minister James Monroe protested, GB refused to renounce impressments

Lewis and Clark

-Jefferson planned expedition across continent to Pacific Ocean in 1803 to gather geographical facts and investigate trade w/ Indians -Lewis and Clark set out 1804 from Mississippi R. in St Louis w/ Shoshone native Sacajawea as guide, reached Pacific fall 1805 -Jefferson dispatched other explorers to other parts of Louisiana Territory, Lieutenant Zebulon Pike led two expeditions b/w Mississppi and Rocky Mts

The Louisiana Purchase

-Livingston and James Monroe in Paris decided to proceed with sale of whole territory even though not authorized by gov't, treaty signed April 1803 -US paid $15 million to France, had to incorporate N.O. residents into Union -Jefferson unsure whether it's constitutional (eye roll) -December 1803 territory handed over from Spain to France then US -gov't organized Louisiana territory like Northwest territory w/ various territories to eventually to become states- Louisiana first, admitted 1812

Patterns of Education

-Republican vision included enlightened citizenry, wanted nationwide system of free public schools to create educated electorate required by republic -by 1815 no state had a comprehensive public school system, schooling primary by private institutions open only to those who could pay -idea of "republican mother" to train new generation could not be ignorant, late 18th century women began to have limited education to make them better wives and mothers- no professional training -attempts to educate "noble savages" in white culture and reform tribes, African Americans very little schooling- literacy rate very small

Revolt of NE

-US failures 1812-1815 led to increased govt opposition. In NE opposition to war and Repub govt, Federalists led by Daniel Webtser led Congressional opposition; Federalists in NE dreamed of separate nation to escape tyranny of slaveholders and backwoodsmen -Dec 1814 convention at Hartford led to nothing bc of news of Jackson's smashing success at New Orleans; two days later news of peace treaty arrived

Conflict on the Seas

-US shipping expanded to control trade b/w Europe and W. Indies -Napoleon's Continental system forbade ships that had docked at any point in British ports from landing on continent- Berlin (1806) and Milan (1807) Decrees -Britain's "orders in council" required goods to continent be in ships that had at least stopped in British ports: response to Nap's "Continental System" -American ships caught b/w countries, but England greater threat bc greater sea power and the worse offender

Dollars and Ships

-Washington and Adams had increased expenditures, debt, taxation; Jefferson 1802 had Congress abolish all internal taxes leaving only land sales and customs duties, cut gov't spending, halved debt -scaled down armed forces, cut navy due to fear of limiting civil liberty and civilian gov't, promoting overseas commerce instead of agriculture -at same time established US Military Academy @ West Point 1802, built up navy after 1801 threats by pasha of Tripoli in Mediterranean following Jefferson's end to paying ransom demanded by Barbary pirates

War of 1812 - Battles with British

-after Nap surrendered in 1814, England prepared to invade US, landed armada in Chesapeake region; Aug 1814 captured and burned Washington -Americans at Fort McHenry in Baltimore repelled Brit attack in Sept; battle is what Francis Scott Key witnessed, wrote "Star-Spangled Banner" -Brit also repelled in NY at Battle of Plattsburgh in Sept; January 1815 Andrew Jackson wildly successful at Battle of New Orleans- after treaty signed


-after failing to seize India, Napoleon wanted power in New World; Spain held areas west of Mississippi, 1800 Treaty of San Ildefonso granted French this Louisiana. -also held sugar-rich West Indian islands Guadeloupe, Martinique, Santo Domingo (where slave revolt led by Toussaint L'ouverture put down) -Jefferson unaware of Napoleon's imperial agenda, pursued pro-French foreign policy; appointed pro-French Robert Livingston minister, secured Franco-American settlement of 1800, disapproved of black Santo Domingo uprising -reconsidered position when heard of secret transfer of Louisiana and seizure of New Orleans, alarmed n 1802 when Spanish intendant at New Orleans forbade transfer of American cargo to ocean going vessels (which was guaranteed in Pikcney Treaty of 1795)- this closed lower MI river to US shippers -Westerners demanded gov't reopen river, Jefferson ordered Livingston negotiate purchase of New Orleans, in meantime expanded military and river fleet to give impression of New Orleans attack -Napoleon offered sale of whole Louisiana Territory; plans for American empire awry b/c army decimated by yellow fever, reinforcements frozen

Some Jefferson Info...

