Biology 1407: Exam II Review (Part 1)

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Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Arrange the following structures, which can be found on male pine trees, from the largest structure to the smallest structure (or from most inclusive to least inclusive). 1. sporophyte 2. microspores 3. microsporangia 4. pollen cone 5. pollen nuclei

1. sporophyte, 4. pollen cone, 3. microsporangia, 2. microspores, 5. pollen nuclei

Pollen eliminates the need for a film of water and can be dispersed great distances by what mechanical forces?

Air, animals, wind, etc

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Rhizoids __________.

Anchor the gametophytes of bryophytes. Bryophyte gametophytes are anchored by delicate rhizoids—long tubular single cells in liverworts and hornworts or filaments of cells in mosses.

_________ are seed plants with reproductive structures called flowers and fruits.


An ______ of the stamen is a microsporangium, containing microspores (2n), which undergoes Meoisis, then-mitosis, resulting in two haploid nuclei cells (pollen tube nuclei and generative nuclei)


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: During pollination, pollen grains are transferred from the __________ to the __________.

Anther; stigma

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: What is the major feature of glomeromycetes?

Arbuscules are the tiny tips of glomeromycete hyphae that invade plant roots and branch into tree-like structures within root cells, forming arbuscular mycorrhizae.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: At current rates of deforestation, tropical rain forests will be eliminated in __________ years.

At current deforestation rates, it is estimated that tropical rain forests will be eliminated from Earth in 200 years.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: A pea pod is formed from __________. A pea inside the pod is formed from __________.

A pod is a fruit, and a fruit develops from an ovary. The pea develops from an ovule surrounding a zygote and its food supply.

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: How have fruits contributed to the success of angiosperms? A) By facilitating dispersal of seeds B) By producing sperm and eggs inside a protective coat C) By nourishing the plants that make them D) By attracting insects to the pollen inside

A) By facilitating dispersal of seeds

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which of the following sex and generation combinations most directly produces the fruit? A) Female sporophyte B) Female gametophyte C) Male sporophyte D) Male gametophyte

A) Female sporophyte

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which group is noted for the independence of gametophyte and sporophyte generations from each other? A) Ferns B) Charophytes C) Angiosperms D) Gymnosperms E) Mosses, hornworts, and liverworts

A) Ferns

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which term describes the portion of a peach that can be eaten by humans? A) Pericarp B) Zygote C) Seed coat D) Endosperm

A) Pericarp (fruit wall)

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which term describes the male gametophytes of flowering plants? A) Pollen grains B) Megaspores C) Microsporocytes D) Micropyle

A) Pollen grains

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Why do fleshy fruits often have seeds with very tough seed coats? A) So the seeds can survive the mechanical forces and conditions in an animal's gut B) So the seeds can be dispersed by propulsion C) So the seeds can extend the distance they travel by catching breezes D) So the seeds can adhere to passing animals

A) So the seeds can survive the mechanical forces and conditions in an animal's gut

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: What characterizes the fruit of seeds that are dispersed by the wind? A) They have structures to extend the distance they travel on the wind. B) They are large. C) They contain a large amount of sugar. D) They are very fleshy.

A) They have structures to extend the distance they travel on the wind.

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Meiosis will produce microspores in the __________. A) anther B) petal C) sepal D) receptacle E) ovary

A) anther

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: In gymnosperms, megaspores develop into __________. A) female gametophytes B) pollen grains C) male gametophytes D) female sporophytes E) ovulate cones

A) female gametophytes

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Select the correct statement about double fertilization in the angiosperm life cycle. A) Double fertilization results from the fusion of the male and female gametophytes of angiosperms. B) Double fertilization prevents the production of infertile pollen grains. C) Double fertilization produces a diploid sporophyte and a triploid endosperm.

C) Double fertilization produces a diploid sporophyte and a triploid endosperm.

