CAS 154 Midterm

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Cocaine did not receive much attention until US ____ agents began to see an increase in cocaine seizures from about fifty pounds in 1967 to almost 200 pounds in 1969. The peak was 26,000 pounds in _____. The discovery that mixing cocaine with ____ _____ and then drying it resulted in a lump of cocaine in a smoke-able form, called _____. Cocaine, once the symbol of the rich and famous was now available to anyone with $10, a lighter, and a ____ ____. As more and more people used cocaine, its dangers and side effects became more well-known, resulting in ____ turning away from it and passing increased legal restrictions on it. In the last few years, cocaine has taken a back seat to ____ in terms of notoriety but current reports from law enforcement and treatment providers indicate that cocaine is being used more now than just three or four years ago.

Custom, 1989, baking soda, crack, glass pipe, Americans, methamphetamine

____, the active chemical in the coca leaf was isolated before 1860, and, in the 1880s, physicians began to experiment with it. In the United States, Dr. W.S. Halsted, the father of modern surgery, experimented with the ability of cocaine to produce local ____ and to block sensation from a large area if the drug was injected near a nerve stem. _____ _____ studied the drug's psychological effects and initially encouraged it as a treatment for morphine addiction as well as a safe stimulant that he himself used. He later retracted his ____ upon further analysis. Today we can say that this treatment approach uses an addictive drug to treat an addiction.

Cocaine, anesthesia, Sigmund Freud, recommendation

____ did not receive much attention until US custom agents began to see an ____ in cocaine seizures from about fifty pounds in 1967 to almost 200 pounds in 1969. The peak was 26,000 ____ in 1989. The discovery that mixing cocaine with baking soda and then ____ it resulted in a lump of cocaine in a ____-able form, called crack. Cocaine, once the ____ of the rich and famous was now available to anyone with $10, a lighter, and a glass pipe. As more and more people used cocaine, its dangers and ____ ____ became more well-known, resulting in Americans turning away from it and passing increased legal _____ on it. In the last few years, cocaine has taken a back seat to meth in terms of notoriety but current reports from law enforcement and ____ providers indicate that cocaine is being used more now than just three or four years ago.

Cocaine, increase, pounds, smoke, symbol, drying, side effects, restrictions, treatment

Alcohol prohibition was not just a knee-jerk reaction by a few people in ______. It was in response to concerns of the time that cirrhosis of the ______ was common, and the policy makers and the public, as well, had concerns about the effects of alcohol on people's _____ and on public safety. Prohibition was actually an ______ to address these public health issues. Despite those intentions, there were other issues that contributed to it being an unpopular policy.

Congress, liver, health, attempt

Prior to the dark ages, _____, a Greek physician, emphasized _____ in the use of opium but felt that it was a treatment that had the capability to cure many ailments. Opium also became the primary social drug wherever ______ culture moved and when the Arabian world reached out and made contact with India and ______, opium was one of the products they traded.

Galen, caution, Islam, China

The National Survey on drug Use and _____ reports on the _____, patterns, and consequences of drug and _____ use and abuse in the general US civilian non-______ population age 12 and over.

Health, prevalence, alcohol, institutionalized

According to the Behavioral _____ Barometer, the percentage of adolescents aged twelve to _____ who used ______ decreased from the early 2000s to the mid to late 2000s and then gradually increased in recent years.

Health, seventeen, marijuana

In 2000, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) instructed SAMHSA to change the name of the National _____ Survey on Drug Abuse to make it more ______ of the topic and content of the survey. There was concern that the term "drug abuse" might be misleading or _____ to potential respondents. The 2002 survey was the _____ to carry the new name.

Household, representative, threatening, first

After World War ______, heroin use ______ in lower-class areas of large cities. It was inexpensive and $2-a-day habits were not uncommon. By the 1950s, heroin use had spread rapidly and the cost as well as ______ of the drug's purity increased. The attitude of most of 1950s society (White) was that heroin addiction had little relevance to their experience since most addicts were Black or ______. This attitude changed rapidly when it was reported that thousands of ______ stationed in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam conflict were becoming ______ to heroin. Heroin was inexpensive, could be bought openly, and its purity was 95 percent compared to 5 percent purity in the United States.

II, increased, adulteration, Latino, soldiers, addicted

____ to make amphetamine (called amphetamine precursors) can be purchased at Wal-Mart or any other like retailer. Some of these adulterants are ____ battery strips, red phosphorus, "____," and various cold remedies containing pseudoephedrine. ____ containing the active ingredient pseudoephedrine are mixed in this chemical ____, which then changes the chemical structure of the pseudoephedrine to methamphetamine.

Ingredients, lithium, Heet, Tablets, soup

____ is most commonly referred to as "acid." It is generally classified as a ____ due to its hallucinogenic properties. It was discovered in 1938 and was originally synthesized from ergot alkaloids extracted from the ergot fungus that grows on rye and other ____. It is odorless, ____, and quite potent. LSD users report changes in visual perception such as illusions and _____ that can be seen with eyes open or closed, i.e., an existing stimulus such as a rope becomes a snake. They also report shape and ____ colors combined with multiple images.

LSD, hallucinogen, grains, colorless, distortions, intense

"Spice" and "Bath Salts" are recent designer drugs. Spice is also called K-2 or Synthetic ____. It is not really marijuana but has effects similar to that drug. It is a smokable substance sprayed with a ____ that is the active ingredient. Bath Salts is not something you'd buy at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but instead is a stimulant drug that is compared to ____ in its effects, which makes it a stimulant. Both of these drugs are made with compounds that are not technically ____. Once that particular compound is made illegal, the makers of the drug change the _____ structure a little, again making the drug legal. The main problem with these drugs is that not only are they addictive, but the chemical structures are not well known so EMS workers and other medical people don't always have a way to respond to an ____. We also aren't clear on the medical and other risks of these ever-changing drugs. There are other designer drugs but these are the two best known.

Marijuana, chemical, cocaine, illegal, molecular, overdose

The most likely origin of opium is in a _____ _____ country several thousand years ago. An individual from this region likely discovered that the ______ plant, or Papever somniferum, produced a milky fluid in the seed-pods called opium, and when eaten would alleviate _____ and suffering. Opium has a history of ______ use about 6,000 years long. In an Egyptian document, the Ebers papyrus, dated around 1500 _____, a remedy is mentioned "to prevent the excessive crying of children." It is believed that this remedy contained opium

Middle Eastern, poppy, pain, medical, BC

______ has been referred to in Chinese medical writings since the tenth century and by the 1600s _____ opium was widespread throughout the country. The first Chinese law against opium for _____-medical purposes was enacted in 1729 and mandated that opium shop owners were to be ______. Soon after, India started to smuggle opium into China. The next significant event related to the history of opium is the ______ Wars. The complete background of the Opium Wars is so extensive and complex that for the purpose of this lecture I will just mention that in 1839 the emperor of China attempted to suppress opium smuggling.

Opium, smoking, non, strangled, Opium

According to the MTF Survey, _____ use increased some in all grades from _____ (when it was first measured) through roughly 2009. Since 2009 or 2010, the prevalence rate has _____ in all grades. Annual prevalence in 2016 was 0.9 percent, 2.1 percent, and 3.4 percent in grades _____, 10, and 12, respectively.

OxyContin, 2002, dropped, 8

___ dependence can occur with any drug or behavior. For example, human beings are creatures of comfort and routine. We get use to sitting in the same seat in our weekly psychology class, reading the newspaper the same way every morning, eating the same thing for breakfast every morning or walking the same route every day. These routines bring us comfort. In fact, if our routine is ____ (i.e., someone sits in your seat or loses the sports section before you have time to read it) this causes discomfort. When drug use becomes part of our routine we become dependent on the drug to make us feel, think, and act ____. If we do not have the drug or the routine we may feel anxious , ___, tired, or sad. In fact, it's almost like using the drug makes you feel "normal" again.

Psychological, broken, normally, irritable

____ dependence is the most difficult part of addiction to treat because it requires a behavior change. For example, the ___ dependence on alcohol can be treated easily within seven to ten days. The cravings, the ____, and the anxiety associated with quitting alcohol is the most difficult aspect to treat. Alcoholics Anonymous talks about changing "people, places, and things" in order to get into recovery. Much of this is talking about changing those ____, patterns, and habits. Of course, psychological is also tied to physiological in so many ways, but that's a topic for another time!

Psychological, physical, discomfort, rituals

Physical withdrawal symptoms with most drugs will last seven to ten days. ____ withdrawal symptoms can last much longer. Withdrawals can be deadly for those individuals using alcohol or sedative-hypnotics (Valium, Xanax, barbiturates). For individuals withdrawing from opiate/opioids (heroin, specifically) the withdrawal symptoms are ___ but not life threatening. Withdrawals are associated with most ____ altering drugs, although the hallucinogens (i.e. LSD, mescaline, psylocibin, etc.) do not have a withdrawal syndrome.

Psychological, severe, mind

After the ______ in America, a new view of alcohol as the cause of serious problems began to emerge. Alcohol became "demonized"—viewed as a demon or devil—and this negative view is in part attributed to ______ Rush, one of the signers of the ______ of Independence and prominent Philadelphia physician. Rush published a pamphlet titled "An Inquiry into the Effects of Ardent ______ on the Mind and Body" that focused on the relationship between heavy drinking of distilled liquor and jaundice, _____, and seizures. Rush also concluded that hard liquor damaged the drinker's morality, leading to various antisocial, _____, and criminal behaviors. Rush introduced the concept of addiction to a _____ substance and referred to the condition of uncontrollable and overwhelming desires for alcohol as a disease. Other _____ who recognized these symptoms in their patients became the first leaders of the temperance movement. The movement supported abstinence of distilled spirits and temperate or moderate use of beer and wine.

Revolution, Benjamin, Declaration, Spirits, tremors, immoral, psychoactive, physicians

In 2000, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) instructed _____ to change the name of the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse to make it more representative of the topic and ______ of the survey. There was concern that the term "_____ ______" might be misleading or threatening to potential respondents. The 2002 survey was the first to carry the new name.

SAMHSA, content, drug abuse

____ is the fastest way to get a drug into the body or for the drug to reach the brain. It takes approximately ____ to ten seconds for the smoked drug to reach the brain. When smoking a drug the drug-laden smoke is inhaled into the lungs. The lungs are lined with air sacs of the ____, which include blood vessels. The drug gets quickly into the blood ____ through these blood vessels, and heads to the brain. The quicker a drug gets to the brain, the more powerful the effect. Tobacco is smoked and so is an adulterated form of cocaine (crack). Other drugs, such as heroin, PCP, methamphetamine, and designer drugs such as "bath salts" and "spice" are smoked, as well. Even some ____ drugs are crushed up and smoked. Smoking a drug carries less stigma and _____ less dangerous. Because of this, some drug users will choose this method of drug use.

