Study Questions For Exam ECE

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Essential nutrient

a nutrient that must be provided by food because the body cannot synthesize it at a rate sufficient to meet our needs


a physician who specializes in diseases and abnormalities of the eye

Individualized health services plan

a plan that identifies and addresses a child's special health care needs during school hours

Explain why space is a safety consideration

Space is a safety consideration because there needs to be adequate room for placement of equipment and room to move around without risk

Honey or foods containing honey should not be fed to infants because they:

may contain botulism spores

Signs of serious head injury

may not appear for several hours or days

A child who develops anemia, should be encouraged to consume more:

meat and whole grain cereals

All of the following foods yield dietary fiber EXCEPT:

meats and seafood

Toys that children __________ should picked up immediately after they are discarded or dropped and placed in a container that is out of children's reach. Before being returned to the play area the toys should be __________________________________

put in their mouths; hand-washed, disinfected, and allowed to dry

An infant's high nutrient needs are due to

rapid growth

Modeling hand washing to children would include all the following except


The primary goal of health/safety education for young children

the development of positive knowledge, attitudes, and practices

Introducing health/safety educational experiences during the early years is critical because:

the early years are formative years

All of the following safety features must be considered when purchasing an infant crib except

the ease of lowering the crib sides

A person's water requirements can be met through beverage intake (including water), consumption of solid foods, and ___________

the end product of energy metabolism


the portion of the body locate between the diaphragm (located at the base of the lungs) and the pelvic or hip bones


the practice of including and integrating children of all abilities in a classroom and individualizing instructions to meet each child's unique learning needs


the process by which complex foods are broken down into nutrients in a form the body can use


the process by which the products of digestion are transferred from the intestinal tract into the blood or lymph or by which substances are taken up the cells

Health Assessment

the process of gathering and evaluating information about an individual's state of health


the process of using words to express one's thoughts and ideas

Once safety guidelines have been established:

the should be explained carefully to children


the study of food and how it is used by the body

Teachers are in a prime position to observe children because:

they see children in relation to other children of the same age


units used to measure the energy value of food

A child who experiences a blow to the head may exhibit all of the following signs EXCEPT

unusual breath odor


unusual; different from what might commonly be expected

Which of the following behaviors would not suggest a potential vision disorder

using gestures in place of words

Individualized Educational plan

a plan that identifies specific developmental and academic goals and intervention services for a child or youth 3-22 years of age who has special needs

Individualized Family Service Plan

a plan that outlines specific goals and intervention services for children 0-3 years of age who have special needs and their families

A lack of adequate iron in children's diet can lead to


Physical abuse

any act that results in a non-accidental physical injury by a person who has care, custody, or control of a child

Sexual abuse

any childhood sexual experience that interferes with or has the potential for interfering with a child's healthy development

Sexual abuse includes

any sexual involvement between an adult and child


any situation in which a child is not safe in his/her environment

Which of the following combinations is an example of a complementary protein

black bean burrito

Which of the following is not true abut the use of water tables

bleach should be added to the water

There are no available indoor equipment standards for


Deadly gases that may find their way into the indoor environment of an early childhood education environment include

both radon and carbon monoxide

A 3-month-old infant's diet should consist of

breast milk or formula only


brief notes describing a person's observations.

List 4 common outdoor poisonous plant

buttercup, holly, sweet pea, and mistletoe

For the past few weeks you have noticed that Lenny, age four, has been holding books closer to his face when he reads. Your initial responsibility as his teacher is to:

discuss your observations with Lenny's mother

Infectious disease

diseases capable of invading the body and causing an infection to occur; may or may not be contagious

Respiratory tract transmission

germs that are passed through the air from the respiratory tract of one person to another person

A 3-year-old boy has just eaten 15-20 ibuprofen from a bottle in your purse and is still conscious. Before calling poison control center, you should

give the child nothing to eat or drink

Cereals containing ________ should be introduced by six months of age.


