Assignment 5 - Chapter 5 [OSHA]

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Imminent danger.

A(n) [_____ ____] inspection is conducted when immediate death or serious harm is likely?


T/F OSHA is not required to post materials but is required to communicate orally about safety and health issues that concern employees.


T/F OSHA recommends caution when using safety incentives to guard against underreporting of accidents and injuires.


T/F Once a standard has been passed, it becomes effective on the date prescribed.


T/F Since the early 1970s, the most significant legislation passed has been the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970.


T/F The OSH Act covers all employees in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and all other territories that fall under the jurisdiction of the United States government.


T/F The OSHA Inspector/Compliance Officer is responsible for levying fines and penalties.


T/F The general duty clause of the OSH Act requires that employers provide a workplace that is free from hazards that are likely to harm employees.

Persons who are self-employed Family farms that employ only immediate members of the family Federal agencies covered by other federal statues State and Local governments Coal mines

The groups of employers who are exempted from the Occupational Safety and Health Act are

Proximate Cause

When an action or lack of action that ties one person's injuries to another's lack of reasonable care, it is deemed [____ ___].

Three working days violation is fixed

When the employer receives an OSHA citation; the citation must be posted for ______________ or until the ___________ . -phrases are required for both entries-

Serious violation

A ______ ________ exist when there is a substantial probability of death or serious physical harm, and the employer knew/should have known of the hazard(s).

Willful violations

A _______ ________ exist when the employer intentionally and knowingly allowed a hazard to exist.

Compliance Officer

During an OSHA inspection, the route of the and the duration of the inspection is determined by [____ ____].

You have the right to talk to the inspector privately.

During and OSHA inspection: Workers representatives are not permitted to accompany the inspector. You may not describe safety and health concerns you have to the inspector. You have the right to talk to the inspector privately. Employers determine which workers are interviewed.

Continually examine workplace conditions to ensure that they conform to Minimize or reduce hazards Be knowledgeable of mandatory standards and make copies available to Provide the training required by OSHA standards;

From the list provide choose all of employer responsibilities under the OSH Act. Continually examine workplace conditions to ensure that they conform to Read the OSHA poster at the job site and be familiar with its contents Minimize or reduce hazards Report any job-related injury or illness to the employer and seek treatment Be knowledgeable of mandatory standards and make copies available to Provide the training required by OSHA standards;


T/F In 1978, the US Supreme Court ruled that OSHA has the right/authority to inspect any work site under federal authority at will.

Could be prosecuted

If an employer refuses to admit OSHA, or attempt to interfere with the inspection after a warrant has been obtained, the employer: Could be prosecuted Request OSHA to inspect at a later date. Any one or all the action can be executed. Could lose it business license Could file an appeal with the US Supreme Court

Submit a written, signed complaint with specific hazard information.

If you feel that an OSHA inspection is needed to get hazards corrected at your workplace, which is your best option? Submit an unsigned complaint form to OSHA. Submit a written, signed complaint with specific hazard information. Request a Health Hazard Evaluation from NIOSH. File a complaint online.

a review of why a citation was not issued if complaint was initiated by an employee

The employee request


T/F OSHA can only make recommendations concerning penalties and citations when employers are found guilty of violations.


T/F OSHA has only one purpose, to encourage employers and employees to reduce workplace hazards.


OSHA [__] address specific hazards such as working in confined spaces, handling hazardous waste, or working with dangerous chemicals.


OSHA [__] do not apply to specific hazards and do not require a rigorous review process.

Protect the safety and health of America's workers

OSHA's mission is to: Protect the safety and health of America's workers Ensure that all workers receive adequate workers' compensation payments Protect the safety and health of the general public

60 days

Once a standard is passed, an employer who is opposed to the standard must file an appeal in which of the following? 45 days 60 days 90 days 10 days

Provide training required by OSHA standards.

One of the main responsibilities employers have under OSHA is to: Reduce air pollution in the environment. Provide training required by OSHA standards. Notify OSHA of any workplace injury or illness. Conduct energy audits.

Employee complaints of hazardous working conditions

One third of all inspections are due to what? Routine inspections of hazardous job sites such as meatpacking plants Following up on plants cited for safety regulation violations Following major accidents Employee complaints of hazardous working conditions


T/F Employers are only responsible for protecting workers from a particular work-related hazard if OSHA has issued a specific standard for that hazard.

