Bio Osmoregulation

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________ liters of blood are filtered by kidneys daily.


______ of urine are produce daily by humans.


Most animals die if they lose ______ percent of their body water.

10 to 12

______ liters of filtrate are produced by the kidneys daily.


Body fluids range from ____ to _____ orders of magnitude more concentrated than freshwater.

2 to 3

In proximal tubule reabsorption, _______ builds a gradient.

ATP powered Na/Cl pump

Malphigian tubules in insects and other terrestrial arthropods is a system of closed tubules that use ______ pumps to transport solutes from the ________.

ATP-powered, hemolymph.

Glomerulus is surrounded by _______, which is the invaginated but closed end of the nephron. It maintains ______.

Bowman's capsule, pressure

Body pH is maintained by secretion of _____ in the proximal tubule.


Why does ammonia raise pH?

It readily acquires a proton to become ammonium, which reduces proton concentration and raises pH. This disrupts enzyme function.

_______ than 5% of basal metabolic rate is used for osmoregulation for osmoconformers.


_______ than 5% of basal metabolic rate is used for osmoregulation in extreme environments.


ATP-powered _____ pumps in the _______ regulate solute concentration in most animals.

Na/Cl, epithelia

_______ of membrane proteins and the _______of transport determines regulatory function.

Position, direction

All freshwater animals are regulators and hypertonic relative to freshwater - where does water go?

Solute concentration is much lower in the freshwater environment than the cytoplasm, so water is constantly moving by osmosis INTO the animal.

What's driving water transport in the proximal tubule?

The solute gradient produces lower water potential inside epithelial cells, water follows the solutes.

Why would earthworms have to get rid of excess water by producing dilute urine?

They are hypertonic to their moist environments and absorb excess water across their skin

Marine animals that regulate water balance are hypotonic relative to salt water - where does water go?

Water will always move from high to low water potential. Since solute concentration is much higher in the saltwater environment than in the cytoplasm, water is constantly moving out by osmosis.

Both types regulate solutes by ____.

active transport

In the thick ascending limb, Na and Cl continued to be recovered by ______.

active transport

Stategies for osmoregulation involve _________ transport of solutes and adaptations that adjust _________ solute concentrations.

active, tissue

In the collecting duct, some salt is ______ transported.


Metabolic processes that produce nitrogen typically produce very toxic ______.


Plenty of water is available to dilute the toxic effects of ______.


Proximal tubule epithelia cells also make and secrete ______ which neutralizes the filtrate pH by bonding to secreted protons.


Filtration in the corpuscle occurs as ________ blood enters the _______.

arterial, glomerulus

Large proteins and red blood cells of humans are too large to be filtered out and remain in the _______.


Materials are filtered through pores in the capillary epithelium, across the _______ membrane and through filtration ________ not the lumen of Bowman's Capsule, passing them into the _______.

basement, slits, tubule.

The _____ stores urine and the _____ drains it out to the environment.

bladder, urethra

Filtration is forced by _________.

blood pressure

In the proximal tubule, secretion involves substances transported from the ______ into the ______.

blood, tubule

The amount of Na, Cl and water reabsorbed by the distal tubule depends on _______.

body condition, hormone activity

Kidneys filter out excess _____, _____ and ______.

calcium, magnesium, and sulfates

Each nephron is surrounded by a ______ where water and solutes are reabsorbed after filtration.

capillary bed

Specialized chloride cells in the gills actively accumulate _____, resulting in removal of both Cl and Na.


In protonephridia, beating _____ at the closed end of the tube draw interstitial fluid into the tubule.


Metanephridia in earthworms is tubules that collect body fluid through a __________ from one segment and excrete urine from adjacent segment.

ciliated opening

The final concentration of urine occurs as the filtrate passes down the _________ and back through the concentration gradient in the ______ of the kidney.

collecting duct, interstitial fluid

The distal tubule drains into the ______.

collecting duct.

Dehydrated individuals produce more _____ urine.


Water is ______, an important adaptation to terrestrial conditions.


Each nephron starts at a cup-shaped closed end called the ________, the site of _____.

corpuscle, filtration

A _______ protein uses the gradient to move sodium, chloride and potassium into the cell.


Marine animals _______ and must drinks lots of water.


Marine osmoregulators ______ and ______ to maintain water balance.

dehydrate, drink

Terrestrial animals face the challenge of extreme _____.


