Bio. Lect. 15

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What is the probability that a calf of a roan bull and cow will be red? Select one: a. 0.50. b. 1. c. 0.25. d. 0. e. 0.75.

c. 0.25.

Leg feathering in chickens is a polygenic trait in which for each gene one allele (capital letter) contributes to leg feathering and one allele (small letter) does not. Based on the abundance of feathers on their legs, there are 5 leg-feather classes. There are ____ classes in which the chickens have leg feathers and there is ____ classes in which chickens do not have leg feathers. Select one: a. 3; 2. b. 2; 3. c. 1; 4. d. 5, 0. e. 4, 1.

b. 2; 3.

What is the probability that an offspring of a trihybrid cross will have the phenotype aaB-cc? Select one: a. 5/12. b. 3/64. c. 27/64. d. 9/16. e. 1/64.

b. 3/64.

Assume that D, E, F, G, H, and I are the dominant alleles and the small letters are the recessive alleles if these traits.from the mating of the parents DdeeFfGGHhIi x DdEEFFGgHhii, how many different gametes arfe produced by each parent? Select one: a. 16; 16. b. 32; 16. c. 16; 8. d. 64; 64. e. 64; 32.

b. 32; 16.

The distance a red kangaroo can jump is determined by 3 genes each of which have an allele that contributes to the distance jumped (Capital letter) and an allele that does not (small letter). How many distance classes are there among the red kangaroos? Select one: a. 3. b. 7. c. 6. d. 4. e. 5.

b. 7.

A cross between a long, red-flowered turnip and a round, white-flowered plant yields offspring that are all oval and pink-flowered. How many different phenotypes are there in the F2 generation? Select one: a. 2. b. 9 (3 x 3). c. 4 (2 x 2). d. 6 (2 x 3). e. 3.

b. 9 (3 x 3).

A pure-bred Red pig is crossed with a pure-bred White pig. The F1 progeny are all Red. However, when the F1 individuals are interbred, the F2 generation shows 9/16 Red and 1?16 White offspring and 6?16 pigs with a novel color, Sandy. What is the genotype of the parents? Select one: a. Aa x AaBb. b. AaBb x AaBb c. Aa x Aa d. AB x ab. e. Aa x Bb.

b. AaBb x AaBb

What cross yields a phenotypic ratio of offspring of9 A-B-, 3 A-bb, 3 aaB- , and 1 aabb. Select one: a. AaBb x Aabb. b. AaBb x AaBb. c. AaBb x AABb d. AaBb x aabb. e. AaBb x aaBb.

b. AaBb x AaBb.

What cross yields a phenotypic ratio of offspring of 1 A-B-, 1 A-bb, 1 aaB- , and 1 aabb. Select one: a. AaBb x AABb b. AaBb x aabb. c. AaBb x AaBb. d. AaBb x Aabb. e. AaBb x aaBb.

b. AaBb x aabb.

In humans, the ABO blood groups are controlled by one trait with 3 alleles: the alleles for A and B type blood are co-dominant toward each other and both are completely dominant to the allele for O type blood.What is the genotype of the parents if one parent has A type blood and the other parent has B type blood and all four blood types are represented among their children? Select one: a. IAIo and IAIB. b. IAIo and IBIo. c. IAIA and IBIB. d. IAIA and IoIo. e. IBIo and IAIB.

b. IAIo and IBIo.

A chestnut (i.e., brown or red) stallion and a white mare have a roan foal. Between the coat color alleles of the horse there is Select one: a. polygenic interaction. b. co-dominance. c. incomplete dominance. d. complete dominance. e. polymorphism.

b. co-dominance.

Following Mendel's second law a multi-trait cross equals Select one: a. alleles of each trait are randomly distributed over the gametes. b. multiple single-trait crosses. c. a cross in which recessive alleles are inherited independently of dominant alleles. d. maternal alleles are inherited independently from paternal alleles. e. a single-trait cross with linked traits.

b. multiple single-trait crosses.