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: If humans had been present to build house structures during the Carboniferous period, which plant types would have been possible building materials? A) Angiosperms and bryophytes B) Ferns, angiosperms, and gymnosperms C) Ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes D) Whisk ferns and bryophytes E) Horsetails and charophytes

C) Ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which of the following flower parts develops into the pulp of a fleshy fruit? A) Stigma B) Ovule C) Ovary D) Micropyle E) Style

C) Ovary

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which part of a flower develops into the seed? A) Carpel B) Pericarp C) Ovule D) Endosperm cell

C) Ovule

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: All seed plants __________. A) exhibit a dominant gametophyte generation B) are nonvascular C) are heterosporous D) produce flowers E) produce antheridia and archegonia on the same gametophyte

C) are heterosporous

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: In which of the following pairs are the two terms equivalent? A) endosperm: male gametophyte B) seed: zygote C) embryo sac: female gametophyte D) ovule: egg

C) embryo sac: female gametophyte

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: In pine, the embryo develops within the __________. A) staminate cone B) male gametophyte C) female gametophyte D) microsporophyll E) megagametophyte

C) female gametophyte

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Angiosperms are different from all other plants because only they have __________. A) a vascular system B) a life cycle that involves alternation of generations C) flowers D) seeds E) a sporophyte phase

C) flowers

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which of the following is the correct sequence during the alternation of generations life cycle in a flowering plant? A) sporophyte → spores → meiosis → gametophyte → gametes B) haploid gametophyte → gametes → meiosis → fertilization → diploid sporophyte C) sporophyte → meiosis → gametophyte → gametes → fertilization → diploid zygote D) sporophyte → mitosis → gametophyte → meiosis → sporophyte

C) sporophyte → meiosis → gametophyte → gametes → fertilization → diploid zygote

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Select the correct statement describing the life cycle of angiosperms. A) The life cycle of seed plants does not include a gametophyte generation. B) Double fertilization in the life cycle of seed plants results in the production of a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm nucleus. C) In angiosperm life cycles, the female gametophyte is the ovule.

B) Double fertilization in the life cycle of seed plants results in the production of a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm nucleus.

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which of the following is a characteristic of all angiosperms? A) Complete reliance on wind as the pollinating agent B) Double internal fertilization C) Carpels that contain microsporangia D) Free-living gametophytes E) Ovules that are not contained within ovaries

B) Double internal fertilization

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which of the following flower parts develops into a seed? A) Fruit B) Ovule C) Ovary D) Stamen

B) Ovule

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which structure is common to both gymnosperms and angiosperms? A) Carpel B) Ovule C) Stigma D) Anthers E) Ovary

B) Ovule

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which structure formed by the male gametophyte allows sperm to reach the ovary of a flowering plant? A) Stigma B) Pollen tube C) Micropyle D) Anther

B) Pollen tube

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which process involves the transfer of pollen grains from an anther to a stigma? A) Gametogenesis B) Pollination C) Germination D) Fertilization

B) Pollination

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Human survival literally depends on the produce of __________. A) gnetophytes B) angiosperms C) ginkgoes D) gymnosperms E) cycads

B) angiosperms

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: The major difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms comes from the __________. A) dominance or lack of dominance of the sporophyte generation B) presence or absence of a protective covering over the ovule C) production of microspores versus megaspores D) presence or absence of alternation of generations E) presence or absence of vascular structures

B) presence or absence of a protective covering over the ovule

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which of the following is the correct order of floral organs from the outside to the inside of a complete flower? A) spores → gametes → zygote → embryo B) sepals → petals → stamens → carpels C) petals → sepals → stamens → carpels D) male gametophyte → female gametophyte → sepals → petals E) sepals → stamens → petals → carpels

B) sepals → petals → stamens → carpels

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: __________ fungi absorb nutrients from living organisms.

Both parasitic and mutualistic fungi depend on living organisms for their nutrients. Decomposer fungi, on the other hand, obtain nutrients from nonliving organic material.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Ferns and mosses are limited mostly to moist environments because __________.

Both types of plants have flagellated sperm.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: How are gametes produced by bryophytes?

By mitosis of gametophyte cells.

A ______ consists of an ovary at the base and a style, leading up to a stigma, where pollen is received.


A flower that contains all 4 floral organs is called a _______ ______.

Complete flower

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: The development of the __________ prevents plants from drying out and protects them from microbes.

Cuticle. The waxy cuticle, which is not found in algae, gives the aerial portion of the plant protection from desiccation.

When the cell of a megasporocyte enters the egg sac (female gameotophyte), it later will be fertilized to become a _______ ______ (2n). Another sperm will fertilize a polar nuclei to create ________ (3n).

