APUSH Unit 9: US becomes a World Power

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American Protective league

gov't funded group hired to spy on neighbors, phones, mail, etc. to protect the Sedition Act

Dominican Republic

had a debt problem that could be helped with the Roosevelt Corollary

Zimmerman Telegran

intercepted telegram from Germans to Mexicans telling Mexico to go to war with US

Cuban Revolt

against the spanish, US helps

19th amendment

women's suffrage

Mandate System

After World War I, the League of Nations governed territories in the Middle East but allowed member nations to run them; Palestine was a British mandate


people can form their own government and control their lives without subjugation

John J. Pershing

this American general led a punitive force into Mexico in pursuit of Pancho Villa after Villa's attack on Columbus, NM in 1916. During WWI, he also led the American Expeditionary Forces.


1) Stripped Germany of Army, Navy, Air force 2) Germany had to repay war damages 3) Germany had to acknowledge guilt for causing WWI 4) Germany could not manufacture any weapon; overall left Germany weak to avoid another war

National War Labor Board

A federal agency founded in 1918 to resolve labor disputes; it also established an eight-hour day for war workers (with time-and-a-half pay for overtime), endorsed equal pay for women, and supported workers' right to organize.

Sedition and its application

expanded Espionage Act, made any public expression against war illegal, used against anti-war groups (socialists, IWW)

absence of Russia

still busy fighting counterrevolutionaries

Philippine War

(1898-1902); War in which America used brutal tactics to crush rebellion; involved executions, concentration camps, destruction, and savagery

Boxer Rebellion

1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops.

American Expeditionary Force

About 2 million Americans went to France as members of this under General John J. Pershing. Included the regular army, the National Guard, and the new larger force of volunteers and draftees and they served as individuals

Triple Entente/Triple Alliance

Entente (Allied Powers): France, Britain, and Russia, Japan, Italy, US Alliance (Central Powers): Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey

the Big Four

France- Clemenceau (wants revenge) , England- David Lloyd George (wants revenge) , U.S. - Woodrow Wilson ( wants peace w/ no wars) , Italy- Vittorio Orlando ( wants land)

U.S. Ratification Battle

Senate didn't agree to new internationalism ideas, against the League of Nations

Liberty Bonds

bonds bought by Americans which lent their money to the government to pay for the war (they raised $21 billion, which is more than half of what was spent in total)

Root's Military Reform

enlarged federal army from 25,000 to 100,000. establish federal army standard for National Guard. Creation of officer training schools, creation of a central planning agency

Senate Vote

senate doesn't ratify the Treaty of Versailles because it includes the League of Nations

Peace Movement

some women, socialists, IWW

trench warefare

uncomfortable, physical stressful and boring for soldiers in trenches

Puerto Rico Annexation

overall little controversy (some uprisings), island occupied by US during war but the Jones Act finally annexed that

New Manifest Destiny

(Late 1800s) America was overcome with the idea of imperialism, in which it was seen as America's duty to rule the hemisphere. Hawaii and the Philippines were the first victims.

Treaty of Versailles

(WW) 1918, , Created by the leaders victorious allies Nations: France, Britain, US, and signed by Germany to help stop WWI. The treaty 1)stripped Germany of all Army, Navy, Airforce. 2) Germany had to rapair war damages(33 billion) 3) Germany had to acknowledge guilt for causing WWI 4) Germany could not manefacture any weapons.

League of nations

A world organization established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace. It was first proposed in 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson, although the United States never joined the League. Essentially powerless, it was officially dissolved in 1946.

Election of 1920

Harding (R) beats Cox (D) because he promised a return to normalcy

Emilio Aguinaldo

Leader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.

Spanish-American War

(1898) A war between the United States and Spain over the control of Cuba. The United States won this war and gained independence for Cuba, and control of the Philippines. Shortage of guns, ammunition, and medical aid on US side

George Dewey

A United States naval officer remembered for his victory at Manila Bay in the Spanish-American War, U.S. naval commander who led the American attack on the Philippines

the Maine

An explosion from a mine in the Bay of Havanna crippled the warship Maine. The U.S. blamed Spain for the incident and used it as an excuse to go to war with Spain.