The second law of Mendel states that Select one: a. traits are linked and are inherited together. b. trait are inherited independently. c. gametes receive traits from both parents. d. Fusion of two gametes forms a diploid zygote. e. alleles of a trait are segregated randomly over the gametes during gametogenesis.

b. trait are inherited independently.

In peas Yellow (Y) is dominant over green (y), Round seeds (R) over wrinkled seeds (r), Bitter (B) over sweet (b), and Smooth (S) over hairy (s). In length seed pods can be long (LL), medium (L) or short (ll).Given a cross between (male) Yy Rr Bb SS Ll x yy RR Bb Ss Ll (female), what percentage of the offspring will be hairy, medium, and sweet? Select one: a. 37.5 % (1/2 x 3/4). b. 12.5 % (1/2 x 1/4). c. 50 % (1/4 + 1/4). d. 0 %. e. 75 % (3/4).

d. 0 %.

The shape of radishes may be long, round, or oval. A cross between long and round radishes produces oval offspring. The phenotypic ratio of the offspring of a cross between two oval-shaped parents is Select one: a. 2 oval: 2 round. b. 3 long: 1 round. c. 1 round: 2 long: 1 oval. d. 1 round: 2 oval: 1 long. e. 1 long: 2 round: 1 oval.

d. 1 round: 2 oval: 1 long.

A cross between long and round turnips yields all oval turnips. How many traits are involved? Select one: a. 3 alleles. b. 1 trait, 3 alleles. c. 3 traits. d. 1 trait, 2 alleles. e. 2 traits, 1 allele.

d. 1 trait, 2 alleles.

An organism has the genotype AaBb. According to Mendel's laws of inheritance which of the following gametes will the organism produce? Select one: a. Equal numbers of primarily AB and ab. b. 1/2 with A and a each but none with B or b. c. 1/2 with A and B together and 1/2 with a and b together. d. 1/4 with a and b together, 1/4 with a and B together, 1/4 with A and b together, and 1/4 with A and B together. e. All with all four alleles.

d. 1/4 with a and b together, 1/4 with a and B together, 1/4 with A and b together, and 1/4 with A and B together.

The probability that an individual with the genotype MnNnPp will produce a gamete containing simultaneously M, N, and P is. Select one: a. 1/4. b. 0. c. 1/6. d. 1/8. e. 1.

d. 1/8.

What is the probability of obtaining an offspring that is recessive of each trait of a test cross involving four traits (each with complete dominance)? Select one: a. 1/16 b. 1/4 c. 1/2. d. 9?16. e. 1/8.

a. 1/16

In peas, seeds can be round (R) or wrinkled (r) and either yellow (Y) or green (y). Stems may be tall (T) or short (t).In the cross between TtYYRr x ttYYrr, what proportion of offspring will be tall with yellow, round seeds? Select one: a. 1/4. b. 1/16. c. 3/4. d. 1/32. e. 1/64.

a. 1/4.

Radishes have incomplete dominance on shape and color. Thus, radishes occur in ____ different phenotypes. Select one: a. 9. b. 4. c. 6. d. 8. e. 2.

a. 9.

In humans, the ABO blood groups are controlled by one trait with 3 alleles: the alleles for A and B type blood are co-dominant toward each other and both are completely dominant to the allele for O type blood.If a person with type AB blood marries someone with type O blood, what are the phenotypes of their children? Select one: a. A type and B type. b. A type, B type, and O type. c. A type, B type, AB type, and O type. d. A type, B type, and AB type. e. AB type and O type.

a. A type and B type.

A pure-bred Red pig is crossed with a pure-bred White pig. The F1 progeny are all Red. However, when the F1 individuals are interbred, the F2 generation shows 9/16 Red and 1?16 White offspring and 6?16 pigs with a novel color, Sandy. What is(are) the phenotype(s) of the Sandy animals? Select one: a. A-bb or aaB-. b. Aa c. aabb. d. AaBb. e. A-B-

a. A-bb or aaB-.