Healthy hemoglobin formation requires an adequate intake of:


The ______________ in hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen to all body cells


Toddlers who consume milk to the exclusion of foods from the other food groups are in danger of developing:

iron0deficiency anemia

Because a child's state of health can change in a short period of time, observations should be:

made continuously throughout the day

the first semi-solid food that is typically offered to an infant is a rice cereal



the act of granting formal permission to conduct a business or profession


the act of obeying or cooperating with specific requests or requirements


the aspect of learning that refers to the development of skills and abilities based on knowledge and thought processes

According to your text, school playgrounds should be surrounded with a fence that is at least __________ feet tall


Children need to stay out of the outdoor area that has been sprayed with pesticides for at least ______ hours


Teachers and schools who must plan for children with allergies and asthma should

- be familiar with the symptoms of a child's allergic reaction -keep children's emergency information located where it is readily accessible; make sure that others know where to find it -post emergency numbers next to the telephone -know where emergency medications are stored and learn how to administer them -review your program's emergency policies and procedures -monitor all food or other allergen sources ( eg animals, plants, lotions, cleaning supplies) that are brought into the classroom -have the family review and update information about the child's conditions periodically

List the universal sanitary diapering procedures

- organize and label all supplies - have all items for diaper changing within reach - place a disposable covering (paper towel, paper roll) over a firm changing surface. Do not change children on fabric chairs or sofas that could become spoiled - if using gloves, put them on - pick up the child, holding him away from your clothing to avoid contamination - place the child on the paper surface; fasten security belt. remove the child's clothing and shoes if necessary to prevent them from becoming spoiled - remove the soiled diaper, place disposable diapers in a covered plastic=lined receptacle designated for this purpose, seal cloth diapers into plastic bag to be sent home - clean child's bottom with a disposable wipe and place the wipe in trash; pat skin dry with a paper towel - remove the paper lining from beneath the child discard and replace with a clean one - wash or hands or wipe them with a clean wipe and discard (don't leave child alone) -diaper and redress child; return to play area -disinfect the changing surface and any supplies/equipment needed -remove gloves if worn; wash hands again

What are some signs of anemia a teacher may observe

-Pale skin color; blue discoloration of nail beds -Irritability -Complaints of feeling cold -Rapid heart beat -Dizziness or headache -Shortness of breath -Decline in school performance -Difficulty concentrating -Loss of appetite -Swollen or sore tongue -Failure to grow

What are some early signs of diabetes

-Rapid weight loss -Fatigue and/or weakness -Nausea or vomiting -Frequent urination -Dehydration -Excessive thirst and/or hunger -Dry, itch skin -Blurred vision

List the three questions you should ask yourself to manage care of mildly ill children

-is the infectious disease contagious or will it put others at risk - is the child able to participate in care -can the teacher accommodate the needs of the mildly ill child

List the steps in universal sanitary hand-washing

-pull down paper towel - turn on the water; wet hands and wrists under warm, running water - apply soap and lather hands to loosen dirt and bacteria - rub hands and wrists vigorously for a minimum of 20 seconds. Friction helps to remove microorganisms and dirt - pay special attention to rubbing soap on the backs of hands, between fingers and around finger nails - rinse hands thoroughly under running water to remove dirt and soap. hold hands higher than wrists to prevent recontamination. - dry hand and arms carefully with a paper towel - use the paper towel to turn off water faucets -open bathroom door with paper towel and discard it in its appropriate receptacle

Describe the sings and symptoms a teacher should look for in an allergic reaction to food

-very young children may pull or scratch at their tongues or their hands in their mouths when they are having a reaction. -Older children might tell you that the food is too spicy or that the tongue feels prickly or strange. They also may break out in hives, feel clammy, or possibly faint

When administering CPR, a rescue breath should last approximately:

1 second

List five advantages that breast milk has over formula as the first food for an infant

1. supplies all of the nutrients an infant requires during the first 6 months 2. contains proteins that are more easily digested 3. contains lactose (carbohydrate) which aids in calcium absorption and in establishing beneficial intestinal flora 4. provides antibodies (immunoglobulins) that protect the infant from some infectious illnesses 5. has a higher content of the essential fatty acids 6. provides taurine and dietary nucleotides 7. is less likely to cause food allergies 8. reduces the risk of bacteria entering the infant's body from unsanitary formula 9. is less expensive, convenient, and always available at the correct temperature 10. contains less sodium (salt) than formula 11. fosters emotional bonding between mother and infant 12. is a biologically active substance, changing in nutrient composition to meet the infant's changing nutrient needs

An appropriate lunch-serving of applesauce for a preschool child would be

1/4 cup

Ainsley, age 22 months, stumbles while running across the classroom, falls and hits her head on the floor, and stops breathing. You would immediately begin CPR at a rate of ___ breath(s) to 30 chest compressions


Why teachers are often the first to notice the signs of a vision disorder in young children

