Bio Ch.4 Quiz

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Dental plaque is formed when bacteria adhere to the surface of your teeth. Which bacterial structure allows for the adherence a) cilia b) flagella c) pili d) peptidoglycan e) phospholipids


Sending proteins into mitochondria or chloroplasts is a) con translational b) pre translational c) post translational d) quasi translational


the best understanding of how mitochondria and chloroplasts arose is

bacteria were engulfed and not digested.


this is not part of the cytoskeleton. it is a component that facilitates movement of a cell.

you are doing a study on the enzymatic of lysosomes and want to follow the whole process from the formation of the enzymes to their use in the lysosome. in what location of the cell would you begin this observation?

endoplasmic reticulum

mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own unique DNA. ribosomes in eukaryotes are similar to those in bacteria. mitochondria are formed by binary fusion. these statements together form the basis of what theory?

endosymbiosis theory; the symbiosis of free living organisms that eventually got trapped in eukaryotic cells

indicate whether it is considered one of the interacting parts that makes a cell system. T or F: enzymes


indicate whether it is considered one of the interacting parts that makes a cell system. T or F: plasma membrane


indicate whether it is considered one of the interacting parts that makes a cell system. T or F: the nervous system


indicate which of the following statements about prokaryotes are true or false T or F: they contain internal membrane bound organelles



identifying the ratios between the actual size of an object and the image viewed through a microscope

a mutation has developed that has a gene responsible for the formation of vesicles at the trans end of the Golgi apparatus. what effect will this have on the function of lysosomes?

lysosomes will not form because they arise as vesicles from the trans end of the Golgi apparatus.


not a parameter of microscopy, but rather a type of microscopy

identify the statements that are true about cells

- organisms are composed of one or more cells, and the life process of metabolism and heredity occur in these cells. - cells are the smallest living thing, the basic units of organization of all organisms. - cells arise only from division of a previously existing cell.


- related to the clarity of the image through the microscope. this allows being able to distinguish between two separate structures.

you are asked to justify why your research on plasma membranes is so important, you reply that

- research on the plasma membrane helps to understand communication between cells with membrane-bound receptors. - understand the way in which active transport occurs is achieved by studying the plasma membrane's interaction with nutrients. - cells bind to other cells in animals to form different structures. this is called adhesion and is one of the main reasins for research plasma membranes.

an energy company wants your help to reduce their use of fossil fuels by utilizing a light source. how can research into chloroplasts and mitochondria aid your reasoning in this matter?

- the mitochondria constantly require NADH and FADH2, which are similar to fossil fuels. Chloroplasts require only sunlight to excite electrons using pigment that recognizes bands of 680nm in photosystem II. - the mitochondria will produce large amounts of energy if they are constantly feed fuels; the chloroplast will easily produce energy by utilization of light bands of 680 and 700um.


25nm in diameter and composed of alpha and beta tubulin proteins. they exhibit polarity with a positive and negative end.

which of the following does not have an endosymbiotic origin? a) ribosome b) mitochondria c) chloroplast d) nuclear envelope e) all of the above have endosymbiotic origin


which organelle contains digestive enzymes that are used to recycle unwanted material in the cell? a) ribosome b) peroxisome c) desmosome d) lysosome e) macrosome


A researcher found new cells growing in her tissue cultures. How could she rapidly determine if the cells are prokaryotic? a) look for the cell wall b) look for a nucleus c) look for ribosomes d) look for genetic material e) look for cytoplasm


How would a researcher differentiate between two different cells in the same organism that look similar to each other? a) examine the genome of the cells b) examine the proteome of the cells c) examine the phenotypes of the cells d) examine the organelles of the cells e) examine the DNA of the cells


Mitochondria and chloroplast have their own DNA, replicate separately from the nucleus and they can synthesize ATP. Can they survive outside of the cell? a) yes b) no


Protein insertion into the ER membrane is typically — a) con translational b) pre translational c) post translational d) quasi translational


Which type of light microscope one illuminates the specimen? a) light field b) dark field c) phase contrast d) confocal e) transmission


all prokaryotes have a cell wall a) true b) false


Blocking ribosomes prevents? a) protein packaging b) protein folding c) protein secretion d) protein assembly e) protein absorption


Which of the following organelle is not part of the endomembrane system? a) smooth endoplasmic reticulum b) rough endoplasmic reticulum c) Golgi apparatus d) nucleolus e) all are part of the endomembrane system


Why do you only inherit a mitochondrial disease from your mother? A) Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from both parents b) Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from the father c) Mitochondria do not contain DNA d) Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from the mother