What cross yields a phenotypic ratio of offspring of1 A-B-, 1 A-bb, 0 aaB- , and 0 aabb. Select one: a. AaBb x AABb b. AaBb x Aabb. c. AaBb x aabb. d. AaBb x AaBb. e. AaBb x aaBb.

a. AaBb x AABb

In humans, the ABO blood groups are controlled by one trait with 3 alleles: the alleles for A and B type blood are co-dominant toward each other and both are completely dominant to the allele for O type blood.Determine the likely father when father #1 is type A and father #2 is type AB but the mother is type B and the child has type O blood? Select one: a. Father #1 (IAIo) b. Father #1 (IAIA) c. Father #2 (IAIB).

a. Father #1 (IAIo)

If both parents are homozygous for the ABO blood group alleles but one has blood type A and the other has blood type B. What is the blood type of the children? Select one: a. Type AB. b. Type A. c. Type O. d. Type B.

a. Type AB.

What blood type is not possible for children of a mother with blood type AB and a father with blood type B? Select one: a. Type O. b. Type AB. c. Type A. d. Type B.

a. Type O.

The frequency distribution of the distance Red kangaroo can jump is a bell-curve. The distance the Red kangaroo jumps is a _____ trait. Select one: a. polygenic b. co-dominant c. dominant d. incomplete e. polymorphic

a. polygenic

Assume that D, E, F, G, H, and I are the dominant alleles and the small letters are the recessive alleles if these traits.from the mating of the parents DdeeFfGGHhIi x DdEEFFGgHhii, what is the probability that an offspring will be heterozygous for each trait? Select one: a. 1/4. b. 1/16. c. 1/32. d. 3/64. e. 1/64.

c. 1/32.

Leg feathering in chickens is a polygenic trait in which for each gene one allele (capital letter) contributes to leg feathering and one allele (small letter) does not. A test cross produces 3 chicks with and 1 chick without leg feathers. What is the ratio of feathered to non-feathered chicks in the corresponding hybrid cross? Select one: a. 9: 3: 3: 1. b. 1: 1: 1: 1. c. 15 : 1. d. 1: 1. e. 3: 1.

c. 15 : 1.

Leg feathering in chickens is a polygenic trait in which for each of two genes one allele (capital letter) contributes to leg feathering and one allele (small letter) does not. Based on the abundance of feathers on their legs, there are 5 leg-feather classes. What is the ratio of feathered and non-feathered offspring of the hybrid cross? Select one: a. 4: 1. b. 1: 1. c. 15: 1. d. 3: 1. e. 9: 3: 3: 1.

c. 15: 1.

Leg feathering in chickens is a polygenic trait in which for each of two genes one allele (capital letter) contributes to leg feathering and one allele (small letter) does not. Based on the abundance of feathers on their legs, there are 5 leg-feather classes. What is the ratio of feathered and non-feathered offspring of the test cross? Select one: a. 3: 1. b. 1: 1. c. 15: 1. d. 9: 3: 3: 1. e. 4: 1.

c. 15: 1.

What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring of a test cross if the phenotypic ratio of offspring of the corresponding hybrid cross is 9: 3: 3: 1? Select one: a. 3: 3: 1: 1. b. 3: 1. c. 1: 1: 1: 1. d. 1: 1. e. 15: 1.

c. 1: 1: 1: 1.

Leg feathering in chickens is a polygenic trait in which for each gene one allele (capital letter) contributes to leg feathering and one allele (small letter) does not. Based on the abundance of feathers on their legs, there are 5 leg-feather classes. How many genes determine leg feathers in the chicken? Select one: a. 4. b. 1. c. 2. d. 5. e. 3.

c. 2.

In peas, seeds can be round (R) or wrinkled (r) and either yellow (Y) or green (y). Stems may be tall (T) or short (t).In the cross between TTyyRr x TtYyRr, how many different types of gametes can be produced by each parent? Select one: a. 2; 2. b. 8; 8 c. 2; 8. d. 3; 3. e. 2; 3.

c. 2; 8.

