BUSL chapter 20

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Which of the following is not considered an agent's right or remedy against a principal?

A right to demand ratification

Which of the following is not an agent's right or remedy against the principal?

A right to indemnification

______ notice of the termination of an agency relationship is given when third parties are directly informed.


______ is generally defined as a relationship between a principal and an agent.


Identify an incorrect statement about liability for an agent's or an employee's intentional or negligent acts.

An agent is personally immune from liability for any tortious acts he or she commits in the course and scope of the agency.

Which of the following is an incorrect statement about an employer-employee relationship?

An employee is also known as an independent contractor.

Which of the following is true of an independent contractor?

An independent contractor is not an employee.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding whether a principal can be held liable for the torts of an independent contractor?

An individual who hires an independent contractor cannot be liable for the contractor's tortious actions under the doctrine of respondeat superior.

______ agency exists when a third party reasonably believes, on the basis of a principal's actions, that an agency relationship exists between the principal and another individual.


______ allows a principal to nullify any contract an agent negotiated.


______ notice of the termination of an agency relationship is most frequently delivered through publication in a generally circulating newspaper for the area where the agency agreement existed.


Various ways to end an agency relationship include all but which of the following?

Creation of a subrogation interest

Which of the following is an event that will result in the termination of an agency relationship by operation of law?

Death of the principal

Which of the following is not a way in which an agency relationship can be terminated by the acts of the parties involved?

Declaratory judgment

Courts consider all but which of the following elements in determining whether an act has occurred within the course and scope of employment?

Did the employer receive employee benefits regularly?

In the context of tort liability and agency relationships, which of the following is an incorrect statement?

If an agent commits a tort that injures a third party, his or her principal cannot be held liable for the agent's actions.

Which of the following is not an event that will result in the termination of an agency relationship by operation of law?

Insolvency of an independent contractor

Which of the following is an incorrect statement about a durable power of attorney?

It is a type of implied authority.

Which of the following is not a way in which an agency relationship can be terminated by the acts of the parties involved?

Judgment notwithstanding the verdict

Which of the following is an incorrect statement regarding whether a principal can be held liable if an agent misrepresents himself or herself to a third party?

Misrepresentation liability depends on whether the agent was acting in the scope of employment.

The avenues for creating agency include a form of authority that attaches to that type of agency. Which of the following is not one of these avenues?


Which of the following is not included in a principal's main rights and remedies against an agent?


Which of the following forms of authorities does not form the basis for the creation of an agency relationship?


______ is a Latin phrase meaning "let the superior speak."

Respondeat superior

The ______ defines agency as "the fiduciary relation that results from the manifestation of consent by one person to another that the other shall act in his behalf and subject to his control."

Restatement of Agency

Which of the following is not a way to terminate an agency relationship?

Strict equity liability

An agent has the authority to buy antiques on behalf of his or her principal. The principal dies without the knowledge of the agent, and the agent continues to purchase items on behalf of the principal. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding whether the transactions after the principal's death are binding on the principal's estate?

Such transactions are not binding on the principal's estate.

The avenues for creating agency include a form of authority that attaches to that type of agency. Which of the following is not part of these avenues?

Symbolic agency

______ establishes specific standards for a safe working environment, and if an employer violates these standards, the employer may be subject to fines.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

Which of the following is true about an agent's duty of accounting to the principal?

The agent cannot allow the principal's funds and the agent's funds to mix.

Which of the following is not required for agency by ratification to be effective?

The agent must act on behalf of the principal pursuant to a fully executed power of attorney.

Smith contracts someone to act as her agent to sell a painting she found in her great-aunt's attic. Smith authorizes the agent to sell the painting for $1,000. In the course of showing the painting to several buyers, the agent learns the painting is a Van Gogh original that is worth much more than $1,000. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the agency?

The agent should infer that the principal does not want the original agency to continue.

Which of the following is an incorrect statement regarding liability for an agent's or an employee's intentional or negligent acts?

The principal cannot be liable for negligent hiring even if he or she fails to do a background check to learn about the tendencies of potential employees.

Which of the following is required for agency by ratification?

The principal must accept the agent's unauthorized act.

Which of the following statements is true about the tort and contract remedies available to an agent when a principal violates an agency agreement?

These remedies are the same as standard tort and contract remedies.

Which of the following is not the principal's duty to the agent?

To be loyal to the agent

The principal's duties to the agent include all but which of the following?

