Biology Unit 2

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Habitat is best described as:

the local environment in which a species lives.

Ctenophores capture food:

using adhesive glue cells that trap prey

Ctenophores capture food:

using adhesive glue cells that trap prey.

The most unique feature of the echinoderms is their:

water vascular system.

How is the pollen of pine trees primarily disseminated?


Which is a unique adaptation in insects not found in any other arthropod?


Which of the following is a characteristic shared between green algae and plants?

Chlorophylls a and b in plastids

Members of the phylum ____ are the simplest organisms with a separate mouth and anus.


The primary reason that Earth experiences seasons is because of the:

Earth's tilt on its axis.

Movable spines are found on ____ of the phylum Echinodermata.


Which of the following is NOT an adaptation needed for living on land?

External respiratory surfaces

A gemma is a sexual reproductive structure produced by certain liverworts.


The nervous system develops from the endoderm.


Maxillae are used to bite and grind food.

False - Mandibles

Which of the following is a vascular plant?


Which of the following explains why fewer animals live in freshwater than in the ocean?

Freshwater is generally hypotonic to tissue fluids.

Which of the following phyla is unusual, as it is composed of a single species?


The event in human history that changed the natural balance of the carbon cycle was the:

Industrial Revolution

Which class of animals has the largest number of species?


___ is the least frequent of the dispersal patterns seen in nature.

Random dispersion

An example of mutualism is:

Rhizobium and legumes.

___ begins in an area where there was a preexisting community and well-formed soil.

Secondary succession

Which is a characteristic of tapeworms?

Tapeworms have bodies that consist of hundreds of reproductive segments.

Echinoderms' radial symmetry enables which of the following?

The ability to respond effectively in every direction of their surrounding environment

Which of the following is characteristic of flatworms?

They are acoelomate (have no body cavity).

How do leeches differ from other annelids?

They do not have setae or parapodia.

Which is a characteristic of all annelids?

They have a segmented body.

Why are mosses and liverworts limited in size?

They lack vascular tissues.

How are bacteria important to the genus Rhizobium?

They provide fixed nitrogen to legumes.

What is the function of the phloem in plants?

To transport dissolved sugars

Animals share a common origin with choanoflagellates.


Convergent evolution resulted in placental and marsupial mammals with similar structural features.


Malpighian tubules are used for excretion.


The most closely related animal to vertebrates are the:


The most diverse, successful, and familiar group of plants today are the:


The most diverse, successful, and familiar group of plants today are the:


The sac fungi Ascomycetes are characterized by sexual reproductive structures called:


Refer to the accompanying figure. The structures labeled as 1 are used for:


As adults, ____ are the only sessile crustaceans whose external anatomy is completely different than its fellow crustaceans.


An elongate uniramid with many legs as well as poison claws is known as a(n):


The cell walls of fungi are composed of:


Hermaphroditic earthworms reproduce sexually by connecting their bodies by their ____. This allows transfer of ____ from one worm to the other.

clitellum; sperm

In cnidarians, nematocysts are housed within why type of specialized cell?


In plants, the fertilized egg develops into a multicellular ____ (young plant) within a female gametangium.


Lancelets are:

filter feeders.

A linear depiction of energy flow in an ecosystem is a(n):

food chain.

As a seed develops from an ovule, the ovule wall enlarges and develop into a:


As a seed develops from an ovule, the ovule wall enlarges and develops into a:


The ____ niche is the broadest role that an organism can potentially have in a community.


What are the multicellular sex organs in plants?


What is the structure labeled as A in the accompanying figure?

gametangium of an alga

What is the structure labeled as 1 in the accompanying figure?


El Niño-Southern Oscillation has resulted in:

global weather changes.

Members of the ____ are thought to have given rise to plants.

green algae

Hagfishes are differentiated from lampreys and all other fishes in that:

hagfishes lack vertebrae.

One characteristic of the class Holothuroidea is that they:

have a reduced endoskeleton consisting of microscopic plates embedded in the body wall.

Black bread mold is ____, which means that it can't self-fertilize.


Many seedless plants produce spores of one morphological type, which is referred to as:


A plant with parallel veins and floral parts in threes or multiples of three would be classified as a:


Within the phylum Cnidaria, corals are most closely related to which organism?

sea anemones

The logistic equation:

takes into account the carrying capacity of the environment.

What two abiotic factors are considered to most affect organisms?

temperature and water

Net primary productivity represents:

the amount of biomass in excess of that needed to support plant cell respiration.

During the cycling of phosphorus, phosphorus does not enter ____ in appreciable amounts.

the atmosphere

An exoskeleton is a characteristic of an echinoderm.


Echinoderms are characterized by bilateral symmetry in adults, a water vascular system, tube feet, and spiny skin.


Members of phylum Arthropoda have paired, jointed appendages.


Biologists agree that ancestors of ray-finned fishes gave rise to tetrapods.