Smoking, 7, bronchi, stream, prescription, seems

"_____" and "_____ _____" are recent designer drugs. Spice is also called K-2 or Synthetic marijuana. It is not really marijuana but has effects similar to that drug. It is a ____ substance sprayed with a chemical that is the active ingredient. Bath Salts is not something you'd buy at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but instead is a ____ drug that is compared to cocaine in its effects, which makes it a stimulant. Both of these drugs are made with compounds that are not technically illegal. Once that particular compound is made illegal, the ____ of the drug change the molecular structure a little, again making the drug legal. The main problem with these drugs is that not only are they addictive, but the ____ ____ are not well known so EMS workers and other medical people don't always have a way to respond to an overdose. We also aren't clear on the _____ and other risks of these ever-changing drugs. There are other designer drugs but these are the two best known.

Spice, Bath Salts, smokable, stimulant, makers chemical structures, medical

It's important to understand that ____ or crank has been around for a while and it has long been an issue in treatment programs in the ____. What has changed is that the drug is now purer, ____ to get, and it has hit the middle class, which means that we are now more prone to hear about it because it may involve a senator's son or a sheriff's daughter or a college president. Today, amphetamines or "meth" can be manufactured in ____ ____ in a kitchen, a back seat of a car, or a hotel room. The typical meth lab is very small and uses a relatively simple method called "shake and ____." So called super labs exist but are primarily in places like California and Missouri.

amphetamine, west, easier, mall labs, bake

The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse is conducted _____ and is designed to produce drug and alcohol use ______ and prevalence estimates. Data are also collected periodically on special topics of interest such as _____ ______, treatment, mental health and ______ about drugs.

annually, incidence, criminal behavior, attitudes

The impact of these ____-tobacco assertions and other factors appear to have some effect on decreases in ____ use. For example, when the ____ ____ report came out in 1964, decreases in per capita sales declined for about a decade but total cigarette sales increased along with the expanding adult population. Widespread education about the harms of smoking, immediate ____ in overall health upon cessation of smoking, new products such as nicotine patches and gum, and ____ reform appear to influence decreases in tobacco use.

anti, tobacco, Surgeon General's, improvements, advertising

____ comes from the plant Nicotiana and is indigenous to the ____ Hemisphere. It wasn't until Columbus discovered the New World in 1492 that tobacco was introduced to ____. Two forms of ingestion were observed in the New World, one was to "take" or use as ____ (powdery form ingested nasally) and the other was to "____" smoke. The origins of the word tobacco come from a couple sources. One source is the word used by North American natives for a ____ they used to take snuff. The other is from the Tobacos province in ____ where everyone used the herb. There are over _____ species of Nicotiana, yet only two of the major species, tobacum and rustica, are grown today in over ____ countries. ____ was native to only South America and ____ native to the West Indies and North America.

Tobacco, Western, Europe, snuff, drink, tube, Mexico, 100, Tobacum, rustica

Over the past twenty years, benzodiazepines such as Librium, _____, and Xanax have for the most part replaced the barbiturates. ____ of abuse associated with these drugs may be, for example, an individual who gets a prescription for daytime sedative use or as a _____ pill and eventually develops tolerance and the dose is increased. Although the individual may end up visiting various physicians to maintain the increased levels, he would not identify himself as drug _____ even though this type of use may lead to physical dependence. The other pattern of abuse associated with these drugs might be an individual who obtains the drugs simply for the purpose of getting _____. He might steal the drugs from someone else's medicine cabinet or buy them on the street. He may tend to take ____ doses and mix several drugs or alcohol along with the drug. President George W. Bush's niece is a good case example of ____ drug abuse.

Valium, Patterns, sleeping, abusers, high, larger, prescription

_____ declined in 2016, which marks the first significant reversal of a rapid rise in adolescent vaping. Previous to 2016 prevalence of vaping had grown from near-_____ levels in 2011 to one of the most common forms of adolescent substance use by 2015. From 2015 to 2016, the percentage of _____ who vaped in the last 30 days declined by 2 or 3 percentage points to 6 percent, 11 percent, and 13 percent among 8th, _____, and 12th graders, respectively.

Vaping, zero, students, 10th

Amphetamine also went to war. ____ ____ _____ soldiers could postpone sleep, march, and run drills while using amphetamines. Another significant era for amphetamines was the ____. There was already popularity of the "speedball," a combination of heroin and cocaine injected together. There was also increased popularity to be thin like the model Twiggy and an abundance of "____ ____" who would prescribe amphetamines to suppress the appetite. As use of legally manufactured amphetamines began to be considered ____, prescriptions of the drug declined. It was replaced with illegal manufactured methamphetamine that could be smoked, snorted , or injected. Illegal ____ that produce methamphetamine were typically isolated in California and run by motorcycle gangs, but increase in use and production has spread across the country.

World War II, 1960s, fat doctors, abuse, labs

LSD is most commonly referred to as "____." It is generally classified as a hallucinogen due to its hallucinogenic ____. It was discovered in 1938 and was originally synthesized from ergot alkaloids extracted from the ergot ____ that grows on rye and other grains. It is odorless, colorless, and quite potent. LSD users report changes in ____ perception such as illusions and distortions that can be seen with eyes open or closed, i.e., an existing stimulus such as a rope becomes a snake. They also report ____ and intense colors combined with multiple images.

acid, properties, fungus, visual, shapes

In 1805, Frederich Serturner, published a report that he had isolated the primary ______ ingredient in opium and named it morphium after Morpheus, the god of _____. Another derivative of opium, Codeine (a Greek word for poppy ______), was discovered in 1832. In 1874, Bayer Laboratories created a chemical transformation to ______ and it was given the brand name Heroin. The chemical change resulted in heroin being about ______ times as potent as morphine and entering the brain more rapidly. In 1898, heroin was produced and marketed as _____ medicine and a non-addictive substitute for codeine. In a few more years, pharmacological studies concluded that heroin could be very addicting when injected in high doses.

active, dreams, head, morphine, three, cough

Drugs ___ individuals differently. The effect of a drug is ___ by a person's mind set (state of mind), the drug itself (purity, dose), and the ___ (setting) in which it is taken. All three impact the experience an individual will have with the drug.

affect, impacted, environment

Prior to the American Revolution, people of all _____ drank alcoholic beverages at an estimated rate of three and a half gallons a ______. Even the early _____ ministers, who were quite moralistic about all kinds of behavior, referred to alcoholic drink as "the good Creature of _____." ______ was condemned as sinful misuse of the "Good Creature" and the blame was placed on the "sinner" not on the alcohol.

ages, year, Puritan, God, Drunkenness

In 2015, 17.3 million people aged twelve or older were heavy _____ users in the past month (6.5 percent of the population twelve or older). _____ drinking is defined as binge drinking on at least five days in the past thirty days. The rate of current alcohol use among youths aged twelve to seventeen was 9.6 percent in 2015, which was _____ than the 2012 rate (12.9 percent). There were an estimated 7.7 million underage (aged twelve to twenty) drinkers in 2015, including 5.1 million _____ drinkers and 1.3 million heavy drinkers.

alcohol, Heavy, lower, binge

During prohibition, it should be noted that per capita _____ consumption in the United States remained below pre-Volstead Act levels until the mid-1950s, indicating that prohibition had some effect on the _____ _____ in America toward alcohol consumption. In addition, from _____ to 1933, Americans suffered fewer alcohol-related problems in terms of ______, medical problems, etc.

alcohol, social norm, 1919, accidents

Beginning in 1838 through the early twentieth century, state prohibition laws (prohibiting all sales of _____ beverages) were enacted and repealed. In 1920, national _____ came into effect but it did not result in an alcohol-free society. People continued to buy, sell, and consume alcohol ______ and the amendment was repealed in ______.

alcoholic, prohibition, illegally, 1933

Withdrawal is the process of the body trying to re-____ itself after an individual stops using a drug that they have been using for a period of time. The body becomes so used to the ___ of the drug, that when the drug is not present, symptoms occur. Sometimes withdrawal symptoms can be life threatening. Both psychological and physical symptoms are associated with the ____ process. For example, a person takes methamphetamine (a stimulant) every day for six months. This person is arrested and cannot take the drug. Without the drug the person begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms include fatigue, excessive ___, irritability, depression and the inability to feel pleasure (anhedonia).

balance, presence, withdrawal, sleeping

During prohibition, it should be noted that per capita alcohol consumption in the United States remained _____ pre-Volstead Act levels until the mid-1950s, indicating that prohibition had some _____ on the social norm in America toward _____ consumption. In addition, from 1919 to 1933, Americans suffered ____ alcohol-related problems in terms of accidents, medical problems, etc.

below, effect, alcohol, fewer

In 2014, white adolescents aged twelve to seventeen smoked cigarettes reported past month _____ _____ use at a higher percentage than _____, Asian or Hispanic adolescents.

binge alcohol, Black

A newer issue around tolerance has to do with the material presented in the previous section on brain chemistry. As the ____ changes, so does its need for a particular drug that has been used consistently over time. So in the example of the methamphetamine-addicted person, as the brain produces ___ dopamine, the user needs more of the drug to achieve the same level of intoxication. All of that being said, increased ___ that is noticeable and that is consistent over time is most likely due to physiological changes in the ____, particularly in the user's liver and in the brain.

brain, less, tolerance, body

Another way of classifying drugs is by the effect they have on the CNS and the ____. Central Nervous System Depressants ____ ____ all body functions while Central Nervous System stimulants speed-up them up (e.g., breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure). Hallucinogens act directly on the brain and ___ ____ distort messages.

brain, slow down, brain stem

Probably the world's most widely used stimulant is ____. It is found in coffee, ____, soda, chocolate, diet pills, and in over-the-counter drugs like No-Doz and Excedrin Migraine. Caffeine comes from Xanthines, the ____ stimulants known. Caffeine got its name when it was isolated from coffee in 1820. Around 900 AD, an Arabian medical book suggested that ____ was good for just about everything; yet, as noted in the history of other drugs, there is generally an argument to support the other side of the coin. In the case of coffee, one was with seventeenth century English women who claimed men drank too much coffee and it interfered with their time spent with women. The debate continues with ____ investigations related to the negative effects of caffeine in cancer, reproduction, and _____ disease while the National Institute of Mental Health has reported positive effects, e.g., caffeine can precipitate full-blown _____ attacks in some people.

caffeine, tea, oldest, coffee, scientific, breast, panic

In 1860, a committee to discuss the therapeutic ____ of marijuana convened in America. Over 100 articles were published recommending cannabis for a wide range of ____. By the end of the nineteenth century, writings by William James and others interested in the new science of psychology introduced the prospect of using ____ agents in studying psychological processes. American public interest and concern in marijuana and its use was not ____ by the beginning of the 20th century. It was not until articles associating crime and marijuana that the public began to take an interest in this "new" drug. Campaigns to make the use of marijuana illegal were gaining popularity in many states. By the end of 1936, all forty-eight states had _____ regulating the use, sale, and/or possession of marijuana, and, by 1937, a ____ anti-marijuana law was passed.

applications, disorders, psychoactive, widespread, laws, federal

Barbiturate drugs are a ____ group of sedative-hypnotics. In other words, in low doses these drugs may be used to relax, ____, or tranquilize (sedate) and in higher doses are used as a sleeping pill (hypnotic). ____ Von Bayer was the first to synthesize Barbiturates. The date of discovery, December 4, 1863, was the ____ day of Saint Barbara so he named his discovery Barbara's urates in her honor. It was first used as a sedative. It was then prescribed to chronic ____ and then given to the mentally ill hospitalized in institutions. The danger in taking barbiturates was in developing ____ and, since they depress respiration, which in large doses or in combination with alcohol, usage can be ____. The majority of people who took these drugs were not harmed by them, but the _____ quality and danger of overdose led to acceptance for research of safer sedatives or hypnotics.

