APUSH Period 5 test

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Support for slavery in the Southern states was based on all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

Most White families owned slaves.

The graph above refutes which of the following statements? (slave holder graph)

Most southern families held slaves.

Politics in the United States fractured over the issue of whether Texas should be admitted

as a slave state of free state

The Wilmot Proviso specifically provided for

the prohibition of slavery in lands acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War

Before 1848, the non-Indian population of the State of California was about 15-thousand people. By 1860, it was more than ____________. And, in the same time period, the Native-American population decreased from 150-thousand to ___________. The gold rush, and its impact on California, is one very dramatic illustration of the causes and effects of westward migration in the years surrounding the Civil War.

350-thousand / only 30 thousand

By 1860, 1 out of every ___ Americans belonged to another American.


Which of the following would most likely have opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

A New England abolitionist

Despite Polk's war message saying that American blood had been shed on American soil, many US politicians were also skeptical about who started the war and where. A young Whig congressman from Illinois named ___________demanded that Polk show him the exact spot where American blood had been shed.

Abraham Lincoln

Who was nominated by the newly formed Republican party in the election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln

This painting, which was painted in 1872 by the artist John Gast, is called ___________.

American Progress.

Sam Houston led his forces to defeat Santa Anna's army at the ____________, and forced Santa Anna to recognize Texan independence.

Battle of San Jacinto

The Mexican-American War confirmed Texas's southern border, indicating the United States victory. The United States also acquired ____________ , New Mexico, and Arizona, as well as parts of Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.


From left to right, who are they?

Clay, Calhoun, Webster

The idea of Manifest Destiny included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT:

Commerce and industry would decline as the nation expanded its agricultural base.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the perception of many White Southerners that antislavery sentiment was spreading in the 1850s?

Congress voted to end the interstate slave trade.

The Compromise of 1850 did which of the following?

Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law.

Under both federal law and Missouri law as understood at the time, a slave would have lost his slave status and become a free man as soon as he stepped foot onto free territory. This was known as the ____________________ .

Extra-territorial Emancipation Doctrine.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act re-affirmed the legality of the Missouri Compromise of 1820,


Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired?

Fort Sumter

So, who's the President suffering from depression who sat back and did nothing in light of the violence resulting from the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Franklin Pierce

Who was the runaway slave who turned abolitionist?

Frederick Douglass

He planned to raid the federal armory at ____________ where he aimed to steal weapons and arm enslaved people for an insurrection. The raid was put down by proslavery militiamen and US Marines commanded by General Robert E. Lee, who would go on to become the commander of the Confederate Army. Brown was captured, convicted of treason, and hanged.

Harper's Ferry, Virginia

What was direct result of John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry?

He was wounded, captured, tried for treason, and hanged

He becomes this very famous legislator because he's good at compromising. He's called the "Great Compromiser". Who is "he?

Henry Clay

In 1862, Congress also passed the ___________, which grated 160 acres of land, for free to anyone over the age of 21 who had never taken up arms against the U.S. Government, so no one who was affiliated with the Confederacy, as long as they made improvements to the land within five years. And this included women, immigrants, and African-Americans. Selected:

Homestead Act

The trend shown in the map led most directly to which of the following? (Growth of the United States)

Increasing divisions between North and South because of questions about the status of slavery in new territories

Prior to the Civil War, a transformation occurred in the workforce of the New England textile mills as New England farm girls were replaced by

Irish immigrants

Which of the following best describes the policy of the government of Mexico toward Texas?

It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1820's and early 1830's.

Which of the following statement about the Dred Scott decision is correct?

It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United States.

US President __________ is the leader most associated with Manifest Destiny.

James K. Polk (1845-1849)

Who was elected President of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

What famous radical in a Hudson, Oh, church committed his life to the abolition of slavery?

John Brown

This drive to expand the United States West to the Pacific is often called manifest destiny, based on a phrase that was coined by New York journalist __________ , who wrote in 1845 that westward expansion would be "The fulfillment of our manifest destiny "to overspread the continent allotted by Providence "for the free development "of our yearly multiplying millions."

John O'Sullivan

The first attempt to apply the doctrine of popular sovereignty in determining the status of slavery occurred in


Proslavery Missourians helped to secure a proslavery legislature in Kansas, which drafted a proslavery constitution known as the ____________.

