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Musculoskeletal - bones, joints, ligaments, cartilage, muscles, tendons, and bursas Neurological - brain, spinal cord, network of nerves Digestive - esophagus, small and large intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas Circulatory and respiratory - heart, blood vessels, trachea, lungs Urinary - kidneys, ureter, and bladder


1. Which of the statements below are reasons you should not give an athlete food or drink if you suspect internal injuries? (Select all that apply.) a. Eating or drinking can mask the symptoms you're trying to monitor. b. Food or fluid intake can increase the likelihood of vomiting and aspiration. c. If digestive organs are injured, the food or drink could leak into the abdominal cavity. d. Red blood cells, which should be part of the healing, swarm to the stomach to aid in digestion. 2. Athletes with _____ should not play in contact sports until cleared by a doctor due to an increased risk of a ruptured spleen. a. mononucleosis b. bronchitis c. diabetes d. anemia 3. Referred pain at the low back, outside thighs, or front pelvic area might be a sign of a. bruised kidney b. ruptured spleen c. testicular trauma

1. B,C. 2. A. 3. A.

1. If you suspect an athlete has a head or spine injury, move him or her carefully to a comfortable position. a. true b. false 2. All of the following are preventative steps except a. checking the condition of all athletes' helmets b. prohibiting diving into shallow water c. teaching football players how to tackle safely with their heads d. mandating protective mouth guards for athletes in high-contact sports e. requiring appropriately fitted helmets for football, hockey, baseball, softball, and lacrosse 3. An athlete sustains a hard blow to the head but doesn't seem to be suffering any immediate ill effects. What should you do? (Mark all that apply.) a. Treat for shock. b. Call immediately for medical assistance. c. Closely monitor the athlete for signs and symptoms of a head injury. d. Inform the parents and provide them with a checklist of signs and symptoms to monitor.

1. False 2. C. 3. C,D.

Coach Strehlow is careful to make sure all her runners are cleared by their doctors for a tough cross-country season. Her traditional first practice is a long and grueling series of hill runs, with intermittent sprinting. One of her younger runners strains a leg muscle. Roughly half the team is too sore to even participate in Coach Strehlow's second practice. Which of the nine legal duties has Coach Strehlow forgotten?

1. Properly Plan For The Activity

It makes sense to me to gather some kind of history from each player before the start of the season, but I'm concerned about being too intrusive. What information should I collect?

3 Forms A health history form that lists all relevant medical problems An emergency information card that contains names and contact information for the player's parent/guardian and physician, including information on any preexisting medical problems that may influence the athlete's treatment A parent/guardian consent form that gives you permission to provide first aid care to a minor

A freshman shows up for his first practice without shoulder pads. Coach Turner sends an assistant to the spare pads box in the equipment room, and the assistant returns with pads. The freshman suits up and joins the warm-up. Which of the nine legal duties has Coach Turner forgotten?

5. Provide Adequate and Proper Equitment

As the season approaches, three of Coach Smith's senior players have been letting themselves into the gym half an hour before each practice to work on blocking at the net. Which of the nine legal duties is Coach Smith overlooking?

8. Supervise The Activity Closely

As you read in chapter 10, too much or too little insulin in the body can be problematic. If levels of insulin are too high, what will happen to an athlete's glucose (sugar) levels? a. drop below normal b. rise above normal c. remain the same


Coach Jensen's emergency action steps show that Laurie is breathing comfortably and her circulation seems fine. What is the coach's next step as first respondent? a. Ask Laurie what happened. b. Send for emergency medical assistance. c. Look for signs of bleeding or swelling on Laurie's shoulder. d. Gently touch Laurie's shoulder and search for point tenderness.


Coach Jensen's goalie, Laurie, makes a diving save, but she is slow getting up and is holding her left shoulder with her right hand. The official motions the coach over and ushers other players out of the area. As the coach arrives at the goal, what is her first step? a. Perform emergency action steps. b. Ask Laurie what happened. c. Look for signs of bleeding or swelling on Laurie's shoulder. d. Gently touch Laurie's shoulder and search for point tenderness.