2. Why teachers are often the first to notice the signs of a vision disorder in young children? Often teachers have been trained to recognize signs of vision problems. Also, many tasks that teachers require children to perform depend upon vision accuracy

On a hot day, children should drink water before they go outside and continue to drink water every ______ minutes


all states now allow vaccination schedule exemptions for medical reasons, 48 states allow exemptions for religious exemptions, and _______ states allow exemptions for philosophical or personal reasons


In order to prevent falls, windows in the early childhood education environment should not be open more than ____ inches

3 1/2

Openings in rails or between ladder rungs should be less than ___ inches and more than ______ inches in order to not trap children

3 1/3;9

If sheltering in place takes place during an emergency, the supply of food and water the early childhood environment should have on hand should last for _____ days


The influenza vaccine is now recommended for all children as young as ______ months and as old as 18 years unless they have an allergy to eggs


Infants' teeth usually begin to erupt around ______ months of age.


Infants show interest in drinking from a cup at approximately

6-7 months

At approximately what age does an infant develop a pincer grip

7-8 months

Infants should not be fed meat or meat alternatives before the age of __________

7-9 months

The average American child spends more than _______ hours per day watching TV and movies, using computers, playing video games, and using cell phones


In terms of sexual abuse, the offender is known to the child in nearly ________ % of child abuse cases


The outdoor play area should provide ________ square feet of space for each child, if equipment is included


Falls from outdoor equipment account for almost _______ % of playground injuries


It has been found that more than ___% of children ride in safety seats that are not properly installed or used


The number of active germs on a surface can be reduced by ______% if a child sneezes into a tissue instead of in the open or on an arm or shirt


In 2010, a Yale study found that ______% of all American children eat at a fast food restaurant at least once a week


Person First Language

A manner of addressing an individual first and then their disability; e.g., a child with autism

List three reasons why a mother may choose to not breast-feed

A mother may choose not to breast-feed her infant for sever reasons: the use of addictive or illicit drugs; mother takes prescription medications that could affect the infant; illness; the need to be away from her infant for long periods of time; personal choice

______________ is a complex carbohydrate found in fruits and vegetables that humans are not able to digest


Hazards from art supplies come from all the following except

AP or CP products

A weather alert has been issued for a tornado that has been sighted approximately 25 miles away. Which of these precautions should you take immediately

Advise all classrooms to shelter in place

The actual incidence of maltreatment is estimated to be ____________ than reported

much less

Select the statement that is false concerning play-dough in the early childhood setting

All the above are recommended play-dough uses procedures

In most states, teachers are

required by law to report suspected cases of maltreatment

Why is early diagnosis of hearing problems so important in young children

Early speech and language development are dependent upon children's ability to hear. The earlier impairments are diagnosed, the sooner intervention can be initiated, and the negative effect on speech and language development lessened

Discuss why it is important that are caregiver hold an infant during feedings

Holding an infant during feedings reduces the risk of aspiration or accidental choking. Infants who are fed while lying down or with a propped bottle may not be able to turn their heads away from the bottle or to cough effectively. Holding, cuddling, and talking with am infant during feedings also fulfills important physical (contact, touch), social-emotional (trust, security), and communication needs that foster caregiver/infant attachment (bonding) and early learning

Briefly explain how a child can obtain adequate dietary protein if they don't include any meat in their meals

If a person does not include meat in their diet, a majority of their protein intake will come from from plant-source foods, however, some vegetarians also include animal-source food items, such as eggs, diary products, and/or seafood. plant-source foods yield incomplete proteins (because they are lacking one or more of the essential amino acids) There are two ways to compensate for this deficiency and to achieve a complete protein (grain combining a small amount of complete protein (eggs, cheese, dairy) with an incomplete protein (grain product) to form a supplementary protein (eg. fried rice, macaroni and cheese, pita with hummus) or (2) by combining tow incomplete proteins (grain plus a legume, such as a peanut butter sandwich) to form a complete protein (complementary protein) relying on either of these approaches requires the meal planner to pay special attention to food combinations and to make sure children receive adequate protein to support growth. The advantage of relying on plant-source foods is lower cost and reduced fat intake (especially saturated fat and cholesterol)

Iron deficiency anemia is common in the post-6-month-old infant and the toddler. Why does this happen? What food sources should be served to prevent or correct this problem

