Arch 249 test 1

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The largest roofed space in the palace at Persepolise that was able to contain 10,000 people within the 250 foot-square plan was the ...

Hall of 100 columbs

Which of the following is true about Pharaoh Amenophis IV

He disavowed the multitudes of deities. He instituted a monotheistic religion devoted to the sun disc Aten.

The architect credited with designing the 1st pyramid is _____.


Then lower chamber of Khufu's pyramid

Is thought to represent the underworld

Then middle chamber of Khufu's pyramid

It served as Khufu's spirit chanber

Of the Giza pyramids the pyramid that is readily distinguished by the substantial fragment of the originally smooth limestone casing as its apex is _____.

Khafre's pyramid


Life force

Identifying feature of Akhenatens new capital

Linear town nearly 7 miles long bounded west by the Nile. It's transportation was facilitated by he waterway and the river road linked the various residential sections.

The history og Egypt begins in about 3000 BCE with the union of Upper and Lower Egypt by ______ the pharaoh king of Upper Egypt, who established his capital at Memphis.


In Egypt the first intermediate period was followed by the second phase of centralized government called the ______.

Middle kingdom

Hunis pyramid with its sorted core rising above the rubble has been given the descriptive name of an ________ pyramid


The greatest surviving architectural contribution of the Persians is an impressive ruin at _______.



Physical manifestation

Egypts first monumental construction in stone, which survived through 4600 years, is the _____.

Pyramid at Saqqara

In Egyptian theology Osiris, lord of the underworld and his son Horus were both linked to the sun god _____ whose symbol in the ancient temple at Heliopolis was the pyramid.


In the hypostyle halls that were constructed during the course of the 18th dynasty daylight was admitted through slits in the stone clerestory grilles if he hypostyle columns to create a sense of mystery, the desired effect for ______.

Religious rituals



The White Temple at Uruk is an example of ______ architecture.


recent scholarsips questions the derivation of the architectural order from wood, proposing instead that the order developed from a monumental decorative style using molded _______ details.


Identify the Greek temples of the Archaic period.

The Temple of Hera and Athena

which of the following was true of the columns of the parthenon

The columns at the corners were closer together

The west pediment of the Parthenon has the over-lifesize sculpture representing _______>

The contest btwn Athena and Poseidon for control of Athens

True statements about the West House

The porch, vestibule, and domos were the major spaces of the house. The roof was probably flat, and both it and the upper story were framed in wood.

Statements true of the Egyptians belief of the afterlife

The provision of servents food and drink for the dead were important. The ka might wander unsatisfied and cause mischief for the living

Which of the following are true of the early Greek temples that were built during the Archaic period

They had sloping roofs made of thatch. They had walls made of mud-brick

True statemennt about Ziggurats

They have inward-sloping walls in a series of stepped platforms.

True statements of the Hyksos

They introduced metallurgy to Egyptian culture. They introduced new weapons to Egyptian culture


They were based at several sites on the mainland of Greece


They were based on the Island of Crete

Give a reason for the erection of megalith constructions during the prehistoric age in western Europe.

They were erected for astronomical observatories.

Stonehenge is believed to have been built in _______ distinct phases.


The Middle Kingdom architectural innovation that combines temple and tomb chamber in the single composition is the ______.

Tomb of Mentuhotep II

T/F The Minoan civilization is named after Minos


T/F The cella of the Parthenon was intended to provide a proper setting for the enormous cult statue of Athena, which was the grandest of its time.


Catal Huyuk

Unfortidies settlement dense package of dwellings without streets made of mud-brick walls and a post and lintel timber framework enclosing rectangular spaces that abutted neighboring houses

Which of the following was constructed of sun dried brick, binded together with bitumen, reed matting, or rope, and finished with a weather-resistant exterior layer of kiln-fired brick?


The reason for Sneferu's builders to lower the inclination angle of the "bent", when it was half-built, was the __________.

collapse of the Meidum pyramid

The ruins of Knossos

consist of traces of Mycenaean cultural influences

From remaining foundation, it appears that the Mycenaean palace has many features derived from Crete, including a ______ as the major ceremonial space.