Diploid zygote; endosperm

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which part of a plant attracts pollinators? A) Stamen B) Sepal C) Carpel D) Petals

D) Petals

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: What is endosperm? A) The leaves that are a part of the embryo B) The female portion of a flowering plant C) The male portion of a flowering plant D) Via cotyledons, a source of food for the embryo E) Tissue that develops into a protective seed coat surrounding the embryo

D) Via cotyledons, a source of food for the embryo

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Fruits evolved primarily as structures specialized to _____. A) protect seeds B) protect pollen C) provide food for humans D) disperse seeds E) provide a source of food to the plant's embryo

D) disperse seeds

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: The seed coat's most important function is to provide _________. A) a nutrient supply for the embryo. B) dormancy. C) a nonstressful environment for the megasporangium. D) protection for the embryo. E) a means for dispersal.

D) protection for the embryo.

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: At the conclusion of meiosis in plants, the end products are always four haploid _______. A) seeds. B) sperm. C) eggs. D) spores.

D) spores.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Fern gametophytes are __________.

Free-living, multicellular organisms

_____ protects the seeds and aids in their dispersal.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: There is a fungus in Oregon that covers 890,965 hectares! The bulk of this fungus is most likely __________.

Fungal mycelia can be huge, although they usually escape our notice because they are subterranean.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Plants colonized land in the company of __________; their symbiotic relationships still exist today.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: When you see a green, "leafy" moss, you are looking at the __________.

Gametophyte generation. The leafy gametophyte is the prevalent generation in the bryophyte life cycle, in contrast with the life cycle of other plants.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Alternation of generations is distinguished by...

Haploid and diploid stages that are both multicellular

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: The cells within pollen grains are __________ and together comprise the __________.

Haploid; male gametophyte

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Molecular evidence suggests that fungi __________.

Have a common ancestor with animals.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: During what stage of fungal reproduction are diploid cells produced?

Karyogamy stage is the only time in the life cycle of a fungus that diploid cells exist.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Fungi are __________ organisms.

Like animals, fungi are chemoheterotrophs. They must get both their energy and carbon skeletons by absorbing pre-digested nutrients from the environment.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: In ovulate cones, megasporocytes undergo __________ and produce __________ megaspores.

Meiosis; haploid

What is the difference between a monocot and a dicot?

Monocots: Contain one cotelydon, which provides nourishment by storing food/nutrients. Dicots: Contain two cotelydons

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: The gametophyte stage of the plant life cycle is most conspicuous in __________.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: You can buy mycorrhizal fungus to add to soil when you plant trees and other plants. Why would you want to do this?

Mycorrhizal fungi assist plants in the absorption of essential nutrients.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: In fungi, the function of the mycelium is __________.

Obtaining food. The hyphae form an interwoven mat called a mycelium, the feeding network of a fungus.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Where would you find a fern gametophyte?

On moist soil

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: In angiosperms, each pollen grain produces two sperm. What do these sperm do?

One fertilizes an egg, and the other combines with two polar nuclei, which develop into stored food cells (endosperm).

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: How is fertilization in flowering plants different from fertilization in other plant groups?

One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg to form a diploid zygote, whereas the other sperm nucleus fuses with two polar nuclei to form a cell that develops into endosperm.

An ______ of the carpel is a megasporangium, containing megaspores, which undergoes Meoisis, resulting in one megaspore (1n) and then undergoes 3 mitotic cell divisions, resulting in 1 cell with 8 nuclei on the inside.


An ovary contains one or more ______, containing an egg.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: After fertilization, the __________ develops into a seed and the __________ develops into a fruit.

Ovule; ovary. The integuments of the ovule develop into the seed coat, which gives rise to the seed, and the ovary develops into a fruit.

The flower is considered to be a _______ ______ if it contains both the male and female reproductive organs.

Perfect flower

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Like gymnosperms, many grasses and angiosperm trees are wind-pollinated. To conserve energy, these angiosperms do not produce complete flowers (complete flowers have all four of the basic parts). Which part would be unnecessary for wind-pollinated angiosperms?


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Which choice below generally represents the correct order of events in fungal sexual reproduction?

Plasmogamy, karyogamy, meiosis, then germination

Microspores develop into ______ ______, which consist of a male gameotophyte enclosed within the protective pollen wall.