Competition between species 1 and species 2 is beneficial for species 1 and harmful for species 2.


Echinoderms are related to vertebrates because the first opening to develop becomes the mouth.


In plants, sporogenous cells divide by mitosis to form spores.


The lowermost and outermost whorl on a floral shoot consists of petals.


The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is oxygen.


Ascomycetes reproduce sexually by forming:


Which step of the nitrogen cycle is not performed by most bacteria?


The club fungi typically reproduce by producing:


The technical name of most mushrooms that we eat are:


Which is a characteristic shared between green algae and plants?

chlorophylls a and b in plastids

You find a protist that has a single flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli. You correctly conclude that this organism is a(n):


The ____ generation is dominant in mosses, as it can live independently.

haploid gametophyte

The nervous system of many species of flatworms

is a "ladder-type."

Most mollusks are:


A plant with parallel veins and floral parts in threes or multiples of three would be classified as a:


Most conifers have separate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. This condition is referred to as:


Most reptiles are ____ and their fertilization is ____.

oviparous; internal

The female gametophyte generation in angiosperms is found in the:

ovule of the ovary.

One characteristic of class Bivalvia is that they:

possess two shells with a hinge.

Which pair best represents photosynthetic organisms?

primary producer and autotroph

Which characteristic best describes vertebrates?

vertebral column

Which unicellular fungus is probably in most kitchens?


Club mosses belong to the phylum Bryophyta.


The wide adaptive radiation of mammals occurred during the early ____ era.


What would be the growth rate (r) of an island population of 1000 that has 30 births per 100 population, 20 death per 100 population, 5 immigrants per 100 population, and 10 emigrants per 100 population?


Refer to the accompanying figure. Which label denotes the nerve cord?


Arrange the following from the ecosystem with the smallest average NPP to the ecosystems with the largest NPP. 1) lake 2) savannah 3) estuary 4) tropical rain forest 5) open ocean

5, 1, 2, 3, 4

There are about ____ identified species of vertebrates.


In the accompanying figure, which label designates the structures largely responsible for attracting potential pollinators?


About ____ species of birds have been described.


Which scenario best describes facilitation?

A species interaction that modifies and enhances the local environment for other species

The coelacanth is found in the class:


What is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in plants?


Which statement about mycorrhizae is FALSE?

Arbuscular mycorrhizae are extracellular.

Which of the following statements about arthropods is FALSE?

Arthropods have an incomplete digestive tract.

A frog that lacks chemical defenses, yet resembles a poison arrow frog, would exhibit:

Batesian mimicry.

Which statement about biomass is FALSE?

Biomass reduction from one trophic level to the next is approximately 50%.

Which country would be expected to have the greatest species richness per unit area?


_________________ are divided into three distinct phyla: mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Correct!


Hellbenders are members of the order:


Which statement best describes a lophophore?

It is a ciliated ring of tentacles surrounding the mouth.

Tawny owls (Strix aluco) pair-bond for life, with both members of a pair living and hunting in adjacent, well-defined territories. Their reproduction is regulated in accordance with the resources, especially the food supply, present in their territories. Tawny owls can best described as:

K strategists.

Which is a differentiating characteristic of land plants from green algae?

Land plants have a waxy cuticle.

The two groups representing the "jawless" fishes are:

Myxini and Petromyzontida.

Which phylum does the life cycle in the accompanying figure represent?

Phylum Ascomycota

What is the structure labeled as 9 in the accompanying figure?


An animal found in the rocky intertidal zone has eight overlapping plates and is tightly adhering to the rock with a muscular foot. This animal is most likely a member of the class:


I am characterized by having a test and axopods. Who am I?


What ecosystem has the highest rate of primary productivity?

algal beds and reefs

A community consists of ____ species in a given area.


Plants that have a distinct haploid stage and diploid stage exhibit:

alternation of generations.

What is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in plants?


One true characteristic of all animals is that they:

are heterotrophs.

Density-independent factors:

are typically abiotic.

Which of the below are living descendants of the dinosaurs?


Which is an example of a member of phylum Zygomycota?

black bread mold

Lungs first evolved in which group?

bony fishes

Gas exchange in arachnids takes place by tracheal tubes, ____, or both.

book lungs

Yeasts reproduce asexually by:


Sea stars are primarily


Placoid scales are found on:

cartilaginous fishes.

After embryonic development, members of the phylum Rotifera are incapable of:

cell division

Which pair of words is incorrectly matched?

coelom—nο body cavity

Fungi that lack septa are called:


During ____ between predator and prey species, the predatory species becomes more efficient at catching prey, while the prey species becomes better at escaping predators.


Sponges are believed to have arisen from the choanoflagellates because they possess:

collar cell

Sponges are believed to have arisen from the choanoflagellates because they possess:

collar cells

Traditionally, most ecologists have assumed that community stability is a consequence of:

community complexity.