Which of the world environments has produced the most concentrated urine?

deserts, some animals drink almost no water (they recycle metabolic water, absorb water from food, and produce extremely concentrated urine)

In malphigian tubules, nitrogenous wastes and other solutes ________ into tubules on their gradients.


Sponges and jellies rely on ________ for osmoregulation.


Malphigian tubules: Dilute filtrate passes into the ___________.

digestive tract

In malphigian tubules, uric acid is excreted from same opening as ______.

digestive wastes

In metanephridia, nitrogenous waste is excreted in ______.

dilute urine

In protonephridia, solutes are reabsorbed before _____ is excreted.

dilute urine

Placement of ion channels determine _______ of transport.


In malphigian tubules, mixed wastes are very _____ and effective _______ conservation has helped this group become so successful on land.

dry, water

Water balance is in _________ with surrounding seawater for marine invertebrates.

dynamic equilibrium

Marine osmoregulators: Excess sodium and chloride transported back to seawater using metabolic ________, a set of linked __________ proteins and a leaky _______.

energy, transport, epithelium

In some cases sodium also diffuses between the _____ cells (shark and marine bony fish).


In protonephridea, ________ maintains water and solute balance.


Solutes are regulated primarily by the _____ system.


Uric acid excretion is energy _____.


Reabsportion in the proximal tubule is when substances are transported from the ______ into the ______.

filtrate, blood

What are the two major steps to urine formation?

filtration and reabsorption/secretion

Three basic processes occur in a tubular system that penetrates into the tissues and opens to the outside environment: _____, _______ and ________.

filtration, selective reabsorption and secretion, and excretion

The interior epithelium of Bowman's Capsule has special cells with ______-like processes that produce _____.

finger, slits

Protonephridia in ________, _______ and _____ is a system of tubules diffusely spread throughout the body.

flatworms, rotifers and a few other inverts

Additional solutes are acquired in _____ by freshwater animals.


Freshwater animals _____ and ______ the maintain water balance.

gain water, pee

Active transport at _____ replenishes solutes in freshwater animals.


Blood enters and leaves the _______ under pressure.


Osmoregulation and excretion systems vary by ______ and ______.

habitat and phylogeny (evolutionary history)

Water reabsorption is regulated by ______ to maintain homeostasis.


__________ pressure facilitates collection of body fluid in metanephridia.


Marine animals that regulate water balance are ________ relative to salt water.


______ channels allow passive diffusion of chloride and potassium out of cell.


Body fluids are ______ to seawater for osmoconformers.


In humans, ______ filter blood and concentrate the urine.


Urea is 100,000 times ______ toxic than ammonia and can be safely excreted in urine.


Drugs and other toxins processed by the ______ are secreted into the proximal tubule filtrate.


Freshwater animals maintain _______ cytoplasm solute concentrations than marine regulators, which helps ______ the solute gradient and ________ water uptake.

lower, reduce, limits

The Loop of Henle descends into the inner region of the kidney called the _____.


Urea trickles out into the inner ____ and helps establish and maintain the concentration gradient.


Active transport in the thick ascending limb has a high ________ but helps maintain the gradient that concentrates ______ in urine.

metabolic cost, urea

Osmoregulation always requires _____ _______ expenditure.

metabolic energy

Each kidney is composed form _______, which are functional subunits.


Metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids releases ________ in the form of ______.

nitrogen, ammonia

All animals have some mechanism to excrete ________ products.

nitrogenous waste

Blood is effectually filtered to remove ______.

nitrogenous waste

In other flatworms, the protonephriadia excrete _______.

nitrogenous waste

Why is pressure not a key component in water balance in animals?

no cell wall.

The thin ascending limb is ______ to water and ______ to Na and Cl.

not permeable, very permeable

Body fluids are about ______ order of magnitude less concentrated than seawater for osmoregulators.


Most marine invertebrates are ________ that are _____ to seawater.

osmoconformers, isotonic

In most environments, about 5% of basal metabolic rate is used for _______.


In the thin ascending limb, solutes are recovered through ________.

passive transport

Uric acid is excreted as a ________.

paste with little water loss

In the loop of henle, differences in membrane ______ set up osmotic gradients that recover water and salts and concentrate the urine.


The far end of the collecting duct is ______ to urea.