To obey the agent

Which of the following is not an agent's duty to a principal?

To ratify the principal

When an agent demands a(n) ______, he or she may withhold further performance of his or her duties until his or her principal supplies appropriate accounting data.


When an agent feels he or she is not being properly compensated by the principal, the agent may demand a(n) ______.


If a third party reasonably believes on the basis of a principal's actions that an agent has authority to represent the principal, the principal must uphold any agreements made with the agent, who has ______ authority.


A power of ______ is a document that gives an agent authority to sign legal documents on behalf of the principal.


Tyler hires Ryan to apply stucco to the walls of her house. After Ryan was hired, the city council passes a law making it illegal to use stucco as an exterior surface of a house. The new law ______.

automatically terminates the agency agreement

When an agency relationship exists through a contract and the agent breaches the agreement or his fiduciary duties, the principal may use his or her right of ______.


In the context of contractual liability to third parties for authorized acts of an agent, if a principal is undisclosed, ______.

both the principal and the agent are liable

Agency relationships are ______ relationships.


When a principal is classified as a ______ principal, a third party is aware that an agent is making an agreement on behalf of the principal.


Apparent agency is also known as agency by ______.


A(n) ______ is a person who has a duty to act primarily for another person's benefit.


An attorney is a ______ for his or her client.


The Restatement of Agency defines agency as "the ______ relation that results from the manifestation of consent by one person to another that the other shall act in his behalf and subject to his control."


When an agent agrees to act on behalf of a principal, the agent is a(n) ______, a person in a position of trust and confidence and, as such, owes certain duties to the principal.


When an agency agreement fails to adhere to the equal dignity rule, the subsequent contracts are typically considered voidable by the principal. This rule is based on the statute of ______.


If an agent makes a substantial departure from the course of his or her employer's business, the employer is not liable. Courts often refer to a substantial departure as a(n) "______ of his or her own."


A ______ agent is one who acts without consideration.


An agent's _______ authority is derived from an agent's express authority and consists of what is reasonably necessary for carrying out the agent's grant of express authority.


Agents enter into contracts with third parties on behalf of a principal. If a third party believes that the agent is acting with actual or apparent authority, he or she may sue the principal for any breach of contract. However, when the breach was caused by the agent's negligence, the principal has a right to ______.


When sued by a third party for any breach of contract, a principal may sue his or her agent to recover the amount assessed to the third party if the breach is the agent's fault. This is known as the principal's right of ______.


A worker is a specialist who completes work without supervision. This indicates that the worker is an ______.

independent contractor

A(n) ______ is a person who is hired to perform a task for another but who is not the other's employee.

independent contractor

If a worker is paid when the job is completed, the worker is considered a(n) ______.

independent contractor

If either the principal or the agent dies, the agency relationship ______.

is automatically terminated

If an independent contractor engages in extremely hazardous activities, such as blasting operations, for his or her principal, the principal ______.

is responsible for any damages caused by the independent contractor

Apparent agency is an agency relationship created by operation of ______ when one party, by his or her actions, causes a third party to believe someone is his or her agent when that person actually has no authority.


An agency relation can only be create for a _______ purpose.


Courts suggest that the duty of ______ is perhaps the most important duty an agent owes to a principal.


The duty of ______ is an agent's obligation to act in the interest of a principal.


Elizabeth chooses Ben as her agent to buy furniture for her new apartment. Once the furniture has been bought, the agency relationship ______.

most likely terminates

If an agent makes a substantial departure from the course of his or her employer's business, the employer is ______ liable.


Agents have to communicate offers from third parties and any information the agents think could be important to principals. This refers to the duty of ______.


The duty of ______ is an agent's obligation to inform the principal of the agent's actions on the principal's behalf and of all relevant information.


If an agent makes an agreement that is not authorized by the principal, the agent has failed to meet the duty of ______.


The duty of ______ is an agent's obligation to perform the duties specified in the agency agreement with the principal and to do so with reasonable skill and care.


In the context of an agent's apparent authority, to be estopped means to be ______.

prevented from acting

A ______ hires an agent to represent him or her.


A ______ is the party that an agent's authority can bind or act on behalf of.


An agent is authorized to act for and on behalf of a(n) ______.


The ______ relationship is the most basic type of agency relationship.


The doctrine of respondeat superior is used in the context of the ______ relationship.


When an employer hires an employee to enter into contracts on behalf of the employer, a ______ relationship typically exists.