chemical, calm, Adolph, feast, insomniacs, tolerance, deadly, addictive

Cocaine, the active ____ in the coca leaf was isolated before 1860, and, in the 1880s, physicians began to experiment with it. In the United States, Dr. W.S. Halsted, the father of modern ____, experimented with the ability of cocaine to produce local anesthesia and to block ____ from a large area if the drug was injected near a nerve stem. Sigmund Freud studied the drug's psychological effects and initially encouraged it as a treatment for morphine addiction as well as a safe stimulant that he himself used. He later ____ his recommendation upon further analysis. Today we can say that this treatment approach uses an addictive drug to treat an ____.

chemical, surgery, sensation, retracted, addiction

The percentage of US adolescents aged twelve to seventeen who used alcohol, _____, and nonmedical use of psychotherapeutics for the first time in the year prior to being surveyed, _____ from 2010 to 2014. The percentage who initiated _____ use in the past year decreased from 2011 to 2014.

cigarettes, decreased, marijuana

The transition to _____ from chewing tobacco increased rapidly in the 1880s—the first patent on the cigarette-making ____ was in 1881, and, by 1885, over a billion cigarettes a year were being sold. By the turn of the century, cigarettes made with Turkish tobacco became popular and the brand Camel had 40 percent of the market from 1918 until after World War ____. The first ad featuring a _____ smoking was in 1919. Pall Mall introduced the first ____-size cigarette in 1939 and became the number one seller. ____ cigarettes (built-in filter rather than a mouthpiece to attach) appeared in 1954 with Winston and continue to represent 90 percent of the US cigarette market.

cigarettes, machine, II, woman, king, Filtered

Before 1500 BC, the Incas built a well-developed civilization in Peru where the ____ ____ was an important part of the culture. It was used primarily in religious ceremonies and when the Spanish conquistadors arrived they ____ the native laborers in coca leaves. Natives along the Amazon slope of the Andes in Bolivia and Peru would chew the leaves from the coca plants to ____ strength and endurance while ____ the need for food. Although this practice was recorded and reported by early European writers, it never interested Europeans until a ____ chemist, Angelo Mariani, introduced the coca leaf to the public. He used the extract of coca leaf in numerous products, such as throat lozenges and teas, but most famously in ____.

coca leaf, paid, increase, decreasing, French, wine

Psychological dependence can ____ with any drug or behavior. For example, human beings are creatures of comfort and ___. We get use to sitting in the same seat in our weekly psychology class, reading the newspaper the same way every morning, eating the same thing for breakfast every morning or walking the same route every day. These routines bring us ___. In fact, if our routine is broken (i.e., someone sits in your seat or loses the sports section before you have time to read it) this causes discomfort. When drug use becomes part of our routine we become ____ on the drug to make us feel, think, and act normally. If we do not have the drug or the routine we may feel ____, irritable, tired, or sad. In fact, it's almost like using the drug makes you feel "normal" again.

occur, routine, comfort, dependent, anxious

Alcohol is the ______ psychoactive chemical. Some historians suggest that mead, which is made from honey, was used about 8000 ______ and may be the oldest alcoholic beverage. A Persian legend tells a story about how wine was discovered approximately ______ years ago. The legend is of a woman who endured severe headaches. Her suffering was so intense that, one day, she decided to kill herself. She had been told that the juice in the bottom of the grape storage vats was poison so with the intention of killing herself she drank the liquid. Well, the liquid made her headache go away but she did not poison herself to death. Instead she continued to drink the liquid whenever she had a headache and eventually shared her cure with King Jamshid. According to legend, this is how ______ was discovered.

oldest, BC, 4,000, wine

By the second half of the nineteenth century, three forms of ______ addiction were developing in the United States. _____ laborers had introduced opium smoking to this country and although it did not become a very popular method of ingestion it did account for _____/_____ of the opium imported. Patent medicines containing ______ became a standard form of self-medication and were easily available, relatively inexpensive, ______ acceptable, and actually worked to relieve ______.

opiate, Chinese, 1/4, morphine, socially, pains

While heroin is the most commonly thought-of ____-based drug of abuse, the last few years have seen a proliferation of the ______ of other opiate based drugs such as Oxycontin, Hydrocordone, and _____. These drugs are normally obtained through prescription but there is also a huge _____ market for them. More attention is being paid now to ____ drug addiction, primarily due to these and other opiate based drugs. Some experts are ____ that these opiate based prescription drugs may be the next big drug epidemic and our data are beginning to bear this out.

opiate, availability, Methadone, black, prescription, prognosticating

In 1805, Frederich Serturner, published a report that he had isolated the primary active ingredient in _____ and named it morphium after Morpheus, the god of dreams. Another derivative of opium, ______ (a Greek word for poppy head), was discovered in 1832. In 1874, _____ Laboratories created a chemical transformation to morphine and it was given the brand name ______. The chemical change resulted in heroin being about three times as potent as morphine and entering the ______ more rapidly. In 1898, heroin was produced and marketed as cough medicine and a non-addictive substitute for codeine. In a few more years, pharmacological studies concluded that heroin could be very ______ when injected in high doses.

opium, Codeine, Bayer, Heroin, brain, addicting

The most likely origin of _____ is in a middle eastern country several thousand years ago. An individual from this region likely discovered that the poppy plant, or Papever somniferum, produced a _____ ______ in the seed-pods called opium, and when eaten would alleviate pain and ______. Opium has a history of medical use about 6,000 years long. In an _____ document, the Ebers papyrus, dated around 1500 BC, a remedy is mentioned "to prevent the excessive crying of children." It is believed that this remedy contained opium

opium, milky fluid, suffering, Egyptian

When an individual ingests a drug ____ it takes 20 to 30 minutes to feel the ____ of the drug or for the drug to reach the brain. This is the slowest manner of ____ a drug. When an individual takes a drug orally that means they place it in their mouth and swallow. The drug enters the throat, then the esophagus, then the stomach and then to the ____ intestine. In the small intestine the drug is absorbed through the ____ vessels lining the walls.

orally, effect, ingesting, small, blood

In 2015, 17.3 million people aged twelve or older were heavy alcohol users in the ______ _____ (6.5 percent of the population twelve or older). Heavy ______ is defined as binge drinking on at least _____ days in the past thirty days. The rate of current alcohol use among youths aged twelve to seventeen was 9.6 percent in 2015, which was lower than the _____ rate (12.9 percent). There were an estimated 7.7 million ______ (aged twelve to twenty) drinkers in 2015, including 5.1 million binge drinkers and 1.3 million heavy drinkers.

past month, drinking, five, 2012, underage

Between the 1850s and 1900s, various ____ tonics were sold in the US market and abroad. Even the soft drink Coca-Cola originally contained cocaine (under public ____ the cocaine syrup was removed by 1901). ____ were well aware of the dangers of using cocaine regularly, yet its popularity became widespread as it was one of the secret ingredients in many patent ____ and elixirs and was available in many products available for drinking, snorting, and ____. There were no legal ____ on the purchase or usage of the drug until behavioral changes among users became more apparent and an association between ____ activity and cocaine use was made. As the country continued to see the dangers of the drug spreading through their communities, campaigns against the use began to rise. Finally a movement to ____ the social uses of cocaine was declared and the public took an active role in getting cocaine placed on the ____ Drug Act of 1920.

cocaine, pressure, Physicians, medicines, injecting, restrictions, criminal, ban, Dangerous

Since 1999, the NSDUH interview has been carried out using "_____-assisted interviewing" (CAI). The survey uses a combination of "computer-assisted ______ interviewing" (CAPI) conducted by the interviewer and "audio computer-assisted self-interview" (ACASI), where a laptop computer provides both visual and _____ versions of the questionnaire. Use of ACASI provides respondents with a highly private and confidential way to _____ answers to questions. Research shows that the approach results in more honest reporting of illicit drug use and other _____ behaviors compared with paper-and-pencil methods of _____ collection.

computer, personal, audio, record, sensitive, data

Alcohol prohibition was not just a knee-jerk reaction by a few people in Congress. It was in response to ______ of the time that ______ of the liver was common, and the policy makers and the public, as well, had concerns about the effects of alcohol on people's health and on _____ _____. Prohibition was actually an attempt to address these public ______ issues. Despite those intentions, there were other issues that contributed to it being an unpopular policy.

concerns, cirrhosis, public safety, health

It's important to understand that amphetamine or ____ has been around for a while and it has long been an issue in treatment programs in the west. What has changed is that the drug is now ____, easier to get, and it has hit the middle class, which means that we are now more prone to hear about it because it may involve a senator's son or a sheriff's daughter or a college president. Today, amphetamines or "____" can be manufactured in small labs in a kitchen, a back seat of a car, or a ____ ____. The typical meth lab is very small and uses a relatively simple method called "____ and bake." So called super labs exist but are primarily in places like California and Missouri.

crank, purer, meth, hotel room, shake

Popular ____ of the 1960s appeared have a dramatic influence on the recreational use of LSD. Decrease in LSD seemed to taper off around the 1970s when widespread reports of "_____ _____," prolonged reactions, self-injurious behavior, and "_____" were associated with use of the drug. Other factors that may have influenced a drop in LSD use may have been related to increased _____ use and acceptability of alcohol use during this same time period.

culture, bad trips, flashbacks, cocaine

Alcohol has played a large role in many ______. For example, Egyptian and Roman empires had a god or goddess of _____, and rulers used alcohol as a reward for hard work and tried to _____ the use of alcohol.

cultures, wine, control

Since 1999, the NSDUH interview has been carried out using "computer-assisted interviewing" (CAI). The survey uses a combination of "computer-assisted _____ interviewing" (CAPI) conducted by the interviewer and "audio computer-assisted self-______" (ACASI), where a laptop computer provides both visual and audio versions of the questionnaire. Use of ACASI provides respondents with a highly private and ______ way to record answers to questions. Research shows that the approach results in more _____ reporting of illicit drug use and other sensitive ______ compared with paper-and-pencil methods of data collection.

personal, interviewing, confidential, honest, behaviors

A more subtle version of ____ dependence has to do with the changes in the brain that take place when a drug (or alcohol) is used to the point of actually changing the way the brain ____. For instance, a methamphetamine-addicted person's brain has been receiving signals from the ingested drug to release huge amounts of ____(one of the pleasure chemicals released in the brain by drugs) into the brain. After weeks, months, and years of using the drug, the brain at some point slows down, or even stops the manufacture of dopamine, causing the addicted person to actually physiologically ____ that drug so that dopamine levels in the brain can be maintained just to feel "___."