-the Federal City and the "People's President" -French architect Pierre L'Enfant designed city on grand scale, but Washington remained little more than provincial village w/ few public buildings -Jefferson acted in spirit of democratic simplicity, made his image plain, hate pretension; seemed v casual for prez -political genius, worked as leader of his party to give DemReps in Congress direction, used appointments as political weapon -won 1804 reelection relatively easily

Transportation Innovation

-industrialization required transporting raw materials to factories, etc. to create large domestic market for mass-production; US lacked system -to expand market US merchants looked to expand overseas trade; Congress 1789 passed tariffs that favored Am. ships in Am. ports, stimulated growth of domestic shipping -war in Eur in 1790s led US merchants to take over most of trade btwn Eur and Western hemisphere -improvement in interstate and interior transport led by improved river transport by new steamship -Oliver Evans had invented efficient steam engine for boats and machinery; Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston perfected steamboat and brought it to national attention w/ their "Clermont" -turnpikes woohoo

Rulings and Conflict with Courts

-judiciary remained in hands of Federalist judges, Congress repealed Judiciary Act of 1801 eliminating judgeships Adams filled before leaving office -case of Marbury v. Madison 1803 b/w Justice of Peace William Marbury and Sec of State James Madison -Supreme Court ruled Congress exceeded its authority in creating a statute of the Judiciary Act of 1789 b/c Constitution had already defined judiciary -Court asserted that the act of Congress was void; enlarged courts power -Chief Justice John Marshall presided over case, battled to give fed gov't unity and strength, established judiciary as branch coequal w/ exec and legislature -Jefferson assaulted last Federalist stronghold, urged Congress to impeach obstructive judges

Medicine and Science

-most doctors learned from established practitioners, struggled w/ using actual science and combating superstition -medical profession used its new "scientific" method to justify expanding control to new care- childbirths by doctor and not midwives

The Burr Conspiracy

-reelection of 1804 said nation liked Jefferson's acquisitions, but some NE Federalists known as Essex Junto felt expansion weakened power of Federalists and region; felt only answer secession and "Northern Confederacy" -plan required support of NY, NJ, New England, but leading NY Federalist Alexander Hamilton refused support -turned to VP Aaron Burr (who had no prospect in own party after 1800 election deadlock) to be Federalist candidate for NY governor in 1804 -Hamilton accused Burr of treason and negative remarks about character; when Burr lost election blamed defeat on Hamilton's malevolence -Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel 1804, Hamilton dies -Burr, now political outcast, fled NY for West and along with General James Wilkinson, governor of Louisiana Territory, planned capture of Mexico from Spanish and possibly make his own empire; 1806 tried for treason, acquitted -"Conspiracy" showed perils of central gov't that remained deliberately weak

"Indian Problem" and British

-removed by Ams, natives looked to Brits for protection -William Henry Harrison had been a promoter of Western expansion (Harrison Land Law 1800), named governor of Indiana 1801 by Jefferson; offered Indians ultimatum: become farmers and assimilate or move to West of MIRiv -by 1807 tribes mainly ceding land; after Chesapeake incident, however, Brits began to renew native friendships to begin defense of invasion into Canada

Religious Skepticism

-revolution detached churches from gov't and elevated liberty and reason, by 1790s few members of formal churches, some embraced "deism" -books and articles attacking religious "superstitions" popular, Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason -led to "universalism" + "unitarianism", @ first within New England Congregational Church, later separate- rejected predestination, salvation for all, Jesus only great religious teacher not son of God - spread of rationalism decreased organized churches and their support

Tecumseh and the Prophet

-the Prophet was Indian leader who inspired religious revival, rejection of white culture; attracted thousands from many tribes at Tippecanoe Creek; Prophet's brother Tecumseh led joint effort to oppose white civilization -starting 1809 began to unite tribes of Miss. valley, 1811 traveled south to add tribes of the South to alliance -1811 Battle of Tippecanoe, Harrison defeated Prophet's followers and destroyed tribal confederacy; however, thru 1812 continued to attack settlers, encouraged by Brit agents—Americans believed end only thru Can. Invasion

"Peaceable Coercion"

-to prevent future incidents that might bring war, Jefferson proposed The Embargo 1807- prohibited US ships from leaving for any foreign port -created national depression, ship-owners and merchants of NE (mainly Federalists) hardest hit before -James Madison, Jefferson's Sec of State, won election of 1808 but fierce opposition; led Jefferson to end Embargo, replaced with Non-Intercourse Act which reopened trade w/ all nations except GB and France -1810 new Macon's Bill No. 2 opened trade w/ GB and France but POTUS had power to prohibit commerce for ? -Napoleon announced France would no longer interfere, Madison issued embargo against GB 1811 until it renounced restrictions of American shipping

Cultural Aspirations in the New Nation

-wanted cultural independence, literary and artistic achievements to rival those of Europe -nationalism could be found in early American schoolbooks (and legit everywhere else) -high literacy rate and large reading public due to wide circulation of newspapers and political pamphlets but little literature

The Second Great Awakening

The Second Great Awakening -1790s from efforts to fight spread of religious rationalism. Baptists, Presbyterian, Methodists (founded by John Wesley) successful at combating New Light dissenters (ppl who made religion more compatible w/ rationalism) -by 1800 awakening that began at Yale had spread throughout country and to the west, "camp meetings" by evangelical ministers produced religious frenzy -called individuals to readmit God and Christ into daily life, reject skeptical rationalism -accelerated growth of new sects as opposed to return to established churches, provided sense of order and social stability to ppl searching for identity -women particularly drawn to revivalism b/c women more numerous in certain regions, movement of industrial work out of home led to personal and social strains that religion was used to compensate for -led to rise of black preachers who interpreted religious message of salvation available to all into right to freedom

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