Neutrality (pro-German/pro-British views)

German cause: German-Americans and Irish-Americans hate Britain British cause: admiration, higher moral quality, economic ties

Moral Diplomacy and Mexico

Huerta takes over and Wilson refuses to recognize him

Pancho Villa

Pancho Villa led bandits in killings of Americans because Wilson "betrayed" him, hunt for him and was never captured

Russo-Japanese War/TR's actions

Roosevelt didn't want to have Japan or China have dominance in Manchuria so he made deals to stop the war


Wilson led marines into Haiti in 1915 to quell revolution, military remains in Haiti until 1934 and drafts a new Constitution

Theodore Roosevelt

assistant sec of the navy and sent fleet to the philippines to attack as soon as war was declared

War Industries Board

provide centralized regulation of the economy, tons of power (decide prices on items, etc.), but mismanaged and ineffective

Russian Revolution

the revolution created a new republican gov't which allowed the US to easily ally with them without embarrassment

Hearst and Pulitzer circulation war

yellow journalists, reported on Spanish-American war

Panama Canal

(TR) , The United States built the Panama Canal to have a quicker passage to the Pacific from the Atlantic and vice versa. It cost $400,000,000 to build. Columbians would not let Americans build the canal, but then with the assistance of the United States a Panamanian Revolution occurred. The new ruling people allowed the United States to build the canal.

Samoan Islands' Annexation

1878-US signed treaty to have a US naval station at Pago Pago, soon US wanted to have a voice in affairs. Brit & Germany wanted islands too &also had treaty rights. For next 10yrs, 3nations came close to war but all agreed to share power over islands. Created a protectorate, under which the native chiefs survived but exercised only nominal authority. 1899-Germany &US divided islands b/w them, compensating Brit w/ territories elsewhere in Pacific

"Yankee Imperialism"

American investments took over island economy, bought up plantations, factories, railroads, etc. This caused revolts

Anti-Imperialism League

Carnegie, Gompers, Twain; imperialism is immoral and pollutes population; entangling alliances

Dollar Diplomacy

Foreign policy of President William Howard Taft, which favored increased American investment in the world as the major method for increasing American influence and stability abroad; in some parts of the world, such as in Latin America, the increased American influence was resented.


Germany sought armistice after assault in Argonne forest, getting tired: feared potential threat to home turf and of possible threat the US might be; they also thought Wilson's 14 points would be followed

Hawaiian Islands' Annexation

Hawaii was an import station for US ships in trading (Pearl Harbor). A number of Americans that lived there was growing and dominating econ and political life there. Americans took away land from ancient civilization. King Kamehmeha had dominance and welcomed US. US missionaries settled there. Arrival of people to Hawaii was devastating. G.P. Judd was prime minister under King Kamehmeha III. 1887 US made treat w/HI putting in a naval base at Pearl Harbor. Natives held protest. In 1891 Queen Liliuokalani took throne but for a short time. US ended position of Hawaiian sugar in world trade; this was horrible to HI econ. Planters thought only way to recover was become part of US. 1893 they staged revolution & got US involved. Marines were summoned &queen yielded authority. Provisional US govt sent delegation to D.C. about annexation. Harrison sign the treaty before leaving office but Senate refused to ratify it then Grover Cleveland came into office and refused to support it. Debate over annexation went on until 1898 when repub took office& approved it.

"solemn referendum"

In 1920 election, Wilson's proposed method of appealing to the people on the topic of the treaty in the presidential campaign of 1920; topic of treaty= League of nations. But America does not want to be in League of Nations.

Yellow Journalism

Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

June 28, 1914,assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, Austria-Hungary led an assault on Serbia, WWI starts

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Navy officer whose ideas on naval warfare and the importance of sea-power changed how America viewed its navy; wrote "The influence of Sea Power upon History"

John Hay

Secretary of State under McKinley and Roosevelt who pioneered the open-door policy and Panama canal

de Lome letter

Spanish Ambassador's letter that was illegally removed from the U.S. Mail and published by American newspapers. It criticized President McKinley in insulting terms. Used by war hawks as a pretext for war in 1898.

Open Door Policy

Statement of U.S. foreign policy toward China. Issued by U.S. secretary of state John Hay (1899), the statement reaffirmed the principle that all countries should have equal access to any Chinese port open to trade.

