BIO103 MOD 7 (CH 12-13)

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Translation is initiated at the ____.

AUG codon

The first scientists to use Griffith's transformation assay to identify genetic material were

Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty.

Viruses that infect bacteria are known as?


Why is only one strand of DNA transcribed into mRNA?

Because transcribing both DNA strands would produce different amino acid sequences

What allows each strand of DNA to serve as a template for a new DNA strand during replication?

Complementary base pairing between purines and pyrimidines on opposite strands

Replication typically occurs at a single origin of replication in eukaryotic chromosomes.


The 3' trailing sequences are located upstream of the stop codon.


The process in which RNA is synthesized using a DNA template is called translation.


The process of DNA replication is conservative.


The template DNA strand is described as being parallel to the complementary RNA strand.


The two strands of a DNA double helix can be described as running parallel to each other.


snRNPs function to splice introns together.


X-ray diffraction images produced by ____ were used by Watson and Crick to infer the structure of DNA.


How does the first nucleotide at the 5′ end of a new mRNA chain differ from the other nucleotides in the chain?

The first nucleotide retains its triphosphate group, while the others do not.

How is the four-letter language of nucleic acids converted into the 20-word language of amino acids?

The four nucleic acid bases combine in three-letter sequences that define different amino acids.

A grouping of three nucleotides codes for one amino acid.


A(n) transposon is a DNA sequence that "jumps" into the middle of a gene.


Adenine and thymine are held together by two hydrogen bonds in a double stranded DNA molecule.


If you consider a DNA molecule to resemble a twisted ladder, the rungs of the ladder are paired nitrogen bases.


In mismatch repair, enzymes remove incorrectly-paired nucleotides.


In one strand of a DNA molecule, adjacent nucleotides are joined by a phosphodiester linkage.


RNA interference is a process by which noncoding RNA molecules regulate gene expression.


Reverse transcriptase catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from an RNA template.


Short, noncoding, guanine-rich DNA sequences found at the ends of chromosomes are called telomeres.


Signal-recognition particle RNA is involved in directing the ribosome-mRNA-polypeptide complex to the rough ER.


Single-strand binding proteins prevent the hydrolysis of single-strand regions of DNA by nucleases


Single-strand binding proteins prevent the hydrolysis of single-strand regions of DNA by nucleases.


The enzyme peptidyl transferase catalyzes peptide bond formation during the elongation stage of translation.


The notion that the genetic code is universal suggests a common ancestor for all living organisms.


The poly-A tail is thought to facilitate the export of mRNA from the nucleus.


A polyribosome is

a complex composed of several ribosomes and plus an mRNA transcript

Unlike normal cells, cancerous cells

can maintain telomere length as they divide.

The wobble hypothesis states that:

certain tRNA anticodons can pair with more than one codon sequence.

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases link ____ to their respective tRNA molecules by ____ bonds.

codons; covalent

If DNA replication rejoined the two parental strands, it would be described as


Hydrogen bonds can form between guanine and ____, and between adenine and ____.

cytosine; thymine

A mutation that replaces one amino acid in a protein with another is called a ____ mutation.


Following peptide bond formation between the amino acid in the A site on the ribosome and the growing polypeptide chain, the tRNA in the A site:

moves to the P site of the ribosome

Mobile genetic elements, such as transposons and retrotransposons, are significant because

mutations caused by retrotransposons contribute greatly to a species' evolution.

A ____ mutation results in the conversion of a codon specifying an amino acid to a termination codon.


The information encoded by the DNA is specified by the

nucleotide sequence of the DNA molecule

DNA synthesis

occurs only once during each cell generation.

A nucleotide is made up of a phosphate group, a five-carbon sugar molecule, and

one of four nitrogeneous bases.

These noncoding sequences located within coding regions of ____ genes are called ____.

only eukaryotic; introns

A "5′ cap"

protects mRNA from degradation.

Retroviruses, such as RNA tumor viruses, use __________ to make DNA from their RNA genomes.

reverse transcriptase

Peptidyl transferase, a _____ molecule, catalyzes the formation of _____ between amino acids at the P and A sites.

ribozyme; peptide bonds

RNA is ____ and contains the nitrogenous base ____, which is absent in DNA

single stranded; uracil

In replication, once the DNA strands have been separated, reformation of the double helix is prevented by

single-strand binding proteins.

Individuals with mutations in excision repair enzymes may suffer from ____ due to unrepaired DNA damage caused by ____.

skin cancer; the sun's UV rays

The two molecules that alternate to form the backbone of a polynucleotide chain are

sugar and phosphate.

tRNA molecules are able to act as adapters between amino acids and mRNA during translation because:

tRNA can bind to both mRNA and an amino acid.