The 1st pyramid was for the funerary complex of....

pharaoh Djoser

The roof of the splendid porch of the Erechtheion, which faces the Parthenon, is supported by the _____.

six Caryatid maidens

Of the pyramids at Giza, the pyramid that is only slightly smaller in size than Khufu's pyramid is ______.

Khafre's pyramid

The Hykos were the 1st successful invaders of Egypt in centuries are they ruled for abour 100 years in what is known as the

2nd intermediate period.

Semitic-speaking peoples who overthrew Sumerian civilization were known as ___________.


______ ended Persian dominance in 331 BCE

Alexander the great

Identify a material that was used in the construction of the earliest huts that were discovered at sites in the central Russian Plain.

Animal skin

The extremely influenced exhibition organized by bernard rudofsky at the museum of modern art in new york city was __________.

Architecture without architects. Focused on chronologically and geographically inclusive study of the built environment.

The cult statue of __________, is called the Parthenon portrays her holding Nike and a shielf


The four buildings erected on the Acropolis after the Persians were defeated in 479 unshared in the mature phase on Greek architecture known as the _______.

Classical period

Outside the narrow fertile band bordering the Nile, great expanses of inhospitable _______ provided Egypt security from outside invaiders.


The chamber located beneath Djoser's pyramid, of which the access passage was blocked by a stone plug six feet in diameter are weighing 6 tons, contained _______.

Djoser's mummy in an alabaster coffin

Built in about 550 BCE, the Temple of Hera at Paestum in southern Italy has studied ______ COLUMNS.


In 3000 bce, as a result of contacts with Mesopotamai, another center if civilization emerges in


T/F During the Middle Kingdom period, the pharaohs; position was more that of absolute and divine rulers than that of a feudal lord over local vassals like in the old-kingdom tradition


The columns of the Parthenon were equally spaced


T/f. Evidence indicated that the Akkadians were mild people, governed only by a priestly class.

False, thry were fierce, goverened by priests and a warrior king.


Fortified settlement with stome walls up to 27fr thick enclosing an area about 10 acres. Earliest dwellings circular mid hurs that may have been conical roofs

Which of the follwing did Sir Arthur Evans find during his excavation of the Minoan site at Knossos?

Frescoes depicting priestesses and celebrants


God if the water


God of the earth


God of the sky

Which struggles were depicted by the relief sculptures in the Parthenon frieze?

Gods vs Giants, Greeks vs Amazons, Greeks vs Trojans

Which objects were found during Heinrich-Schliemann's excavation of Mycenaean settlements

Golden masks and Drinking vessles

Writing first developed as a mean of documentstion

Governmental transaction

Largest Giza trio of major pyramids is the

Great pyramid of khufu

In the context of religious beliefs, the Sumerian believed that _______.

Humans beings were created frim the alluvian silt deposits in the river valleys.

The _____ was chosen as the most suitable architectural order for Erechthelon. & The architectural order that has a base supporting its fluted column shaft and a capital with scrolls is the.


What is a feature of the Propylaea designed by Mnesikles

It accommodated a fragment of the original Mycenaean fortification walls.

Then top chamber of Khufu's pyramid

It contains a granite sarcophagus son which Khufu's was buried

Which of the following are true of Sneferu's construction of the "bent" pyramid at Dahshur?

It gains added stability from its reduced angle of inclination. It was changed to a lower inclination angle when the pyramid was half-built

True statements about tholos aka Treasury of Atreus.

It is a corbeled stone chamber rising 45 ft in the 33 horizontal courses from a circular plan 48 ft in diameter

True statements about the palace of Khorsabad

It occupied an area of 25 acres. It had winged bulls eith human heads carved in stone as its entrance

The Ionic

It was lighter in character to reflect the proportions of a woman. originated on the islands of the Aegean and the coast of Asia Minor.

The Doric

It was the sturdiest of all and was based on the proportions of a man. originated on the mainland of Greece.

True statement about the temple of sumeria

Its buttressed walls enclosed a rwctangular shrine room flanked by smaller side chambers

Which of the following were true of the Propylaea on the Athenian Acropolis

Its passages was lined by the three pairs of ionic columns. Its central space had two unsupported triglyphs

Of the Giza pyramid, the pyramid that is readily distinguished by the substantial fragment of the original smooth limestone casing at the apex is.