physiological, operates, dopamine, crave, normal

There are three types of injection drug use: 1) Skin-____, 2) Intramuscular (IM), and 3) Intravenous (IV). Subcutaneous injection or "skin-popping" refers to sticking the needle of a syringe under the skin and _____ the drug. If a drug is injected using the skin-popping method, it takes three to five ____ for the drug to reach the brain. Intramuscular (IM) drug use occurs when the drug is injected from a syringe into the muscle. It takes three to five minutes for the drug to reach the brain using this method. ____ use of a drug refers to injecting a drug directly into a vein. If an individual uses a drug intravenously it takes fifteen to thirty ____ for the drug to reach the brain (almost as fast as smoking, but not quite). While no route of administration of any possibly dangerous drug is safe, using drugs by injection carries the ____ potential danger because of the health risks associated with injecting. These health risks include contracting HIV/AIDS, blood ____ , Hepatitis, and/or abscesses.

popping, injecting, minutes, Intravenous, seconds, most, poisoning

Ingredients to make amphetamine (called amphetamine ____) can be purchased at Wal-Mart or any other like retailer. Some of these _____ are lithium battery strips, red phosphorus, "heet," and various ____ remedies containing pseudoephedrine. Tablets containing the active ingredient pseudoephedrine are mixed in this chemical soup, which then changes the chemical structure of the pseudoephedrine to _____.

precursors, adulterants, cold, methamphetamine

SUD in 2015 were marijuana (4.0 million), _____ pain relievers (2.0 million) and smaller numbers had disorders related to their use of _____ (896,000) and heroin (591,000); in 2015, an estimated 21.7 million people aged twelve or older needed substance use _____, which means that about 1 in 12 people (8.1 percent) needed substance use treatment. 10.8 percent aged twelve or older (2.3 million people) _____ treatment at a specialty facility in the past year. About 1.3 million adolescents aged twelve to seventeen in 2015 needed treatment for a substance use problem in the past year, only 6.3 percent received treatment at a ______ facility in the past year.

prescription, cocaine, treatment, received, specialty

The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse is conducted annually and is designed to produce drug and alcohol use incidence and _____ estimates. _____ are also collected periodically on special topics of interest such as criminal behavior, _____, _____ health and attitudes about drugs.

prevalence, Data, treatment, mental

Prevalence is how many people actually have the _____ or how _____ it occurs

problem, often

In 1750, King George of England sent a _______ to America encouraging the planting of hemp, a species (sativa) of the cannabis plant grown to ______ its fibers in making rope. George Washington planted it at his Mount Vernon plantation and from his fields and many others like it, this species of cannabis spread across the nation, growing _____. The Literary Movement in France (1840-1860) popularized the use of cannabis as a ______-______ substance among the intellectual class. A group of artists and writers who gathered monthly at a Paris hotel to use drugs, influenced a book by Gautier, Le Club de Hachischins, describing their _____.

proclamation, utilize, spontaneously, mind-altering, intoxication

Beginning in 1838 through the early twentieth century, state _____ laws (prohibiting all sales of alcoholic beverages) were enacted and repealed. In _____, national prohibition came into effect but it did not result in an alcohol-free society. People continued to buy, sell, and consume alcohol illegally and the amendment was ______ in 1933.

prohibition, 1920, repealed

Despite meth's ____ and even more reported users, law enforcement is reporting that ____ of the drug on the streets is down and the price is up, which means that the ingredients to make the drug are ____ to obtain. Local meth labs have decreased dramatically over the last few years. In addition, the _____ government has recently taken very strong action to prevent pseudoephedrine from entering and leaving that country. This has resulted in ____ imported meth.

proliferation, purity, harder, Mexican, less,

A ____ drug is any substance that produces feelings of intoxication. Inaba and Cohen in their book Uppers, Downers, All Arounders define a psychoactive drug as "any drug that ____ the operations of the Central Nervous System". For example, while aspirin is a mild pain reliever (non-narcotic analgesic), most people who take it don't feel high or have the desire to repetitively take the drug so they can experience the same feelings. Simply put psychoactive drugs ____ how you think and feel.

psychoactive, distorts, change

Among the 30.2 million ______ smokers aged twelve or older in 2015, 12.4 million reported smoking 16 or more _____ per day (about a pack or more per _____).

daily, cigarettes, day

Inhalants are another _____ important in mentioning under this section in that there is a notable history of abuse that continues to present time. In the 1800s, nitrous oxide (____ ____) was discovered and was first used as an intoxicant and then as an anesthetic (Chloroform and Ether). Nitrous Oxide was also prescribed in____ times to keep women under control. "Whippets," a propellant in whipping-cream, contains nitrous oxide and is sold in small bottles with relative accessibility for use other than intended. Products like ____, glue, paint, lighter fluid, spray cans of almost anything, nail polish, and liquid paper may have effects that are ____ in an overall way to depressants when they are inhaled. The modern era of inhalant abuse began in the late 1950s when glue ____ apparently spread across the country due to a report out of Denver about young boys caught sniffing plastic model glue. More publicity followed and seemed to spark an almost fad. ____ limiting sales of household solvents to minors were passed. You may notice when you go into a Home Depot the spray paint cans are under lock and key.

depressant, laughing gas, Victorian, gasoline, similar, sniffing, Laws

Psychological ____ is the most difficult part of addiction to treat because it requires a behavior change. For example, the physical dependence on alcohol can be treated easily within seven to ten days. The cravings, the discomfort, and the ____ associated with quitting alcohol is the most difficult aspect to treat. Alcoholics Anonymous talks about changing "people, places, and things" in order to get into recovery. Much of this is talking about changing those rituals, ____, and ____. Of course, psychological is also tied to physiological in so many ways, but that's a topic for another time!

dependence, anxiety, patterns, habits

The cigarette of the 1950s was ____ from the cigarette of the 1990s. The content of leaf tobacco has ____ since the 1950s. Besides the addition of filters, parts of the tobacco leaf and stem that had been previously _____ are now ground up and rolled out into sheets then shredded and added to the cigarette. Also, tobacco is ____-dried, usually with Freon, to expand the tobacco to take up more space and absorb more _____.

different, decreased, discarded, freeze, additives

In 2015, an estimated 20.8 million persons aged twelve or older (8.5 percent) were classified with substance use _____ (SUD) in the past year based on criteria specified in the Diagnostic and _____ Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV). Of these, only 2.3 million of the people who needed treatment received it. Substance Use treatment refers to treatment or _____ for illicit drug or alcohol use or for medical ______ associated with illicit drug or alcohol use.

disorder, Statistical, counseling, problems

Despite meth's proliferation and even more reported users, law enforcement is reporting that purity of the drug on the streets is ____ and the price is ____, which means that the ____ to make the drug are harder to obtain. ____ meth labs have decreased dramatically over the last few years. In addition, the Mexican ____ has recently taken very strong action to prevent pseudoephedrine from entering and leaving that country. This has resulted in less imported meth.

down, up, ingredients, Local, government

Popular culture of the 1960s appeared have a _____ influence on the recreational use of LSD. Decrease in LSD seemed to taper off around the 1970s when widespread reports of "bad trips," prolonged _____, self-injurious behavior, and "flashbacks" were associated with use of the drug. Other factors that may have influenced a drop in LSD use may have been related to increased cocaine use and acceptability of _____ use during this same time period.

dramatic, reactions, alcohol

The National Survey on ______ Use and Health reports on the prevalence, ______, and consequences of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the general US civilian non-institutionalized population age ______ and over.

drug, patterns, twelve

Amphetamine was first use was as a replacement for ____, an herb used to dilate the bronchial passages in ____ patients. In 1937, amphetamine became available in a prescription tablet. It was used to ____ hyperactivity in children; treat narcolepsy (a condition where an individual spontaneously falls asleep numerous times a day); as an appetite ____; college students used it to cram for exams; and truck drivers were able to keep driving ____ hauls.

ephedrine, asthma, decrease, suppressant, long

In early America, tobacco became of the major ____ of the colonies to England and financed much of the Revolutionary War. By the late eighteenth century, the new ____ put a luxury tax on it tobacco. At this time, ____ tobacco also became popular—concerns about _____ hazards may have influenced the preference of chewing tobacco over ____.

exports, Congress, chewing, fire, smoking

The body perceives any drug as a ___ substance and immediately tries to break it down or neutralize it (metabolize). The liver breaks down the chemical ___ of a drug while the kidneys ___ the blood and break down toxic substances and excrete them into the urine. Drugs are also excreted out of the body by the lungs, in ____, and in the feces. The entire body works to neutralize and get rid of the chemical. Have you ever smelled alcohol on someone's breath in the morning? Usually the person hasn't ingested alcohol. What you smell is the body trying to ___ the alcohol and excrete it through their breath (lungs).

foreign, structure, filter, sweat, metabolize

Slightly more than _____ of Americans aged twelve or older reported being _____ drinkers of alcohol in the 2015 survey (51.7 percent). This translates to an estimated 135.5 million people, which was _____ than the 2014 estimate (52.7 percent).

half, current, lower

While _____ is the most commonly thought-of opiate-based drug of abuse, the last few years have seen a proliferation of the availability of other opiate based drugs such as ______, Hydrocordone, and Methadone. These drugs are normally obtained through _____ but there is also a huge black market for them. More attention is being paid now to prescription drug addiction, primarily due to these and other opiate based drugs. Some ____ are procrastinating that these opiate based prescription drugs may be the next big drug ____ and our data are beginning to bear this out.

heroin, Oxycontin, prescription, experts, epidemic

After World War II, ______ use increased in lower-class areas of large cities. It was _____ and $2-a-day habits were not uncommon. By the 1950s, heroin use had spread _____ and the cost as well as adulteration of the drug's purity increased. The attitude of most of 1950s society (White) was that heroin addiction had little relevance to their experience since most addicts were ______ or Latino. This attitude changed rapidly when it was reported that thousands of soldiers stationed in Southeast Asia during the ______ conflict were becoming addicted to heroin. Heroin was inexpensive, could be bought openly, and its purity was _____ percent compared to 5 percent purity in the United States.

heroin, inexpensive, rapidly, Black, Vietnam, 95

In 2015, an estimated 27.1 million Americans aged 12 or older used an _____ _____ in the past _____ days; (about 1/10 Americans)

illicit drug, 30

The 1950s and 1960s saw an ____ in use of marijuana in the streets. It became the most common _____ of young people rejecting authority. Marijuana use reached its peak popularity in the United States around ____. The marijuana of the 1990s was reportedly about twenty times more ____ than what was found on the street in the 1960s and 1970s. According to drug treatment experts and law enforcement officials, new methods of harvesting and processing marijuana plants had _____ the potency. Today's marijuana users and their drug use is rarely an expression of social protest or even of ____ against authority. Many of today's users have more serious problems than the teens who smoked marijuana a generation ago and are more likely to be looking for an ____ than a thrill.

increase, symbol, 1980, potent, increased, rebellion, escape

The transition to cigarettes from chewing tobacco ____ rapidly in the 1880s—the first patent on the cigarette-making machines was in 1881, and, by 1885, over a ____ cigarettes a year were being sold. By the turn of the century, cigarettes made with ____ tobacco became popular and the brand Camel had 40 percent of the market from 1918 until after World War II. The first ad featuring a woman smoking was in 1919. Pall Mall introduced the first king-size cigarette in 1939 and became the ____ one ____. Filtered cigarettes (built-in filter rather than a ____ to attach) appeared in 1954 with Winston and continue to represent 90 percent of the US cigarette market.

