Art Midterm

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A tholos is a beehive shaped palace for the royal family of the Minoan Civilization. (t/f)


Archaeological evidences show that, Gobekli Tepe inhabitants plastered their house floors and walls just like in Catalhoyuk. (t/f)


Doric order was developed on Aegean islands and the cost of Asia Minor (west cost of modern Turkey) Ionic order was developed on Greek mainland and Southern Italy (t/f)


Goddess Inanna is depicted in a heraldic composition on the Warka Vase. (t/f)


In both Doric and Ionic orders, the columns' bases rest on the stylobate, the uppermost of the platform. (t/f)


Palette of King Narmer is one of the oldest samples of sunken relief that depicts the unification of lower and upper Egypt. (t/f)


The Ancient Near East is characterized by long periods of political stability. (t/f)


Venus of Willendorf is one of the oldest known relief sculptures depicting a woman. (t/f)


Ziggurats were the royal tombs for the king and his family in Mesopotamian Civilizations. (t/f)


What is a slip in art? paint that is applied to a pot after firing a large oven used to fire ceramic pottery fine clay mixed with water used to decorate pottery a type of black ink

fine clay mixed with water used to decorate pottery

During the Geometric period, the ancient Greeks sometimes used over-sized kraters and amphorae to.. decorate their temples roofs mix oil and sugar mark graves mark city borders

mark graves

Repoussé is a technique for working with _____. Wood Frescoes Metal Pottery


Paleolithic is a Greek word. 'Paleo' means ____and 'lithic' means ___

old; stone

This work is part of a larger program intended to.. illustrate a historical narrative demonstrate the power of the ruler teach hunting techniques provide for the afterlife

provide for the afterlife

Human figures are depicted in____(state the color) on an Archaic Greek red-figure pot.


Which detail of the Lion Gate reflects the influence of Minoan culture? the two standing lions the symmetrical composition the central column the use of composite animals

the central column

The contrapposto of this statue can be seen in which details? the facial expression the hips the eyes the knees

the hips and knees

How does this sculpture depart from the stylistic conventions of earlier Egyptian art? the composite view of the bodies the relaxed postures of the figures the hieroglyph amulets on the background the intimacy of the scene

the relaxed postures of the figures the intimacy of the scene

Which statement is accurate? This is a Greek copy of a Roman sculpture from the Classical period. This is a Greek sculpture from the Classical period. This is a Greek sculpture from the Hellenistic period. This is a Roman copy of a Greek sculpture from the Classical period.

this is a Roman copy of a Greek sculpture from the Classical period.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made? Support your identification by discussing the style of the work. Write about the basic stylistic/technical characteristics of the artwork.

this is the Royal Family of Akhenaton, Amarna, 18th Dynasty. The sunken relief is on an altar stele. Probably a small shrine in a home or garden carved into the stone leaving the surrounding stone untouched. The couple depicted are relaxed and do not look royal. The king is shown lovingly holding a daughter on the left and kissing her while the wife is on the right with two daughters, one on her lap and the other playing with her earring. The scene appears to be inside a garden pavilion with 3 wine jars in the back. The sun disk above has a small cobra in it symbolizing Aton is the only god and the sun is extending life to the king and queen. He and his wife are the only representatives of Aton. The figures have a composite view of the body, a profile view of the face, and a frontal view of the eye. Also, The hip is facing us but the shoulders are square body in profile. Finally, the queen's throne has both upper and lower Egypt signifying the unification and the couple rules both. This royal family depiction is different than the earlier period's royal family depictions. First of all, you can actually observe the intimacy of the scene. Pharaoh is about to kiss one of their daughters. Another daughter sits on Queen Nefertiti's lap and the youngest one reaches out the queen's earring. It is different than other period's (for example Menkaure and Khamarernebty sculptures) stiff, rigid robotic idealistic poses. Postures of the figures are more relaxed. Naturalism specifically emphasized on all figures Pharaoh Akhenaton does not have the idealistic masculine, fit, athletic Godlike appearance in here. He has an elongated head, prostrated belly, thin arms, and a long neck. His appearance is feminized for creating the fertile character of Aton.