Infants and toddlers often resist the transition from milk to iron-rich or iron-enriched solid foods. They may be reluctant to accept these foods because of their taste, texture, or difficulty to chew. Iron-enriched cereals are the best iron-source food to first introduce to this age group. Other iron-fortified grain products, such as bread and crackers fortified with iron, are also ideal finger foods for toddlers

Otitis media

Infection of the middle ear

Full-term infants are born with stores of the mineral _______ and the vitamin _______________ to last them for the first 6 months after birth

Iron; A

Describe several health and developmental problems that low-birth-weight infants are more likely to experiences

Low-birth-weight infants show: increased susceptibility to infections; poor bone density; delayed organ development; increased risk of respiratory distress including SIDS; difficulty in metabolizing carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; inability to regulate body temperature; and deficiencies of iron (anemia) and vitamins E B6, D and folacin


Protective measures and sanitary practices to limit the spread of infection and to promote health

Daily health observations:

Provide valuable information about a child's well-being.

List several strategies that teachers can use to improve communication with children who experience a hearing impairment.

Teachers should: -stand near and face the child when speaking -get down to the child's level and speak directly -to the child speak slowly and clearly -accompany speech with gestures or -demonstrate what is expected of the child provide individualized instructions.

Explain what a teacher should do as soon as a child has been excluded from care due to an infectious disease

The teacher should remove and sanitize any toys the ill child has been playing with or mouthing. Make sure all hands are carefully washed and that the hand-washing policy is strictly enforced. The illness and teacher actions should be documented

List the MyPlate food groups

Vegetables, fruit, grain, protein, dairy

Describe the roles that water plays in the body

Water performs critical functions in the body, It regulates internal body temperature, it is a major component of every body cell and fluid, and it plays an important role in transporting wastes out of the body.


a common blood disorder that develops when too few red blood cells are available to deliver oxygen to the body's cell


a condition characterized by an abnormally high level of sugar in the blood


a condition of the eye commonly referred to as "lazy eye"; vision gradually becomes blurred or distorted due to unequal balance of the eye muscles


a condition of the eyes in which one or both eyes appear to be turned inward (crossed) or outward (walleye)


a condition or malfunction of a body part that interferes with optimal functioning

Abusive adults tend to exhibit all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

a dependency of their children for love and affection

The primary reason teachers should be concerned about each child's health status is because

a direct relationship exist between good health and effective learning

Communicable disease

a disease spread from one person to another through means of respiratory spray or infected body fluids

Mixed hearing loss

a disorder that involves a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing losses

In order to be safe, cribs should have all of the following except

a drop-side

Your toddler refuses to eat anything except peanut butter sandwiches and pasta with butter. This behavior is an example of

a food jag

Over nutrition

a form of malnutrition in which the intake of nutrients is oversupplied relative to the amounts required for normal growth, development, and metabolism

A child who has diabetes and develops signs of hypoglycemia should be given:

a glass of orange juice

The absence of a startle reflex in a 4-month-old infant should make one suspect

a hearing loss or deafness

A focal onset seizure is characterized by

a high fever


a severe allergic reactions that may cause difficulty breathing, itching, unconsciousness, and possible death


a specialist (non-physician) trained to examine eyes and prescribe glasses and eye exercises


a specially prepared clinician who used non medical techniques to diagnose hearing impairments


a substance that can trigger an allergic reaction

Sensorineural loss

a type of loss that occurs when sound impulses cannot reach the brain due to damage of the auditory nerve, or cannot interpreted because of prior brain damage

A child's daily nutrient requirements can best be met by consuming

a wide variety of food

Which two MyPlate food groups are the major contributors of iron, thiamin, and niacin? is it safe to assume that if a child's iron intake is adequate, it is likely that his or her thiamin and niacin needs are also being met

a. the protein food group (meat, fish, poultry, cooked beans, and peas, eggs, nuts and seeds, soy) and the grains food group (whole grain bread, cereals, pastas, and rice) are the major contributors of iron, thiamin, and niacin b. Yes, a child's requirement for those vitamins is likely to be met if he or she is consuming adequate dietary iron. Many foods that are a rich source of iron are also a strong source of B vitamins

Topics selected for health/safety lessons should meet all of the following criteria EXCEPT:

addressing current fads and controversial issues


administration of inactivated, dead, or weakened live organism of infectious diseases to which the body builds resistance

