Biology 3000 Test 2

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commerical strawberries are one example of

pericentric inversion

includes the centromere and often results in a change in arm lengths on the chromosome


increases the amount of genetic material for all chromosomes


increases the amount of genetic material on a particular chromosome

dna polymerase

is an enzyme involved in replication. It binds to an RNA primer and catalyzes the formation of new DNA strands. Its also exhibits exonuclease activity


is an enzyme involved in replication. It joins together the newly synthesized strands of DNA by sealing the phosphodiester bonds

having, thin finger-like projections

one strategy that allows larger cells to have an effective surface area to volume ratio is?

of their amphipathic nature and their cylindrical shapes

phospholipids can form bi layer structures in aqueous water media because

hydroxyl group

what chemical group is found to be at the 3' end of the dna strand

right handed helix with two antiparallel complementary strands, 10 bases per turn

what describes the Watson crick moel of DNA structure

it will wilt

what happens to a plant if you water it with sea water (hypertonic solution)

cell walls

which of the following are not components of the cytoskeleton


which structure is the repository of the majority of the genetic material that directs most of the activities of the cell

a translocation involving chromosome #21 and #14

while the most frequent forms of downs syndrome are caused by rnadom error, downs syndrome occasionally runs in families. the cause of this form of familial downs syndrome is?

tetrasomy 2N+2


monosomy 2N-1


terminal deletion


paracentric inversion




plasma membrane

Electron transport chain membrane components involved in bacterial (prokaryotic) respiration are located in the

translocation carrier

The person with the large, translocated chromosome has 45 chromosomes, but may not have symptoms if no crucial genes have been deleted ir damaged.


a total of 3200 f2 progent using the two point (dihybrid) linkage. you are asked to do a complete chi squared and the expected numbers use what ratios??

hydrogen bonds

holds paired bases together in dsDNA

LM because the specimen is and needs to remain alive

if you would like to film the opening of a tiny flower bud you best choice of microscope would be?

3.4 A apart

in dsDNA the bases are how far apart


in dsDNA, the nitrogenous base C is always paired with


in eukaryotes, glycolysis occurs in the?

constantly use energy

in order for a cell to maintain a high degree of order it must?

increasing the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in the phospholipid bi layer

organisms that have no ability to control their internal temperature may be able to maintain the optimal fluidity of their membranes when grown in colder temps by?

refuted spontaneous generation

pasteurs experiments

a hypotonic medium

penicillin is toxic to certain dividing bacterial cells because it prevents cell wall formation, causing the cells to burst. this indicates that the penicillin sensitive bacteria live in?

made on free ribosomes in the cytoplasm

peripheral proteins that are destined to become associated with the inner surface of the plasma membrane are?

central vacuole

plant cells often have a large membrane bound sac that is used for storing water and other substances. what is it called?

presence of cell walls

plants, fungi, bacteria (ALL THREE) may share?


structural support of the cell

maternal age effect

the non disjunctional event that produces down syndrome occurs more frequently during oogenesis in women above 35 years of age.


the nonspecific uptake of fluids by an invagination of the cell membrane

golgi apparatus

the organelle that modifies, sorts and packages proteins (usually for export) is ?

to accept low energy electrons at the end of the electron transport chain

the role of oxygen molecules required for aerobic respiration is

chargraffs rule

the rule that the number of purines equals the number of pyrimidines is?

gives a 3-D image of the object being studied

the scanning electron microscope differs from the transmission electron microscope in that?

synthesizes lipids

the smooth ER

the sun

the ultimate source of energy for almost all living organisms on earth is


to determine if linkage is present, the progeny of a test cross are examined to determine if a violation of Mendel's principle


what accurately represents relationship between catabolism, anabolism, and metabolism?

1. ability to fatefully transfer info to progeny 2. ability to vary by mutation 3. ability to replicate 4. ability to store information

what are the four requirements needed to meet the qualifications for DNA by Watson and Crick standards

it occurs when C in glucose reacts with molecular oxygen

what is NOT true about decarboxylation

it requires oxygen

what is NOT true about glycolysis


what is a structure that may be found inside a cell but that is NOT bound by a membrane


what kinds of bonds hold one complementry strand to the other

exergonic reaction

when free energy of reactants is greater than the free energy of the products, such a reaction is?

cholesterol, temperature, phospholipid composition

which factors may influence membrane fluidity


A process in which a unicellular organism (the "host") engulfs another cell, which lives within the host cell and ultimately becomes an organelle in the host cell; also refers to the hypothesis that mitochondria and plastids were formerly small prokaryotes that began living within larger cells.

genome size and complexity

Cot curves provide info on

a proton and a pair of electrons

NADH is formed when NAD+ accepts?