In Paleolithic caves, the artist's sole concern was the represent the animals, not to locate them in a specific place. Animals do not stand on a common ground line (t/f)


In Sumerian art, figures shows combine profile views of the head, legs and arms with front views of the eye and the torso. (t/f)


King Naram-Sin is depicted in a composite view on the Naram-Sin's Stele. (t/f)


This is not a portrait of a real man, but an idealized figure, perhaps used as a grave marker.(t/f)


The animals are rendered in what has come to be called _____ in which their bodies are depicted in profile while we see the horns from a more frontal viewpoint.

twisted perspective

Amarna art is a term that refers to Egyptian art that dates to the reign of __________________. Khafre Menkaure Akhenaton Amenhotep Amenre


Which statements are WRONG about this ancient sculpture? Artist used heraldic composition on this sculpture. Artist used repousse technique for this sculpture You can easily see the hierarchy in scale in this sculpture The image suggests the merging of Minoan and Mycenaean cultures.

Artist used repousse technique for this sculpture You can easily see the hierarchy in scale in this sculpture

in Greek Art,___period sculptors portrayed Gods and heroes with idealized bodies and serene expressions. But ___period sculptors often portrayed everyday people with realistic and often aging bodies.

Classic, Classical Hellenistic

The specific pose of the largest figure can be best described as Naturalistic Contrapposto Realistic Composite


Define "composite view". Use complete sentences as you write your response (1 point). When appropriate, identify a work or structure that we have discussed in class in order to illustrate your definition (1 point).

Composite View is also know as twisted perspective. It is a practice of representation in which a part of a figure is shown in profile (side view) and another part of the same figure is shown frontally (front view). Deer Hunt, wall painting from Canal Hoyuk, is an example of composite view.

Contrapposto is demonstrated in the ________________ created by weight bearing and relaxed limbs of the figure. Choose the correct answer for the blank. Symmetry Counterbalance Proportions Movement


Standard of Ur is one of the earliest extant works incorporating the pictorial conventions that would dominate ancient narrative art for more than 2000 years. Which of the following are the pictorial conventions that Standard of Ur contains. Dividing the pictorial field into registers. Placing the all figures on a common ground line. Hierarchy of scale. Composite View.

Dividing the pictorial field into registers. Placing the all figures on a common ground line. Hierarchy of scale. Composite View.

Which stylistic features are TRUE for the human figures in Minoan frescoes? Stiff and rigid pose Elasticity and dynamic motion Frontal depiction of the figures Lines are rhytmic and curvilinear Pinched waist and long, curly hair

Elasticity and dynamic motion Lines are rhytmic and curvilinear Pinched waist and long, curly hair

The frieze that surrounds the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon depicts the________________. Amazonomachy Centauromachy Gigantomachy Battle of Troy


Which artistic convention was not used in this artwork in this picture above? Ground Line Heraldic Composition Composite View Hierarchy of Scale

Heraldic Composition

Define "heraldic composition". Use complete sentences as you write your response (1 point). When appropriate, identify a work or structure that we have discussed in class in order to illustrate your definition

Heraldic composition is defined as symmetrical objects on both sides of a central figure such as the two long necks of the serpopards found on the back of the Palette of Narmer symbolizing the unification of Egypt.

Define "hierarchy of scale". Use complete sentences as you write your response (1 point). When appropriate, identify a work or structure that we have discussed in class in order to illustrate your definition (1 point).

Hierarchy of scale is an artistic convention in which greater size indicates greater importance. An example of hierarchy of scale is the Warka Vase. The kings/queens are higher than the servants and animals.

Which type of columns are they in this building in the picture above Ionic columns Doric columns Corinthian columns Archaic columns

Ionic columns

Which cave has the famous paleolithic cave "room", Halls of Bulls? Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in France Hohle Fels cave in Germany Lascaux in France Altamira in Spain

Lascaux in France

The Stepped Pyramid of Djoser is built in the form of six ____________ stacked upon one another. Ziggurat Stele Palette Mastaba


The land located between the Tigres and Euphrates rivers is called


This wall painting in the picture above belongs to Mycenaean Civilization Minoan Civilization Cycladic Culture Trojan civilization Ancient Egypt Civilization

Minoan Civilization

The "palace" at Knossos is a ... Greek Structure Mycenaean structure Minoan structure Cycladic culture structure

Minoan structure

Which statements are NOT TRUE of Mycenaean culture? Many scholars believe Mycenae was more militaristic than other Aegean cultures of the period. Mycenaean culture was dominant in southern Italy. Mycenaean culture possessed advanced metalworking techniques. Mycenaen culture influenced the Mesopotamian culture.