Conductive loss

affects the volume of word tones heard, so that loud sounds are more likely to be heard than soft sounds


aid in cell division and new cell growth

The federally funded WIC program provides food supplement vouchers for:

all answers are correct

Human-generated disasters include

all of these

Infants and toddlers are at greatest risk to toxins having an effect on the brain development due to

all of these

Nutrition-related challenges that pose risk to children come form

all of these

Optimizing conditions for riding tricycles in the outdoor environment might include

all of these

Poverty, marital problems, lack of education, and ___________ can increase the chances of children suffering from child abuse

all of these

A child might bite another child because of

all the above

Referrals should be based on

all the above

Feeding an infant in a reclining position with a bottle that is propped up may result in:

all the answers are correct

Eggs, meats, citrus juices, and wheat cereals may cause

allergic reactions

It is recommended that the introduction of semisolid foods be delayed for infants whose parents siblings are known to have food ______________________________


_______ is (are) the end products(s) of protein digestion

amino acids

Involving children in a preparation of new food item is

an effective way to increase food acceptance


an elevation of body temperature above normal


an inadequate intake of one or more required or essential nutrients

Water-soluble vitamins:

are excreted in the urine

The categories that represent the most dangerous toys include all of the following except toys that

are soft and can be chewed

Early detection of health impairments:

avoids untimely delays in arranging intervention services

What phone numbers and emergency information should be kept next to all phones in a preschool

basic information: -name and address of center (may include cross streets or other information to aid in location of the center) -center's phone number -name of centers contact person emergency contact information -police/fire/rescue 911 (may want to include phone number and directions to nearest emergency room) -poison control 1-800-222-1222 - alternative shelter sites -utilities -insurance provider other recommended information: -copy of emergency procedures -parent contact information -emergency exits -primary and secondary evacuation routes -locations of fire extinguishers -fire alarm pull stations' locations -assembly points -telephone bomb threat checklist

Why is iron-enriched cereal recommended at the first semi-solid food to be given to the infant

by 6 months of age, infants are able to digest the carbohydrates in cereal. it is important that cereals be fortified with iron to replace the reserve (of iron) which was present at birth and now depleted

Healthy neuromuscular function requires the presence of vitamins B and _______________


The transmission of nerve impulses requires the presence of sodium, potassium, magnesium and:


While checking in Carlos, you observe that his throat is red and his skin feels warm. You should

call Carlos's mother and advise her to contact a doctor

_____________ proteins are present in meats, including fish, poultry, eggs and diary products


What 3 nutrients provide energy

carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Negligence refers to

careless and questionable safety management

Parents can expected toddlers to

challenge adult authority during mealtimes


changes in the body or its functions that are experience by the affected individual


changes in the body or its functions that are experienced by the affected individual


chemical substances in food that the body requires to function properly

Diseases for which immunizations are available to

chicken pox, diphtheria and pertussis

The factor relating to obesity that is not correct is

children of obese parents are less likely to be obese

An example of a measurable objective stated in behavioral terms is

children will name...


class of nutrients used primarily for structural and regulatory functions

The best way to stop the spread of germs on surfaces in early childhood settings is to _______ and ____________

clean and disinfect

Explain how cognitive development level can affect the safety of children

cognitive development can determine how much a child understands about risk or even if there is risk. A baby will be unable to determine risk, a toddler will be into mastery and not totally understand risk, and a preschooler will have some knowledge of risk and therefore be more safe

Impact phase

commences the moment an emergency occurs or with the notification or alert of an imminent emergency. This phase puts the emergency plan in action and delegates the decision making and actions that need to be taken

Briefly discuss why a formula-fed infant should not be given vitamin supplements unless they are prescribed by a physician

commercial formulas contain adequate amounts of essential vitamins. additional supplementation could lead to toxicity

Name tow factors that would maximize the absorption of both iron and calcium and two factors that would decrease absorption of these two minerals

conditions that increase iron and calcium absorption are: increased need, physical activity, and the presence of adequate vitamin C in the same meal. conditions that decrease absorption of calcium and iron are: high-fiber diet, large dose at one time, and low need

Age appropriate

consideration of the developmental abilities of a particular age group in the selection of toys, materials, and equipment

Teacher observations should be made:

continuously all day, day-to-day, and week-to-week

Infection control

control of infectious agents by sanitary practices

The breast-fed infant should be supplemented with vitamin _______ soon after birth, but the formula-fed infant should not because formulas provide generous amounts of this vitamin and excess intake may cause toxicity



directing and individual to other sources, usuallly for additional evaluation or treatment

