C1 use of english

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The flight will probably be cancelled. PROBABILITY In ....... will be cancelled.

All probability the flight

I have a meeting with the head teacher to talk about the problems we have in class GOING I ______ the head teacher to talk about the problems we have in class.

Am going on to meet with

It's very kind of you to help me with the suitcase. APPRECIATE I really ..... me with the suitcase.

Appreciate you helping

Since the last Olympic Games, diving has become more popular. There has .........of diving since the last Olympic Games. INCREASE

Been an increase in the popularity

I was surprised to find out that Martin hadn't married Jane. SURPRISE It ... me that Martin hadn't married Jane.

Came as a surprise to

She has taken it upon herself to take care of her mother. COMMITTED She has .... care of her mother.

Committed herself to taking

Everybody knows that the president died in a plane crash. KNOWLEDGE It is ..... the president died in a plane crash.

Common knowledge that

There was no money to allow the construction of the road to continue. Construction of the road could not ............... money. LACK

Continue because of the lack of

The film was difficult to follow, but it was enjoyable. DESPITE The film was enjoyable ... was difficult to follow.

Despite the fact that it

I didn't realise what she would suffer in the first place. DID Little .... would suffer in the first place.

Did I realise what she

Harry denied being responsible for the mistake, even though it was his fault. Despite it being his fault, Harry .......................the mistake. ACCEPT

Did not accept the responsibility for

The service at the hotel wasn't as good as I expected. COME The service at the hotel .... my expectations.

Did not come up to

The manager never doubted that the latest model of the phone would be a great success. There was never any ........ that the latest model of the phone would be a great success. MIND

Doubt in the manager's mind

This manual is too difficult for me. CONCERNED As ....... this manual is too difficult for me.

Far as I am concerned

Were Ann not so beautiful a girl, John wouldn't be marrying her. BEAUTY But ...... John wouldn't be marrying her.

For Ann's beauty

If the athlete had't fallen twice, he would have won. But..........., the athlete would have won. COUPLE

For falling a couple of times

I had difficulty in following his complex arguments IT I ..... his complex arguments

Found it difficult to follow

The manager assured me that she would order a replacement watch. The manager ......... that she would order a replacement watch. WORD

Gave me her word

It was raining heavily, so I didn't go to school at all. FOR If it ..... rain, I would have gone to school.

Had not been for the heavy

I started feeling unwell ages ago BEEN I ____ ages

Have been feeling unwell for

Attendance at the lecture by Professor Turner is compulsory for all students. All students.................lecture. ATTEND

Have to attend professor Turner's

Gina found it impressive that her tutor was able to remember all his students' names. Gina was ...................... to remember all his students' names. ABILITY

Impressed by her tutor's ability

Acording to the news, the film star will make an announcement on air this afternoon DUE According to the news, the film star _____ on air this afternoon

In due to make an announcement

Hannah usually buys takeaway food st the weekend HABIT Hannah is ..... takeaway food at the weekend.

In the habit of buying

James would only speak to the head of department alone. James ...... to the head of deparment alone. ON

Insisted on speaking

Considering his lack of experience, Joe's doing well INTO If you take ..... very experienced, he's doing well

Into consideration that Joe is not

The country's pension system will soon collapse due to economic pressures BRINK the country's pension system _______ due to economic pressures

Is on the brink of collapsing

We would have arrived here late if Ravi's father hadn't taken us to the bus stop. Had ....................................Ravi's father taking us to the bus stop we would have arrived here late. FOR

It not been for

I am not responsible for the sales any longer. UNDER No .... my control.

Longer are the sales under

John always trained hard, but he never succeeded in winning a gold medal. No .............. trained, he never succeeded in winning a gold medal. HOW

Matter how hard John

Although he studies hard, Christopher never does well in his exams. Christopher never does well in his exams, .....................................................he studies. MATTER

No matter how hard

I'm convinced that David is holding something back about his plans for moving. I'm convinced that David is ...................... about his plans for moving HONEST

Not being honest

She had four daughters. The youngest of them was her favourite. APPLE She had four daughters the youngest ....... her eye.

Of whom was the apple of

Sally gets on well with her father-in-law. TERMS Sally is ...... her father-in-law.

On good terms with

She informed the police because she assumed he was guilty of rape. ASSUMPTION She informed the police .... he was guilty of rape.

On the assumption that

The agreement must be signed before the new policy is implemented HAS the new policy will be implemented _______ signed.

Once the new policy has been

Susan couldn't get to the date because of the heavy rain. PREVENTED The heavy rain ..... getting to the date.

Prevented Susan from

The first pilot refused to endanger the safety of the passengers of the plane. PUT The first pilot refused to ..... the safety of the passengers of the plane.

Put at risk

The deaths of almost sixty people were caused by the tornado. RESULTED The tornado .... almost sixty people.

Resulted in the deaths of

Rob soon recovered from the shock of losing his job. It didn't ........................over the shock of losing his job. GET

Take Rob long time to get

She preferred to take a course in general linguistics instead of wasting her time at mathematics. THAN Rather .... at mathematics she preferred to take a course in general linguistics.

Than waste her time

" I wish I'd had the chance to visit Dublin", Peter said. NOT Peter regretted ..... the chance to visit Dublin.

That he had not had

Everybody came to the party apart from Steve. EXCEPTION With .... Steve, everybody came to the party.

The exception of

The pupils are living temporarily in a hotel. BEING For .... the pupils are living in a hotel.

The time being

It looks as if he's forgotten about the meeting again. TO He seems ..... about the meeting again.

To have forgotten

I didn't recognize Zara until she took off her sunglasses. It .................................................her sunglasses that I recognised her. ONLY

Was only when she took off

It was only when I stopped the car that I realised something was wrong. DID Only .... I realise that something was wrong.

When i stopped the car did

Peter suggested celebrating the team's success with a party MADE it was Peter .... Celebrate the team's success with a party

Who made the suggestion to

Next fridat, Freddie and I are celebrating our third wedding aniversary BEEN Next friday Freddie and I ____ theee years

Will have been married for

Unless more tickets are sold, the concert will be cancelled RESULT Failure to sell mote tickets for the concert .... Off

Will result in it being called

I wish I had studied more for the exam. LIKED I .... more for the exam.

Would have liked to have studied

Gareth may go to another country to study THINKING Gareth ____________ abroad to study

is thinking of going

Jenny's never left the country before FIRST This is ______ left the country

the first time that Jenny has

"I dont want you driving at night" Anne told John RATHER Anne told John that she .... At night

would rather he did not drive

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