bio quiz chapter 9

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Polygamy and Monogamy are two types of: A. mating systems B. dominance hierarchies C. kinship systems D. learned behaviors E. acoustical communications


an allele leads to deceptive behavior that increases individual fitness. Under these conditions, that allele would: A. increase in a population B. decrease in a population C. stay the same in a population D. always be inherited from the male parent E. always be inherited from the female parent


incest avoidance evolved in humans: A. because breeding among close relatives leads to a higher proportion of offspring with genetic defects and, consequently, reduced fitness B. because many bees, wasps, and ants can inflict painful and even fatal stings and bites C. because breeding among close relatives leads to a higher proportion of offspring with increased fitness D. because in early human societies, alliances could be achieved by marrying the chief's daughter to the son of the chief of a different tribe E. as part of a larger fixed action pattern


mate guarding is a reproductive tactic that functions to: A. reduce paternity uncertainty B. increase the female's investment in the offspring C. reduce the male's reproductive investment D. reduce the female's fitness E. increase the number of mates to which a male has access


two types of polygamy are A. polygyny and polyandry B. polygyny and monogamy C. isogamy and anisogamy D. internal and external E. kin selection and reciprocal altruism


exclusive male parental care is much more prevalent in fish than mammals because: A. fish are less likely to live in habitats with high-quality resources B. both male and female fish lactate C. fish are less intelligent and thus do not develop pair bonds D. fish do not have the option of raising young in a defended nest site or den E. most fish reproduce by external fertilization, whereas most mammals do not


______ is an action or signal on the part of one organism that alters the behavior of another organism: A. visualization B. communication C. language D. deception E. Courtship


a young goose, which sees only a human in the first several days after birth, will follow that human around as if it were its mother. What behavioral concept best describes this? A. migration behavior B. prepared learning C. innate behavior D. fixed action pattern E. none of the above


from an evolutionary perspective, behavior can be viewed best as: A. not subject to the normal evolutionary process because it involves a neurological system B. a trait that can satisfy the three conditions required for evolution by natural selection C. something that is too complex to arise through natural selection D. all of the above are correct E. only the second and third answer are correct


sexual dimorphism is a good predictor of mating systems because: A. a sexual dimorphism causes a difference in parental investment between males and females which results in different variance in reproductive success; therefore when one is known the other can be inferred B. the degree of sexual dimorphism and the type of mating system present in a species are both determined by the difference in parental investment between male and female; therefore when one is known the other can be inferred C. when males are bigger than females, males are able to contribute more to their offspring than females, resulting in polyandry; therefore, sexual dimorphism determines mating system D. mating systems cause variance in reproductive success, which results in sexual dimorphism; therefore, when one is know, the other can be inferred E. only polygynous mating systems exhibit sexual dimorphism, so if sexual dimorphism is present the mating system is known


the waggle dance is used for: A. mate choice in black widow spiders B. food location in honeybees C. mate choice in grebes D. kin selection in Belding's ground squirrels E. reciprocal altruism in vampire bats


what is the ultimate explanation for modern human preference for fatty food? A. we like the way that lipid-rich foods taste B. ancestral humans who preferred fatty foods were less likely to starve, leaving more offspring to the next generation C. fatty foods have 9 calories/gram, unlike carbs and proteins, which have 4 calories/gram, and in our environment we need to maximize our caloric intake in order to maximize our fitness D. we do not actually prefer fatty foods; we prefer sugary foods E. when we eat fatty foods, taste receptors on our tongue are stimulated, sending an action potential to our brain triggering the "do-it-again" centers


in black widow spider mating, the male_______ and the female ________ A. produces a copulatory plug; removes the copulatory plug B. brings the female a nuptial gift of food; decides whether to accept it C. breaks off his sexual organ inside the female; kills and eats the male D. is larger; is smaller E. mates with many females; mates with only one male


members of the sex with less energetic investment in reproduction: A. will be less interested in mating B. will have gametes that are larger than the sex with more energetic investment C. will compete among themselves for access to the higher-investing sex D. will be more discriminating when it comes to mating E. will have lower variation in reproductive success


most apparent acts of altruism in the animal kingdom have proved, on closer inspection, not to be truly altruistic. Instead, they have evolved as a consequence of either ______ or _______ A. kin selection; inclusive fitness B. competition; courtship C. kin selection; reciprocal altruism D. monogamy; polygamy E. reproductive investment; reciprocal altruism


when the sexes of a species differ in size or appearance, it is called: A. polygamy B. the mating system C. sexism D. sexual dimorphism E. variance in reproductive success


the theory of kin selection holds that an altruistic-appearing individual maximizes its own "inclusive fitness" by helping other individuals with whom it shares genetic material. In which of the following species is such altruistic appearing behavior most likely to evolve? A. red tailed hawks, which live in male-female pairs to raise chicks and rarely interact with other hawks B. honey badgers, one of the few tool using animals C. vampire squid, which are primarily solitary animals D. vampire bats, which live in a large community of bats, some of which are related and most of which are not E. honey bees, which live in a hive of mostly sisters from the same mother queen bee


which of the following conditions must be met for reciprocal altruism to evolve? A. the benefits to the recipient must be significantly greater than the costs to the donor B. the ability to recognize and punish cheaters must exist C. repeated interactions among individuals must occur, with opportunities for each individual to be both the donor and the recipient of altruistic appearing acts D. the interacting parties must be related to each other E. only the first three choices are conditions that must be met for reciprocal altruism to evolve


which of the following have had strong effects on the evolution of mating systems in animals? A. a male's certainty of paternity B. the amount of care required by the young C. the size of the population D. all of the above have had strong effects on the evolution of mating systems in animals E. only the first two choices have had strong effects on the evolution of mating system in animals


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