increased, billion, Turkish, number, seller, mouthpiece

According to the MTF Survey, OxyContin use _____ some in all grades from 2002 (when it was first measured) through roughly 2009. Since 2009 or 2010, the _____ rate has dropped in all grades. Annual prevalence in _____ was 0.9 percent, 2.1 percent, and 3.4 percent in grades 8, _____, and 12, respectively.

increased, prevalence, 2016, 10

Overall _____ in perceived risk and disapproval seem to have contributed to the decrease in cigarette use. It appears as though some of the attitudinal changes around cigarettes can be attributed to the adverse publicity toward the _____ ______ in the 1990s and a reduction in cigarette advertising as well as anti-smoking campaigns Top three substances used by high school seniors: alcohol 33.2 percent (thirty days), ______-______ 12.5 percent (thirty days), and marijuana 22.5 percent (thirty days).

increases, tobacco industry, E-cigarettes

Intoxication refers to being under the ____ of a drug. It does not solely mean being under the influence of alcohol. When someone is intoxicated it means that their feelings, ____, and behaviors have been affected by the use of the drug. In addition, motor skills such as writing with a pen, walking, etc. can be affected. Simply put, intoxication is an ____ of the brain and the way it functions.

influence, thoughts, alteration

Morphine ______ was used on a large scale during the Civil War for pain and _____ and many soldiers became addicted. Not only was morphine injection the least acceptable method of use, medically it was the most _____ and ultimately the most socially disruptive. By the way, the infamous western outlaw Jesse James was a teenaged Confederate guerilla and was wounded at the end of the Civil War. He was treated with ______ for pain and became ______ to it for the rest of his life.

injection, dysentery, dangerous, morphine, addicted

Substance use disorders include the following diagnoses: 1) withdrawal 2) ___ 3) other induced disorders 4) unspecified ___-related ___ 5) ___ use disorders According to the DSM ____, a substance use disorder is defined as "a cluster of ___, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues using the substance ____ significant substance-related problems."

intoxication, substance, disorders, substance, 5, cognitive, despite

Combining certain drugs also increases their ___. For example, Valium by itself and taken as prescribed is a safe in relation to overdose potential. However, if valium is used with alcohol it becomes a deadly ___ due to the fact that valium (as well as other CNS depressant drugs) multiply in their effect when combined with alcohol. For instance, a ten mg valium and two beers taken together do not add up to three doses (i.e. one valium and two beers). They actually ___ in the body to create the effect of ten beers (i.e., two beers times five). This phenomenon is called ___ or potentiation and can be quite dangerous.

lethality, combination, multiply, synergism

Amphetamine also went to war. World War II soldiers could postpone sleep, ____, and run drills while using amphetamines. Another significant era for amphetamines was the 1960s. There was already popularity of the "____," a combination of _____ and cocaine injected together. There was also increased popularity to be thin like the model Twiggy and an abundance of "fat doctors" who would prescribe amphetamines to suppress the appetite. As use of legally ____ amphetamines began to be considered abuse, prescriptions of the drug declined. It was replaced with illegal manufactured methamphetamine that could be smoked, ____, or injected. Illegal labs that produce methamphetamine were typically isolated in California and run by motorcycle gangs, but increase in use and production has spread across the country.

march, speedball, heroin, manufactured, snorted

SUD in 2015 were _____ (4.0 million), prescription pain relievers (2.0 million) and smaller numbers had disorders related to their use of cocaine (896,000) and _____ (591,000); in 2015, an estimated 21.7 million people aged twelve or older needed ______ use treatment, which means that about 1 in 12 people (8.1 percent) needed substance use treatment. 10.8 percent aged twelve or older (2.3 million people) received treatment at a specialty ______ in the past year. About 1.3 million adolescents aged twelve to seventeen in 2015 needed treatment for a substance use problem in the past year, only 6.3 percent received treatment at a specialty facility in the past year.

marijuana, heroin, substance, facility,

In 2015, _____ was the most commonly used illicit drug in the past _____ by people aged 12 and older (22.2 million)

marijuana, month

In 2015, an estimated 27.1 million Americans aged twelve or older illegal drug use was primarily driven by _____ use (22.3 million current users twelve and older) and the misuse of _____ _____ _____ (3.8 million people reported current misuse)

marijuana, prescription pain relievers

Opium has been referred to in Chinese _____ writings since the tenth century and by the 1600s smoking opium was widespread throughout the country. The first Chinese law against opium for non-medical purposes was enacted in ______ and mandated that opium shop owners were to be strangled. Soon after, ______ started to smuggle opium into China. The next significant event related to the history of opium is the Opium _____. The complete background of the Opium Wars is so extensive and complex that for the purpose of this lecture I will just mention that in 1839 the emperor of China attempted to suppress opium _____.

medical, 1729, India, Wars, smuggling

In a European report issued in 1592, ____ uses for tobacco included treating headaches, ____, and sores on the head. The medical value of tobacco was also mentioned in fourteen other books from 1537-1559. In sixteenth century France, tobacco was called a ____ plant and the plant against all evils. By the end of the same century, pregnant women and men who desired to impregnate women were cautioned ____ use of tobacco.

medical, colds, holy, against

Used as an intoxicant, _____, and fiber for thousands of years, this plant (marijuana) was grown for its medicinal properties and _____ and it is believed by some that the word marijuana comes from the Portuguese word Marigi-ano which means ______. The earliest reference to Cannabis is in a pharmacy book written in 2737 BC by the ______ emperor Shen Nung. He recommended cannabis be used to treat gout, malaria, ______, rheumatism, and absent-mindedness and called it the "Liberator of Sin". Marijuana was used in India around 500 AD for its mind- and mood-altering effects and in some areas the plant is still used for medical and ______ reasons. Historians report that in addition to social use, cannabis was used as an analgesic and ______ throughout the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Africa by 1000 AD. In Egypt, cannabis was used to treat _____ eyes, and, in Africa, it was used to restore the ______ and to relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids.

medicine, fiber, intoxicant, Chinese, constipation, religious, antiseptic, sore, appetite

Dopamine combined with that is the "___ chemical," called glutamate, which reminds the brain that using methamphetamine will make the brain feel ____ and glutamate continues to signal to the drug dependent person to ____ drug use.

memory, better, continue

In 2015, the estimate of about 1.9 _____ people aged twelve or older who were current users of ______ included about 394,000 current users of crack. The _____ ______ for cocaine use was similar to the estimates in most years between 2007 and 2013.

million, cocaine, current estimate

In 2015, an estimated 64 _____ Americans aged twelve or older were _____ (past month) users of a tobacco product. This represents 23.9 percent of the _____ in that age range. In addition, 52 million persons (19.4 percent of the population) were current cigarette smokers; 12.5 million smoked ______; 9.0 million used smokeless _____; and 2.3 million smoked tobacco in pipes.

million, current, population, cigars, tobacco

Of the approximately 20.8 _____ people aged twelve or older had an SUD in the past year, including 15.7 million people who had an alcohol use _____ and 7.7 million people who had an illicit _____ use disorder; the specific _____ drugs with the largest numbers of persons with past year.

million, disorder, drug, illicit

Tolerance occurs when an individual uses a substance over time and then needs ___ of the substance to get the original effect. ___ occurs (needing more of the drug to get the same effect) because the tissues ___ their ability to metabolize (breakdown) the drug.

more, Tolerance, increase

Probably the world's ____ widely used stimulant is caffeine. It is found in coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, ____ _____, and in over-the-counter drugs like No-Doz and Excedrin Migraine. Caffeine comes from ______, the oldest stimulants known. Caffeine got its name when it was isolated from coffee in 1820. Around 900 AD, an _____ medical book suggested that coffee was good for just about everything; yet, as noted in the _____ of other drugs, there is generally an argument to support the other side of the coin. In the case of coffee, one was with seventeenth century English women who claimed men drank too much coffee and it ____ with their time spent with women. The debate continues with scientific investigations related to the ____ effects of caffeine in cancer, reproduction, and breast disease while the National Institute of _____ Health has reported positive effects, e.g., caffeine can precipitate full-blown panic attacks in some people.

most, diet pills, Xanthines, Arabian, history, interfered, negative, Mental

According to the 2015 National Behavioral Health Barometer, from 2010-2014, the percentage of US adolescents aged 12-17 who perceived _____ great risk from monthly or weekly marijuana use _____, along with the percentage of adolescents who perceived no risk from having four or five drinks _____ _____.

no, increased, every day

Between the 1850s and 1900s, various cocaine ____ were sold in the US market and abroad. Even the soft drink Coca-Cola originally contained ____ (under public pressure the cocaine syrup was removed by 1901). Physicians were well aware of the ____ of using cocaine regularly, yet its popularity became widespread as it was one of the secret ingredients in many patent medicines and elixirs and was available in many products available for drinking, ____, and injecting. There were no legal restrictions on the purchase or usage of the drug until ____ changes among users became more apparent and an association between criminal activity and cocaine use was made. As the country continued to see the dangers of the drug spreading through their communities, campaigns ____ the use began to rise. Finally a movement to ban the social uses of cocaine was ____ and the public took an active role in getting cocaine placed on the Dangerous Drug Act of 1920.

tonics, cocaine, dangers, snorting, behavioral, against, declared

Psychotropic drugs are those drugs used to _____ mental and emotional problems. Most psychotropic drugs do not produce feelings of being ____ or a "high," and, in and of themselves, are not considered addictive. Different types of psychotropic drugs include ____, anti-depressants, anti-obsessive agents, antianxiety agents, and mood stabilizers. They work in different ways to address symptoms and causes of various ____.

treat, intoxicated, antipsychotics, disorders

In 2015, an estimated 27.1 million Americans aged _____ or older illegal drug use was primarily driven by marijuana use (_____._____ million current users twelve and older) and the misuse of prescription pain relievers (_____._____ million people reported current misuse)

twelve, 22.3, 3.8

In 2014, 6.1 percent of adolescents aged _____ to seventeen in the United States (an estimated 1.5 million adolescents) reported _____ alcohol use in the month prior to being surveyed, a _____from 8.9 percent in 2008.

twelve, binge, decrease

1/10 individuals (27.1 million people) aged _____ or older in the United States used illicit drugs in the past _____.

twelve, month

Be careful with this one, though, because other ____ can affect tolerance. Some of these include ___ drugs (two downers such as alcohol and valium can multiply in the user's body), the mind set and ___ of the user, how quickly a drug or drugs are ingested, and how much the user has had to eat recently (this pertains to drugs taken orally). Another factor in tolerance is ___. A person who has experience using a particular drug may be able to appear more "together" when using just through "practice."

variables, mixing, expectation, experience

Early use of alcohol seemed to have been ______. The term alcohol is from an _____ word meaning "finely divided spirit" and originally referred to that part of the wine collected through distillation. Around the tenth century in Europe, Italians first distilled wine and a thirteenth century professor of medicine at the French University of Montpelier studied the ______ value of wine and gave it the name aqua vitae, the water of life. The name whiskey comes from the ______-Gaelic equivalent of aqua vitae and was commonplace around 1500. Beer was drunk by the _____ ______ whom Columbus met, and American colonists drank fermented _____ juice, hard apple cider, and rum.