Minutes before taking the field for a game, you hear several screams and notice the members of your team standing in a circle on the field and looking down. You rush over to find out what has happened and see Laura, your star forward, lying on the ground, her body convulsing. You know that Laura has epilepsy and suspect she is having a seizure. You ask her teammates to describe what happened and find that their answers support your suspicion. What do you do next? a. Let the seizure run its course for a few minutes. b. Have Laura bite down on a stick to ensure she doesn't bite her tongue. c. Get some of her teammates to help you hold down Laura's limbs so she doesn't hit herself. d. Check breathing and circulation.


One last question about Sophia's injury. After a few minutes with ice, her voice remains normal, and she says she can swallow without difficulty. You can still see a red mark (especially because of the ice) but no visible swelling. Select the best answer. What is the best course of action for Sophia? a. She can return to play if she wants to. b. She needs to sit out for at least a day. c. She should see her doctor before returning to action.


What You Know After a moment of applying direct pressure to the wound with sterile gauze, Coach Phelps can see that the blood flow is continuing, soaking the gauze. Select the best answer to the question below. Remember to click on What You Know if you'd like to review the scenario. What should Coach Phelps do now? a. Maintain pressure and wait for emergency help to arrive. b. Apply more gauze pads as needed. c. Replace the gauze with clean gauze, reapply pressure, and elevate the arm.


At basketball practice, your players are reassembling after a short water break. As Greg attempts to leap off the bleachers, his foot slips and he lands hard on the floor. However, you don't see this happen; you only hear the loud "thud" and see him lying on his back. Mark all correct answers to the following question. What are the appropriate steps when assessing the scene? (Mark all that apply.) a. Evaluate the athlete's position. b. Instruct all players and bystanders to leave the athlete alone. c. Consider the environment. d. Try to calm the athlete.


I've listed a few things to talk to my players about during our first practice. Which additional items do you think I should cover? a. "Report all injuries, even minor ones, as soon as symptoms appear." b. "Horseplay isn't permitted." c. "Mouth guards are required at all practices and games." d. "Never tackle with your head."


The situation has worsened. What are your next steps? a. Reassure Paul. b. Call for emergency medical assistance. c. Monitor Paul's breathing and circulation. d. Place Paul in a seated or semireclining position. e. Help Paul administer additional doses of his inhaler.


I know that I'm supposed to develop a medical emergency plan, but I don't know the steps. Which ones are necessary? a. Plan what to do when you arrive at an injured athlete's side, how to evaluate conscious and unconscious athletes, and how to assess breathing while the player is wearing a helmet. b. Determine how you will send for medical assistance if medical personnel are not present when the injury or illness occurs. c. Plan whether to administer medication based on your evaluation of the situation. d. Determine how first aid care will be provided in the event of a medical emergency.


Laurie has struck her left shoulder against the side of the goal while diving for the ball. She says it felt like bone hitting the metal, and she has no trouble moving her fingers or elbow. Which of the actions below should not be part of Coach Jensen's next move? Select all that apply. a. Gently touch Laurie's shoulder and search for point tenderness. b. Look for signs of bleeding or swelling on Laurie's shoulder. c. Consider Laurie's overall skin appearance. d. Send for emergency medical assistance. e. Look at the position of Laurie's arm.


1. Which of these symptoms are clear signs of heat exhaustion? a. thirst b. rapid pulse c. hot, flushed, red skin d. cool, pale, clammy skin and chills 2. Which of these hydration measures is not recommended by the National Athletic Trainers' Association? a. 7 to 10 ounces of cool fluid every 10 to 20 minutes of competition b. 17 to 20 ounces of fluid at least 2 hours before a workout c. 16 to 24 ounces of fluid for every pound of water lost through sweat d. 16 to 24 ounces of fluid 10 to 15 minutes before practice 3. Hypothermia is considered severe if a. the victim's body temperature is 90° Fahrenheit or lower b. it lasts for more than 30 minutes c. the victim has loss of sensation d. the victim is unable to walk 4. Lightning tends to strike taller objects, so when lightning is in the area, athletes and fans should a. stay near a tree that is taller than they are b. stay on or near bleachers c. seek shelter indoors d. stay in an open field


1. Minor/petit mal seizures usually last for a. several seconds b. 1 to 2 minutes c. 3 to 5 minutes d. over 5 minutes 2. Which of the following substances is classified as a depressant? a. creatine b. ecstasy c. cocaine d. ketamine 3. Creatine can increase the risk of which of the following conditions? a. nausea b. high blood pressure c. stroke d. all of the above 4. Which of the following is not an appropriate step in first aid care for fainting (assume the athlete is conscious)? a. Send for emergency medical assistance if the athlete doesn't recover within a few minutes. b. Have the athlete sit on a bench with his or her head between the knees. c. Administer smelling salts. d. Monitor and treat for shock if necessary.


