Bio. Exam 4 - Review Questions

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A man with blood type A and a woman with blood type B can have a baby with blood type O.

many descendant species

Adaptive radiation gives rise to


Cladograms show the sequence of evolution of the characters in a clade.


The gradualist model of speciation is supported by many transitional forms.

a very large earthquake

Which of the following has not been proposed as a possible cause of mass extinctions?

gene flow

A group of field mice crosses a highway and joins a new population of field mice on the other side, producing offspring with this population. This is an example of

randomly killing more individuals of one genotype than another in a population.

A hurricane could cause genetic drift by

indicates common ancestors.

A phylogenetic tree

temporal isolation

A reproductive barrier that prevents interbreeding because the two species mate during different times of the year is called a(n)

adaptive radiation

A single species that has evolved into several different forms that live in different ways has undergone


All sex-linked genes are either X-linked or _____-linked.


All the individuals that constitute any given population will be genetically identical.


An allele that appears to "skip generations" is most likely


As you hike up a mountain, you realize that the plants and animals present at the base are not the same as those at the top. This observation is the basis of


Both parents are heterozygous for Tay-Sachs disease (an autosomal recessive disorder). Three children in a row were born with Tay-Sachs disease. What is the chance that a fourth child will have Tay-Sachs disease?

live in similar habitats

Convergent evolution frequently occurs when two unrelated species


Convergent evolution gives rise to analogous structures in unrelated taxa.

the earth must be very old

Critical to the theory of evolution, Darwin needed to include an idea that was not generally accepted by scientists or society at that time. That idea was that


Dominance causes an allele to become more common.

molecular evidence, anatomical homologies, and fossil records.

Evolutionary relationships between organisms are determined by


Feather color in a certain species of bird is controlled by a pair of alleles that exhibit incomplete dominance. If birds that are homozygous for one allele are black and birds that are homozygous for the other allele are white, then heterozygous birds would be

reproductive success

Fitness refers to


Gene flow prevents two populations from becoming genetically different.


Speciation can occur when populations of a species are separated by physical barrier becoming _____ isolated and subsequently reproductively isolated from one another.


Sickle-cell disease is caused by a single mutation in the DNA of a particular gene. A person with this disease has red blood cells that lose their original donut shape and form a sickle shape. People with this disorder suffer from low energy levels, blood clots, and strokes. This is and example of

biochemical evidence

The fact that DNA is the molecule containing the genetic code for all life on Earth is part of


The genetic makeup of an organism, such as Gg, is its


The lowest level of classification in the Linnaean hierarchy is the

gamete isolation

The pollen, or sperm, from a red maple tree is unable to fertilize the eggs from a sugar maple tree. This is a example of what type of isolation mechanism?


Two genes control fur color in Labrador Retrievers. The first gene determines whether the pigment to be deposited in the hair will be black or brown. The second gene determines whether the pigments are put into the dog's hair at all. A dog homozygous for the recessive allele of this second gene will be yellow because no pigment is deposited in its fur. This is an example of


Two organisms that are more closely related will generally possess more homologous traits than two organisms that are more distantly related.

gene pool

The combined alleles of all the individuals that make up a population is the population's

the recovered population shows less genetic diversity the the population prior to the bottleneck.

If a population recovers to its original population size after experiencing a bottleneck, such statement is correct regarding this population?


In _____ selection, success is related more to attracting a mate to possessing adaptations that are beneficial for survival.


In a monohybrid cross, how many traits are examined?


In genetic drift, allele frequencies change because of

there is no factor influencing mate choice.

In random mating


In the phrase "survival of the fittest", the term fittest refers to the individual with the greatest physical strength.

multiple alleles

Inheritance of ABO blood type in humans is and example of

both scenarios expose the giraffes to an environmental pressure (or challenge).

Interpreting this figure, which of the following is a similarity between Lamarck's proposal for evolution and Darwin's proposal?


Martha has a widow's peak (dominant trait) and attached earlobes (recessive trait). Martha's dad had a straight hairline and unattached earlobes. What is Martha's genotype?

random mating

Microevolution is not influenced by which of the following?

offspring that is better adapted to their current environment.

Natural selection results in


New alleles arise as results of independent assortment during meiosis.

natural selection

Peppered moths are generally light I color and blend into the trunks of the trees they live on. Populations of peppered moths that are found in areas where soot has blackened the tree trunks are dark in color. This example demonstrates


Populations evolve over time because the individuals that form them are individually evolving.

continental drift

Populations within a species are connected by

genetic diversity is greatly reduced.

Species like African cheetah, northern elephant seal, and Florida panther have all experienced a genetic bottleneck; what is the primary outcome of this experience?


Temperature can effected by phenotype.

each have adapted in very similar ways to similar habitats

The sugar glider in Australia and the flying squirrel in North America are both small mammals with large expanses of loose skin between their forelimbs ad hindlimbs, allowing them to glide from tree to tree within their respective forest habitats. These two species are not evolutionarily related but are very similar i their overall appearance. Darwin's explanation for their similarity is that

founder effect

The type of genetic drift that follows the colonization of a new habitat by a small group of individuals is called

type of vegetation available to eat

Tortoises in the Galapagos possessed neck lengths unique to each island. Neck lengths appear to be an adaptation to which selective agent?

birds would see dark-colored moths more easily than light-colored moths and prey on dark-colored moths more frequently.

What might occur in moth populations if pollution from industry was cleaned up and the color of the tree bark returned to its natural color?

common ancestry

When comparing chick and pig embryos, the similar eyes, pharyngeal pouches, and postnasal tails are evidence of

two copies of a gene separate during meiosis and end up in different gametes.

Which of the following expresses Mendel's law of segregation?

the individual that has the greatest number of offspring.

Which of the following individuals would be considered the fittest?

analogous structures

Which of the following is NOT due to the commo ancestry of related species?


Which of the following is an example of a phenotype?

a blue lizard washes away from a population of mostly green lizards during a hurricane and ends up on an island containing no other lizards to mate with.

Which of the following is an example of reproductive isolation?

a random small group of a bird population migrates to an island and does not return to breed.

Which of the following is most likely an example of a founder effect event?

it is different to determine when speciation occurred.

Which of the following is not part of the punctuated equilibrium model?

Cardinalis cardinalis

Which of the following is the correct way to write the scientific name of the Northern cardinal?

domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

Which of the following reflects the order of the Linnaean hierarchy from the highest-level (or most general) to the lowest-level (or most specific) taxon?

a combination of molecular data, fossil records, and anatomical homologies shows the human is more closely related to the chimpanzee than to the green monkey.

Which of the following statements is true about the phylogenetic tree show here?

the green monkey and rhesus monkey share a common ancestor with the gibbon and chimpanzee..

Which of the following statements is true about the phylogenetic tree shown here?

the multicolored (variable) snails would most easily hide from predators.

Which type of snail would be best suited to hide from predators if this population existed in variable (mixed patches of light and dark areas) environment?


_____ are the preserved remains of formerly living organisms.

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