Biology 《5》《1》

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According to scripture, all known occurrences in a laboratory of the Earth...

...have shown that each kind of organism is limited to reproducing a similar kind

The probability of a yellow-seed plant (YY) forming a Y gamete is... becuase the principle of segregation - one... of each gene pair goes to a...;it only has "Y" alelles.

100 %...alelle...gamete

What year did Mendel publish the results of his 7 year study on cross breeding of his garden peas?


F2 Generation

2nd filial generation; the 2nd generation resulting from interbreeding or fertilization from other F1 members.

How many of Mendel's strains of peas were pure in preparation for hybridization experiments?



A "threadlike" molecule in the nucleus, composed of DNA. A chromosome possesses one allele for a given trait, therefore chromosomes occur in pairs. Each originates from the male and female gamete (parent)


A gene or trait which is masked when a dominant allele is present.


A genetic characteristic of the individual.


A giant molecule consisting of the sugar deoxyribose, phosphates and nitrogen bases; contains the coded genetic information

The genotype represents

A paired combination of genes

Pure bred

A phenotype (trait) resulting from HOMOZYGOUS genes from the offspring of true breeding


A portion of DNA which codes a specific hereditary trait


A reproductive cell produced by the male or female parent, which contains the haploid number of chromosomes


Alternative forms for a specific gene. (either dominant or recessive)


An offspring from a cross between parents which has different phenotypes for a specific trait


During Meta phase 1 the 2 pairs of cromatids of the homologous pair of chromosomes come together. Crossing-over can occur at this time.

The seeds collected from the 1st generation monohybrids are called?

F1 or hybrid

F1 generation

First filial generation; the first generation from a given cross.


In a pair of genes, one may prevent the alelle from being expressed.

Heterozygous 《Rr》

Refers to a pair of genes for a specific trait in an organism which are different

Homozygous 《RR》

Refers to a pair of genes in an organism which are identical in the way they influence a trait.

monohybrid cross

The breeding of two organisms which differ in a single trait.


The genes present in an organism

self fertilization

The organism, Which possesses both male and female gametes, brings the 2 genetically identical gametes together to produce offspring.


The outward appearance of the organism which is the product of gene action

P1 generation

The parental generation for a given cross

Why did Mendel prevent his plants from self pollinating?

To control the crossing of the traits


Transfer of pollen, male gamete, in plants to the stigma which contains the female gamete


Variation from the predicted values

A monohybrid cross is made between plants:

Which differ in only one trait

Each trait characteristic of a plant is determined by...

a pair of genes

The characteristic which resulted from a mono hybrid cross is the....trait


Mendel would select flowers of plants with the desired trait and would...

dust the pollen from the stamen of one plant onto the pistil of the other plant.

The controlling influence which produced distinct ratios of traits was called... By Mendel and are known today as...


each P1 parent of a monohybrid cross has completely identical genes


The outward appearance of a particular trait is called the


In addition to covering each pea plant to prevent pollination from other pea plants in his garden, what did Mendel do to prevent self pollination?

remove the stamen

The reduction of a gene pair to an alelle during the formation of a gamete is called the principle of....


Mendel's 1st principle, the principle of... states that in the process of forming gametes, the inheritance factors for any trait always....


true - breeding

the process of crossing two organsisms. both having homozygous genes for the same trait, i.e. (ZZ) or (zz).

Genes are located on chromosomes


Pea plants normally self-pollinate


genes are located on chromosomes


genes exist in PAIRS in all cells EXCEPT the gametes.


Gregor Mendel was not a respected, professional scientist....

who introduced the science of biology.

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