BA 370 - Study guide 2023

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Select the most appropriate category of the SWOT Analysis for each statement below.

1 strength 2 threat 3 weakness 4 opportunity 5 threat 6 weakness 7 strength 8 opportunity

A situation analysis identified increasing competition, potential downsizing of the U.S. Postal Service, and cable pay-per-view expansion, which were ________ for Netflix. In response, Netflix was initially able to capitalize on the ________ of streaming, gaming platforms, and an iPhone app.


When Spirit Airlines identifies itself as an ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC), it is ________ itself compared to other airlines.


Which of the four Ps does Spirit Airlines rely on most to create value for its customers?


Match each of the options above to the items below.

Create entertainment experience - Define the mission/vision Declining attendance- situational analysis Technology available to improve customer experience- Identify & evaluate opportunities Installed gps, sensors, & other devices- implementing marketing mix Less crowding- evaluate performance

When Spirit Airlines expands into additional cities, which growth strategy is it using?

market development

Which of the sources of sustainable competitive advantage discussed in the text is Spirit Airlines most likely pursuing with its ultra-low-cost carrier strategy?

operational excellence

When Netflix launched its streaming-only plan, the company anticipated that most current users would drop the rental plan and move to the new plan. In strategic terms, this is a growth strategy of

product development

By completely separating Qwickster and Netflix into independent companies, Reed Hastings essentially created two

strategic business units

MaryAnn always makes sure she parks her truck in a location convenient for customers; she also keeps her Instagram account updated with photos of any new or special crepes she has available for the week. These actions represent which element of sustainable competitive advantage?

locational excellence

Which of the following statements about MaryAnn's business confirm that MaryAnn is fulfilling customer excellence?

MaryAnn makes sure she keeps ingredient lists on hand for customers with dietary restrictions.

Which of the following statements about MaryAnn's business confirm that MaryAnn is fulfilling product excellence?

MaryAnn only uses special heirloom fruits in her crepes as per her traditional family recipes.

MaryAnn keeps running out of heirloom apples for her apple crepes, her most popular product. Which sustainable competitive advantage strategy does this problem impact?

Operational excellence

Assuming Netflix was following a marketing plan, at which stage should it have given more consideration to the impact of the July 2011 price increase?

implementing the marketing mix

One way Netflix could grow its business would be to offer its existing services to foreign markets it does not currently serve. This would represent which growth strategy?

market development

One of Netflix's original competitive advantages was its efficiency. The company delivered movies quickly and charged a relatively low cost for the service. Strategically, this is known as ________ excellence.


First-time Spirit Airlines customers sometimes don't understand its "bare fare" strategy, leading to unpleasant surprises when they check in at the airport. In terms of a SWOT analysis, this is an example of a(n)


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