Outdoor play equipment should be inspected


Cultural sensitivity for preventing diseases is especially important when it comes to

dealing with the issue of immunization

Taking large-dose supplements of calcium will ___________ the rate of its absorption and availability


Ingredients in commercially jarred infant foods are listed in ______________ order according to the amount of each item present


Emergency treatment of unintentional poisoning

differs depending upon the category of substances ingested

The second most common cause of unintentional injury leading to death among children is


Shock often accompanies severe injuries. The symptoms of shock may include all of the following EXCEPT

dry, flushed skin

In the case of heat stroke, you would expect a child's temperature to be:


To reduce children's risk of unintentional injury in a group setting, teachers should do all of the following except

eliminate any situation in which a child could potentially be injured

Activity plans

encourage advanced preparation and organization

Amino acids that cannot be produced by the body are called


Teachers can best help maltreated children by

establishing a trusting relationship with the child


experiences in which a caretaker either deliberately or by extraordinary inattentiveness permits the child to experience avoidable suffering or fails to provide one or more of the ingredients generally essential for nurturing the development of the child's physical, intellectual, and emotional capabilities

A child who appears to be in shock should be given ample fluids to prevent dehydration


A child who follows a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet would not consume eggs or dairy products


A child who is allergic to all citrus food and includes none in his diet may be deficient in vitamin A


Adding cereal to an infant's bottle can lead to baby bottle tooth decay (BBTD)


All children should be tested for blood cholesterol by the time they are 2 years old


An infant who turns her head to the side while eating should be urged to continue eating until all of her food is gone


By 6 months of age, infants can be fed undiluted cow's milk


Fruit juices can be used in place of water to meet a child's fluid requirement


If a child's permanent tooth is knocked out it cannot be saved


Infants are able to sit alone with limited support by 4 months of age


It is acceptable to use food as a reward for good behavior as long as it is not associated with mealtimes


It is the teacher's responsibility to make a toddler eat some of each food served at mealtime.


Microwaving is a quick and easy to heat bottles of formula or frozen breast milk


Pureed meats should be introduced into an infant's diet by 3-4 months-of-age to address depleted iron reserves


Snacks should be discourage because they add extra calories and interfere with a child's appetite


Teachers should be applied for several minutes to stop bleeding


The production, storage, and release of energy from carbohydrates and fats depend upon the availability of calcium and sodium


a child who is not breathing should be placed on his or her side to prevent choking


The most common non-fatal injury involving children is


Maternal nutrient deficiencies that commonly produce low-birth-weight infants include all of the following EXCEPT:

fat and zinc

Fast food meals generally contribute to excess of

fat, salt, and calories

All of the following nutrient classes function to promote growth EXCEPT


The most concentrated source of energy is supplied by


A high fever is usually responsible for triggering ________ seizures in infants


The material __________ is essential for strong tooth enamel formation and resistance to decay


Shaken baby syndrome

forceful shaking of a baby that cause head trauma, internal bleeding, and sometimes death

Children who refuse to eat ______ and ___________ are often deficient in vitamins A and C

fruits and vegetables

Daily health check provide useful information about children's:

general health status

Sudden stiffness followed by a loss of consciousness and generalized convulsive movements is characteristic of a

generalized-onset seizure

The kitchen item that does not pose risk of poisoning to children is

grape seeds

Approximately one-fourth to one0half of a young infant's calories are used for ______________________


Good ___________ techniques at the right times is the most important tool for children to help to prevent the spread of disease


Hearing loss is more common in children who

have allergies and frequent ear infections

Researchers have identified three factors that are associated with quality programs. Which of the following is not one these factors

having a new or renovated building


having no symptoms

Information in children's __________ is beneficial for identifying health problems, evaluating interventions success, and monitoring a child's progress

health records

Mei often speaks in a loud voice, experiences periods of unexplained frustration, and appears to disregard to teacher's instructions. These behaviors may indicate a possible

hearing impairment

Toddler behaviors typically include all of the following EXCEPT:

hearty appetite

The omission of fruits and vegetables from a child's diet seriously reduces the availability of the following nutrients EXCEPT:

high-quality protein

Learning objectives

identify desirable and measurable changes in learner behavior

A child burns several fingers during a classroom cooking activity. Your immediate action should be to

immerse the fingers in cool water


improper pronunciations of words and word sounds

Teachers can help obese children in all the following ways, except

including a large selection of low-nutrient-dense foods

Bread, black beans, and peanut butter are examples of ________proteins


Physical activity _____________ calcium absorption


Serving finger foods to a toddler does all of the following EXCEPT:

increases feeding time and frustration

To care for a child who is experiencing an asthma attack, you would do all of the following except

insist that the child lie down

why should fat not be restricted in infant's or toddler's diet?