worldwide, Arabic, medicinal, Irish, Native Americans, peach

Of the approximately 20.8 million people aged twelve or older had an SUD in the past _____, including 15.7 million people who had an _____ use disorder and 7.7 million people who had an illicit drug use _____; the specific illicit drugs with the _____ numbers of persons with past year.

year, alcohol, disorder, largest

Overdose occurs when an individual ingests a large quantity or a high dose of a drug at a ___ rate and the body does not have time to neutralize it. The overdose potential is high with most Central Nervous System ___ and stimulants and not as high with hallucinogens. Some overdoses have more serious outcomes than others. Overdoses with deadly results are especially common with ___ and with heroin (as well as with other opiate-based pain killers). The overdose potential is high with alcohol, because the body cannot shut down before too much alcohol is consumed and high dose alcohol is readily available. For heroin and the opiates, the overdose potential is ____ because opiates depress respiration and users have no way to determine the purity of the drug. An individual may inject an eighth of a gram one day and be fine, while the next time the heroin may be more pure and cause an ____.

quick, depressants, alcohol, high, overdose

The pros and cons associated with tobacco appear to have been around about as long as recorded use of the plant—medicinal or ____. King James of England wrote a pamphlet about the harmful dangers of tobacco on the ____ and lungs. In 1908, New York City made it illegal for ____ to smoke in public, and, in the 1920s, women were expelled from schools and fired from jobs for smoking. ____ evidence appeared in the 1950s linking smoking and lung cancer. In 1964, the US Surgeon General issued a report on smoking and declared that smoking is a health ____. In the 1990s, tobacco industries were exposed for arranging research casting doubt on smoking-related health problems and suppressing findings that threatened the industry. Cigarette smoking has been clearly linked to increased risk of heart disease, lung and other ____, emphysema, and ____.

recreational, brain, women, Scientific, hazard, cancers, stroke

The 1914 Harrison Act ______ the number of opium users by requiring that the drugs be obtained from physicians registered under the act. By ______, the only other supplier for opium users was an illegal dealer. This source cost much ______ than legitimate sources and as a result many resorted to crime to pay for their addiction. This shift in obtaining ______ also resulted in a shift of attitude toward the opiate user. Society had formerly been sympathetic toward the opiate ______ but then viewed the user as a weak degenerate. Clinics that used to treat the opiate user were closed during the 1920s under pressure from federal ______ and the law enforcement approach was viewed as the only practical solution to the problem of ______.

reduced, 1922, more, opium, addict, officials, addiction

The NSDUH sample is ______ of almost 98 percent of the US population aged twelve years old or older. Approximately one third of the total sample was dedicated to youths aged twelve to ______ years, one third to young adults aged eighteen to _______-five years, and one third to adults aged _____-six years or older.

representative, seventeen, twenty, twenty

An ongoing debate among smokers and ____ is whether _____, the primary reinforcing substance in tobacco, acts to arouse or ____ the user. An example of this paradox is that, while nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure, it usually decreases ____ behavior.

researchers, nicotine, calm, emotional

Overall increases in perceived _____ and disapproval seem to have contributed to the decrease in cigarette use. It appears as though some of the attitudinal changes around cigarettes can be attributed to the adverse _____ toward the tobacco industry in the 1990s and a reduction in cigarette advertising as well as anti-smoking _____ Top three substances used by high school seniors: ______ 33.2 percent (thirty days), E-cigarettes 12.5 percent (thirty days), and marijuana 22.5 percent (thirty days).

risk, publicity, campaigns, alcohol

Alcohol consumption _____ _____ from the 1950s to the 1970s and, by the 1990s, attitudes toward alcohol shifted again. The view surrounding alcohol consumption in the 1990s seemed to be more _____ than any time since the 1930s. Celebrities used television as a vehicle to speak out against the abuse of alcohol. Beer and liquor companies were _____ to warn consumers about the _____ of alcohol through required warning labels affixed to containers of alcohol. Groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) and Students Against Drunk Drivers (SADD) formed and _____ for tougher punishments for alcohol-related crimes.

rose steadily, unacceptable, mandated, dangers, lobbied

Barbiturate drugs are a chemical group of ____-hypnotics. In other words, in ____ doses these drugs may be used to relax, calm, or tranquilize (sedate) and in higher doses are used as a ____ pill (hypnotic). Adolph Von Bayer was the first to ____ Barbiturates. The date of discovery, December 4, 1863, was the feast day of Saint Barbara so he named his discovery Barbara's urates in her honor. It was first used as a sedative. It was then prescribed to ____ insomniacs and then given to the mentally ill hospitalized in institutions. The danger in taking barbiturates was in developing tolerance and, since they depress ____, which in large doses or in combination with alcohol, usage can be deadly. The majority of people who took these drugs were not harmed by them, but the addictive quality and danger of ____ led to acceptance for research of safer sedatives or hypnotics.

sedative, low, sleeping, synthesize, chronic, respiration, overdose

Uppers refer to all ____, which include cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamines, tobacco, and caffeine. Downers refer to all ____, which include alcohol, sedative-hypnotics, and opiates/opioids. All-Arounders include ____ and marijuana. This simplistic classification helps individuals remember drugs of abuse by the action of the drug.

stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens

The 1950s and 1960s saw an increase in use of marijuana in the ____. It became the most common symbol of young people ____ authority. Marijuana use reached its ____ popularity in the United States around 1980. The marijuana of the ____ was reportedly about twenty times more potent than what was found on the street in the 1960s and 1970s. According to drug treatment experts and law enforcement officials, new methods of ____ and processing marijuana plants had increased the potency. Today's marijuana users and their drug use is rarely an expression of ____ protest or even of rebellion against authority. Many of today's users have more ____ problems than the teens who smoked marijuana a generation ago and are more likely to be looking for an escape than a thrill.

streets, rejecting, peak, 1990s, harvesting, social, serious

Early thought of therapeutic uses of LSD had to do with accessing the ____ mind, likely associated with reports about the dreamlike qualities associated with _____ experiences. Other potentially therapeutic uses were that LSD would be good for treatment of alcoholics and for terminal ____ patients to achieve a greater understanding of their own mortality. _____ study of LSD declined in the 1970s.

subconscious, LSD, cancer, Scientific

In 2015, an estimated 20.8 million persons aged twelve or older (8.5 percent) were classified with _____ use disorder (SUD) in the past year based on criteria specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of _____ Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV). Of these, only 2.3 million of the people who needed _____ received it. Substance Use treatment refers to treatment or counseling for illicit drug or alcohol use or for _____ problems associated with illicit drug or alcohol use.

substance, Mental, treatment, medical

Much of the west coast amphetamine supply comes from "____ _____" in California and Mexico, operated by the "Mexican Cartel." The manufactured drug is then transported to various points of distribution in _____ and the west. Today "Meth" is a common theme in the news has been all over the headlines. The question has been asked by some media whether the "meth epidemic" is ____ of the media and public imagination.

super labs, Nevada, concoction

Despite recent declines, six out of every _____ students (61 percent) have consumed alcohol by the end of _____ school and a quarter (23 percent) by eighth grade, keeping alcohol as the substance most widely used by today's _____.

ten, high, teenagers

In 1860, a committee to discuss the _____ applications of marijuana convened in America. Over 100 articles were published recommending ______ for a wide range of disorders. By the end of the nineteenth century, writings by William James and others interested in the new _____ of psychology introduced the prospect of using psychoactive agents in studying ______ processes. American public interest and concern in marijuana and its use was not widespread by the beginning of the ____ century. It was not until articles associating crime and marijuana that the public began to take an interest in this "new" drug. Campaigns to make the use of marijuana _____ were gaining popularity in many states. By the end of 1936, all forty-eight states had laws regulating the use, sale, and/or possession of marijuana, and, by 1937, a federal anti-marijuana law was ____.

therapeutic, cannabis, science, psychological, twentieth, illegal, passed

Early thought of _____ uses of LSD had to do with accessing the subconscious mind, likely associated with reports about the ____ qualities associated with LSD experiences. Other potentially therapeutic uses were that LSD would be good for treatment of _____ and for terminal cancer patients to achieve a greater understanding of their own ____. Scientific study of LSD declined in the 1970s.

therapeutic, dreamlike, alcoholics, mortality

Used as an intoxicant, medicine, and fiber for ______ of years, this plant (marijuana) was grown for its medicinal properties and fiber and it is believed by some that the word marijuana comes from the _____ word Marigi-ano which means intoxicant. The earliest reference to Cannabis is in a _____ book written in 2737 BC by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung. He _____ cannabis be used to treat gout, _____, constipation, rheumatism, and absent-mindedness and called it the "Liberator of Sin". Marijuana was used in _____ around 500 AD for its mind- and mood-altering effects and in some areas the plant is still used for ______ and religious reasons. Historians report that in addition to social use, cannabis was used as an ______ and antiseptic throughout the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Africa by 1000 AD. In Egypt, ______ was used to treat sore eyes, and, in Africa, it was used to restore the appetite and to relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids.

thousands, Portuguese, pharmacy, recommended, malaria, India, medical, analgesic, cannabis

By the second half of the nineteenth century, _____ forms of opiate addiction were developing in the United States. Chinese laborers had introduced opium _____ to this country and although it did not become a very popular method of ingestion it did account for one-quarter of the opium imported. Patent ______ containing morphine became a standard form of self-medication and were easily available, relatively ______, socially acceptable, and actually worked to relieve pains.

three, smoking, medicines, inexpensive

It is important to note that the length of ____ it takes for a drug to be absorbed into the blood stream through oral ____ is affected by the contents of the stomach. For instance, drinking on an empty stomach gets the alcohol into the ____ much faster than if the alcohol has to pass through a barrier of spaghetti and meatballs. Heavy drinkers (i.e., those that drink for effect) and alcohol-addicted people know from experience that food is a ____ to getting the high they really desire. Conversely, drinking or taking certain drugs on an empty stomach can also pose certain dangers, as well, including ____, unwanted intoxication, nausea, etc.

time, ingestion, bloodstream, barrier, overdose

Physical dependence occurs when the body ____ get used to the presence of the drug and actually need the drug to function normally. An individual would be considered physically dependent if they stopped taking a drug and experienced ____ symptoms that are specific to that drug. For instance, the classic withdrawal symptoms of alcohol are hand ___, sweats, and sleeplessness. In more severe cases, the alcohol-addicted person may suffer withdrawal symptoms that include grand mal seizures and/or Delirium Tremens (DT's), which include temporary ____ and/or profound paranoia.

tissues, withdrawal, tremors, psychosis

In 2015, an estimated 64 million Americans aged twelve or older were current (past month) users of a _____ product. This represents 23.9 percent of the population in that _____ range. In addition, 52 million persons (19.4 percent of the population) were current _____ smokers; 12.5 million smoked cigars; 9.0 million used _____ tobacco; and 2.3 million smoked tobacco in pipes.

tobacco, age, cigarette, smokeless

In early America, ____ became of the major exports of the colonies to England and ____ much of the Revolutionary War. By the late ____ century, the new Congress put a luxury tax on it tobacco. At this time, chewing tobacco also became popular—____ about fire hazards may have influenced the preference of ____ tobacco over smoking.

tobacco, financed, 18th, concerns, chewing

The pros and cons associated with ____ appear to have been around about as long as recorded use of the plant—medicinal or recreational. King James of England wrote a ____ about the harmful dangers of tobacco on the brain and lungs. In 1908, New York City made it ____ for women to smoke in public, and, in the 1920s, women were ____ from schools and fired from jobs for smoking. Scientific evidence appeared in the 1950s linking smoking and ____ cancer. In 1964, the US Surgeon General issued a report on smoking and declared that smoking is a ____ hazard. In the 1990s, tobacco industries were exposed for arranging research casting doubt on smoking-related health problems and suppressing findings that threatened the industry. Cigarette smoking has been clearly linked to increased risk of _____ disease, lung and other cancers, ____, and stroke.

tobacco, pamphlet, illegal, expelled, lung, health, heart, emphysema

When an individual ingests a drug orally it takes _____ to ____ minutes to feel the effect of the drug or for the drug to reach the ____. This is the _____ manner of ingesting a drug. When an individual takes a drug orally that means they place it in their mouth and swallow. The drug enters the throat, then the esophagus, then the stomach and then to the small intestine. In the small intestine the drug is ____ through the blood vessels lining the ____.