Agency is generally defined as a relationship between a(n) ______ and a(n) ______.

principal; agent

The duty of ______ and ______ refers to a principal's obligation to reimburse an agent for any expenses or losses incurred by the agent on the principal's behalf.

reimbursement; indemnification

In the same way that a principal terminates an agency relationship by ______ an agent's authority, the agent can terminate the agency relationship by ______ the authority given to the agent.

revoking; renouncing

Typically an agent cannot represent a principal and a third party at the ______ time.


Given that an agent is the one who benefits, an agency coupled with an interest is also known as "power given as ______."


When a contract exists and a principal agrees to certain conditions but fails to perform, under contract remedies the agent may seek court assistance in forcing the principal to perform the contract as stipulated. This is known as the agent's right to demand ______.

specific performance

When an agency relationship is not contractual or the contract is for personal services, an agent does not have the right to seek ______.

specific performance

Agency law is primarily _______ law.


If the principal or the agent files a bankruptcy petition, the agency relationship is generally ______.


When a new law is passed subsequent to the formation of an agency agreement that makes the commission of the agency agreement illegal, the agency agreement is ______.


If it is impossible for the agent to perform duties for the principal, the agency agreement ______.


Agency by implied authority is based on ______.

the conduct of the parties involved

In the context of contractual liability to third parties for authorized acts of an agent, if a principal is disclosed, ______.

the principal is liable but the agent is not

Generally employees are agents of _________.

their employers

The duty ______ is a principal's obligation to provide an agent with proper equipment, suitable premises, and a secure working environment in accordance with federal and state statutes.

to provide safe working conditions

A principal whose existence is not known by a third party is called a(n) ______ principal.


If a third party does not know an agent is acting on behalf of a principal, the principal is classified as a(n) ______ principal.


A partially disclosed principal is also known as a(n) ______ principal.


Proposed changes to the _____ intend to increase the minimum salary required for overtime exemption for administrative and professional employees in the United States from $23,660 a year to $47,476.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Which of the following elements is not considered by courts in determining whether an act has occurred within the course and scope of employment?

For how long has the employee been employed by the employer?

A principal's main rights and remedies against an agent include all but which of the following?

Gifts causa mortis

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the effect of lapse of time on agency relationships?

If an agency agreement specifies that the agency exists for a certain time, the relationship ends when the amount of time expires.

In the context of tort liability and agency relationships, which of the following is an accurate statement?

If an employee tortiously injures a third party and the employer controls the employee's behavior, the employer can be held liable for the tort.

Which of the following forms of authorities does not form the basis for the creation of an agency relationship?

Illusory agency

______ authority is the authority of an agent that arises by inference from the words and actions of the principal.


In the context of agency, identify a true statement about the relationship between express authority and implied authority.

Implied authority cannot conflict with any express authority.

Which of the following is an incorrect statement about a principal's revocation of an agent's authority?

The principal cannot revoke the agent's authority even if the principal does not want the agent to act on his or her behalf.

Which of the following is not required for agency by ratification to be effective?

The principal should act as an employer, and the agent should act as an employee.

Which of the following is not a type of business relationship to which agency laws are relevant?

The principal-steward relationship

Which of the following is not one of the three types of business relationships to which agency laws are relevant?

The principal-third-party beneficiary relationship

Which of the following is not recognized by courts as a factor when making decisions about an agency relationship's liability to third parties?

The relative bargaining power of the principal and the agent

Which of the following is one of a third party's options when an agent misrepresents himself or herself to the third party?

The third party can affirm the contract and sue the principal to recover damages.

Which of the following is available to an agent in situations in which a principal violates an agency agreement?

Tort and contract remedies

True or false: The Department of Labor, National Labor Relations Board, and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have each created joint employer doctrines for firms that depend on third-party contractors that no longer safeguard these businesses from employment-related liability issues arising from third-party contractors.


Which of the following is an accurate statement about the effect of war on the existence of agency relationships?

War can terminate agency relationships.

Which of the following is not identified by courts as a factor when making decisions about an agency relationship's liability to third parties?

Whether the agent was compensated based on industry standards

Under the duty of ______, an agent must keep an accurate account of the transactions of money and property made on behalf of the principal.


Express authority of an agent is often referred to as the agent's ______ authority.


Notice of the termination of an agency relationship includes ______ notice.


Notice of the termination of an agency relationship that is given by directly informing third parties, either orally or in writing, is known as ______ notice.