Refer to the accompanying figure. The portion of the molecule labeled as 5 is:

the attached amino acid.

From the DNA X-ray crystallography data, Franklin and Wilkins inferred that ____, while Watson and Crick determined that ____.

the flat nucleotide bases are stacked upon each other; DNA is helical.

The experimental design in the accompanying figure was used to examine

the relationship between genetic changes and metabolic enzymes.

Enzymes called ____ form breaks in the DNA molecules to prevent the formation of knots in the DNA helix during replication.


RNA synthesis is also known as:


If an mRNA transcript of the human XYZ gene was introduced into a yeast cell, the transcript would be:

translated into the human XYZ protein.

In the experiments of Griffith, the conversion of nonlethal R-strain bacteria to lethal S-strain bacteria

was due to transformation.

Molecular chaperones assist in the folding of newly synthesized mRNAs.


Okazaki fragments are complementary to the leading strand of DNA.


One function of snoRNAs is to process pre-rRNA molecules in the mitochondrion.


One of the pyrimidine bases in a DNA molecule is adenine.


RNA polymerase binds to the promoter sequence in RNA.


Garrod first proposed that:

metabolic defects were due to the lack of an enzyme.

Match the scientist(s) with their corresponding revolutionary discovery or experiment. (A) discovered that DNA was responsible for bacterial transformation (B) demonstrated that genetic traits can be transferred from one bacterium to another (C) discovered that the genetic material in bacteriophages is DNA (D) used proteins labeled with 35S and DNA labeled with 32P to demonstrate that viral DNA entered bacterial cells, but viral proteins did not (E) demonstrated the ratio of nucleotide bases in DNA (F) demonstrated that DNA is replicated semiconservatively (G) grew bacteria in the presence of heavy nitrogen (15N), followed by growth in 14N medium for one or two generations, then measured the density of the DNA

(A) Avery (B) Griffith (C) Hershey and Chase (D) Hershey and Chase (E) Chargaff (F) Meselson and Stahl (G) Meselson and Stahl

In the following questions, match the component of DNA replication with its function. (A) catalyzes formation of sugar-phosphate bonds in adjacent Okazaki fragments (B) produces breaks in the DNA molecules and then rejoins the strands to prevent supercoiling (C) joins successive nucleotides to a growing polynucleotide strand, complementary to the template strand (D) catalyzes the synthesis of an RNA primer at both leading and lagging strand (E) prevents formation of hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs (F) opens the double helix like a zipper (G) prevents the hydrolysis of single DNA strands by nucleases (H) binds DNA at the origin of replication and breaks the hydrogen bonds between the paired bases (I) adds nucleotides only to the 3¢ end of an existing polynucleotide strand (J) catalyzes a reaction that occurs in the lagging strand but not in the leading strand

(A) DNA ligase (B) Topoisomerase (C) DNA polymerase (D) DNA primase (E) Single-strand binding protein (F) DNA helicase (G) Single-strand binding protein (H) DNA helicase (I) DNA polymerase (J) DNA ligase

Match the RNA molecule with its corresponding description. (A) helps to deliver the ribosome-mRNA-polypeptide complex to the rough ER (B) small double-stranded RNA molecules; regulates gene expression (C) small RNA molecules; inhibits mobile DNA element activity in germ cells (D) small RNA molecules; inhibit translation (E) responsible for pre-rRNA molecule processing in the nucleolus (F) large RNA molecules; regulates chromatin structure

(A) SRP RNA (B) siRNA (C) piRNA (D) miRNA (E) snoRNA (F) lncRNA

Match the event to the correct process of protein synthesis. (A) the first stage of translation (B) protein synthesis proceeding in a 5' to 3' direction (C) triggered by a stop codon (D) completed polypeptide chain released from ribosome (E) growth of the polypeptide chain (F) assembly of the ribosome (G) initiator tRNA binds to the start codon

(A) initiation (B) elongation (C) termination (D) termination (E) elongation (F) initiation (G) initiation

Which of the following numbered events represents the correct sequence of events of prokaryotic translation initiation? 1) Large ribosomal subunit binds to initiation complex. 2) Initiation tRNA binds small ribosomal subunit. 3) Initiation complex binds to ribosome recognition sequence on mRNA.