Pollen grains

___________ is the transfer of pollen to the part of the seed plant containing the ovules.


Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Which of the following is a true statement about angiosperm carpels? A) Carpels consist of highly modified microsporangia. B) Carpels consist of an anther and a stamen. C) Carpels are structures that directly produce male gametes. D) Carpels are features of the gametophyte generation. E) Carpels surround and nourish the female gametophyte.

E) Carpels surround and nourish the female gametophyte.

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: When you look at a pine or maple tree, the plant you see is a __________. A) haploid gametophyte B) haploid sporophyte C) triploid endosperm D) diploid gametophyte E) diploid sporophyte

E) Diploid sporophyte

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rain forest. After observing its anatomy and life cycle, he notes the following characteristics: flagellated sperm, xylem with tracheids, separate gametophyte and sporophyte generations with the sporophyte dominant, and no seeds. This plant is probably most closely related to ______. A) gymnosperms. B) flowering plants. C) mosses. D) charophytes. E) ferns.

E) Ferns

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: The adaptation that made possible the colonization of dry land environments by seed plants is most likely the result of the evolution of __________. A) ovules B) cones C) roots D) sporophylls E) pollen

E) pollen

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: A diploid cell develops into the _____.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Which term is most nearly synonymous with land plants?


Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: True or false? Fruits provide food to the developing plant.

False. Fruits protect seeds and aid in their dispersal; the endosperm provides food to the developing plant.

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: True or false? The endosperm tissue that nourishes the developing plant has the same nutritional characteristics regardless of the plant species.

False. The characteristics of the endosperm tissue vary by plant species; some tissues contain large amounts of starch (corn), while others contain large amounts of protein (beans).

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: True or false? The endosperm in a seed develops into the embryo.

False. The endosperm in a seed is not the embryo, but the food supply for the embryo.

A flower is a specialized shoot with up to 4 types of modified leaves called _____ ______.

Floral organs

Angiosperms are the most diverse group of plants due to evolutionary effects as well as the ______, which assists in the spread of pollen.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: The diploid generation of the plant life cycle always __________.

Produces spores.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: What is the function of fruits?

Protection and disperse seeds

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: The eggs of seed plants are fertilized within ovules, and the ovules then develop into __________.


_____ develop from ovules after fertilization. The ovary wall thickens/matures to form a fruit.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Seeds have advantages over spores. Why?

Seeds contain embryonic plants, an abundant food supply, and a protective covering.

The flower is an angiosperm structure that is specialized for what kind of reporduction?

Sexual reproduction

What do male gameotophytes develope from?

Small microspores

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: In charophytes, __________ protect(s) zygotes from desiccation.

Sporopollenin. This is a strong polymer that protects the delicate zygote from drying out. This substance is also found in the coverings of pollen grains and helps the pollen resist environmental damage.

A _______ consists of a stalk called a filament, with a sac called an anther, where pollen is produced.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: The portion of a flower that receives the pollen is the __________.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: What structures allow plants to readily take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: In contrast to plants, the cell walls of fungi are composed of __________.

The chitin found in fungal cell walls is identical to the chitin found in the exoskeleton of arthropods.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: What significant change occurred on Earth between the Carboniferous period and the Permian period that most likely contributed to the success of the gymnosperms?

The climate became drier and warmer.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: A dramatic example of the pathogenicity of certain fungi is the dramatic decrease of the American chestnut tree by __________.

The disease, chestnut blight, is caused by an introduced ascomycete.

What is the receptacle of a flower?

The receptacle is the base of a flower

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Plants undergo alternation of generations in which __________.

The sporophyte generation alternates with the gametophyte generation. The life cycles of all plants include a gametophyte (or haploid generation) that alternates with a sporophyte (or diploid) generation.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Lichens are important pioneers in areas that have been burned by fires or destroyed by lava flows because __________.

They are important in the initial stages of soil formation

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: What is the evolutionary significance of megaphylls?

They increase the surface area for photosynthesis.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: True or false: Many species of fungi obtain their nutrients from decaying organic matter.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: True or false: Spores germinate and then mitotically divide to form a mycelium.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: True or false: The dominant stage of the life cycle for fungi is usually haploid.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: True or false: The haploid nuclei of dikaryotic hyphal cells fuse to form a diploid zygote.


Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Is the following statement about seed formation in a flowering plant true or false? The swellings that develop into cotyledons are located at the end of the embryo on top of the row of single cells.


