ATC Facilities and Clearances

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False, only at many busy airports

T or F, all airports listed in the DOD FLIP that have a "tower" also have a clearance delivery service established to handle IFR clearances?

ATIS and Ground Control

What are two ways you can receive terminal information for JAX on the ground?

1. Aircraft ID 2. Clearance limit 3. Departure Procedure/SID 4. Route of Flight 5. Altitude Information 6. Holding Instructions 7. Remarks or Special Info 8. Frequency and transponder info

What is the sequence of items in a detailed IFR clearance?


What transponder code is used during VFR flight unless otherwise directed?


What transponder code is used to indicate 2-way radio failure?


What transponder code is used to indicate an emergency?

clearance delivery

Which ATC facility would you call to request your IFR clearance at the airport shown above?

Approach Control

While en route to KJAX from which ATC facility would you receive approach information?


Who has the authority to clear you for takeoff at Jacksonville International?


Who has the authority to clear you to land on RWY 27R?

Gainesville FSS

Who is the ATC facility you would contact at Marianna Muni to report hazardous WX?

Approach Control

Who would you contact to be cleared for a specific approach at JAX international?

A facility established to provide air traffic control service to an aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within a controlled airspace and principally during the en route phase of flight.

Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)

A terminal ATC facility that provides approach control in a terminal area. Air traffic control service provided for arriving and departing VFR/IFR aircraft.

Approach Control

A tower facility at high density airports used to relay ATC instructions to aircraft

Clearance Delivery

Air traffic facilities which provide pilot briefing, en route communications and VFR search and rescue. Assist lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situations. They relay ATC clearances and NOTAMS and broadcast aviation weather.


False (Ground control)

Hover taxi instructions are received from Jacksonville approach control because they have radar? T or F


If clearance delivery is not operational which is the next logical choice of ATC facilities at JAX to call for your IFR clearance?

Rules governing the procedures for conducting instrument flight. Also term used by pilots and controllers to indicate type of flight plan.

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)

1. ATIS (monitor) 2. Cairns Clearance Delivery 3. Cairns Ground control 4. Cairns Tower 5. Cairns Dep Control

List in order the ATC facilities you would call or monitor in order to depart from Cairns AAF?

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