Lecompton Constitution

In the mid-nineteenth century, the process shown in the map was advocated by supporters of which of the following ideologies?

Manifest Destiny

Map with red outline

Mexican Cession

"We're gonna keep this compromise going "to make sure that there are the same number "of free and slave states, so we'll let ____ in "as a slave state at the same time "we let ____ in as a free state."

Missouri / Maine

The Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case in 1857 effectively repealed the

Missouri Compromise

Which of the following principles was established by the Dred Scott decision?

National legislation could not limit the spread of slavery in the territories.

What did President James Buchanan do to address growing violence and hostilities between the North and South


In 1862, in the midst of the Civil War, Congress passed the ____________ , which granted railroad companies more than 100-million acres in order to complete a transcontinental railroad, which they did in 1869.

Pacific Railway Act

Which was the first state to secede from the United States

South Carolina

The United States gained which of the following from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 ?

Possession of California and most of the Southwest

The person with the cane attacking the other is _______________________

Preston Brooks, a Southerner

Most important, the Kansas-Nebraska Act gave rise to the _______________ , a new political party that attracted northern Whigs, Democrats who shunned the Kansas-Nebraska Act, members of the Free-Soil Party, and assorted abolitionists.

Republican Party

In the spring of 1846, tensions mounted between the United States and Mexico, and the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) started, in part, over a border dispute between the two countries. Mexico claimed the Nueces River to be Texas's southern border, but the United States insisted the border lay further south at the __________ .

Rio Grande River

The Republican Party of the 1850s took which of the following positions on slavery?

Slavery could remain where it existed but should not be extended into territories or new states.

For the United States government, the addition of this new territory was political kryptonite. Both Northerners and Southerners were convinced that the opposite region was conspiring to limit their economic opportunities in the West. During the war, Congressman David Wilmot of Pennsylvania introduced a resolution in the House that would prohibit slavery in any territory gained from the conflict. The reaction to the Wilmot Priviso showed just how big the sectional divide in the country was becoming, since party lines broke down entirely. Northerners, Whig, and Democrat alike voted for the Wilmot Proviso, and Southerners, Whig, and Democrat alike voted against it. Ultimately, the proviso passed in the House was defeated in the Senate. And then gold was discovered in California, just before the end of the war, sending hordes of prospectors West and making statehood for California an urgent issue that would soon upset the balance of power between free and slave states in Congress. In other words, we can draw a direct line from the Mexican War to the breakdown of the second party system, which was replaced by a solidly ____________and a ______________, and from there to the Civil War.

Southern Democratic party / new Northern Republican party

__________________ aimed to preserve Western lands for small white farmers.

The Free Soil Movement

The map below BEST illustrates the results of which of the following? (Map of Kansas-Nebraska Act)

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

What piece of legislation needs to be revisited now that the US has acquired all this new territory from Mexico and people are racing westward?

The Missouri Compromise

Which of the following was a common justification in the United States for the trend depicted in the map?

The belief in White cultural and political superiority

What did this person do in Kansas? (Picture of John Brown)

killed pro-slavery people

Which of the following was the most direct catalyst for the secession of South Carolina?

The election of 1860

Anti-immigrant nativism of the 1840s and 1850s had the most in common with which of the following earlier developments?

The passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), which limited rights for foreign-born residents

Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty?"

The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there.

Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most controversy in the 1850's?

The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law

He called the issue of having slavery "like holding a wolf by the ears. You can't hold onto it, but you can't let it go." Who is "he?"

Thomas Jefferson

After the two nations made peace by signing the _______________ in mid 1848, the United States gained over a million square miles of new territory, a landmass larger than the Louisiana Purchase.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Southern sociologist George Fitzhugh argued that poor whites should be enslaved in addition to people of African descent in order to protect them from being eaten alive in the free market.


Which came first? Dred Scott decision Uncle Tom's Cabin being published Bleeding Kansas

Uncle Tom's Cabin being published

from Kentucky who was also a slaveholder and war hero. Cass was a Democrat from Michigan (nobody is perfect). Why did Taylor only get 47% of the vote? (We will talk about this.)

Van Buren was a third party candidate who took some of the votes.

Before there were gold miners flooding San Francisco, most people who went to the West were farmers. As land became scarcer in the East, a trickle of farming families headed to the fertile of ___________ Oregon, through the Oregon Trail.

Willamette Valley

Who exclaimed, "I will be heard!