For which athletes are sports drinks with 6 to 7% carbohydrate and sodium content preferred to water? a. a football team doing two-a-days b. sprinters competing at state finals c. a point guard practicing free throws for 40 straight minutes d. a soccer team practicing long dribbling for more than an hour e. a wrestler who didn't drink enough before practice, and now seems dehydrated


If Ally's abdominal tenderness doesn't go away, or if she develops signs of an advanced stage ruptured spleen, you will want to send for emergency medical assistance. Select all the correct answers. Which of these are symptoms of an advanced stage ruptured spleen? a. vomiting b. pale skin c. faintness or dizziness d. rigid abdominal muscles e. pain in the left shoulder or neck f. rapid pulse or shortness of breath


Summer practices are about a month away, and Coach Hawkins wants to be sure that all of his players show up at two-a-days in good shape, ready for some tough workouts. Who's responsible for conducting the preseason fitness screenings for the team?

Athletic Trainer

After performing the emergency action steps and physical assessment, what is your next move? a. Place Paul in a seated or semireclining position on the sideline. b. Get Paul's inhaler to him and have him use it. c. Send for emergency medical assistance. d. Monitor Paul's breathing and circulation.


Cammie falls awkwardly on her arm. She is grasping her forearm near the elbow in severe pain. You notice an abnormal bulge and swelling in the region, and Cammie winces with pain when you gently touch the area. She is unable to twist her wrist or straighten her elbow without extreme pain. What is Cammie's injury? a. elbow bursitis b. forearm fracture c. ulnar nerve contusion d. elbow growth plate stress fracture


Coach Jensen inspects the injury by gently pulling back the neck of Laurie's jersey to reveal a slowly bleeding abrasion and what might be a lump on Laurie's left shoulder. What should she do now? a. Apply ice to the left shoulder. b. Send for emergency medical assistance. c. Compare Laurie's right shoulder to her left. d. Gently touch Laurie's shoulder and search for point tenderness.


Jim, the center fielder on your baseball team, is a diabetic. During practice one afternoon, Jim signals to you that he needs a break and sits down on the bench, sweating and trembling slightly. Jim knows that his blood sugar level is low and drinks some fruit juice. A short time later, Jim says that he feels better and wants to go back out on the field. What should you do? a. Let him continue to practice, as long as his insulin level has been stabilized. b. Have him rest for the remainder of the day. c. Tell him he needs to receive clearance from a physician before he practices again. d. Send for emergency medical assistance.


What should I tell my players about nutrition and hydration to get them in top shape for competition? a. "Each of you should take a daily vitamin supplement." b. "By eating a balanced diet, you'll get all the nutrients you'll need for competition." c. "A healthy diet for athletes is high in protein and low in carbohydrates." d. "The proper carbohydrate content for a sports drink is 15 to 20%."


1. An athlete has early signs of anaphylactic shock after a bee sting at practice. He self-administers his prescription epinephrine. He should a. avoid physical activity for 24 hours b. get immediate emergency medical help c. resume activities only after being cleared by his doctor d. rejoin the practice after his symptoms clear up completely 2. A linebacker takes a blow to the abdomen and seems unable to breathe. He is somewhat panicked and disoriented. Which respiratory condition is the likely cause? a. solar plexus spasm b. anaphylactic shock c. hyperventilation d. asthma 3. Which of these is not a common trigger of asthma? a. pet dander b. caffeine c. mold d. cold 4. If your athlete has a severe throat contusion, you might hear a. wheezing and gasping b. voice changes c. crunchy or grating sound when throat is touched d. all of the above