*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: True or false: Plants have a waxy, waterproof cuticle, and algae do not.

True. Algae do not need a waterproof cuticle because they live in the water.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: True or false: When moving to land, plants had to overcome desiccation.

True. Because their ancestors were aquatic, successful adaptation to a terrestrial environment required plants to develop a way to prevent desiccation.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: True or false: In plants, the haploid and diploid stages are both multicellular and is a key difference between alternation of generations in plants and sexual reproduction in nonplant organisms.

True. The life cycle of humans, for example, includes a single-celled haploid stage and a multicellular diploid stage.

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Vascular tissues of plants include __________.

Xylem for conducting water and minerals, and phloem for conducting dissolved organic molecules

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Do the following six statements reflect angiosperm adaptations to life on land truthfully? 1) Floral parts of the sporophyte protect the reduced female gametophyte from drying out and from UV radiation. 2) In many angiosperms, the male gametophyte contained in a pollen grain can be transported many miles away by wind or animal pollinators. 3) Seeds enable plant embryos to be dispersed long distances from the parent plant via wind or animals. 4) Flowers attract animal pollinators carrying pollen from other plants of the same species. 5) Fruits aid in the dispersal of seeds by wind or by animals that carry or eat the fruits. 6) Seeds protect and nourish plant embryos, and fruits protect the seeds.

Yes, true

Gymnosperms that grow into trees are called ___.

Yew (ex: Juniper with ovarian cancer development and "Taxol" treatment)

*Mastering Biology Chapter 26 practice quiz: Which feature is unique to chytrids?

Zoospores (flagellated spores). Chytrids are thought to be members of the earliest fungal lineage. Their zoospores are evidence that fungi evolved from flagellated protists.

What are the evolutionary advantages of seeds? (3 key points)

1) A seed develops from the whole ovule 2) A seed is a sporophyte embryo, along with its food supply, packaged in a protective coat 3) Seeds provide some evolutionary advantages over spores - they remain dormant from days to years until conditions are favorable for germination and seeds have a supply of stored food

What 4 things do monocots and dicots have in common?

1) Both have a plumule that forms the leaves 2) Both have a hypocotyl that forms the stems 3) Both have a radicle that forms the roots 4) Both have an embryonic axis that compromises everything between the plumule and the radicle, not including the cotyledon(s)

What is a fruit coated with?

1) Exocarp (Green in a watermelon) 2) Mesocarp (White in a watermelon) 3) Endocarp (Red in a watermelon) 4) Seed

Fruits can function as what? (3 key points)

1) Parachutes (wind) 2) Burrs (on animal fur) 3) Food (digested by animals)

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Arrange a flowchart of pollination, fertilization, and seed development in 8 steps.

1) Pollen grain lands on stigma 2) Pollen tube grows down the style 3) Generative cell divides, forming 2 sperm cells 4) 2 sperm cells are discharged into the female gametophyte 5) Sperm fuses with the egg and two polar nuclei 6) Zygote forms and divides into a terminal cell and a basal cell 7) Cells of embryo differentiate into three different tissue types 8) Seed dries out and become dormant

What is the order of flower creation? (3 key points)

1) Seed germination 2) Vegetative state 3) Flowers (fruits and seeds)

What is the life cycle of a flower? (6 stages)

1) Seed stage 2) Germination 3) Growth 4) Reproduction 5) Pollination 6) Spreading seeds

Gymnosperms were better suited than nonvascular plants to drier conditions due to what? (3 key points)

1) Seeds and pollen 2) Thick cuticles 3) Leaves with a small surface area

What are the 4 differentiating floral organs?

1) Sepals: enclose the flower 2) Petals: brightly colored and attract pollinators to the flower 3) Stamen: produces pollen (male) 4) Carpels: receive pollen and produce ovules (female)

Mastering Biology Chapter 26 quiz: Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to two generations of the same angiosperm. 1. ovary 2. ovule 3. egg 4. carpel

4. carpel, 1. ovary, 2. ovule, 3. egg

A flower that lacks one or more of the 4 floral organs is called an __________ ______.

Incomplete flower

If the flower contains the reproductive organs yet are missing other parts, it is called an __________ _______ ______.

Incomplete perfect flower

Many seeds are pollinated by _______ while some are ____ pollinated.

Insects; wind

The cell of a megasporocyte is surrounded by the _________ (seed coat).


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