Mycenaean culture was dominant in southern Italy. Mycenaen culture influenced the Mesopotamian culture.

he central theme of ______________ is the unification of upper and lower Egypt. Naram-Sin's Stele Narmer's Palette Nebamun's Tomb's Fresco Standard of Ur

Narmer's Palette

Who was the artist responsible for the sculptural program decorating the Parthenon? Kallikrates Iktinos Phidias Pericles


The massive changes in the way people lived also changed the types of art they made during the Neolithic age. These are... Human figures started to be depicted on ground line on the cave wall paintings Pottery became more widespread. Neolithic sculpture became bigger. Architecture, and its interior and exterior decoration, first appears.

Pottery became more widespread. Neolithic sculpture became bigger. Architecture, and its interior and exterior decoration, first appears.

Define "relief sculpture". Use complete sentences as you write your response (1 point). When appropriate, identify a work or structure that we have discussed in class in order to illustrate your definition

Relief sculpture is a sculpture intended to be viewed from one side (carved or modeled from a flat background). An example of a relief sculpture is Venus of Laussel.

Approximately 6000 years ago, ________________ established the earliest complex urban societies, called city states, in Mesopotamia. Choose the correct answer for the blank. A) Assyrians B) Sumerians C) Jericho Inhabitants D) Akkadians E) Ancient Greeks


The ________________ were characteristically inventive, and are likely to have been responsible for the development of the first writing. Babylonians Sumerians Akkadians Assyrians Targaryens


Define "sunken relief". Use complete sentences as you write your response (1 point). When appropriate, identify a work or structure that we have discussed in class in order to illustrate your definition

Sunken relief is carved onto a surface of the stone leaving the surrounding surface untouched and higher than the sunken relief itself. An example of a sunken relief is the Royal family of Akhenaton.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made.

The Dying Gaul was remade by the Romans and was thought to be originally sculpted by the Greek. The soldier is looking down and not looking at the audience. A sword puncture is present on his lower chest depicting the warrior is dying. This is from the Hellenistic Period.

What is depicted in the Parthenon's ionic frieze? The birth of Athena The battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs The Panathenaic Procession The contest between Athena and Poseidon

The Panathenaic Procession

The depictions in the pediments of the Parthenon are The contest between Athena and Poseidon and The birth of Athena The birth of Athena and The Sack of Troy Amazonomachy and Centauromachy The Panathenaic Procession and Gigantomachy

The contest between Athena and Poseidon and The birth of Athena

What motivated the cultural changes that characterize the Amarna period? A severe drought forced the king to relocate the Egyptian capital. The king issued an edict sharing power with his wife Nefertiti. The king created a monotheistic state religion devoted to the god Aten. A powerful priestly class emerged that assumed royal authority.

The king created a monotheistic state religion devoted to the god Aten.

Define "Repousse Technique". Use complete sentences as you write your response (1 point). When appropriate, identify a work or structure that we have discussed in class in order to illustrate your definition (1 point).

The repoussee technique is a method of carving metals where a part of the artwork is raised in relief from the back by hammering. The funerary mask from Grave Circle A, Mycenae, ca. 1600-1500 BCE.

Where is the god Aten in this sculptural relief? The male figure on the left of the composition The round disk in the center of the image The female figure on the left of the composition The child sitting in the lap of the woman

The round disk in the center of the image

What is the main reason of not knowing the certain meaning and the purpose of the paleolithic cave paintings? Lack of the archaeological excavations There are no known written documents. The paintings lack visual details. Paintings have no artistic conventions

There are no known written documents.

What was the primary function of these early Cycladic statues in the picture above. They are fertility figurines They are the statues that symbolize the deceased bodies in the graves. They are mother goddesses These are only speculations. We have no written records!