1. The acronym that can guide you through a physical assessment is a. ABC b. HIT c. FLOW d. PRICE 2. The main cause of shock is a. the body's diverting of blood, water, and oxygen to vital organs b. panic or excitement on the part of the victim c. blood loss over a short period of time d. trauma 3. After practice, you pick up a few football jerseys on the floor of the locker room. One of them has blood on it, which gets on your hands. You should not a. wash your hands b. clean the floor with a bleach-water solution c. bag the jersey and wash it in hot water and detergent d. handle the cleanup in secret 4. Which of these is a good idea when treating a bleeding injury? a. Apply ice and light pressure. b. Elevate the heart above the level of the injured part. c. If bleeding seems to be slowing, remove the gauze to check flow, then replace it. d. Secure the gauze covering the wound with roller gauze. 5. Which of these is a bad idea when treating a compound fractured ulna (forearm)? a. Monitor the victim for shock. b. Keep other athletes away from the scene, giving the injured athlete plenty of space. c. Call the victim's parents or guardian and have them take the victim to a doctor.


1. An athlete makes the universal choking sign while chewing a piece of gum. You prepare to perform the Heimlich maneuver by standing behind the athlete and making a fist with one hand. Where should you place your fist before thrusting it inward and upward? a. just below the navel b. just above the navel c. directly on the sternum 2. How far should you compress the chest when performing CPR on a teenager? a. 1 inch b. 1 1/2 inches c. 2 inches d. 2 1/2 inches 3. How does an AED device assist in life support? a. It automates the rescue breathing process. b. It acts as a pump to keep the circulation going. c. It assesses the heart's electrical rhythm and delivers an electrical charge, if needed. d. It performs chest compressions so that you can focus on breathing for the athlete.


It's the beginning of a new season, and your soccer team has several new players. Which of the steps below will help to prevent asthma attacks or help prepare you to respond? a. Give your asthmatic athletes extra fluids during practices. b. Incorporate frequent rest breaks for your asthmatic athletes. c. Ask "does your child have any history of asthma or respiratory problems?" on your preseason medical questionnaire. d. Make sure your asthmatic athletes have a working inhaler (if they have a prescription for one) before allowing them to practice or compete. e. Talk with your asthma-prone athletes one-on-one to determine how frequently they have had attacks, what triggers seemed to cause them, and how severe they were.


During lacrosse practice, a stick catches Emma in the elbow on what is often called the funny bone, or ulnar nerve. What are the signs and symptoms that this athlete is likely to experience? (Mark all that apply.) a. swelling of the bursa b. hand weakness c. tingling down the forearm and hand d. point tenderness over the injury site e. tingling from the shoulder to the elbow f. loss of sensation in the ring and little fingers


Which of the following steps should you take in responding to Sophia's injury? (Choose all that apply.) Remember, you can click What You Know to review the scenario. a. Have Sophia lie on her back with her feet slightly elevated. b. Reassure Sophia and keep her calm. c. Send for medical assistance. d. Apply ice to Sophia's neck. e. Have Sophia sit down.


Coach Tepper's starters are running a heated scrimmage in a hot and humid gym. They've been going at it for almost an hour. Louis, one of the forwards, suddenly sits on the floor and holds his right calf in pain. The coach monitors Louis' breathing and circulation (primary survey) and both are fine. Select the best answer. How should Coach Tepper respond to Louis' injury? a. Help Louis stretch the right calf muscle. b. Apply ice to the right calf muscle and immobilize it. c. Ask Louis what he feels and how it started, and look at and touch his calf. d. Gently assist Louis off the court and give him a sports drink on the bench.


I've never put together a first aid kit before, so I'm not really sure how much or how little I need. Here's a list of the items that I'm unclear about. Which of these should I include? a. aspirin b. decongestant c. moleskin d. iodine e. scalpel


One of your fullbacks goes above and beyond in blocking a hard direct penalty kick. He moves his arms from their protective position, and the ball strikes him in the groin. He collapses to the ground, and the referee stops play. Select the best answer. Which of these steps should you take as you respond to this injury? a. Help him into a standing position. b. Send for emergency medical assistance. c. Help him into a comfortable position on the field. d. Encourage him to inhale and exhale rapidly and gently