interferes with brain development and bone development also provides essential fatty acids

Psychological maltreatment

involves a pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development and sense of well-being

Information about children's health:

is protected by the Buckley Amendment and cannot be released without parental/guardian permission

Recovery phase

is when the education environment is in operation with its original purpose. This is the time when children and families may need assistance to cope with everyday life and any losses that may have occurred

Fluoride affects tooth development in all the following ways EXCEPT:

it slows calcium absorption


listen for clarity, stuttering, nasality, mispronunciations, monotone voice and appropriateness for age

A child in your classroom just stuck scissors into the electrical outlet. Your immediate action would be to:

locate and turn off the circuit breaker


look for redness, tearing, puffiness, sensitivity to light, frequent rubbing, styles, sores, drainage, redness, and appropriate response to sounds or verbal requests

Most children who develop type 2 diabetes must

lose weight and follow a healthy diet


microscopic bacteria that can cause disease


mineral nutrient; a major component of bones and teeth

Children under age 5 are _______ likely to be victims of child abuse


the most common cause of unintentional injury leading to death among children is

motor vehicle crashes

The best type of light in early childhood education indoor environments is



nearsightedness; an individual has good near vision but poor distant vision

Instructional experiences for preschool children should last

no longer than 15 minutes minutes

Amino acids that are produced in the body are called __________


Behavior and Temperament

note any changes in activity level, alertness, cooperation, appetite, sleep patterns, toileting, habits irritability, or uncharacteristic restlessness

General appearance

note changes in weight (gain or loss) signs of fatigue or unusual excitability, skin tone (pallor or flushed) and size of age group


notice general expressions (eg. fear, anger, happy, anxious) skin tone, and any scratches, bruises, or rashes


observe posture coordination; note conditions such as bowed legs, toeing-in, or arms and legs of unequal length


observe posture coordinations; note conditions such as bowed legs, toeing-in, or arms and legs of unequal length

Children living in ______ are at higher risk of developing lead poisoning

older homes that were painted before 1978

Sandboxes in childcare centers should be kept clean and should be raked at least

once a week or as needed


outbreak where some of many people within a given community or region become infected with the same infectious disease

Rashes associated with communicable illnesses are more likely to be observed

over warmer areas of the body, such as back and chest

Describe why it is so important to follow the manufacture's instructions precisely when mixing infants formulas

over-diluting formula results in the infant not getting enough calories or nutrients for normal growth and development. Under-diluting formula can result in digestive upsets, excess calories, and contribute to obesity over time

An overweight child should

participate in more physical activity

Fecal-oral transmission

passing of germs from an infected person's bowel movement via the hand into another person's system via the mouth

Direct Contact Transmission

passing of germs from one person's body or clothing to another person through direct contact

Blood contact

passing of germs through the blood from one person's circulatory system to another person's circulatory system

Which of the following food combinations does not provide all of the essential amino acids

pasta with tomato sauce

Threatening, belittling, degrading, or calling a child names are examples of

physical abuse

Which factor accounts for the most variation in meeting a child's total caloric needs

physical activity

Malnutrition, lack of clothing, and inadequate adult supervision are examples of

physical neglect

A child develops a nosebleed during outdoor time. Your actions should be to:

pinch her nostrils together for at lest 5 minutes with the child in a sitting position

The shock-absorbing material for outdoor equipment that is the least successful and has a higher reported injury profile is

pine bark

Incomplete proteins are generally __________-source foods


In terms of fats in the diet, people should try to include more

polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats


power to perform work


practices or procedures implemented to modify or change specific behavior or condition

The single most significant factor in risk management for safety



procedures to eliminate all germ through use of chemicals or heat


process of identifying a disease or disorder


prolonged inadequate or excessive intake of nutrients and/or calories required by the body

Licensing regulations

reflect minimal requirements


removal of bacteria, filth, and dirt that makes transmission of disease unlikely

Why are artificial nails considered a health risk

research has shown that nurses with long or artificial nails were found to cause illness in the young babies with whom they worked. When they got rid of the nails, the rate of infection and illness decreased. This same scenario could easily present itself in an early childhood education setting where young vulnerable children are present.