William Lloyd Garrison

Meanwhile, the debate over the __________ was one of the major events leading up to the Civil War. The legislation, which was strongly opposed by the slaveholding South, asserted that the Mexican-American War had not been fought for the purpose of expanding slavery, and stipulated that slavery would never exist in the territories acquired from Mexico in the war.

Wilmot Proviso

The issue of whether to permit slavery in the territories organized in this new land consumed Congress at the end of the 1840s. During the war, Congressman David Wilmot introduced the _________, a proposal to ban slavery in any new territory acquired from Mexico. The measure passed in the House of Representatives but failed in the Senate.

Wilmot Proviso

Which American General and furture President should you associate with this image?

Zachary Taylor

The class system in the South was extremely rigid and aristocratic, not far off from ____________.

a medieval feudal society

The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act instituted popular sovereignty to

allow people living in a territory to determine whether slavery should be permitted there

Who protested the Mexican War?

anti-imperialists abolitionists Whigs

Slave owners argued that they treated their enslaved laborers _______________________.

better than Northern factory owners treated their "wage slaves."

Until 1836, Texas had been part of Mexico, but in that year a group of settlers from the United States who lived in Mexican Texas

declared their independence

A significant result of the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 was that the United States

experienced increasing tension over the issue of slavery

Why would a Southerner care? If I'm a slaveowner, I own a plantation in South Carolina or Georgia, why do I care if Missouri enters as a free state?

free states might have more representation in Congress, and then they can vote to outlaw slavery.

Both Northerners and Southerners _____________ for their future economic opportunities, and both sides suspected the other of trying to suppress their paths to social mobility.

looked to the West

Many people found work in the industries that served the miners, like hardware stores, boarding houses, and restaurants. And between 1860 and 1880, the ___________ in the United States tripled.

miles of railroad track

The Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case decided that Dred Scott was ....

not a citizen

The most controversial and divisive component of the Compromise of 1850 was the

passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act

Congress avoided a direct decision on the question of slavery in the new Territory of New Mexico and the Territory of Utah, employing the principle of ___________ . This allowed white residents of the territories to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery.

popular sovereignty

The Kansas-Nebraska Act established that in these territories, the principle of ________ would apply, meaning that the white residents of each territory would vote on whether to permit slavery when applying for statehood.

popular sovereignty

So what is something the Abolitionists were angry about in the Compromise of 1850?

the Fugitive Slave Act

In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president on a Republican platform that advocated all of the following EXCEPT

the abolition of slavery throughout the United States

If you had to boil the differences between the North and South into something very basic, it would be that

the north industrialized with an immigrant wage labor force while the south evolved with plantation agriculture and a slave labor force

Wealth was measured in the South by ______________

the number of enslaved people a planter owned

This is a print showing the San Francisco Harbor in 1848 (below left). There's a little smattering of houses, and a few boats in the water. It looks pretty peaceful, and it was. San Francisco only had about a thousand residents, and California had only newly become a U.S. territory at the close of the Mexican-American War. And this is a photograph of San Francisco Harbor in 1850 (below right). The water is crowded with ships, and the land is crowded with houses. Less than two years later, San Francisco had 30-thousand residents, mainly young men who had come from all over the world, making the city perhaps the most culturally-diverse place on earth at that time period. What happened?

the short answer is, gold

One of the things you get out this Compromise of 1850 is a really strong backlash of Abolitionist sentiment in the North. For example,

the writing of Uncle Tom's Cabin

A fateful event is about to happen. Leave that for a second. It's 1850. Both sides were willing to give a little (or a lot), in the name of ______.


Most of the Irish immigrants who came to the United States following the potato famine of the 1840s settled in

urban areas of the North

Another reason if you're, say, a ____________, why you might care whether a new state is a slave state, is you're worried about opportunities for yourself out in the West. We know that Horace Greeley, this famous newspaper editor, he says, "What do you do if you're a ______ in New York, a young white man, who doesn't know how to get ahead?" He says, "Go West,______ . "You can go out there, you can get some land, "you can start a farm, but if you go out there "and you find that all of the land has been bought up "by rich slaveholders from the South, "you might not be able to get any land, "and you certainly might not be able to, "for example, sell your corn at a rate low enough "that you could beat somebody who has free labor." So, there's this interesting economic argument which is it's hard to compete with slavery. I mean, you're literally talking about labor that does not need traditional wages.

young man

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