Rough Riders

The First United States Volunteer Calvary, a mixure of Ivy League athletes and western frontiermen, volunteered to fight in the Spanish-American War. Enlisted by Theodore Roosevelt, they won many battles in Florida and enlisted in the invasion army of Cuba.

100% americanism

The end of WWI brought about this movement which celebrated all this American and attacked all ideas and people it viewed as foreign or anti American. People were afraid that immigrant ideologies would lure Americans into radically revolting against the government. It also brought about a revival of the KKK and felt that if you were not a white Anglo Saxon protestant you needed to do your best to act like one.

Paris Peace Conference

The great rulers and countries excluding Germany and Russia met in Versailles to negotiate the repercussions of the war, such leaders included Loyd George (Britain), Woodrow Wilson (America), Cleamancu (France) and Italy. The treaty of Versailles was made but not agreed to be signed and the conference proved unsuccessful.

Ludlow Massacre

The violent deaths of 20 people, 11 of them children, during an attack by the Colorado National Guard on a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families at Ludlow, Colorado in the on April 20, 1914.

Selective Service Act

This 1917 law provided for the registration of all American men between the ages of 21 and 30 for a military draft. By the end of WWI, 24.2 had registered; 2.8 had been inducted into the army. Age limit was later changed to 18 to 45.

Cuba, 1906

US intervenes to stop uprisings (justified with Platt Amendment) occupies for 3 years

Wilson's Health Crisis

Wilson had a mild stroke and hardening arteries

US actions in Russia

Wilson ordered US troops into Russia to help 60,000 Czech soldiers trapped in Russia to escape and began helping White Russians (anti-Bolsheviks) against new regime. The Bolsheviks won and Wilson refused to recognize Lenin's new regime for a long time


Wilson seizes Veracruz port b/c American soldiers were briefly arrested off Mexican coast, American admiral wanted 21 gun salute but Mexicans refused

Election of 1916 and preparedness v. pacifism

Wilson's campaign: "He kept us out of war" WINNER Hughes: "more likely to lead us into war"

14 Points

Woodrow Wilson's peace plan, set out before war ended, helped bring it to and end because it helped Germans look forward to peace and be willing to surrender, was easy on the germans punishment for war. Points included: poeple all over the world are to determine their own fate, (self-determination)no colonial powers grabbing nations, free trade, no secret pacts, freedom of the seas, arms reduction, creation of world orginization/League of Nations.

Platt Amendment

banned Cuba from making treaties with other countries, US could have naval bases in Cuba, allowed US intervention to protect democracy

Roosevelt's Corollary

dded to Monroe Doctrine, US had right to intervene in domestic affairs of neighbors if they couldn't maintain order

African-American Soldiers

during World War I; 200,000 served in France; 1/5 saw combat (as opposed to 2/3 white soldiers); organized into segregated units; barred from marines and coastguard; worked poor jobs (cooked, etc.) for army/navy; violent treatment (especially from Southern white officers); often denied service in restaurants/admission to theaters near training camps; combat units served with distinction in the French Army.

Espionage Act

made it a crime for a person to mail or print information that inspired dissent against the American war effort or promoted its enemies

Great Migration

many blacks moved from the rural south because of racism, violence, and lack of jobs. when they got to the north they sent word home of new opportunities which convinced more people to make the migration.

Committee of Public information

mobilize people's minds for war, both in America and abroad. Tried to get the entire U.S. public to support U.S. involvement in WWI. Creel's organization, employed some 150,000 workers at home and oversees. He proved that words were indeed weapons.

anti-German Actions

most targeted group, German music banned, German books taken from libraries, language courses stopped, fired from jobs, even renamed German foods, etc.

Great White Fleet

new American navy, battleships sent by Roosevelt to Japan to make sure they recognized US power

Imperialism Debate

over the Philippines; returning it to Spain is dishonorable, and turning them to France, Germany, Britain, etc. is bad business. Need to "educate" unfit Filipinos

new war technology

there was gas, rapid fire machine guns, explosive shells, tanks, and airplanes

TR and views of Foreign Policy

uncivilized societies must be trained to be civil (inferior because of race and little economic development)

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