The realized niche for the green anole was determined by:


A nauplius larva is characteristic of:


A nauplius larva is characteristic of:


Which factors are an example of a negative feedback system?

density dependent

Alternation of generations in plants refers to the alternation of:

diploid and haploid stages.

Within the chordate classes, the unique characteristic of the class Aves is:


Refer to the accompanying figure. What is the structure labeled as 9?

feeding polyp

The Portuguese man-of-war is a colony of hundreds to thousands of:


A ____ is a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi.


A hypha is a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi.


A flower that has sepals, petals, and stamens, but lacks carpels, is known as:

incomplete and imperfect.

In a population characterized by type III survivorship, the probability of survival ____ with age.


Where does digestion in a sponge takes place?

individual cells

The body wall of cnidarians and ctenophores consist of:

inner and outer cell layers separated by a jelly-like mesoglea

Competitive exclusion is a result of:

interspecific competition.

The phylum name Arthropoda refers to:

jointed appendages.

Urochordates are odd chordates, as typically only the ____ show(s) the basic chordate characteristics.


Reduction in ____ growth is used as a sensitive indicator of air pollution.


One reason that the realized niche and fundamental niche are not typically the same is:

limiting resources.

Pseudopodia are used by Amoeba for ingesting food as well as for:


Segmentation is important in annelids as an aid in:


Most mollusks are:


What do the large female cones of a pine tree contain?


In the accompanying figure, what process is occurring at point Process B?


The ____ gives rise to muscles, bones, and the circulatory system.


An example of both chemical protection and coevolution can be seen in:

milkweeds and monarch caterpillars.

Arthropods with mandibles, a single pair of antennae, and two legs on most body segments are:


Segmentation in arthropods differs from that of annelids because arthropod segments are:

more specialized.

Sea stars eat:

mostly crustaceans and mollusks.

In most protostomes, the blastopore develops into the:


The main steps of the nitrogen cycle are:

nitrogen fixation, nitrification, assimilation, ammonification, and dinitrification.

Most fungal spores are ____ reproductive cells that are produced ____.

nonmotile; sexually or asexually

Nitrogen is a critical requirement for living organisms because it is a component of:

nucleic acids and proteins.

The best definition of population density is the number of individuals:

of one species in a given area at a given time.

About __________ of the total energy the sun releases strikes the atmosphere.


A food web is a more realistic depiction than a food chain because:

organisms rarely eat just one kind of food.

Which term can be applied to both monotremes and sharks?


Which of the following terms is associated with polychaetes?


An example of a density-dependent factor that influences the size of a population is:


In a parasitic relationship where the host contracts a disease and sometimes dies, the parasite is called a(n):


Iteroparity is common in which of the following organisms?

perennial herbaceous plants

Which nutrient cycle does not have a gaseous phase?

phosphorus cycle

Fixation of carbon is accomplished by:

photosynthetic organisms.

The larvae of some cnidarians are known as ____ larvae.


Which process marks the start of the dikaryotic stage (n + n) in the fungal reproductive cycle?


Which of the following series correctly represents the hierarchical organization within ecology?

population → community → ecosystem → biosphere

Determinate cleavage takes place in ____ and is characterized by a pattern of development where the ultimate fate of each cell is ____.

protostomes; fixed early in the developmental process

Deuterostomes are characterized by ____ and ____ cleavage.

radial; indeterminate

Which of the following is an adaptation that enables cephalopods to escape from their predators?

rapidly changing colors

Species richness is ____ when any one species enjoys a position of dominance.


In which group did the amniotic egg first evolve?


Which are the animals with a crown of cilia that look like a spinning wheel?


Which is critical to polychaete and oligochaete locomotion?


Angiosperms have ____ in their phloem.

sieve tube elements

Most arachnids have ____ pair(s) of jointed appendages.


The intermediate host for a blood fluke is a:


Surplus individuals in the ____ disperse and find another habitat in which to settle and reproduce.

source habitats

Which arthropod has chelicerae, pedipalps, and silk glands?


Which of the mollusks have a closed circulatory system?


What specialized structure do crustaceans use to sense gravity?


The idea that older, more stable habitats have greater species richness than habitats subjected to frequent, widespread disturbances is known as:

the time hypothesis.

Gas exchange in terrestrial insects is accomplished through:

the use of tracheae

What is the purpose of protonephridia in flatworms?

to regulate fluid balance

The ____ are very common arthropod Paleozoic fossils, and are extinct today.


The endosperm of an angiosperm seed is typically:

triploid (3n).

The diverse body plans seen in animals apparently developed during the:

Cambrian period.

Why are seeds reproductively superior to spores?

Seeds contain a young plant and also are protected by a seed coat.

Members of the Ecdysozoa clade are characterized by having a cuticle.


The ____ of an earthworm allows them to resist desiccation in terrestrial environments.


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