These are only speculations. We have no written records!

Which statements are WRONG for a standard archaic temple with doric order. These type of temple's column capitals are characterized by scroll-like motif called a volute. In doric temples, columns stand directly on a stepped platform without a base. Doric temple columns stand on richly decorated bases. Doric temples have no cella. Doric order has a frieze made up of triglyphs and metopes.

These type of temple's column capitals are characterized by scroll-like motif called a volute. Doric temple columns stand on richly decorated bases. Doric temples have no cella.

How did the Greek potters create the black and red colors on this vase in the picture above They used charcoal for black color and ochre for red. They painted the vase with a type of ink after the three steps firing process in the kiln. They painted the vase with ochre before firing in the kiln. They applied fine clay (slip) on the area they want black color before the three steps firing process.

They applied fine clay (slip) on the area they want black color before the three steps firing process.

Which of the following is one of the defining characteristics of Paleolithic age people They live in small villages They domesticated the animals They had nomadic life They used lintel and post system for their buildings

They had nomadic life

Which of the following was NOT the function of archaic Kouros figures? They were grave markers. They were portraits of soldiers who died in a battle. They were representations of gods, usually Apollo. They were offerings in religious sanctuaries

They were portraits of soldiers who died in a battle.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made? Which culture made it? Support your identification by discussing the style of the work. Write about the basic stylistic/technical characteristics of the artwork. (Ask these questions to develop better answer; how do the figures look like? how do you describe them? Are there any pictorial conventions can you see on those images? Are there any technical or artistic style innovations or differences? Which technique did the artists use to create those works?

This is Deer hunt, wall painting from Catal Hoyuk, 5700 BCE from the Neolithic era. Animals and people are in twisted perspective. The shoulders and chests of the people are frontal but the head, arms, and legs are from the side. The deer are drawn the same as the humans. The figures look like they are floating because there is no ground line. it is the first active organized human figures but yet no ground lines. Catalhoyuk people used brushes to draw details on the figures and the wall painting is on plaster. This is one of the earliest narrative paintings telling the story of a hunt.

Identify the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made and where is it located?

This is Gobekli Tepe, Urfa - Turkey, ca 9600-7300 BCE in the Neolithic era.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made.

This is Herakles and Nessos, Olympia, ca. 750 BCE. This is a geometric period sculpture that lacks realism. They have awkward body shapes and positions.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made. What was the function of this work? Does it remind you any other culture's art work? If yes, explain what are the similarities?

This is Kroisos from Anavysos, Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Compared with New York Kouros, NY Kouros has a bigger head, bigger eyes and no diamond shape stomach area. Kroisos has rounded flesh and arm muscles. His legs are closer together creating a natural curve unlike the Mentuemhet's rigid pose (Egyption) or NY Kouros. In addition, Kroisos's connection between the arm and body is less making the statue become less rigid and more natural. A new artistic convention is the archaic smile. NY Kouros, Kroisos, and Mentuemhet are all frontal. These statues were used for grave markers and funerals replacing the Amphoras. Greek males were often depicted nude because they were played sports nude. Kroisos Kouros has no back slab and no connection between the legs. The Greek sculptors liberated the figures from the stone slab. It is a free-standing life-size sculpture. It is an important point. It is the most significant characteristic of this statue.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made.

This is Lady of Auxerre in Early Archaic time period in ca. 650-625 BCE. She was in late geometric and early archaic period. She has a triangular face, chest, and column like legs. Her hair type, dress, and belt are geometric shape.

Identify the artwork and the time period in which it was made.

This is Venus of Laussel, France, 25.000-20.000 BCE in the Paleolithic Era. This artwork is part of a cave wall. It is one of the earliest relief sculptures, a sculpture which is intended to be viewed from one side. The female depicted has large breasts, legs, and belly area with no facial features. The female is holding a horn with 12 lines on the horn maybe symbolizing the 12 months of the year. It seems to depict fertility because the female's characteristics are emphasized on life bearing features such as the breast and stomach.

Which statements are NOT TRUE for this object in the picture above? This is a Mycenean death mask This is a Minoan mask used in theatrical plays. The mask is an example of the repoussé metal working technique. This mask is a good sample of a sunken relief sculpture in Aegean region.

