Can I ask you some questions?我(wǒ) 可(kě)以(yǐ) 问(wèn)你(nǐ) 一(yì)些(xiē) 问(wèn)题(tí) 吗(ma)?

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18. 你(nǐ)有(yǒu)宠(chǒng)物(wù)吗(ma)?

Do you have pets?

20. 你(nǐ)喜(xǐ)欢(huan)狗(gǒu)吗(ma)?

Do you like dogs?

32. 你(nǐ)喜(xǐ)欢(huan)喝(hē)牛(niú)奶(nǎi)吗(ma)?

Do you like to drink milk?

31. 你(nǐ)喜(xǐ)欢(huan)吃(chī)西(xī)瓜(guā)吗(ma)?

Do you like to eat watermelon?

1. 你(nǐ)好(hǎo)吗(ma)?

How are you?

21. 今(jīn)天(tiān)天(tiān)气(qì)怎(zěn)么(me)样(yàng)?

How is the weather today?

27. 今(jīn)天(tiān)最(zuì)高(gāo)温(wēn)度(dù)是(shì)几(jǐ)度(dù)?

How many degree is today's highest temperature?

28. 今(jīn)天(tiān)最(zuì)低(dī)温(wēn)度(dù)是(shì)几(jǐ)度(dù)?

How many degree is today's lowest temperature?

14. 你(nǐ)家(jiā)有(yǒu)几(jǐ)口(kǒu)人(rén)?

How many people are in your family?

15. 你(nǐ)有(yǒu)几(jǐ)个(gè)兄(xiōng)弟(dì)姐(jiě)妹(mèi)?

How many siblings do you have?

3. 你(nǐ)今(jīn)年(nián)几(jǐ)岁(suì)了(le)?

How old are you this year?

26. 现(xiàn)在(zài)中(zhōng)国(guó)是(shì)冬(dōng)天(tiān)吗(ma)?

Is China in Winter now?

24. 今(jīn)天(tiān)会(huì)下(xià)雨(yǔ)吗(ma)?

Is it going to rain today?

23. 今(jīn)天(tiān)天(tiān)气(qì)冷(lěng)吗(ma)?

Is the weather cold today?

22. 今(jīn)天(tiān)天(tiān)气(qì)好(hǎo)吗(ma)?

Is the weather good today?

16. 你(nǐ)的(de)哥(gē)哥(ge)叫(jiào)James吗(ma)?

Is your older brother James?

6. 你(nǐ)属(shǔ)老(lǎo)虎(hǔ)吗(ma)?

Is your zodiac tiger ?

13. 今(jīn)天(tiān)是(shì)几(jǐ)月(yuè)几(jǐ)号(hào)?

What date is today?


What day is today?

30. 你(nǐ)喜(xǐ)欢(huān)喝(hē)什(shén)么(me)?

What do you like to drink?

29. 你(nǐ)喜(xǐ)欢(huan)吃(chī)什(shén)么(me)?

What do you like to eat?

2. 你(nǐ)叫(jiào)什(shén)么(me)名(míng)字(zì)?

What is your name?

5. 你(nǐ)属(shǔ)什(shén)么(me)?

What is your zodiac?

19. 你(nǐ)有(yǒu)什(shén)么(me)宠(chǒng)物(wù)?

What pets do you have?

25. 现(xiàn)在(zài)墨(mò)尔(ěr)本(běn)是(shì)什(shén)么(me)季(jì)节(jié)?

What season is Melbourne in?

17. 你(nǐ)的(de)妹(mèi)妹(mèi)上(shàng)几(jǐ)年(nián)级(jí)?

What year level is your younger sister in?

12. 你(nǐ)的(de)生(shēng)日(rì)是(shì)什(shén)么(me)时(shí)候(hou)?

When is your birthday?

9. 你(nǐ)是(shì)哪(nǎ)国(guó)人(rén)?

Which country are you from?

7. 你(nǐ)上(shàng)几(jǐ)年(nián)级(jí)?

Which year level are you at?

10. 你(nǐ)是(shì)美(měi)国(guó)人(rén)吗(ma)?

Are you an american?

34. 你(nǐ)饱(bǎo)了(le)吗(ma)?

Are you full?

33. 你(nǐ)饿(è)了(le)吗(ma)?

Are you hungry?

8. 你(nǐ)上(shàng)八(bā)年(nián)级(jí)吗(ma)?

Are you in year 8?

4. 你(nǐ)今(jīn)年(nián)是(shì)十(shí)二(èr)岁(suì)吗(ma)?

Are you twelve years old this year?

我(wǒ) 可(kě)以(yǐ) 问(wèn)你(nǐ) 一(yì)些(xiē) 问(wèn)题(tí) 吗(ma)?

Can I ask you some questions?

11. 你(nǐ)会(huì)说(shuō)中(zhōng)文(wén)吗(ma)?

Can you spek Chinese?

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