Khafre's pyramid

The royal city built by Sargon II, which illustrates the main characteristics of Assyrian architecture and planning, is ________


In Egypt, the earliest tombs, which were built as eternal houses for the departed and were in all likelihood based on the design of the dwelling of the living,we called _____.


Largest and most famous temple on the Athenian Acropolis was the _____.


The whole construction of the________ is carefully oriented so that, in the five days around the winter solstice, light from the rising sun enters through the doorway and the transom-like light box and illuminates the chamber within for abot 15 minutes

Passage grave at Newgrange

The entrance gateway to the Athenian Acropolis that was designed by Mnesikles was known as the _______.


Among the most splendid of the 18th dynasty temples is the funerary complex of _____ at Deir-el-Bahari, notable both for its architecture and for the fact that it's Patron was a woman.

Queen Hatshepsut

Most of the construction of the palace at Persepolis was in _______.


Most celebrated megalith structure, located on Salisbury Plain in southwestern England, is ________.


Most sumerian buildings were built using _______.

Sun-baked brick

True statements about the western wing of the Minoan palace complex at Knossos

The entrance to the palace was through the west propylaea, or gateway. The palace corridors were lined with frescoes depicting priestesses and celebrants.

According to the logic of the Doric order, which of the following is employed in order to avoid the problem of any two half-metopes intersection at corner?

The final complete metope before the corner is generally elongated.

Coast of Asia MInor

The frieze is usually treated as three stepped bands of masonry

Mainland of Greexe

The frieze often features continuous sculpted relief.

Which is true about the sumerians?

They mastered arts of agriculture and deceloped irrigation systems. They are creditied with forming the worlds first covilization

True statements about the Pylon gates, constructed in New-Kingdom temples

They were gates to the underworld which the eternal spirit must pass. They were the entrances through which the sun was reborn each day.

Rivers surrounding mesopotania

Tigris and euphrates

Sumerian structure built on a 40 ft base of rubble. With a protective whitewash and covered with sun-dried brick is the ______.

White Temple

In 1928, excavators discovered the 2nd chamber of Djoser's pyramid in the south side of the perimeter wall,and it contained....

blue faience wall decorations

Khafre's mortuary temple at the base of his pyramid is connected to the valley temple by a _________ running at an oblique angle to the river.


Largest interiors build in Classical Greece was the ______>

cella of the Parthenon

The entablature of the ionic order is composed of an architrave and frieze and is concluded with a ________.


The column shafts swell, then diminish, as they rise to the bulbous echinus molding that forms the capital. this change in column diameter is called ________.


in about 437 BCE construction began on a appropriately scaled ______ for the Athenian Acropolis, which was designed by the architect Mnesikles.

entrance gateway

Based on assumptions, the Minoan site of Knossos was completely fortified


The large pharaoh's chamber in the center of the Greay Pyramid of Khufu is made of ________.


Sizeable chamber created by rows of large columns placed closely together, constructed during thr course of th 19th dynasty are known as....

hypostyle halls

The many basins found in the Minoan palace complex were thought to have been used in _______.

initiation rituals

The site of Mycenae

is situated on high ground, allowing surveillance of the coast


it is the precursor of the classical temple

In architectural usage, a simple rectangular space having solid long walls without opening and an entrance in the center of one short side describes a _______, an elementary house form.


The northern wing of the Propylaea was a _______, perhaps used as a picture gallery or banqueting hall.


The northern wing of the Propylaea was a _________ perhaps used as a picture gallery or banquet hall/


The logic of the Doric order id that alternate triglyphs are placed above columns, with ______ in between.


Monumental masonry entrance gates used in New-Kingdom temples that lined processional routes to represent the eatern mountain of Egypt, through which the divines early-morning sunlight emanated, were known as ________.


The Parthenon was adorned with ______ on both the inside and the outside.

sculpted figures

A later change in mastaba design toward increasing permanence of preserving the bodies of the deceased involved using ______ in the construction of the mastaba.


An examination of Aegean artifacts suggests ________.

strong influences from Mesopotamia as well as contact with Egypt.

Simplest capitol atop a fluted shaft and no base.

the doric

Largest and best preserved circular tomb at Mycenae, also known as the beehive tomb, is the _______>


Vitruvius maintains that the architectural orders were derived from earlier architecture in a material that was once used for temples.


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