This is a Minoan mask used in theatrical plays. This mask is a good sample of a sunken relief sculpture in Aegean region.

Identify the art work. Which culture does it belong to? What is the approximate time period in which it was made.

This is called "Keros Harpist". It is Cycladic Art made in ca. 3000-2000 BCE.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made. Write about the artistic style (ask these questions; how do the figures look like? how do you describe their appearance?etc.)

This is made by Euthymides. It is called the dancing Revelers, Italy, ca. 510 BCE. It is a red-figure amphora. The red-figure technique is the inverse of black-figure technique. Th figures are red in the red-figure technique placed against a dark background. The background was painted in black slip, a clay mixture with water. There was no use of metal tools to apply slip instead brushes were used to apply better, finer details. Then there was a 3 step firing technique. The faces are not looking directly at us so not frontal. The man on the left is holding a drink and the other two men appear to be dancing. Figures are in various poses and are in active stances rather than rigid frontal standing position. The figures have a natural look due to their lively poses. There is geometric patterns on the handles and base.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made? Does it reflect the time period's characteristics? What are they? What is the artist name?

This is the Aphrodite of Knidos by Praxiteles. This is a picture of a roman copy of the original Greek's bronze sculpture. The sculpture is 6' 8" high made around 350-340 BCE. By the end of the 4th century, late classical century, the artistic style began to stray away from idealistic figures and more on the realistic individual. Art began to reflect the individual's sorrows, joys, and show more expressions. Aphrodite is preparing to take a bath and is the first nude female sculpture. It was taboo to sculpt nude females and goddesses. She is in contrapposto and seems to be in movement by the counterbalance in her legs. The sculpture has extra support of the vase and has a strut between the hip and vase. She is in a S-shaped form much like Praxiteles's later sculpture of Hermes and Dionysos.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made?

This is the Death Mask of Tutankhamen, Thebes, 18th Dynasty, ca 1323 BCE. It was formed is relief by beating metal plate from the back leaving the impression on the front called repousse. He was so young when he got the throne, but allowed old priests to bring back all gods and rituals after the believed monolithic god, Aton.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made? State which civilization made it.

This is the Naram-Sin Stele, Susa, Iran made in 2254-2218 BCE by the Akkads. The king is large and wears a helmet with horns to symbolize strength and victory over his enemies. He looks above to the god who supports him. This piece has no regular bands dividing the hierarchy. Some figures are climbing and begging to the king. This piece has composite view, ground line, and hierarchal scale. It is also a stele which is a carved stone slap set the mark a grave or an historical event.

Identify and explain the art work. Explain what is the narration on the both side of this artwork? What is the approximate time period in which it was made? Support your identification by discussing the style of the work. Write about the stylistic/technical characteristics of the artwork.

This is the Palette of Narmer, Hierakonpolis, Predynastic, 3000-2920 BCE. This appears to be a cosmetic palette and one of the few ever to be discovered in controlled excavation. This palette has both formal and iconographic characteristics. The palette is a shield shape and was carved from a single piece of stone. It was all carved in low relief, narrative art, and seems to show evidence of a upper and lower Egypt. The front is divided into 3 registers: the top is the mother of all pharaohs, the middle is king Narmor, and the bottom is the falling of smaller cities. Lower Egypt is seen kneeling to King Narmor, the biggest figure, who is wearing a white crown for upper Egypt and a royal beard. The falcon with a human arm is the God Horus personification of lower Egypt. On the back, the center has 2 long necks of serpopards (heraldic composition) joining as the unification of Egypt. The lower register is the King as a powerful bull, "strong bull" knocking down the walls of the city. Figures are in low relief in composite view and hierarchal scale on both sides with Goddess Hathor at the top and King Narmor the largest figure. King Narmer is depicted in a Mace-Pose symbolizing power.