2 → 3 → 1

In the accompanying figure, the portion of the molecule containing the anticodon is indicated by the label:


One of the mRNA codons specifying the amino acid leucine is 5′-CUA-3′. Its corresponding anticodon is:


Which of the following nucleotide sequences represents the complement to the DNA strand, 5′-AGATCCG-3′?


A sequence of bases located upstream from a reference point occurs toward the:

5′ end of the mRNA sequence

The total number of different three-base combinations of the four nucleic acid bases is:


Beadle and Tatum began their studies with wild-type Neurospora. How is this organism best characterized?

A normal phenotype that will grow on minimal medium

What happens during nucleotide excision repair?

A nuclease removes the damaged DNA.

Which of the following causes the unwinding of the DNA double helix?

DNA helicase

Okazaki fragments are joined together by

DNA ligase.

When a mutation occurs during DNA replication, ____ replaces the incorrect nucleotide with the correct one after the mismatched nucleotide has been removed.

DNA polymerase

Errors in DNA replication can come from

DNA polymerase.

Why does DNA synthesis proceed in a 5′ to 3′ direction?

DNA polymerases can only add nucleotides to the 3′ end of a polynucleotide strand.

Alfred Hershey's and Martha Chase's experiments with bacteriophages showed that

DNA was injected into bacteria.

What conclusions did Beadle and Tatum reach in their studies of Neurospora?

Each mutant gene affected only one enzyme.

A ribosome has one binding site for mRNA and two binding sites for tRNAs.


A(n) nonsense mutation is a base-pair substitution that results in the replacement of one amino acid with another.


An RNA primer is synthesized by RNA primase.


DNA Pol III catalyzes the addition of successive nucleotides to the 5' end of a growing polynucleotide chain.


In eukaryotes, the initiator tRNA carries the amino acid leucine.


Linus Pauling proposed the one gene - one enzyme hypothesis.


Why is DNA able to store large amounts of information?

Its nucleotides can be arranged in many possible sequences.

Who first confirmed that the replication of DNA was semiconservative?

Meselson and Stahl

What are special enzymes that recognize and remove the incorrectly paired nucleotides in DNA?

Mismatch repair

Neurospora is an ideal organism to study the effects of genetic mutations because of several reasons. What is one of these?

Neurospora mutant strains that cannot make a particular amino acid can still grow if that amino acid is added to the growth medium.

What are the small circular DNA molecules that carry genes separate from those on a bacterial chromosome?


RNA interference is a process by which noncoding RNA molecules regulate gene expression.

RNA interference is a process by which noncoding RNA molecules regulate gene expression.

Refer to the accompanying figure. The component labeled as B is:

RNA polymerase.

Which of the following consists of short, noncoding, guanine-rich DNA sequences that repeat many times?


____, the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, shorten with every cell division


What happened in an experiment where normal cultured human cells were infected with a virus that carried DNA encoding for the telomerase catalytic subunit?

The cells underwent more cell divisions than normal.

How is a bacterial chromosome replicated?

The circular DNA molecule is replicated from one origin of replication bidirectionally.

Which of the following statements is FALSE with regard to DNA replication?

The strand being copied is read in the 5¢->3¢ direction.

Which of the following statements concerning DNA is FALSE?

The sugar present in DNA is ribose.

The process illustrated in the accompanying figure is:


What is the modern definition of a gene?

a DNA sequence that encodes a specific RNA or protein product

Initiation of transcription requires:

a promoter sequence

The 3′ end of eukaryotic pre-mRNAs is changed by:

adding 100−250 adenine nucleotides

Uracil forms a complementary pair with ____ in RNA and ____ in DNA.

adenine; adenine

Leader sequences contain signals that

allow the ribosomes to be properly positioned for translation of mRNA molecules.

Ribose differs from deoxyribose by having:

an extra hydroxyl group

To fit X-ray crystallographic data, the two DNA strands in Watson and Crick's model must be ____ to each other.


Introns in pre-mRNA

are spliced out of the message.

During protein synthesis, ribosomes:

attach to the mRNA molecule and travel along its length to produce a polypeptide

X-ray diffraction studies are used to determine the

distances between atoms of molecules.

Binding of the appropriate aminoacyl-tRNA to the A site requires:

energy supplied by GTP

Frameshift mutations result from the

insertion or deletion of one or two base pairs

Frameshift mutations result from the:

insertion or deletion of one or two base pairs

In DNA replication, the lagging strand

is synthesized as a series of Okazaki fragments.

The DNA strand that is replicated smoothly and continuously is called the

leading strand

Primase is the enzyme responsible for

making short strands of RNA at the site of replication initiation.

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