Prolonged insulin deficiency could lead to ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening condition. What does the body do in order to compensate for the buildup of blood sugar associated with ketoacidosis? a. decrease heart rate b. increase appetite c. increase urination d. decrease thirst


The spleen is a vital organ situated in a rather vulnerable place for a right-handed batter. A blow to the spleen can lead to severe internal bleeding. Select the best answer. What function does the spleen serve? a. creates fluids used for digestion b. filters waste products from blood c. acts as a storage area for red blood cells d. passes blood from the heart to the stomach and intestines


To test your understanding, let's revisit Lisa's scenario from the matching exercise earlier in this unit. You've recently heard Lisa make comments to friends about rave parties, and when you notice Lisa's symptoms at practice (nausea, insomnia, and clenching of the teeth), you suspect she is having a reaction to ecstasy. You quickly remove her to the sideline and sit her down to rest. As the minutes go by, you keep an eye on her symptoms and monitor breathing and circulation. Lisa remains conscious and recovers without requiring medical assistance. You tell her to take the day off and get some rest. What first aid step should you have carried out? a. Call an ambulance, regardless of whether her condition is improving or not. b. Warn that subsequent evidence of drug abuse will get her kicked off the team. c. Send her to a physician and call her parent or guardian. d. Have her eat ice chips and drink clear fluids.


1. What is the proper way to warm up your athletes before workouts, practices, and competitions? a. Have them go easy during the first 10 minutes of play. b. Have them hit or throw a few balls or perform other sport-specific skills 5 minutes before the start of the activity. c. Have them perform low-intensity aerobic exercise or light calisthenics for 5 to 10 minutes; practice sport skills such as light throwing, hitting, or kicking; and then perform a few sport-specific drills. d. Spend the entire first practice warming up players so they'll be conditioned for vigorous exercise during the rest of the season. 2. Which statement is true? a. Conclusive research shows that properly taping an ankle before a game can significantly reduce the risk of ankle sprain. b. Strength, flexibility, endurance, and power are keys to preventing injury. c. To avoid injury, baseball and softball players should slide headfirst into a base. d. An athlete who has suffered a previous knee injury should always wear a protective brace while participating in sport. 3. Which step is part of a sound first aid emergency plan? a. Take an athlete's emergency information card to every practice and game. b. Give an emergency response card to the contact person calling for emergency assistance. c. Complete an injury report form and keep it on file. d. all of the above


1. Muscles are elastic tissues that move bones. They are connected to the bones by a. ligaments b. cartilage c. tendons d. bursas 2. The hamstring is a. involved in throwing or hitting b. a muscle on the back of the thigh c. frequently sprained in wrestling and football d. a tendon that bends the knee and moves the thigh backward 3. A volleyball player lands from a jump and completely tears her Achilles. She has a a. Grade I strain b. Grade I sprain c. Grade III strain d. Grade III sprain 4. Which tendons can be overstressed when an athlete throws with a weak or inflexible shoulder? a. biceps and Achilles b. Achilles and patellar c. patellar and rotator cuff d. rotator cuff and biceps 5. What kind of injury is caused by stretching a patellar ligament beyond its normal limits? a. tension b. shearing c. compression


Ally, a right-handed batter, is hit by a pitch right under her lower ribs. You've completed the emergency action steps and physical assessment. She has tenderness, not just where the ball hit her, but all over the left upper abdomen. She also has a red spot on her skin where the ball hit. Select the best answer. What is your next move in responding to Ally's injury? a. Apply a tight compression wrap to Ally's left abdomen. b. Call Ally's parent or guardian to take her to a physician. c. Tape a tightly compressed ice bag to Ally's left abdomen. d. Monitor breathing and symptoms and if they don't improve in a few minutes, call for emergency assistance.


Amber had a problem with her throwing shoulder last year, and it seems to be acting up today. Then, during a pitch, she throws the ball wildly and cries out in pain, clutching her throwing shoulder. She tells you she didn't hear a pop, nor does she feel a grating sensation. Based on what you know so far, what do you think is the most likely problem? a. AC joint sprain b. clavicle fracture c. dislocated shoulder d. rotator cuff strain


Cammie's arm, hand, and fingers remain pink, and she is able to move her fingers, though with some pain. She also remains conscious through the ordeal and shows no signs of shock. What is the next step you should take to respond appropriately? a. Apply ice to the injury. b. Send her to the doctor. c. Call for emergency medical personnel. d. Splint the arm in the position in which you found it.


