Brooker Genetics, Chapters 9-10, 16-21, 24

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Which correctly describes F factors?

"F factor" is short for "fertility factor". If present, that cell can act as a donor. After it is transferred by conjugation, the recipient cell becomes F+.

transformation in bacteria

......type of bacterial recombination (create genetic diversity) in which bacteria take up DNA from their environment. These DNA remnants most commonly come from dead bacterial cells. During transformation, the bacterium binds the DNA and transports it across the bacterial cell membrane. The new DNA is then incorporated into the bacterial cell's DNA.


A genetic element that can replicate independently of the chromosomal DNA but also can integrate into chromosomal DNA


A group of two or more genes under the transcriptional control of a single promoter.

natural transformation

A natural process that has evolved in certain bacteria in which they can take up extracellular DNA

virulent phage

A phage that reproduces only by a lytic cycle.


A sequence of bases that provides a binding site for a repressor protein


A sequence of bases that signals the beginning of transcription.


A small effector molecule that causes transcription to increase.

competence factor

A species-specific secreted bacterial protein that induces competence for transformation

host cell DNA

A transducing phage contains ___

lytic cycle

A type of viral (phage) replication cycle resulting in the release of new phages by lysis (and death) of the host cell.

epigenetic inheritance

An epigenetic change that is passed from parent to offspring is said to show ____

artificial transformation

An unnatural process in which the bacterial cells are forced to take up DNA

1, 2, 3

Arrange the following in the proper order in which they occur during glucocorticoid hormone action. 1. Binding of hormone to receptor 2. Release of HSP90 proteins 3. Entry of hormone into the nucleus

Transcription, Translation, Posttranslation

Arrange the steps of the regulation of gene expression in bacteria into the correct sequence.

Conjugation in bacteria

Bacterial cells can join together and pass plasmid DNA from one bacterial cell to another. This process can take place between bacteria of different species and is of concern in terms of passing plasmid-located genes for antibiotic resistance.

Transduction in bacteria

DNA is transferred from a donor cell to a recipient via a bacteriophage

Degradative plasmids

Enable the bacterium to digest and utilize an unusual substance

can be a part of

Environmental epigenetic changes occur as the result of environmental factors and ____________ normal development.

histone acetyltransferase

Enzymes which acetylate the positively charged lysines within the core histone proteins.

is part of

Epigenetic changes that occur during development occur in some cells and the pattern of modification ____ development.


Epigenetics refers to the phenomenon where traits can be inherited through ______ changes in DNA.

F' factors

F factors that carry portions of the bacterial chromosome are called

steroid; endocrine

Glucocorticoids are ________ hormones secreted by ________ glands.

binds to an intracellular receptor to form a complex that then acts as a transcription factor

How does a steroid hormone exert its effect upon a cell?


In DNA replication, the methylation pattern is ____

(RNA) splicing

In eukaryotes mRNAs are frequently processed by capping, polyA addition, and


In eukaryotes, methyl groups are added to the ___ residues

attach specifically to host cell receptors

In regard to virus entry into a cell, viral spikes______

introns, exons

In splicing ___ are removed and ___ ligated together to help create a mature mRNA.


Methylation usually results in the ___ on transcription

exo- and endonucleases

RNA degradation occurs by the activity of ____

post-transcriptional but pre-translational level.

RNA interference is a mechanism for silencing gene expression at the

Why do yeast genes with a single intron have essentially no alternative splicing?

Removal of a single intron only leads to one possible outcome for spliced mRNA.

DNA methyltransferase

The enzymes that add the methyl groups are known as


The lac repressor binds to what site within the lac operon?

chromatin remodeling, methylation, histone modification

The molecular mechanisms that underlie epigenetics include ____, DNA ___, covalent____, localization of histone variants, and feedback loop.

nonhomologous recombination

The process by which DNA that is not similar to a region of DNA in the bacterial chromosome is incorporated into the bacterial chromosome

homologous recombination

The process by which DNA that is similar to a region of DNA in the bacterial chromosome is incorporated into the bacterial chromosome


The protein ________ acts as an endonuclease in the first step of RNA interference.


The residues that precede the ___ genes are typically not methylated.


Viral DNA integrated in a bacterium


Viral DNA integrated in a eukaryotic cell


Which amino acid(s) are acetylated in histones?


Which of the following is not a common post-translational modification that occurs to histones?

Removal of a single intron leads to splicing of the poly-A tail which prevents further splicing.

Why do yeast genes with a single intron have essentially no alternative splicing?

to prevent degradation of DNA by exonucleases

Why is it important to restore displaced histones to the DNA following transcription?

temperate phage

a phage that is capable of replicating by either a lytic or lysogenic cycle

lac repressor

a protein that binds to the operator site of the lac operon and inhibits transcription


a regulatory protein that binds to an operator (DNA) and blocks transcription


a regulatory protein that increases the rate of transcription

Allosteric regulation is accomplished by

a small molecule that fits into a site on the enzyme that is not the active site.

Fertility plasmids (F factors)

allow bacteria to share genes by proximity/mate


are found in many short-lived mRNAs

methyl-CpG-binding proteins

bind methylated sequences

Competent cells are cells that

can take up DNA from their surrounding environment and integrate it into their own chromosomes by recombination.

Virulence plasmids

carry genes that cause disease

combinatorial control

combination of many factors determines the expression of any given gene

Resistance plasmids (R plasmids)

confer resistance to antibiotics or other growth inhibitors

When glucose is present (lac operon)

cyclic AMP is low, CAP does not bind to the activator binding site, and transcription is turned off

Col plasmids

encode colicins that can kill neighboring bacteria


how many promoters are in an operon?

polyA tail, 3'

mRNA stability can be controlled by the length of the ____ and sequences in the ___ untranslated region


mRNA stability is ____ when the polyA tail is longer

de novo methylation

methylation of DNA that was previously unmethylated


phage remains latent

DNA methyltransferase

the enzyme that attaches methyl groups to the number 5 position of adenine or cytosine bases

very different

the half lives of mRNAs that code for different proteins are _______

histone code hypothesis

the hypothesis that the pattern of histone modification acts much like a language or code in specifying alterations in chromatin structure.

feedback inhibition

the inhibition of the first enzyme in the pathway by the final product of the pathway.

maintenance methylation

the methylation of hemimethylated DNA following DNA replication by DNA methyltransferase, making it fully methylated

maintenance methylation

the most common form of methylation is ____

One definition of epigenetics would be

the study of reversible mechanisms that lead to changes in gene expression that do not involve changes in DNA sequence.

Horizontal gene transfer can include

when a gene is acquired from another species., conjugation, transduction, transformation

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