A female cat with genotype AabbCc is crossed with a male cat of genotype aaBbCc, What is the probability that offspring will a aaB-C- male kitten? Select one: a. 3/4. b. 3/16. c. 3/32. d. 1/64. e. 1/8.

c. 3/32

Leg feathering in chickens is a polygenic trait in which for each gene one allele (capital letter) contributes to leg feathering and one allele (small letter) does not. A cross of two chickens with leg feathers produces 15 chicks with and 1 chick without leg feathers. What is the ratio of feathered to non-feathered chicks in the corresponding test cross? Select one: a. 1: 1. b. 1: 1: 1: 1. c. 3: 1. d. 9: 3: 3: 1. e. 15 : 1.

c. 3: 1.

In humans, the ABO blood groups are controlled by one trait with 3 alleles: the alleles for A and B type blood are co-dominant toward each other and both are completely dominant to the allele for O type blood.Determine the likely father when father #1 is type A and father #2 is type B but the mother is type B and the child has type AB blood? Select one: a. Father #2 (IBIo) b. Father #2 (IBIB). c. Father #1 (IAIo) or (IAIA).

c. Father #1 (IAIo) or (IAIA).

What is the genotype of the parents if their four children each have a different blood type? Select one: a. IAIB and IBIo b. IAIB and IoIo c. IAIo and IBIo d. IAIB and IAIo e. IAIA and IBIB

c. IAIo and IBIo

Co-dominance reflect the relationship between alleles of Select one: a. many traits. b. polygenic traits. c. a single trait. d. dominant traits. e. different traits.

c. a single trait.

Leg feathering in chickens is a polygenic trait in which for each gene one allele (capital letter) contributes to leg feathering and one allele (small letter) does not. Based on the abundance of feathers on their legs, there are 5 leg-feather classes. What is the genotype of the chickens that have no leg feathers? Select one: a. AABb. b. AABB, the genotype with all capital letters. c. aabb, the genotype without capital letters. d. AaBb. e. ABCDE.

c. aabb, the genotype without capital letters.

A cross between two individuals heterozygous for two genes is called a Select one: a. test cross. b. double cross. c. dihybrid cross. d. F1 cross. e. hybrid cross.

c. dihybrid cross.

Long radishes crossed with round radishes result in all oval radishes. This relationship between the alleles is Select one: a. conditional dominance. b. multiple alleles. c. incomplete dominance. d. complete dominance. e. co-dominance.

c. incomplete dominance.

Genetic traits of seeds are noted as follows: long (L) > short (l), wrinkled (W) > smooth (w), yellow (Y) > white (y), and ribbed (R) > grooved (r). What is the genotype of a short, wrinkled, yellow, grooved seed? Select one: a. ll Ww yy rr. b. Ll ww yy Rr c. ll Ww YY rr. d. Ll Ww YY Rr e. LL WW Yy Rr.

c. ll Ww YY rr.

In peas Yellow (Y) is dominant over green (y), Round seeds (R) over wrinkled seeds (r), Bitter (B) over sweet (b), and Smooth (S) over hairy (s). In length seed pods can be long (LL), medium (L) or short (ll).Given a cross between (male) Yy Rr Bb SS Ll x yy RR Bb Ss Ll (female), how many different phenotypes are possible in the F1 offspring? Select one: a. 36. b. 24. c. 72. d. 12 e. 8.

d. 12

How many different phenotypes are there among the offspring of a tets cross involving 4 traits (each with complete dominance)? Select one: a. 8 (2^3) b. 1. c. 4 (2^2) d. 16 (2^4). e. 9 (3^2)

d. 16 (2^4).

In peas Yellow (Y) is dominant over green (y), Round seeds (R) over wrinkled seeds (r), Bitter (B) over sweet (b), and Smooth (S) over hairy (s). In length seed pods can be long (LL), medium (L) or short (ll).Given a cross between (male) Yy Rr Bb SS Ll x yy RR Bb Ss Ll (female), what percentage of the offspring will be round, bitter, and long? Select one: a. 6.25 % (1/16). b. 0 %. c. 12.50 % (1/8). d. 18.75 % (3/16). e. 37.50 % (3/8)

d. 18.75 % (3/16).

