APUSH Summer Work Quiz

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What is Thoreau referring to the politicians on citizenship hold themselves to

A higher, moral standard, and serve the state with their conscience

After the Civil War, some business people, a newspaper, editors, such as the Atlantic constitutions, Henry Grady promoted the idea of new south. Which of the following best describes their vision for the southern states.

A mixed economy, no longer primarily depended on cash cups

If one is to truly protest, where must they be willing to go?


Thoreau talks about government. What is the term commonly used to describe the lack of government?


What does Thoreau state the main reason that should drive one vote to be

Because one passionately believes, and what they are voting for

The method of mass production that developed during the 19th century was a process that

relied on the use of power-driven machinery

What does Thoreau state is taking precedent over humanity for the United States government


Industrialization in the new south was best characterized as

resulting in economic growth, but with much of the wealth controlled by Northern investors

How did JP Morgan a laminate, his bank competition?

By establishing interlock directorates

What must a man do to survive in a oppressive or unjust situation?

Change nature

What does Thoreau believe the result of these protest will be

Changing of policy

Who would have most likely agreed with the tenets of

Corporate leaders

"... because they are physically, the strongest", what type of theory is being applied to the world or politics

Darwins theory (survival of the fittest)

What document does Thoreau put above the constitution as far as wise document?

Declaration of Independence

What famous US document refers to all men being created equal

Declaration of independence

Do utilize the money of the state and pay taxes to the state is to do what

Do you have allegiance or support in the state

Which of the following is least involved in the struggle for women's rights

Dorthea Dix

Where does Thoreau state that the state games is power from?

Fear and intimidation

Grover Cleveland is the only president to have

served two nonconsecutive terms as president

Why was the Democrats nomination of Horace Greasley the presidential candidate in 1872 politically disastrous

Greenlee had spent many years denouncing Democrats as morally deficient, slave, traders, and traitors

The People's party advocated, which of the following

Increase in the money supply

The depression that begin with the panic of 1873 created the first major clamor, for which of the following

Inflationary policies, to be promoted by issuing greenbacks, and other forms of soft money

What did vertical integration like the Carnegie steel corporation accomplish?

It established monopolistic control of every phase of business, from raw material to final consumer.

What best describes a primarily base of the democratic party

It included, wealthy, easterners, poor midwesterners, and that burden agrarians

What technology was, and is commonly used to describe the settlement of the west

Manifest destiny

Where is Thoreau advocating that this "peaceful revolution" take place


What does Thoreau fear can happen to a government?

Minimal control over citizens

What does Thoreau mean by Costco him last to disobey the state them to obey?


What does Thoreau mean by, " this may be to judge, my neighbors, harshly, for I believe many of them are not aware that they have such an institution as the jail in their Village. "

Neighbors do not understand all aspects of society in which they live

Does Thoreau feel, as though the situation of the United States is perceived by most to warrant an uprising in revelation


Does Thoreau have respect for the individuals who serve the state as machines?


Is Thoreau proud and supportive of the existing government


Is Thoreau referring to an individuals who observed the Bible and constitution this way favorably


Is there any guarantee that even a word, educated voter, who places a vote for a particular candidate will be rewarded with what was expecting?


Should people involved them self, in others affairs?


Would Thoreau I've been met a person after one night, if someone else has not paid taxes owed


What is a Roto, who just goes along with the main part of candidates, relinquishing himself to

No change or status quo

What type of protest is Thoreau advocating


Who does Thoreau state is the only man safe from the Tairney of government?

One who has no possessions

What time would be used to describe his interpretation of the US Constitution, " because it was part of the original compact-let it stand


What was the significance of the supreme court ruling in Wabash, St. Louis, and pacific railroad company versus Illinois?

Prohibited states from regulating interstate commerce

What did wealthy man have the ability to do instead of going to war as soldiers ?

Purchase a substitute

What was one cause of the panic of 1873

Railroad companies could not repay the loans they received from the federal government

Which term refers to the wealthy and dustrial list at the end of the 19th century who ostentatiously displayed their wealth

Robber barons

The major difference between Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller was

Rockefeller recognized that the company that controlled one stage of production would be able to determine production and prices, and therefore dominate the industry

Members of which of the following groups are most likely to support the populist party

Sharecroppers from the south

What is Thoreau associating with military action as well as other actions by the government at this time


The decision of the Supreme Court in the late 19th and early 20th centuries generally did which of the following

Strengthened the position of bigger businesses

What does it mean by, " I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting upon another man shoulders"

That Thoreaus causation does not infringe and others

Which of the following best explains a connection between economic productivity of the United States in the mid-1800s in the late 1800s

The application of new technologies expanded large scale, industrial manufacturing

Access to natural resources for businesses changed from the mid-1800s to the late 1800s most directly as a result of which of the following

The expansion of communication system, such as the electric telegraph

What brought a heart, her boss tweets widespread corruption?

The journalistic expose of the New York Times and cartoonist. Thompson nast.

Is noble, servants are treated as enemies by whom

The majority of incumbent politicians

Which best describes the relationship between the Democrats and Republicans during the Gilded Age

They had few significant policy differences.

How did the government contribute to the building of the national rail net work?

They provided free grants of federal land to the railroad companies

Who is known as the most versatile inventor of the Gilded Age

Thomas Edison

Which president of the United States was vehemently against a large standing army?

Thomas Jefferson

What group of people are most difficult to change so that the greater changes in the government concur

Those who allow current actions to continue to support the existing government

What does Thoreau believe, was not considered by our forefathers

To not acknowledge the authority of the government.

Thoreau states that conformity is a bad thing


Which two railroads joined to create the first transcontinental line in 1869

Union Pacific and Central Pacific

At the end of the 19th century, the desire of American business to control supplies of raw materials lead to

Vertical integration

What is one of the main things that Thoreau protest the financing of by the state with tax money

Violence /war

The common belief at this time was to take what type of action against what was considered " unjust laws"

Wait for majority agreement

could one assume that Thoreau was a religious man through his statements?


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