Bayokem Enerji Prodaksyon

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Does not contain a B vitamin as part of its structure


Which of the following substances contains two or more high energy phosphate bonds?


Which of the following is a correct skeletal equation for a hydrolysis reaction involving adenosine phosphates?


(1) Both ribosomes and mitochondria are examples of organelles. (2) Cytochromes are heme-containing proteins that can undergo reversible oxidation and reduction. (3) The electrons that pass through the various steps of the ETC lose some energy with each transfer along the chain.

All three statements are true

(1) High-energy phosphate compounds contain one or more strained bonds which release above-average amounts of energy when broken. (2) In the ETC, NADH is oxidized to NAD+. (3) The "fuel" for the CAC is acetyl CoA.

All three statements are true

(1) Some, but not all, protein complex sites associated with the ETC serve as proton pumps. (2) The rate at which the CAC operates is controlled by the body's need for ATP. (3) Anabolic reactions usually require energy input in order to proceed.

All three statements are true

Which of the following statements about metabolism is correct?

Catabolism includes all metabolic reactions in which large molecules are broken down into smaller ones.

Which of the following is a correct general description of the reaction that occurs in the first step of the citric acid cycle?

C2 + C4 > C6

Type of molecules involved Fumarate ! malate

C4 ! C4

Type of molecules involved Malate ! oxaloacetate

C4 ! C4

Type of molecules involved Succinate ! fumarate

C4 ! C4

Type of molecules involved Citrate ! isocitrate

C6 ! C6

Which of the following substances is both a reactant and a product in the operation of the electron transport chain?


Which of the following sets of electron carriers is associated with the electron transport chain reactions that occur at protein complex I?


The "fuel" for the citric acid cycle is

acetyl CoA

Oxidative phosphorylation is the process in which ATP is synthesized

more than one correct response

Which of the following citric acid cycle intermediates is a C4 species?

more than one correct response

Which of the following statements concerning citric acid cycle reactions is correct?

more than one correct response

Which of the following are products of the citric acid cycle?

no correct response

The missing structural subunit in the following diagram for flavin adenine dinucleotide is


The number of membrane-bound protein complexes associated with the electron transport chain is


Which of the following citric acid intermediates is not a C4 species?


Type of molecules involved Isocitrate ! A-ketoglutarate

C6 ! C5

Which of the following statements about mitochondria is correct?

Mitochondria are located within the cellular cytosol.

Which of the following substances has two unsubstituted ribose molecules as structural subunits?


The correct notation for the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is


(1) FADH2 is the oxidized form of the coenzyme flavin adenine dinucleotide. (2) All of the electron carriers of the ETC contain iron, and one of them also contains copper. (3) One turn of the CAC generates two CO2 molecules, two NADH molecules and two FAD2 molecules.

None of the statements is true

(1) In the last step of the ETC, molecular oxygen is converted to water. (2) The B vitamin portion of the structure of coenzyme A, which involves riboflavin, is the reactive site in the molecule. (3) All of the reactions of the CAC take place in the mitochondrial matrix.

Only one of the statements is true

(1) The CO2 molecules produced in the citric acid cycle are the CO2 molecules we exhale in the process of respiration. (2) The oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is NAD+ and the reduced form in NADH2. (3) During ETC operation, a buildup of protons occurs on the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Only one of the statements is true

(1) Two ribose subunits are present in the coenzyme flavin adenine dinucleotide. (2) In the common metabolic pathway, 10 molecules of ATP are produced per acetyl CoA catabolized. (3) The purpose of step 2 in the CAC is to convert a secondary alcohol to a tertiary alcohol.

Only one of the statements is true

How many NADH and FADH2 molecules are produced, respectively, during one turn of the citric acid cycle?

3, 1

Contains a ribitol subunit


Type of reaction Isocitrate ! A -ketoglutarate

oxidation of a 2º alcohol

Type of reaction Malate ! oxaloacetate

oxidation of a 2º alcohol

Type of reaction Succinate ! fumarate

oxidation with FAD as the oxidizing agent

How many moles of ATP result from the entry of one mole of FADH2 into the electron transport chain?


How many ATP molecules result from the "processing" of one acetyl CoA molecule through the common metabolic pathway?


Which of the following diagrams gives the correct identities and arrangement of the structural subunits in coenzyme A?

2-aminoethanethiol > pantothenic acid > phosphorylated ATP

Contains a pantothenic acid subunit


Contains a phosphorylated ribose subunit


Reactive site in the molecule is a -SH group


Which of the following electron carriers is not part of a membrane-bound protein complex in the electron transport chain?


Which of the following carry electrons from the citric acid cycle to the electron carriers of the electron transport chain?


Which of the following is a correct letter designation for the reduced form of a coenzyme?


Electron carrier's name that Interacts with NADH


Electron carrier's name that Contains Fe but not Cu


Electron carrier's name that Interacts with FADH2


ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation depends on the passage of which of the following species through membrane-bound ATP synthase?


(1) In the first step of the CAC, a C2 molecule and a C4 molecule combine to produce a C6 molecule. (2) ATP, ADP, and AMP differ from each other in the number of adenine subunits present. (3) The process by which ATP is produced during the operation of the ETC is called oxidative phosphorylation.

Two of the three statements are true

(1) Inhibition of the ETC is the mechanism by which cyanide exerts its deadly effect. (2) Brown fat cells contain the uncoupling agent thermogenin, a protein that creates a proton channel through the outer mitochondrial membrane. (3) One of the body's mechanisms for adaptation to cold is the production of brown fat tissue.

Two of the three statements are true

(1) Mitochondria contain a multifolded outer membrane and an inner membrane. (2) Two of the electron carriers of the ETC transport change are "mobile," moving between protein complex sites. (3) The NADH and FAD2 formed during the CAC carry electrons and H+ ions to the ETC.

Two of the three statements are true

Electron carrier's name that Contains Fe and Cu

cyt a3

Electron carrier's name that interacts with molecular O2

cyt a3

Type of reaction Fumarate ! malate

hydration reaction

Type of reaction Succinyl CoA ! succinate

hydrolysis reaction

In a mitochondrion the

inner membrane separates the matrix from the intermembrane space.

Which of the following citric acid cycle intermediates is decarboxylated during the operation of the cycle?


At which step in the electron transport chain does O2 participate?

last step

At which protein complex site in the electron transport chain does proton pumping occur?

more than one correct response

Which of the following carriers transports electrons from protein complex I to protein complex III during operation of the electron transport chain?

no correct response

Which of the following substances does not contain a B vitamin as a structural subunit?

no correct response

In which two steps of the citric acid cycle are molecules of carbon dioxide produced?

steps 3 and 4

In which of the following citric acid cycle reactions does the coenzyme FAD participate?

succinate & fumarate

In which of the following listings of citric acid cycle intermediates are the compounds listed in the order in which they are encountered in a turn of the cycle?

succinate, malate, oxaloacetate

The "active" portion of coenzyme A is the

sulfhydryl group of 2-aminoethanethiol

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