A chestnut (i.e., brown or red) stallion and a white mare have a roan foal. How many coat color phenotypes are there in the cross? Select one: a. 1 b. 4. c. 5. d. 2 e. 3.

d. 2

In peas, seeds can be round (R) or wrinkled (r) and either yellow (Y) or green (y). Stems may be tall (T) or short (t).In the cross between TTYyRr x TtYyRr, what proportion of offspring will be tall with yellow, wrinkled seeds. Select one: a. 9/16. b. 9/64. c. 3/4. d. 3/16. e. 3/32.

d. 3/16.

In peas Yellow (Y) is dominant over green (y), Round seeds (R) over wrinkled seeds (r), Bitter (B) over sweet (b), and Smooth (S) over hairy (s). In length seed pods can be long (LL), medium (L) or short (ll).Given a cross between (male) Yy Rr Bb SS Ll x yy RR Bb Ss Ll (female), how many different genotypes are possible in the F1 offspring? Select one: a. 56. b. 10. c. 12 d. 72. e. 24.

d. 72.

In peas, seeds can be round (R) or wrinkled (r) and either yellow (Y) or green (y). Stems may be tall (T) or short (t).In the cross between TTyyRr x TtYyRr, how many different phenotypes are there among the offspring? Select one: a. 6 (3 and 3). b. 3. c. 9 (3 x 3). d. 8 (2^3). e. 2.

d. 8 (2^3).

In humans, the ABO blood groups are controlled by one trait with 3 alleles: the alleles for A and B type blood are co-dominant toward each other and both are completely dominant to the allele for O type blood.What is the genotype of the parents if one parent has AB type blood and the other parent has B type blood but of the children 1/4 have type A, 1/4 have type AB, and 1/2 have type B blood? Select one: a. IBIo and IAIB. b. IAIo and IBIo. c. IAIo and IAIB. d. IAIB and IBIo. e. IAIB and IBIB.

d. IAIB and IBIo.

In horses and animal can be red(RR), Roan (Rr), or white (rr). What are the phenotypic ratio of the offspring of the following crosses?(a) Red stallion x white mare.(b) Red stallion x roan mare.(c) Roan stallion x roan mare. Select one: a. 1/2 red 1/2 roan; all roan; 1/4 red 1/4 white and 1/2 roan. b. 3/4 roan and 1/4 white; 1/2 red and 1/2 roan; 1/4 red and 3/4 roan. c. 9/16 roan 6/16 red and 1/16 white; 3/4 red and 1/4 roan; 3/4 roan and 1/4 white. d. all roan; 1/2 red and 1/2 roan; 1/4 red 1/4 white and 1/2 roan. e. all roan; 1/2 red and 1/2 roan; all white.

d. all roan; 1/2 red and 1/2 roan; 1/4 red 1/4 white and 1/2 roan.

Crossing long and round turnips yields oval offspring. Between the alleles for turnip shape is Select one: a. co-dominance. b. polymorphic dominance. c. polygenic interaction, d. incomplete dominance. e. complete dominance.

d. incomplete dominance.

A phenotype or trait that shows continuous variation among the individuals of a population is called Select one: a. polymorphic. b. dominant. c. polyploid. d. polygenic. e. pleiotropic.

d. polygenic.

Assume that D, E, F, G, H, and I are the dominant alleles and the small letters are the recessive alleles if these traits.from the mating of the parents DdeeFfGGHhIi x DdEEFFGgHhii, what is the probability that an offspring will have genotype DdEeFFGghhIi? Select one: a. 1/4. b. 3/64. c. 1/16. d. 1/32. e. 1/64.

e. 1/64.

Leg feathering in chickens is a polygenic trait in which for each gene one allele (capital letter) contributes to leg feathering and one allele (small letter) does not. A hybrid cross produces 15 chicks with and 1 chick without leg feathers. What is the ratio of feathered to non-feathered chicks in the corresponding test cross? Select one: a. 3: 1. b. 9: 3: 3: 1. c. 1: 1. d. 1: 1: 1: 1. e. 15 : 1.

e. 15 : 1.