Identify and explain this architecture. What is the approximate time period in which it was made? Write about the architectural order and the sculptural works of this temple

This is the Parthenon Temple in Athens, Greece, made in 447-438 BCE. Parthenon was dedicated to Athena 38 feet tall of Athena for the cella. It is an unique building their architects, Iktinos and Kallikrates, wanted to build the perfect one called "Cannon." All about mathematical formulas which characterizes the building and the structure. The plan of the Parthenon east pediment is over 90 feet long and 11 feet high. The east pediment is the birth of Athena, all were invited to watch the miracle. The west pediment is the contest between Athena and Poseidon to become the major god of Athens. The temple was Doric and 525 long low relief ionic friezes which included both cultures characteristics. In this frieze the subject is Panathenaic procession, they bring items to cloak Athena which is very arrogant. the gods and goddesses are waiting for the Athenians their drapery of their dress is clear (classical) and emotionless face no matter if they are fighting or relaxing. The north side metopes piece is the sack of troy and Centauromachy (the battle between the Greeks and centaurs). The man is battling a centaur in high relief but not realistic and exaggerated searching for idealistic pose. In west metopes the theme was Amazonomachy (Greeks against female warriors of the east). In east metopes the theme was Gigantomachy (battle of Greeks and giants). The sculptures from east pediment; garments that cling to their bodies. The Greeks didn't create permanent artwork like the Egyptians instead was ideal. the three goddesses'(Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite) arms and heads missing made around 438-432 BCE. Dionysos from the east pediment ca. 438-432 BCE is in a relaxed pose watching the sun rising from the horizon displaying male nudity. He is example of high relief classic ideal form. They fixed details on the building like the corner columns are thicker and are surrounded by light and would've appeared thinner than their neighboring columns. They also made the steps have a slight curve to not be seen as sagging.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made? State which civilization made it?

This is the Standard of Ur in present day Iraq made in 2600-2400 BCE. The Sumerians made the piece. Each city state in Mesopotamia had different kings and gods/goddesses. The city states would go to war to gain control of one another frequently. The piece has two sides a peace side and a war side. The peace side celebrates victory and at the top are king figures who appear larger than the other figures showing hierarchical scale, composite view, and all figures are on a ground line separated into 3 divisions showing hierarchical division. The same characteristics are seen on the war side.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made? Which civilization made it?

This is the Warka Vase in Uruk, Iraq made in 3200-3000 BCE. The vase was believed to be a ritual vase made in composite view and is narrative from bottom to top. All figures have a ground life and the piece demonstrates the hierarchy scale because the kings at the top are larger than the servants who are larger than the animals. The goddess, Inanna, is above the king. The vase is an example of propaganda. This symbolizes the level of status. It is a register piece made by the Sumerians. it is a good example of low relief sculpture.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made? Which civilization made it? Support your identification by discussing the style of the work. Write about the basic stylistic/technical characteristics of the artwork.

This is the dagger blade with lion hunt made ca. 1600-1500. It is from Mycenae, Greece and is 9" long. The lion hunt uses cut out metal: copper, silver, and gold to illustrate the figures. hunters are in composite view. The figures are in Minoan style with pinched waists and curved lines. The figures show elasticity and movement. The lion hunt is a subject taken from earlier Egypt and Mesopotamian art.

Identify and explain the art work. What is the approximate time period in which it was made?

This is the top half of the mural paintings (Fresco), Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, 18th Dynasty, 1400-1350 BCE. The top half is a feast for Nebamun. It gives a sense of liveliness to the lower-class women who are less formal and are only wearing jewelry pieces. Couples are seated together and the upper class is decorated in colorful garments.

All of the following statements are true EXCEPT. . . This object is one of many female figurines from the Paleolithic period. This object represents a goddess associated with love and marriage rituals. This object is made from limestone and was originally painted with red ochre. This object's original function is not known. The object's emphasis on female anatomy has led to speculation (fertility?) about its meaning.

This object represents a goddess associated with love and marriage rituals.

identify the art work. Which culture does it belong to? What is the approximate time period in which it was made.

This work is the Bull leading from the Knossos place. It is a true fresco made in 1400-1370 BCE by the Minoans.

Define "tholos". Use complete sentences as you write your response (1 point). When appropriate, identify a work or structure that we have discussed in class in order to illustrate your definition

Tholos is a burial structure often characterized by its bee-hive form and underground tomb. The treasury of Arteus, Mycenae ca. 1300-1250 BCE is an example.

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