The most common mode of infectious disease transmission in early childhood education environments is

respiratory tract

All of the following foods are common allergens EXCEPT:


A child receives frostbite on the tips of several fingers. Your immediate action would be to

rub the fingers briskly to restore circulation


saliva, mucus, urine, and blood produced by the body for specific purposes

Thirty-five percent of all burn injuries happen to children, and _____ are the chief cause of more than 50% of burns to children four years of age and younger


A burned area that develops blisters is classified as a

second degree burn

Vitamin C promotes bone and tooth formation by improving collagen development and calcium absorption


Information gathered during health observations should be recorded carefully and precisely for all of the following reasons except:

sharing the information with all school personnel

Infant formula are manufactured so they are

similar in composition to breast milk

A normal-hearing infant should begin to babble and imitate speech by

six to eight months


small microorganisms that are produced in living cells and that can cause disease

Vitamins influence the way in which minerals and protein and used in the body


Children are most frequently abused by

someone they know


state in which there is an excessive loss of body fluids or extremely limited fluid intake; symptoms may include loss of skin tone, sunken eyes, and mental confusion listlessness

You would begin the Heimlich maneuver immediately if you saw a child choking on food


Researchers have shown that television advertising increases children's interests in:

sugary food and fast food meals

Macaroni and cheese is an example of a ___________ protein


Planning phase

surveys for emergencies that could occur, identifies those preventive measures to lessen risk, and develops a complete structure for the education site

A mother's breast milk changes in composition to meet the infant's nutrient needs


Children and adults must wash their hands before preparing, serving and eating a meal or snack


Children who develop shortness of breath following a bee sting may be experiencing an allergic reaction


Direct pressure should be applied for several minutes to stop bleeding


Disposable gloves should be worn whenever administering first aid to a bleeding wound


Enriched bread and cereal products provide a good source of iron for children


Every part of your body that you can touch, feel, or see contains protein and some minerals


Food allergies and/or overfeeding can cause vomiting and diarrhea in infants


Grains products are enriched with folacin to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects


Individuals who administer emergency care to injured persons are protected from liability by the Good Samaritan law


Infants and toddlers rarely experience a calcium deficiency because they consume generous amounts of milk


Infants are able to digest carbohydrates (cereals) by 6 months of age


Milk is rich in calcium but a poor source of iron


One way to reduce the risk of childhood obesity is learning to recognize children's safety signals and to cease feeding them at that point


Small beads, latex balloons, and coins present a choking hazard for young children


The primary objective emergency care is to save lives


The sugars in fresh fruits and vegetables may actually help to protect children's teeth from decay


Toddlers and preschoolers are more likely to try a new food if it is served when they are not tired or overly hungry and if it is presented along with familiar food


Toddlers and preschoolers are struggling to become independent and may resist adult help even at times when it is needed and wanted


Toddlers need to be fed on a consistent schedule of three meals and two or three snacks each day.


Vitamin C enhances the absorption of both iron and calcium from their food sources


Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) can cause all of the following except

thyroid problems


to inspect and take note of the appearance and behaviors of other individuals


to make impure or unsuitable by contact or mixture with something unclean

The most common hazard accessory for choking is


Early detection of amblyopia is of prime importance because

treatment is often less successful when diagnosed after age 7 or 8

Infants will _______ their birth weight by the time they turn one year old



vaccines given to protect individuals through the development of antibodies against specific infectious diseases

Of the following, which is not a likely source of indoor air pollution?

vertical blinds

__________ promotes bone and blood formation by improving the absorption of calcium and iron

vitamin c

Fast food meals are typically deficient in

vitamins A and C, calcium and fiber

Vitamins that can be toxic if ingested in large amounts are:

vitamins A and D

Your next-door neighbor brings over her 3-year-old daughter who has accidentally spilled liquid drain cleaner (lye) on her arms and legs. Treatment of chemical burns requires quick action. You should immediately

wash the chemical off under running water for at least 10-15 minutes


watch the child's breathing and note any wheezing, rattles, shortness of breath, coughing (with or without other symptoms)

What factors influence a person's water requirement

water needs are determined by total body surface, environmental temperature, and physical activity. Illness (eg. fever, diarrhea, vomiting) also increases water loss and therefore, water need

In a toddler-teacher relationship, it is the child's responsibility to decide

which foods and how much of each will be eaten

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