Animal cell walls are composed of - a) cellulose b) chitin c) peptidoglycan d) glycomannin e) none of the above


In Tay-Sachs disease lysosomes accumulate lipids and burst. How will this effect the cell? a) the DNA will be unstable to replicate b) ATP production will stop c) the plasma membrane will dissolve d) protein synthesis will stop e) digestive enzymes will breakdown the cell


how are flagella and cilia similar a) they both contain axoneme b) they both contain basal bodies c) they both use basal bodies d) they both are made of motor proteins e) all of the above


the synthesis of proteins takes place - a) on a ribosome b) in the cytoplasm c) on the surface of the rough ER d) in prokaryotic cells e) all of the above


what is the main difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes - a) cytoplasm b) DNA c) ribosomes d) plasma membrane e) compartmentalization


the best understanding of how mitochondria and chloroplasts arose is

bacteria were engulfed and not digested

which type of RNA is made in the nucleolus? a) rRNA b) mRNA c) tRNA d) dRNA


The sequence that best describes the transportation of proteins through the endomembrane system is

coat proteins form around the vesicle holding cargo receptor-bound proteins; the vesicle is then pinched off from the ER and transported to the Golgi for packing.

the sequence that best describes the transportation of proteins through the endomembrane system is

coat proteins from around the vesicle holding cargo receptor-bound proteins; the vesicle is then pinched off the ER and transported to the Golgi for packaging.

a mutation has developed that has deleted a gene responsible for the formation of vesicles at the trans-end of the Golgi apparatus. What effect will this have on the function of lysosomes?

lysosomes will not form because they arise as vesicles from the trans-end of the Golgi apparatus.

cotranslational sorting occurs

mRNA to proteins occur in the endoplasmic reticulum and then moves to other organelles.

actin filaments

microfilaments that are the smallest cytoskeletal filaments but are important in cell shape and strength

you have been asked to do a structural study to understand how increasing surface area on a cell will affect size, shape, and function. what cell type would help you observe this most efficiently?

microvilli covered cells from the intestine

you are designing an experiment to observe the modification of proteins and their movements out of the cell. on what organelle would you focus and what statement best describes the protein's journey?

rough ER. the ribosome on the surface of this ER traalate the protein from mRNA into the ER for modification. the protein can then be sent to the Golgi for packing and transportation out of the cell.

you are designing an experiment to observe the modification of proteins and their movements out of the cell. On what organelle would you focus and what statement best describes the protein's journey?

rough ER. the ribosomes on the surface of this ER translate to protein from mRNA into the ER for modification. this protein can then be sent out to Golgi for packaging and transported out of the cell.

you have been asked to lead a research team to look at he structural and functional connections between cellular processes in an organisms. the team would consist of

system biologists

intermediate filaments

tension-bearing fibers that are stable. keratins provide mechanical strength in skin

a pharmaceutical company has asked you to design a compound to inhibit lipid transportation in the cytosol. the specific location of activity and other affects it might are

the compound's activity would need to occur between the cell membrane and the external layers of the organelles; it may also slow down smooth ER activities and vesicle-aided transportation of proteins.

a pharmaceutical company has asked you to design a compound to inhibit lipid transportation in the cytosol. the specific location of activity and other affects it might have are

the compound's activity would need to occur between the cell membrane and the external layers of the organelles; it may also slow down smooth ER activities and vesicle-aided transportation of proteins.

a mutation arises in a gene that codes for lymosomal hydrolytic enzyme. the mutation changes an amino acid in the active site of the enzyme doesn't function property. what effect might this mutation have on lysosome function?

the lysosome will not be able to digest certain molecules.

what defines the different functional aspects of the mucosal cells, liver cells, intestinal endothelial cells, and macrophages?

the proteome


the visualization of an object, sometimes aided with dyes and stains to create differences between structures

the function of the nucleus is

to translate proteins

indicate whether it is considered one of the interacting parts that makes a cell system. T or F: cytosol


indicate whether it is considered one of the interacting parts that makes a cell system. T or F: endomembrane system


indicate whether it is considered one of the interacting parts that makes a cell system. T or F: nucleus


indicate whether it is considered one of the interacting parts that makes a cell system. T or F: semiautonomous organelles


indicate which of the following statements about prokaryotes are true or false T or F: they contain a plasma membrane


indicate which of the following statements about prokaryotes are true or false T or F: they have a cell wall


indicate which of the following statements about prokaryotes are true or false T or F: they have ribosomes


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