Artificial Intelligence Chapter 9
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day"
"Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"
Machine Learning System
- Data and Output are inputs to a computer and a Program is coming out; - Implemented through an algorithm that automatically generates programs by learning data; - A system that improves itself by self-learning;
Expert System
- Data and Program are inputs to a computer and an Output is coming out; - Using human knowledge and experience in the form of specific rules; - It can not improve itself through experience;
Stages of AI
-Applied AI; -Cognitively simulated AI; -Strong AI
Classical Views
-Thinking Humanly; -Thinking Rationally; -Acting Humanly; -Acting Rationally.
Designing and Implementation of AI Projects
1. Define your tasks for the project objective. 2. Illustrate data flow from raw data collection and storage to processing and discovery. 3. Features Selection. 4. Classify machine learning types for the selected feature data. 5. Choose Algorithms. 6. Experimental Design and Implementation by using available open source software frameworks. 7. Run it!
A Machine that thinks and acts like a person
good heuristic
A ___________ must reasonably find the distance to the target, and the computation to find the heuristic should be simple
A data structure containing information about the object and facts
Semantic Networks
A graph whose nodes represent concepts and whose arcs represent relations between these concepts
a button
A great awakening - defining _________ as "an object with a few holes in the middle", then many errors occur
Deliberative Agent
A more intelligent agent that adaptively responds to the outside world and interacts with the external environment through a sensor and an effector
Reactive Agent
A simple agent that automatically responds to input data according to defined rules, such as condition reflections
AI Landscape
Consistency, Memory, Clear Logic, Accessibility, Longevity
Advantages of Expert System
Easy to encode and understand
Advantages of Semantic Networks
Machine Learning(ML)
Algorithm that automatically generates programs by learning data
Knowledge processing, Machine Learning, Cognitive ability
Base technologies
Adaptive Learning
By imitating the human brain and adapting to a new environment, it accumulates intelligence on its own
Deciding what actions to perform (and when) to achieve a given objective
Deciding when to perform a given set of actions
Knowledge-Based Approach
Developed as an expert system by intelligent decision-making based on stored knowledge
Data integrity, Time and Cost, Emotionless
Disadvantages of Expert System
May become large and lead to enormous searches
Disadvantages of Semantic Networks
GPGPU(General Purpose GPU)
GPU is developed into __________ which is used for general data processing
Data Driven Approach
How to accumulate many case data and make decisions with knowledge extracted from these data
Big data power
ICT development for Data Producing
Representation, Reasoning, Search
Knowledge processing ->
Learning and intelligence can be precisely described and implemented on ________
Inference and Planning
Logically deduce and infer from the knowledge to get the desired results and make decisions
Third AI Boom
Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Professor Jeffrey Hinton (2012)
Meaning a set of facts and rules, accumulate in advance through the knowledge acquisition system
Open Source Software
System Components
Perception, Knowledge-Base, Inference Engine
Inference Engine
Present the most suitable behavior and answer according to given input data and surrounding environment
Heuristic Search
Rough guess by experience, how to find the most plausible way
volume and velocity
Smartphones & Internet of Things will drive both the _____________ of data
Deep Learning(DL)
Solving complex nonlinear problems based on artificial neural network theory
Search Tree
The ____________ of real-world problems is generally very complex
The ability to accept external environmental information through visual and auditory functions from the outside world, sometimes with natural language input
perception, cognition, action
Three key steps of a knowledge-based agent
computer intelligence
Turing defines ______________ as the ability to produce human-level performance in cognitive tasks
_________ occurs when machine begins to outperform human ability
__________ should augment, not replace human expertise!
Machine learning
____________ can (help to) solve many problems, but is no panacea
ability to think, understand, and act instead of acting instinctively or automatically
adapt internal representation so that it is as accurate as possible
adds semantics to RDF
Semantic Web
an effort to create a web that uses the concepts from semantic networks
Turing test
defined by Alan Turing in 1950; -> Person C alternates between object A (machine) and object B (person) for Q&A: if the interrogator C can not distinguish the answer from a human or a machine, the computer has passed the test.
Second AI Boom
early 1980s, Expert Systems
Computing power
powerful parallel and distributed processing power
representation of information/data for the purpose of sharing
Strong AI
technologies to create human-like intelligence machines
Weak AI
technologies to solve specific problems by imitating human intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
technology that implements intelligence such as human cognitive ability (language, voice, vision, emotion), learning, and reasoning
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
the core of the graphics card that plays the role of processing images
First AI boom
the late 1950s, research on search and reasoning, very optimistic
RDF (Resource Description Framework) and OWL (web ontology language)
two main representations for the semantic web
Data Driven Approach
•Common property extraction from signal data •Issues, training, machine learning
Knowledge-Based Approach
•Representing knowledge as a combination of symbols •Understanding Issues, Language, and Knowledge
System Objectives
•Solving real world problems; •Intelligent Service Applications;