In peas Yellow (Y) is dominant over green (y), Round seeds (R) over wrinkled seeds (r), Bitter (B) over sweet (b), and Smooth (S) over hairy (s). In length seed pods can be long (LL), medium (L) or short (ll).Given a cross between (male) Yy Rr Bb SS Ll x yy RR Bb Ss Ll (female), what percentage of the offspring will be green, bitter, and smooth? Select one: a. 50 % (1/4 + 1/4). b. 75 % (3/4). c. 12.5 % (1/2 x 1/4). d. 0 %. e. 37.5 % (1/2 x 3/4).

e. 37.5 % (1/2 x 3/4).

If long radishes crossed with round radishes results in all oval offspring. What is the proportion of oval radishes in the F2 generation? Select one: a. 100 %. b. 25 %. c. 75 %. d. 0 %. e. 50 %

e. 50 %

In peas Yellow (Y) is dominant over green (y), Round seeds (R) over wrinkled seeds (r), Bitter (B) over sweet (b), and Smooth (S) over hairy (s). In length seed pods can be long (LL), medium (L) or short (ll).Given a cross between (male) Yy Rr Bb SS Ll x yy RR Bb Ss Ll (female), how many different gametes can be formed by the female plant? Select one: a. 9. b. 32. c. 4. d. 5. e. 8.

e. 8.

What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring of a hybrid cross if the phenotypic ratio of the offspring of the corresponding test cross is 1: 1: 1: 1? Select one: a. 3: 1: 3: 1. b. 15: 1. c. 1: 1. d. 3: 1. e. 9: 3: 3: 1.

e. 9: 3: 3: 1.

Radishes can be long (AA), oval (Aa), or round (aa). What cross yields (a)all long offspring, (b) all oval offspring, and (c) all round offspring? Select one: a. AA x Aa, Aa x aa, aa x aa. b. Aa x Aa, AA x aa, Aa x aa c. Aa x aa, AA x aa, aa x aa. d. AA x aa; Aa x Aa; aa x aa. e. AA x AA; AA x aa; aa x aa

e. AA x AA; AA x aa; aa x aa

What cross yields a phenotypic ratio of offspring of3 A-B-, 3 A-bb, 1 aaB- , and 1 aabb. Select one: a. AaBb x AABb b. AaBb x aaBb. c. AaBb x aabb. d. AaBb x AaBb. e. AaBb x Aabb.

e. AaBb x Aabb.

What cross yields a phenotypic ratio of offspring of3 A-B-, 1 A-bb, 3 aaB- , and 1 aabb. Select one: a. AaBb x AaBb. b. AaBb x Aabb. c. AaBb x AABb d. AaBb x aabb. e. AaBb x aaBb.

e. AaBb x aaBb.

Hair length and hair color of cats are inherited following Mendel's laws. Short hair (L) is dominant over long hair (l) and Black (B) is dominant over blue (b) color. What is the phenotype of the parents that produce 9 black short-haired, 3 blue short-haired, 3 black long-haired, and 1 blue long-haired kittens? Select one: a. Black long-haired x blue long-haired. b. Black long-haired x blue short-haired. c. Black short-haired x blue long-haired. d. Blue long-haired x blue long-haired. e. Black short-haired x black short-haired.

e. Black short-haired x black short-haired.

Flower color and plant size are assorted independently in violets. Let W be purple flowers and w be white flowers, and D be tall and d be dwarf plants. What combination of gametes is produced by an individual heterozygous for both traits? Select one: a. None. Such a plant does not make gametes. b. Ww and Dd. c. WwDd. d. W, w, D, and d. e. WD, Wd, wD, and wd.

e. WD, Wd, wD, and wd.

If a single-trait cross yields 3 phenotypes, there must be _____ between the alleles of the trait. Select one: a. polygenic dominance. b. polymorphic dominance. c. complete dominance. d. co-dominance. e. incomplete dominance.

e. incomplete dominance.

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