20, 30, brain, slowest, absorbed, walls

In 2014, 6.1 percent of adolescents aged 12 to _____ in the United States (an estimated 1.5 million adolescents) reported binge _____ use in the month prior to being surveyed, a decrease from 8.9 percent in _____.

17, alcohol, 2008

According to the 2015 National Behavioral Health Barometer, from 2010-2014, the percentage of US adolescents aged 12-_____ who perceived no great risk from monthly or weekly _____ use increased, along with the percentage of adolescents who perceived no risk from having four or five ______ every day.

17, marijuana, drinks

About 5.4 million young adults aged ______ to twenty-five in 2015 needed treatment for a substance use problem in the past year (1 in 6) and ______ 7.7 percent received it; of the 15.0 _____ adults aged twenty-six or older who needed substance use treatment, 12.3 received treatment at a _____ facility in the past year.

18, only, million, specialty

Over the past ____ years, benzodiazepines such as Librium, Valium, and Xanax have for the most part replaced the barbiturates. Patterns of ____ associated with these drugs may be, for example, an individual who gets a prescription for daytime sedative use or as a sleeping pill and eventually _____ tolerance and the dose is increased. Although the individual may end up visiting various physicians to maintain the ______ levels, he would not identify himself as drug abusers even though this type of use may lead to physical dependence. The other pattern of abuse associated with these drugs might be an individual who obtains the drugs simply for the purpose of getting high. He might ____ the drugs from someone else's medicine cabinet or buy them on the street. He may tend to take larger _____ and mix several drugs or alcohol along with the drug. President George W. Bush's niece is a good case example of prescription drug abuse.

20, abuse, develops, increased, steal, doses

In ______ , marijuana was the most commonly used illicit drug in the past month by people aged _____ and older (22.2 million)

2015, 12

In _____, an estimated 6.4 million _____ aged twelve or older were current misusers of _____ psychotherapeutic drugs which includes pain relievers, _____, stimulants and sedatives.

2015, Americans, prescription, tranquilizers

In ______, the estimate of about 1.9 million people aged twelve or older who were current users of cocaine included about 394,000 current users of _____. The current estimate for ______ use was similar to the estimates in most years between _____ and 2013.

2015, crack, cocaine, 2007

In _____, 1 in 4 people (24.9 percent), 6.2 percent of persons aged twelve or older participated in binge drinking. This translates to about 66.7 million people. Binge drinking for _____ is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same _____ on at least one day in the past thirty days. For _____, binge alcohol use is defined in 2015 as drinking four or more drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the past _____ _____.

2015, males, occasion, females, thirty days

About 5.4 million young adults aged 18 to _____ in 2015 needed treatment for a substance _____ problem in the past year (1 in 6) and only 7.7 percent received it; of the 15.0 million adults aged twenty-six or older who needed substance use treatment, 12.3 received treatment at a specialty facility in the ______ _____.

25, use, past year

In 2015, an estimated _____.______ million Americans aged _____ or older used an illicit drug in the past 30 days; (about 1/10 Americans)

27.1, twelve

In 2015, 1 in _____ people (24.9 percent), 6.2 percent of persons aged twelve or older participated in _____ drinking. This translates to about 66.7 _____ people. Binge _____ for males is defined as drinking ______ or more drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the past thirty days. For females, binge alcohol use is defined in 2015 as drinking _______ or more drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the past thirty days.

4, binge, million, drinking, five, four

In 2015, an estimated _____._____ million Americans aged twelve or older were current misusers of prescription psychotherapeutic drugs which includes _____ _____, tranquilizers, _____ and sedatives.

6.4, pain relievers, stimulants

The NSDUH sample is representative of almost _____ percent of the US population aged twelve years old or older. Approximately one third of the total sample was dedicated to _____ aged twelve to seventeen years, one third to young adults aged eighteen to twenty-______ years, and one third to adults aged twenty-______ years or older.

98, youths, five, six

_____ consumption rose steadily from the 1950s to the ______ and, by the 1990s, attitudes toward alcohol shifted again. The view surrounding alcohol consumption in the 1990s seemed to be more unacceptable than any time since the 1930s. Celebrities used television as a vehicle to speak out against the abuse of alcohol. Beer and liquor companies were mandated to _____ _____ about the dangers of alcohol through required warning labels affixed to containers of alcohol. Groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) and Students Against Drunk Drivers (SADD) formed and lobbied for _____ _____ for alcohol-related crimes.

Alcohol, 1970s, warn consumers, tougher punishments

______ is the oldest psychoactive chemical. Some historians suggest that mead, which is made from honey, was used about _____ BC and may be the oldest _____ beverage. A _____ legend tells a story about how wine was discovered approximately 4,000 years ago. The legend is of a woman who endured severe headaches. Her suffering was so intense that, one day, she decided to kill herself. She had been told that the juice in the bottom of the grape storage vats was poison so with the intention of killing herself she drank the liquid. Well, the liquid made her headache go away but she did not poison herself to death. Instead she continued to drink the liquid whenever she had a headache and eventually shared her cure with King Jamshid. According to legend, this is how wine was ______.

Alcohol, 8000, alcoholic, Persian, discovered

____ has played a large role in many cultures. For example, Egyptian and Roman _____ had a god or goddess of wine, and rulers used alcohol as a reward for hard work and tried to control the use of ______.

Alcohol, empires, alcohol

Prior to the _____ ______, people of all ages drank alcoholic beverages at an estimated rate of three and a half _____ a year. Even the early Puritan ministers, who were quite moralistic about all kinds of behavior, referred to alcoholic drink as "the _____ Creature of God." Drunkenness was condemned as a _____ misuse of the "Good Creature" and the blame was placed on the "sinner" not on the alcohol.

American Revolution, gallons, Good, sinful

Slightly more than half of _____ aged twelve or older reported being current drinkers of _____ in the 2015 survey (51.7 percent). This translates to an estimated 135.5 _____ people, which was lower than the 2014 estimate (52.7 percent).

Americans, alcohol, million

____ was first use was as a replacement for ephedrine, an herb used to ____ the bronchial passages in asthma patients. In 1937, amphetamine became available in a ____ tablet. It was used to decrease hyperactivity in children; treat ____ (a condition where an individual spontaneously falls asleep numerous times a day); as an appetite suppressant; ____ ____ used it to cram for exams; and truck drivers were able to keep driving long hauls.

Amphetamine, dilate, prescription, narcolepsy, college students

The percentage of US adolescents aged _____ to _____ who used alcohol, cigarettes, and nonmedical use of _____ for the first time in the year prior to being surveyed, decreased from 2010 to 2014. The percentage who initiated marijuana use in the past year _____ from 2011 to 2014.

12, 17, psychotherapeutics, decreased

According to the _____ Health Barometer, the percentage of adolescents aged twelve to seventeen who used marijuana _____ from the early 2000s to the mid to late 2000s and then gradually _____ in recent years.

Behavioral, decreased, increased

Another way of classifying drugs is by the effect they have on the ____ ____ ____ and the brain. Central Nervous System Depressants slow down all body functions while Central Nervous System ____ speed-up them up (e.g., breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure). Hallucinogens act directly on the brain and brain stem ____ messages.

Central Nervous System, Stimulants, distorting

Central Nervous System ___ are the class of drugs that include alcohol, opiates, such as heroin and morphine, and sedative-hypnotics such as Seconal, Phenobarbital, Xanax and Valium. CNS depressants, for the most part, primarily depress the central nervous system. Although, many of the CNS depressants have vast ___ use, the CNS depressant class of drugs can be very dangerous, used alone or in combination with other drugs/alcohol. Many of the substances in this class can have serious and sometimes ___ consequences when used in combination with other substances, and, furthermore, many substances in this class can produce fatal ___symptoms.

Depressants, medicinal, fatal, withdrawal

_____ use of alcohol seemed to have been worldwide. The term alcohol is from an Arabic word meaning "finely _____ spirit" and originally referred to that part of the wine collected through distillation. Around the tenth century in Europe, Italians first distilled wine and a thirteenth century professor of medicine at the French University of Montpelier studied the medicinal value of wine and gave it the name aqua vitae, the _____ of _____. The name _____ comes from the Irish-Gaelic equivalent of aqua vitae and was commonplace around 1500. ______ was drunk by the Native Americans whom Columbus met, and American colonists drank fermented peach juice, hard apple cider, and ______.

Early, divided, water, life, whiskey, Beer, rum

_____ _____ is a concept created by Dr. Marc Gold. He believes that the United States gets stuck in reoccurring cycles of drug epidemics due to preoccupation with a _____ drug. When this occurs, the belief that all mind altering substances cause problems is forgotten. For example, in the early 1970s the United States got very worried about the increase in use of LSD by college and high school students. Great amounts of time, energy, and money were spent informing the public about the dangers of this drug. At this time and for the next several years a lot of the drug information centered on LSD. Little to no information was distributed on cocaine. In 1980 the use of LSD decreased while the use of cocaine began to increase dramatically. Efforts became focused on cocaine with very little attention given to LSD. Dr. Gold believes we go from one drug epidemic to another, never addressing the point that all psychoactive drugs can cause problems. He calls this phenomenon "epidemic formation." Both Drs. Gold and Fisher (senior author of the textbook) believe that alcohol and tobacco are our most ______ and most ______ "legal drugs of abuse" and yet are never part of the "war on drugs" which contributes to the formation of drug epidemics.

Epidemic formation, singular, used, deadly

In a _____ report issued in 1592, medical uses for tobacco included treating ____, colds, and sores on the head. The medical value of tobacco was also mentioned in fourteen other books from 1537-1559. In ____ century France, tobacco was called a holy plant and the plant against all ____. By the end of the same century, ____ women and men who desired to impregnate women were cautioned against use of tobacco.