60 40

Since the emergence of The Occupation Safety and Health Administration, work place fatalities have been reduced by more that_____% and occupational injury and illness rates have been cut by______%. -enter numeric values only-

Use enforcement that is strong, fair and effective Provide outreach , education and compliance assistance Utilize partnership, alliances and other cooperative and voluntary programs

Strategies The Occupational Safety and Health Administration employs to reduce/eliminate injuries and fatalities in the work place are


T/F A temporary variance may be issued to an employer when there is not enough time to comply with the standard.


T/F Ad hoc committees and standing committees deal with the same issues.


T/F As an employer of a facility, you can deny a compliance officer entry if he or she doesn't have a search warrant for the premises.


T/F Employees have the right to call OSHA if there is a health or safety hazard that is not being adequately controlled.

a petition to extend time allotted to correct the violation

The employee may contest

the time allotted to correct the violation.

The employee may contest


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created in? 1970 1975 1968 1971


The [___] is responsible for making sure that all work sites are safe and healthful.


The concept of [____] holds that a person can be held liable for actions that result in damages or injury only when risks could have been reasonably foreseen.

The right to a safe and healthful workplace.

The creation of OSHA provided what important right to workers?

Other than Serious Violations

The only OSHA violation that carries a discretionary penalty is:

3 5,000

The possible penalty for resisting, opposing, intimidating or interfering with a compliance officer is up to ___ years in prison and or a fine of up to __________ . -enter numerical values for your answers-

11 or more workers

The record keeping and reporting requirements of the OSH Act apply to employers with which of the following? 100 or more workers 11 or more workers 50 or more workers 2 or more workers

Section 11(c)of the OSH Act

The right of workers to seek safety and health on the job without fear of punishment is specified out in: The OSHA Standards. The General Duty Clause State law Section 11(c)of the OSH Act

Refusal to wear safety equipment

Under the OSH Act, employees have the following rights except which of the following? File a safety and health grievance Refusal to wear safety equipment Participate in OSHA inspections Participate in union activities concerning job safety and health

Complain to an employer, union, OSHA, or any other government agency. File safety or health grievances. Participate in a workplace safety and health committee or in union activities. Participate in OSHA inspections, conferences, hearings, or other OSHA-related.

What are rights of the employee pursuant to Section ll(c) of the OSH Act? , , , and . -as listed in the textbook-

Research Education

What are the functions of the "National Institute for Safety and Health?"

Adopted, amended, or revoked

What are the three different types of action OSHA may utilize to maintain safety and health standards? Revoked, reduced, or forgiven Adopted, amended, or revoked Appealed, rescind, or reduced Reduced, forgiven, or altered


What is the maximum financial penalty for a willful violation of safety laws? [enter numerical value for you answer]

Handle contested Occupational Safety & Health Administration citations

What is the responsibility of the "Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission?" (DO NOT USE ACRONYMS IN YOU RESPONSE)

Fatal Accidents & Catastrophes

What type of inspection is conducted when there are fatalities or catastrophes resulting in hospitalization of 3 or more employees. Fatal Accidents & Catastrophes Imminent danger Complaint Planned

A citation A proposed penalty A notice of failure to correct a violation

Which OSHA actions may an employer contest? _____________________ , _____________________ , and ___________________________________ -phrases requiring two words or more for all entries-

Not accompanying the inspector around the facility

Which of the following is NOT taken into consideration when reducing violation penalty fees? "Good faith" shown by the employer to maintain a safe work environment A clean record of no serious OSHA violations Not accompanying the inspector around the facility Number of employees in the company


Which of the following is not a category of OSHA violations? other than serious willful repeat unintentional

A workplace with imminently dangerous conditions

Which of the following scenarios would most likely warrant an OSHA inspection? A workplace with imminently dangerous conditions A recently terminated employee files a complaint about the violations at his or her former place of employment A workplace shortly after more than five employee deaths Revisiting a plant to check that they've rectified whatever safety problems they were previously cited for

Safe and healthful working conditions for employees

Which of the following statements was the purpose of Congress passing the OSH Act in 1970? Reduce downtime in industry Lower insurance rates Reduce employer's costs Safe and healthful working conditions for employees

All of the event listed will trigger an OSHA inspection

Which of the following triggers an OSHA Inspection? All of the event listed will trigger an OSHA inspection National or Local scheduling program High-hazard industry Fatality or catastrophe Employee complaint


[___] means failure to take reasonable care or failure to perform duties in ways that prevent harm to humans or damage to property.

Willful/Reckless Conduct

[____] involves intentionally neglecting one's responsibility to exercise reasonable care.

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