An agency relationship terminates if either the principal or agent becomes insane. Some states have modified this law so that unless the person has been ______ insane, the agency contract still exists.


A(n) ______ is a party who has the authority to act on behalf of and bind another party.


An agency coupled with an interest is an agency relationship that is created for the benefit of ______.


Expressed agency is also known as agency by ______.


A principal has a duty to ______ an agent for services provided unless the parties have agreed that the agent will act gratuitously.


A(n) ______ trust is an equitable trust imposed on a person who wrongfully obtains or holds legal right to property he or she should not possess.


Parties not directly related to an agency agreement may receive ______ notice, which is how notice of the termination of an agency agreement is generally announced.


When a principal enacts a(n) ______ trust, the court rules that the agent is merely holding the property or goods in trust for the principal, granting the principal legal right or possession.


Notice of the termination of an agency relationship includes ______.

constructive notice

Melanie hires an agent to sell her car. As a principal, she must be willing to let the agent show her car to interested buyers. This scenario demonstrates a principal's duty of ______ to an agent.


The duty of ______ refers to a principal's obligation to assist an agent in the performance of the agent's duties and not to interfere with reasonable conduct of the agent.


When a principal is classified as a ______ principal, a third party knows the identity of the principal.


In the context of an agency relationship, insolvency, which is defined as the inability to pay debts or the condition of liabilities outweighing assets, ______.

does not necessarily result in the termination of the agency relationship

A(n) ______ power of attorney is a written document specifying that an agent's authority is intended to continue beyond the principal's incapacitation.


An agency relationship is formed ______.

either by an informal oral agreement or by a formal written contract

Whenever an employer hires an employee to perform some sort of physical service, the parties have created an ______ relationship.


When express authority is granted for an agent to enter into a contract legally required to be in writing, most states require the grant of authority also to be in writing. This requirement is known as the ______ rule.

equal dignity

If an agent has apparent authority, his or her principal is ______ as if the agent had no such authority.

estopped from acting

A power of attorney is a specific form of ______ authority that grants an agent specific powers.


In an ______ agency relationship, the agent has express authority.


The most common type of agency is ______.

expressed agency

A principal has a duty to compensate an agent for services provided unless the parties have agreed that the agent will act ______.


The doctrine of ______ has been used when an agent commits a tort against a customer, who often argues that a principal is liable because he or she should have exercised greater care in hiring the agent.

negligent hiring

In the context of contractual liability to third parties for unauthorized acts of an agent on behalf of a principal, if a third party believes the agent is mistaken about his or her authority, ______.

neither the principal nor the agent is liable

Under the duty of ______, an agent must follow the lawful instruction and direction of the principal.


A gratuitous agent acts without consideration; that is, the agent is not ______ for his or her services.


If a third party is aware that an agent is making an agreement on behalf of a principal but the third party is unaware of the identity of the principal, the principal is classified as a ______ principal.

partially disclosed

Agency by ______ is an agency relationship that arises when an individual misrepresents himself or herself as an agent for another party and that party accepts the unauthorized act.


A principal is liable for an agent's tortious act if the principal, although not condoning the agent's conduct, ______ the agent's act knowing the agent acted improperly.


The duty of performance is an agent's obligation to perform the duties specified in the agency agreement with the principal and to do so with ______ skill and care.


If an agent makes authorized expenditures in the course of working on behalf of a principal, the principal has a duty to ______ the agent for the amount of money spent.


If an unusual change in circumstances leads the agent to reasonably believe that the principal's instructions do not apply, the agency relationship ______.


If the agent, unknown to the principal, acquires an interest against the principal's interest, the agency agreement ______.


If the principal or the agent becomes insane, the agency relationship ______.


Jackson hires an attorney to represent him in a legal proceeding. The attorney engages in a series of illegal actions and is disbarred. The agency relationship between Jackson and the attorney ______.


Mary is an attorney representing Lola in litigation against a pharmaceutical company. If the pharmaceutical company offers Mary a job and she accepts, the agency agreement between Lola and Mary ______.


If a principal and an agent mutually decide they do not wish to continue in their agency relationship and cancel their agency agreement, ______.

the agency relationship terminates

Once an agency relationship's purpose has been fulfilled, ______.

the agency relationship terminates

In the context of contractual liability to third parties for unauthorized acts of an agent on behalf of a principal, if a third party believed that the agent has authority, ______.

the agent is liable but the principal is not

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