Aristotle Politics
1. Husband and Wife --> sexual relationship, live together. Are both able to reason, but the male dominates the female and is therefore the head of the household. The female can reason but does not have the authority to execute. e 2. Father and Children 3. Master and Slave. Just as fundamental as father and son or husband and wife. argues that it is natural. Slaves do not have the same ability to reason, as only free men are really equipped to establish goals and realize them
A partnership of villages and people in a happy life.
Unnatural Acquisition
Accumulating money for the sake of it. For example, goods such as food and clothing have not only a use value, but an exchange value. Where trade is common, currency arises as a facilitator of exchange. The aim of the exchange is the production money rather than the natural acquisition of goods. Aristotle dislikes unnatural acquisition because there is no limit to how much currency someone can accumulate, leading people to indulge in excess.
Differences Between Animals
Although not political, Aristotle believes that animals are very intelligent, and have feelings, emotions, and governments. Unlike humans, however, they do not have speech and cannot articulate language. The best that they can do is express pleasure and pain. That is what makes them different from humans.
Aristotle also criticizes democracy for its tendency to give excessive liberty. People who are equally free want to be equal in everything, but people who are unequal in education and virtue should not have the same rights to rule. Equality must be limited to those who are already equal.
Aristotle argues for slavery because he believes that it is natural and good, and in the best interest of both master and slave. Quote: He that can foresee with his mind is naturally ruler and master, and he that can do these things with his body is subject and naturally slave. So that master and slave have the same interest."
Relationship between slave and master
Aristotle argues that the relationship between slave and master is like that between soul and body. The master has rational, commanding powers, while the slave, who lacks these, has to carry out the physical duties. He also compares the relationship to one of a monarch and his people.
Political Animal
Aristotle believes that humans, among several other animals, are political animals. We are greater political animals, however, because we have logos, or the ability to communicate and have speech, whereas other animals can only express pleasure and pain. He believes that animals in general are very intelligent. They have emotions, feelings, and government. "Man is by natural a political animal, and a man that is by nature is either low in the scale of humanity or above it
Political Animals
Aristotle concludes that we are naturally political animals, and the city is the place where we can achieve our nature. When we are separated from the city, we are worse than animals.
Historical Context
Aristotle founded a school, and was a pupil of Plato. He writes about politics, but does not use dialogue. He urges people to look at the nature and beginning of politics, which begins with the creation of the family, rather than ancient times
Natural vs Unnatural Acquisition
Aristotle presents two forms of acquisition: natural and unnatural acquisition that satisfy one's basic human needs. What people acquire varies on what their role in society is.
Aristotle thinks that humans are naturally socially inclined, and like to live with others.
Aristotle views slaves as the means by which the master secures his livelihood. He defends slavery by noting that nature is usually composed of the controllers and the controlled. Likewise, some people are naturally slaves, while others are naturally masters. He argues, therefore, that it is only wrong to enslave when the slave is not naturally a slave (ex: war prisoners). Slavery, he argues, his only just when it is beneficial for both parties (he believes that slavery is beneficial for a natural slave). It is beneficial for slaves to be in this relationship. If the slave cannot make their own goals and decisions, he can help the master carry through his.
Citizens should live a life of leisure (soldiers, politicians, and priests) as they should dedicate their life to virtue.
Democracy and Oligarchy
Democracy: It is thought by democracy that justice is equality, but it is not for everyone, but only those who are equal. Think that if they are equal in some respects, they are entirely equal. But those who are equal in one thing may not have equality in all things. It is better if those who have more education are elected to office. Oligarchy: It is though by oligarchy that inequality is just, but not for everyone, just those who are unequal. WEALTH - entirely unequal Aristotle believes that there is partiality in both, but something is missing from both of them. They do not ask themselves what would constitute happiness. Neither freedom nor wealth alone can constitute happiness.
Wealth v Excellence - Plato
For Plato, wealth is completely incompatible with excellence, so in high ideal city state, Kallipolis, private property and money are abolished. Wealth brings competition and greed. The rule of the rich (oligrachy) causes the splitting of the city state into two city states, the rich and the poor. Democracy arises from oligarchy
Aristotle Writing Style
He breaks everything down to the smallest part in order to examine them and build his argument. Narrative structure.
It is not safe for everyday citizens to participate in the highest offices, as mistakes and folly would ensue. However, for them not to participate would also be an alarming situation. It is bad to have many people who are poor and not politically involved, as this creates a lot of enemies. They should vote in elections.
Justice v Wealth
Justice and excellence are superior to wealth and freedom, as justice and excellence are needed to rule a city, whereas wealth and freedom are necessary to the city's existence
Husband and Child
King to subject. The father rules by virtue of children's love and their respect for his age.
Good Life - Aristotle
Looks back at the nature of human beings. The good life is trying to achieve virtue by exercising different kinds of virtues. Doing the right thing changes on the situation you are in. The good life is the way of thinking and delibarting on how to do the right thing. A good city is one that helps you achieve this.
Different Levels of Association
Most basic unit is the household, followed by village, and then the city, toward which humans move as they seek the highest quality of life.
Polis - Good Life
Once you have stepped into the polis, you have stepped into the good life, where you can actualize your full potential. It is the perfect environment for political animals, as it gives us the place to interact with others. Good life is one in which you are always doing the right thing, which changes based on the situation you find yourself in (virtues). City allows you to experience virtues.
Perfect Governed Cities
Only in perfectly governed cities does the good citizen coincide with the excellent man, and all citizens can be equally excellent and politically equal.
Natural Cities
Partnership of several villages is the polis, which is completely self sufficient and exists for the good life. Quote: city state is an end, and nature if an end. The object for which a thing exists, its end, is its chief good
The Good Life
People generally agree that there is a good life, but there is disagreement over what constitutes happiness.
Politics is an extension of morality. It reflects the behavior of human beings. Certain forms of government are better than others, are they promote a certain type of personality. Best form of government is that in which you flourish the best. What type of government should we design to allow a person to be the best that he can be?
Speech Quote
Speech is designed to indicate the advantageous and the harmful, and the right and the wrong. Man in disinfection fro the other animals that he alone has the perception of good and bad and right and wrong and the other moral qualities.
City (Polis)
The city is a political association that is formed with the aim of achieving some good. The political association is also the oldest association and therefore aims at the highest good.
Moral Contract
The city is based on a moral contract, rather than a social contract as argued by Hobbes. Agreement between all citizens on what is right v wrong
Family Quote
The first coupling together of persons by necessity is that between those who cannot exist without one another. For instance the union of the female and male for the contiunace of the speicesia nd the union of natural ruler and natural subject.
Values and Virtues
The polis is a community of people who share the same values and virtues, the same morals
Natural Acquisition
The securing of food, shelter, and other necessities is called natural acquisition because it is a part of household management.
Husband and Wife
They share the same free nature. However, the male, but his nature, is more fit to command than the female, which justifies why the male is the head of the household. Compared to statesman and his people.
Wealth v Excellence - Aristotle
Wealth is not execellence, but excellence requires wealth. Aristotle thinks that it is wrong for there to be material qualifications for political participation. however, a wealthy background guarantees more education