Klinefelters syndrome


active transport

a bacterium containing sodium ions at a concentration of .1 mM lives in a pond that contains sodium ions at .005 mM. the sodium cells are entering how?


a bottle of perfume's smell spreads from one side of the room to the other, this is a classic example of?


a cellular structure found in some plant cells but not in animal cells is


a double stranded DNA molecule contains 560 nucleotide. how many complete turns would be found in the complete helix

has a variety of membraneous organelles

a eukaryotic cell?

have serious, perhaps fatal consequences because the red blood could swell and burst

a patient who has had a severe hemorrhage accidentally receives a large transfusion of distilled water directly into a major blood vessel. you would expect this mistake to?


a pericentric inversion includes the centromere

the phagocytic vesicle would not fuse with the lysosome

a person has a genetic disease that prevents phospholipids in the plasma mebrane of the white blood cells from freely fusing with the other membranes within the cell. How would this disease affect phagocytosis?


a person with trisomy 21 would usually have how many barr bodies


a process by which cell ejects waste products or specific secretion by fusion of a vesicle with the plasma membrane


a single cell in a smokers lung has become cancerous. it doubles its DNA and divides much faster than a normal lung cell. the most likely change that would have caused this condition took place in the?

it is advantageous for cells to be small because

a small cell has a small volume relative to surface area, thereby increasing efficient transport

autotrophs and heterotrophs

all organisms are classified into two general trophic groups, what are they?


american cotton is generally best described as


an organism has a G+C content of 64% in its DNA. How much T would you expect

an open system

an organism that can exchange matter and energy with its surroundings

microfilaments or actin filaments

are important for some types of cell movement e.g. muscle contraction

euploid, triploid and monosomy

are not examples of cells that have 9 chromosomes


assembled from tubulin dimers


avery, macleod, and mccarty used _______ to demonstrate griffiths transforming property was

phospholipids and proteins

bacterial plasma membranes are composed mainly of ?


birds exhibit what mode of sex determination


by the end of glycolysis, a six-carbon glucose molecule is converted to two three-carbon molecules of?

dideoxyribose nucleotide

chain termination sequencing relies on a special nucleotide that is a


changes the position of DNA sequences on a single chromosome without changing the amount of genetic material


consists of a 5 carbon ring


cytosine and uracil are?


decreases the amount of genetic material for all chromosomes

crossovers within an inversion loop

dicentric chromatids are generally the product of

to mix the pathogens with strong hydrolytic enzymes and destroy them

during an infection, white blood cells travel to the infected site and phagocytize the pathogens. After, phagocytosis, primary lysosomes fuse with the phagocytic vesicle to form a larger vesicle called secondary lysosome. The reason for this is?


each complete turn of dsDNA has hoe many bases in each chain

of the very short wavelengths of electron beams used instead of light

electron microscopes have a much higher resolution than either the human eye or any light microscope because?


energy stores within the molecules of ATP is in the form of what kind of energy?

1. variation by mutation 2. ability to replicate 3. ability to code information 4. ability to be passed on though generations

four characteristics that are required for a molecule to serve as genetic material


gene families such as human hemoglobin loci, are considered to have been important in evolution of many species and are though to have resulted from?

aneuploid and trisomy

give examples of karyotyped somatic cells that are found to have 9 chromosomes

no difference would have occurred

if RNA were the universal genetic material how would it have affected the hershey chase experiment

RNAse would have eliminated transformation

if RNA, were the universal genetic material, how would it have affected the outcome of the Avery, Macleod, Mccarty experiment


if _______ had appeared in the progeny of the hershey/chase experiment, they would have concluded that this was the genetic material.


if double stranded DNA molecule contains 10% T. What would you expect G to be?

phosphodiester bonds

in DNA, the linkage between the 5" carbon to the next 3' carbon involves


in a lipid bi layer _______ fatty acid tails face each other within the bi layer and form a region that excludes water

oxidized to carbon dioxide

in aerobic respiration, glucose is completely?


individuals with Klinefelters syndrome are males with ___ chromosomes

pericentric inversion

inversions that includes the centromere; heterozygotes produce recombinant nonviable gametes that are unbalanced

catabolic reactions

involves the breakdown of large organic molecules to simples building blocks


large molecular aggregates (particles) composed of proteins and rRNA

no crossing over

male fruitflies are very special creatures for one thing they have?

homologous chromosomes

meiotic non disjunction usually occurs during Meiosis 1. This results immediately in the failure of separation of what?


molecular genotyping using PCR works well because the genetic markers (alleles) exhibit what mode of inheritance


moves DNA from one chromosome to a non homologous chromosome


nondisjunction during anaphase 1 of meiosis produces gametes that when fertilized by a normal haploid gamete generally produces _____ and _____

ribosomal subunit assembly

nucleolus is the site of

Klinefeiters syndrome

one case involves a human male that is having difficulty fathering children. inintial genetic tests indicate that he is 2N=47 and that a Barr body is present. What does this mean?


polyploid condition which is formed from the addition of one or more extra sets of chromosomes identical to the normal haploid complement of the same species is


prokaryotic cell is least likely to possess?

number 1 carbon

purines are attached to deoxyribose

facilitated diffusion

requires a transmembrane protein

double stranded RNA

the base composition of a virus was analyzed and found to be 14% A, 14% U, 36% G, and 36% C, what is the genetic material made of?

base, sugar, phosphate

the basi structure of a nucleotide includes the following components


the c-value paradox arises from the observation that higher level organisms have smaller genome sizes than expected


the concept that humans could be bettered by application of selective breeding was first formalized by?

deletion on chromosome 5

the condition known as cri-du-chat syndrome in humans results from

20 A wide

the double helix measures


the form of DNA described in Watson crick model

fluid mosaic model

the lateral movement of lipids and integral proteins within the lipid bi layer

taylor woods and hughes

used faba beans to provide evidence for dna replication is semi- conservative

triploidy 3N




avery, maclead, mccarty

DNAse, RNAse, and Protease were key components of the genetic experiments conducted by

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