The descending limb is _______ to water, ________ to solutes.

permeable, impermeable

Epithelial cells lining Bowman's Capsule have extensions that make filtration slits, ________.


The glomerulus is a capillary bed with unusually _______ epithelia.


Metabolic energy is used to transport ______ into the cell and _____ out. This produces a _______ gradient.

potassium, sodium, electrochemical gradient.

The electrochemical gradient is created when two ______ enter in and three _____ go out. The result is a cell interior that is more _______ in charge.

potassium, sodium, negative

Cellular metabolism of _____, ______ and _______ will produce nitrogenous waste.

proteins, nucleic acids, ATP

The _____ convoluted tubule is in the outer region of the kidney called the _______.

proximal, cortex

Ammonia is toxic because it _______.

raises pH

Most water and many solutes are _______, but some solutes are ______.

reabsorbed, secreted

In malphigian tubules, solutes and water are reabsorbed by the _______ using ______ powered pumps.

rectum, ATP

All freshwater animals are ____.


What animal can switch environments and strategies?


Some ____ also occurs in the distal tubule.


All of the tubules in the kidney are involved with the ______, _____ and ______ of urine.

secretion, reabsorption, concentration

In the proximal tubule, the epithelium is very _____.


In freshwater flatworms, most nitrogenous water diffuses across ______ or into the ______________.

skin, gastrovascular cavity

Most aquatic animals excrete ammonia or ammonium directly across _______ or _______.

skin, gills

The ______ in Bowman's Capsule allow the passage of water, nitrogenous wastes and many solutes.


In the cotransporter, _____ is cycled back out and ________ accumulate inside the cell.

sodium, K/Cl

All animals have some mechanism to regulate ______ concentration.


All animals regulate _____ content, regardless of their water regulation strategy.


Marine osmoconformers actively regulate__________ to maintain homeostasis.

solute concentrations

Marine osmoregulators gain ______ because of the diffusion gradient.


Water is recovered in the descending limb because of the increase in _______ in the surrounding fluids from the cortex to the inner medulla.


________ help maintain the interstitial fluid gradient.


In the proximal tubule, increased ______ facing tubule lumen and transport molecules speed passage.

surface area

Most inverts have some variation on a ________ filtration system.


Almost all vertebrates have a system of _________ in a pair of compact organs called kidneys.


Filtrate is effectively treated to isolate _________ and return the good stuff to the blood.


Land animals use metabolic energy to convert ammonia to ______.


The filtrate entering the distal tubule contains mostly ______ and other wastes.


The ____ drains to the bladder.


Insects, birds, many reptiles and some other land animals use even more metabolic energy to convert ammonia to ________.

uric acid

Freshwater animals are constantly taking in water and must excrete large volumes of ______.


In freshwater animals, large volume of _____ depletes solutes.


In metanephridia, __________ tubules reabsorb solutes and maintain water balance.


Each nephron is ______ and drains into a series of coalescing ducts that drain urine to the ________.

vascularized, external environment.

freshwater fish lose ammonia in their _____.

very dilute urine

Marine bony fish excrete ______ urine.

very little

In vertebrates, most adaptations alter the ______ and _______ of excreted urine.

volume, concentration

All metabolic processes produce ____.


In the proximal tubule, _____ remains in the filtrate and _____ are transported into the blood.

wastes, valuable resources

All animals have some mechanism to regulate ___ balance.


All organismal systems exist within a ___ based environment.


Blood and hemolymph are _____ based.


Interstitial fluid is _____ based.


The cell solution is ____ based.


In malphigian tubules, water follows the ________ into the tubules.

water gradient

Animals that live on land have adaptations to reduce ____.

water loss

Most terrestrial animals cannot tolerate the __________ inherent in ammonia excretion.

water loss

Anything small enough to pass makes up the initial filtrate of the corpuscle, including...

water, urea, solutes, glucose, amino acids, vitamins

All animals must balance _____ uptake versus _______ loss and regulate _______ concentration within cells and tissues.

water, water, solute

Examples of adaptations to reduce water loss by land animals are:

waxy cuticle on arthropod exoskeletons, mollusk and reptile shells/scales, layers of dead skin cells, eating wet food, fur that develops an insulting boundary layer, retaining metabolic water, small openings from respiratory surfaces outside environment.

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