Coach Jensen compares Laurie's bleeding left shoulder to her right shoulder, and it's clear that there is a raised area on the left shoulder. What's Coach Jensen's next move? a. Apply ice to the left shoulder. b. Send for emergency medical assistance. c. Walk Laurie off the field and put in another goalie. d. Gently touch near the injured area and search for point tenderness.


I surveyed the practice field behind the school and checked all of the equipment we'll be using this year. Which of these potential hazards do you think is serious enough to do something about? a. a metal sprinkler that protrudes 3 inches from the ground b. a damaged goalpost that has a jagged edge c. a cracked helmet d. all of these


Which of these is not a proven benefit of well-formulated sports drinks for athletes under intense performance conditions? a. They can enhance athletes' thirst, causing them to drink an appropriate amount. b. They can reduce muscle cramping by replacing fluid and electrolytes. c. They can replace carbohydrates and keep energy up. d. They can lower body temperature.


Coach Hayes is certified in sport first aid and CPR. One of his freshman distance runners collapses in the middle of a race and is wheezing heavily. A teammate tells Hayes that this runner has a history of asthma attacks but hadn't wanted the coach to know. What legal duty is coach Hayes neglecting?

Evaluate athletes for injury

I've heard some comments lately about whether or not a potential athlete should be allowed to play in high-contact sports. Here are the situations as they were shared with me. Maybe you could help me sort out the true statements from the ones that are bogus. True False a. "Because Carlos broke his collarbone during a tackle last season, he should stay away from football this year." b. "Zack's history of controlled diabetes disqualifies him from participation on the team." c. "Even though Jordan has great strength and agility, his history of uncontrolled asthma disqualifies him from participation on the team." d. "Since C.J.'s preseason screening revealed tightness in his hamstrings, keeping him on the team will require preseason conditioning that involves stretching exercises 5 days a week."






Which description below is most appropriate for a strength and conditioning coach's involvement during the assessment or diagnosis and treatment phase of an athletic injury?

Leave It

Coach Menace has seen his share of injuries on his wrestling teams over the years. That's why, earlier in the season, he decided to conduct a parent orientation where he listed the inherent risks of wrestling. Coach Menace has no assistant coaches, but his wrestlers are in good condition, and he has given them instruction in proper technique. During a practice, he decides on the spot to pair off all 10 of his wrestlers to go at it freestyle on five mats in the gym. One of his younger wrestlers suffers a dislocated shoulder while wrestling with someone in a much higher weight class. Coach Menace handles the injury perfectly, but that evening he gets a phone call from an upset parent, who says he had no idea the sport was so dangerous. Which of the nine legal duties has Coach Menace forgotten?

Match Your Athletes Appropriately

Never give a drink to a victim in shock. Doing so could cause choking or vomiting.

Never give a drink to a victim in shock. Doing so could cause choking or vomiting.

Central's quarterback is recovering from a painful knee injury. His doctor has cleared him to return to team practices, but only if the knee gets some special protection. Who's responsible for developing and fitting a brace or padding for the quarterback?

Physical Therapist

Evaluation of athletes by conducting or ordering diagnostic tests is the duty of the _____ during the _____ phase of athletic health care.

Physician, recognize and first aid

Coach Hawkins has asked for fitness screenings for his entire team to make sure they're in good physical shape to participate in summer two-a-day practices. Coach Hawkins and his staff are in what phase of athletic health care?


Most of the legal duties of a coach are performed in the _____ phase of athletic health care.

Prevention Phase

Coach Graham sends one of his practice squads onto the school track for a 1-mile run while he works with his other squad in the gym. Which legal duty is Coach Graham neglecting?


1. Emma could also experience discoloration around the affected elbow. 2. If numbness and tingling disappear within a few minutes and grip strength is equal to the other side, you should still send Emma to a physician. 3. Adequate preseason strength training would make Emma less likely to experience this injury.


Which steps are important in preventing similar injuries to your athletes?

Talk to your school's athletic trainer and conditioning coach about hamstring exercises. Work with assistant coaches or team captains to make sure hamstring stretches are included in the warm-up routine. Instruct all runners on proper warm-up and stretching before workouts.

Coach Reed's varsity team is heading for the state finals. Reed's star forward is very eager to return to the team after recovering from a fractured collarbone. The forward shows up at practice and says the doctor has cleared him to rejoin the team. Who's responsible for making sure this forward can safely participate?

The Coach

I live in a climate that varies from very hot and humid in the summer to bitter cold in the winter. I drafted a weather plan for my team, but I'm not sure if all of the items belong there. Which three statements belong in Coach Webber's weather plan?

We will suspend practices during any of the following conditions: visible sign of lightning, moderate rain that lasts longer than a few minutes, a tornado watch, or snow. Meet under the pavilion adjacent to the practice field in case of a downpour or a lightning storm. The assistant principal, Dr. Brock, will monitor the weather hotline before each practice.

Considering Mitzy's case, designate whether each task below is appropriate by selecting Yes or No. Yes No a. Send Mitzy to a physician if the bleeding doesn't stop within 15 minutes. b. Encourage Mitzy to blow her nose lightly to eliminate excess blood. c. Have Mitzy hold gauze to her nose without pinching her nostrils. d. Return Mitzy to activity when there has been no bleeding for 5 minutes.


How should you determine her responsiveness? a. Gently tap her shoulder and ask, "Are you all right, April?" b. Check her breathing. c. Shake her shoulders vigorously.


Based on what you saw in the video, what are the four most common spine injuries in sports? a. strains (stretching or tearing of the muscles or tendons) b. hemorrhage (excessive bleeding) c. sprains (stretching or tearing of the ligaments) d. contusions (a bruise to the bone, muscle, or spinal tissue) e. fractures (broken vertebrae)


During your first game as a soccer coach, your star attacker, April, collides with an opponent while reclaiming possession of the ball and drops to the grass. What is your first responsibility? a. Move her off the field. b. Protect her from further harm. c. Get her some water. d. Review her pertinent medical history. e. Make sure she is breathing.


Sophia is still unable to inhale and looks to be in pain and very scared. You're sure that she is having a solar plexus spasm. You should not a. instruct her to attempt a short breath b. help her to stand and stretch her midsection c. reassure Sophia and encourage her to relax d. loosen her chest protector or other constrictive clothing


Let's return to April, who's still lying facedown and unresponsive on the grass, her head turned slightly to the side. What should you do next? a. Perform the Heimlich maneuver. b. Turn her over and tilt her head back. c. Look, listen, and feel for breathing.


One last question now. Make sure you understand the physiology involved in Sophia's injury. Select the best answer. The solar plexus is a. a muscle b. an ancient Greek holiday c. a nervous system structure d. the lower region of the lungs


You don't feel any breath from her mouth, so you activate your EMS and ask another coach to help you carefully turn her over. When you've turned April over, there are still no signs that she is breathing. What should you do next? a. Wait for medical personnel to arrive. b. Wrap her in a blanket to keep her warm. c. Begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).


Sophia, your catcher, has just had a straight-on collision with a base runner at the plate, and she took a helmet right in the stomach. She's not getting up, but she's writhing on the ground. Even as you perform the emergency action steps and physical assessment, you suspect she's "had the wind knocked out of her," a common description of solar plexus spasm. Select the best answer. Sophia is showing all of the symptoms below. Which of them is probably not a sign of solar plexus spasm? a. Her face appears red, and she's perspiring. b. She's gripping just below her breastbone with both hands. c. She can move all of her limbs, but she is frozen with a panicked expression. d. She can't seem to inhale. She shakes her head "no" when you ask if she can breathe.


What is a burner (or stinger)? a. a herniated disc b. a brachial plexus fracture c. a tear to neck muscle caused by a sudden whipping of the head d. a stretching or pinching injury to a nerve group in the neck and shoulder


You are the only adult willing to administer CPR for April. What is the proper way to give chest compressions? a. Give 5 compressions at a steady pace, then stop for 5 seconds; repeat. b. Give 10 quick compressions, then stop for 10 seconds; repeat. c. Give compressions continuously at a speed of about 60 per minute. d. Give compressions continuously at a speed of about 100 per minute.


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