European, headaches, sixteenth, evils, pregnant

_____ _____ is a term coined by Dr. Peter Reuter. He observed that drugs of abuse seem to move through _____ of popularity and unpopularity with few lessons learned from one _____ to the next. For example, cocaine was a popular drug of abuse in the 1920s. When individuals began to recognize the dangers of cocaine, use decreased. Forty years later, cocaine re-emerged as popular drug of abuse as though the problems experienced by individuals with the drug in the 1940s did not occur. Dr. Reuter calls this generational forgetting, where the lessons learned by previous generation about a drug of abuse are forgotten by another generation. When generational forgetting occurs it's as though all ______ experience or history (negative experience) with the drug is discarded. Cocaine was viewed as a new drug of abuse coming on the market in the 1980s rather than as the same chemical abused in the 1920s. Dr. Reuter cautions generations to learn from a previous generations' experience with drugs of abuse rather than having to learn the lessons over and over again.

Generational forgetting, cycles, generation, previous

In 1750, King _____ of England sent a proclamation to America encouraging the planting of ______, a species (sativa) of the cannabis plant grown to utilize its fibers in making rope. ______ ______ planted it at his Mount Vernon plantation and from his fields and many others like it, this species of cannabis spread across the _____, growing spontaneously. The _____ Movement in France (1840-1860) popularized the use of cannabis as a mind-altering substance among the intellectual class. A group of _____ and writers who gathered monthly at a Paris hotel to use drugs, influenced a book by Gautier, Le Club de Hachischins, describing their intoxication.

George, hemp, George Washington, nation, Literary, artists

Epidemic formation is a concept created by Dr. Marc ______. He believes that the United States gets stuck in reoccurring cycles of drug epidemics due to ______ with a singular drug. When this occurs, the belief that all mind altering substances cause problems is ______. For example, in the early 1970s the United States got very worried about the increase in use of _____ by college and high school students. Great amounts of time, energy, and money were spent informing the public about the dangers of this drug. At this time and for the next several years a lot of the drug information centered on LSD. Little to no information was distributed on ______. In 1980 the use of LSD decreased while the use of cocaine began to increase dramatically. Efforts became focused on cocaine with very little attention given to LSD. Dr. Gold believes we go from one drug epidemic to another, never addressing the point that all psychoactive drugs can _____ _____. He calls this phenomenon "epidemic formation." Both Drs. Gold and Fisher (senior author of the textbook) believe that alcohol and tobacco are our most used and most deadly "legal drugs of abuse" and yet are never part of the "war on drugs" which contributes to the formation of drug epidemics.

Gold, preoccupation, forgotten, LSD, cocaine, cause problems

The 1914 ______ Act reduced the number of opium users by requiring that the drugs be obtained from ______ registered under the act. By 1922, the only other supplier for opium users was an _____ dealer. This source cost much more than legitimate sources and as a result many resorted to crime to pay for their addiction. This shift in obtaining opium also resulted in a shift of attitude toward the opiate user. Society had formerly been ______ toward the opiate addict but then viewed the user as a weak degenerate. Clinics that used to treat the opiate user were closed during the 1920s under pressure from ______ officials and the law enforcement approach was viewed as the only ______ solution to the problem of addiction.

Harrison, physicians, illegal, sympathetic, federal, practical

Before 1500 BC, the _____ built a well-developed civilization in Peru where the coca leaf was an important part of the culture. It was used primarily in ____ ceremonies and when the Spanish conquistadors arrived they paid the native laborers in coca leaves. Natives along the Amazon slope of the Andes in Bolivia and Peru would _____ the leaves from the coca plants to increase strength and endurance while decreasing the need for _____. Although this practice was recorded and reported by early European writers, it never interested Europeans until a French ____, Angelo Mariani, introduced the coca leaf to the public. He used the extract of coca leaf in numerous products, such as throat ____ and teas, but most famously in wine.

Incas, religious, chew, food, chemist,lozenges

____ are another depressant important in mentioning under this section in that there is a notable history of abuse that continues to present time. In the 1800s, ____ oxide (laughing gas) was discovered and was first used as an intoxicant and then as an anesthetic (Chloroform and ____). Nitrous Oxide was also prescribed in Victorian times to keep women under control. "Whippets," a propellant in whipping-cream, contains nitrous ____ and is sold in small bottles with relative accessibility for use other than intended. Products like gasoline, glue, _____, lighter fluid, spray cans of almost anything, nail polish, and liquid paper may have effects that are similar in an overall way to depressants when they are inhaled. The modern era of _____ abuse began in the late 1950s when glue sniffing apparently spread across the country due to a report out of Denver about young ____ caught sniffing plastic model glue. More publicity followed and seemed to spark an almost fad. Laws ____ sales of household solvents to minors were passed. You may notice when you go into a Home Depot the spray paint cans are under lock and key.

Inhalants, nitrous, Ether, oxide, paint, inhalant, boys, limiting

_____ injection was used on a large scale during the ______ War for pain and dysentery and many soldiers became addicted. Not only was morphine injection the ______ acceptable method of use, medically it was the most dangerous and ultimately the most socially _______. By the way, the infamous western outlaw Jesse ______ was a teenaged Confederate guerilla and was wounded at the end of the Civil War. He was treated with morphine for ______ and became addicted to it for the rest of his life.

Morphine, Civil, least, disruptive, James, pain

Tobacco comes from the plant ____ and is indigenous to the Western Hemisphere. It wasn't until ____ discovered the New World in 1492 that tobacco was introduced to Europe. Two forms of ingestion were observed in the New World, one was to "_____" or use as snuff (powdery form ingested nasally) and the other was to "drink" ____. The origins of the word tobacco come from a couple sources. One source is the word used by North American ____ for a tube they used to take snuff. The other is from the Tobacos province in Mexico where everyone used the ____. There are over sixty species of Nicotiana, yet only ____ of the major species, tobacum and rustica, are grown today in over 100 countries. Tobacum was native to only ____ America and rustica native to the West Indies and ____ America.

Nicotiana, Columbus, take, smoke, natives, herb, two, South, North

_____ in _____ individuals (27.1 million people) aged twelve or older in the United States used _____ drugs in the past month.

One, ten, illicit

Generational forgetting is a term coined by Dr. _____ Reuter. He observed that drugs of abuse seem to move through cycles of popularity and unpopularity with few _____ learned from one generation to the next. For example, cocaine was a popular drug of abuse in the 1920s. When individuals began to recognize the dangers of cocaine, use decreased. Forty years later, cocaine re-emerged as popular drug of abuse as though the problems experienced by individuals with the drug in the 1940s did not occur. Dr. Reuter calls this generational ______, where the lessons learned by previous generation about a drug of abuse are forgotten by another generation. When generational forgetting occurs it's as though all previous experience or history (negative experience) with the drug is ______. Cocaine was viewed as a new drug of abuse coming on the market in the 1980s rather than as the same chemical abused in the 1920s. Dr. Reuter cautions generations to learn from a previous generations' experience with drugs of abuse rather than having to learn the lessons over and over again.

Peter, lessons, forgetting, discarded

_____ is how many people actually have the problem or how often it _____

Prevalence, occurs

Drugs are classified in many different ways. The Federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) classifies drugs according to their ____ (addiction potential) and medical usefulness. Other entities classify drugs according to their effects. Here's a common method of classifying drugs of abuse: *Opiates/Opioids (These are ____drugs, some legal by prescription and some not. They include heroin, Demerol, morphine, codeine, Darvocet, Percocet, etc.) Sedative-Hypnotics (These are normally drugs used for panic and ____ disorders, as well as for sleep and other issues. They include the barbiturates, benzodiazepines such as valium, Librium, Xanax, etc., and others such as GHB, Quaaludes, Meprobamate, etc.) *Alcohol (You know, beer, malt liquor, wine, and distilled spirits. But don't forget wine coolers and the sweeter drinks that ____ often thought of as alcohol!) *Stimulants (amphetamine, methamphetamine, _____, nicotine, and caffeine) *Hallucinogens (____, mushrooms, PCP, Peyote, and many more) *Cannabis (Many people say that Cannabis should be a sedative or downer but, actually, it acts more like an ____ because it can affect any of the five senses. That said, Cannabis can act as a sedative for some, and others use it for pain relief.) *Inhalants (____, gases, solvents, paints, etc.) There are some drugs that we don't know what they are so they could be classified as "Unknown." (These are the designer drugs such as "bath salts" that would act like a stimulant but really hasn't been classified yet. Another designer drug is "spice" or "K2," which is a marijuana "feel alike," but it is not cannabis.)

dangerousness, painkilling, anxiety, aren't, cocaine, LSD, hallucinogen, glue

Prior to the ______ ages, Galen, a Greek physician, emphasized caution in the use of opium but felt that it was a _____ that had the capability to cure many ailments. Opium also became the primary _____ drug wherever Islam culture moved and when the ______ world reached out and made contact with India and China, opium was one of the products they traded.

dark, treatment, social, Arabian

From the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, smokeless tobacco use _____ substantially, but a resurgence in use developed from the mid-2000s through 2010. Since _____, prevalence levels have declined modestly in all three grades and then remained _____ in 2014. In 2016, an estimated 9.0 million people aged twelve or older in 2015 were current _____ tobacco users.

declined, 2010, steady, smokeless

Vaping _____ in 2016, which marks the first significant reversal of a rapid rise in ______ vaping. Previous to 2016 prevalence of vaping had grown from near-zero levels in 2011 to one of the most ______ forms of adolescent substance use by 2015. From 2015 to 2016, the percentage of students who vaped in the last _____ _____ declined by 2 or 3 percentage points to 6 percent, 11 percent, and 13 percent among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, respectively.

declined, adolescent, common, 30 days

Despite recent _____, six out of every ten students (61 percent) have consumed _____ by the end of high school and a quarter (23 percent) by eighth grade, keeping alcohol as the substance _____ widely used by today's teenagers.

declines, alcohol, most

The impact of these anti-tobacco assertions and other factors appear to have some effect on ____ in tobacco use. For example, when the Surgeon General's report came out in 1964, decreases in per capita sales ____ for about a decade but total cigarette sales increased along with the expanding adult population. Widespread ____ about the harms of smoking, immediate improvements in overall health upon cessation of smoking, new products such as nicotine patches and gum, and advertising reform appear to _____ decreases in tobacco use.

decreases, declined, education, influence

A drug can be introduced into the body through various ____ membranes. There are many places in the body that have mucous membranes. Years ago in the drug culture it was at one time considered daring to put liquid LSD in the ____. A more common way of the drug coming in contact with a mucous membrane is chewing tobacco. Nasal inhalation or "____" a drug refers to the process of sniffing a powdered substance into the nasal cavity. Mucus membranes that line the nose contain blood vessels. These blood vessels _____ the drug into the blood system and the blood takes the drug to the brain. Mucous membranes can be found in the nasal cavity, mouth, anus, eyes, and more. It takes five to ____ minutes for an individual to feel the effects when using a drug in this way. This method is more intense than ingesting a drug orally. Cocaine and methamphetamine are two drugs that are commonly ____. Frequently individuals will crush pills or empty pill capsules and snort the powder from the ____. Paraphernalia associated with snorting drugs include: mirror (to put the powder on), straws or tubes used to get the powder up the nose, and a razor blade or other sharp flat surface to chop-up the drug so it is more easily snorted. In the early 1980s, McDonald's (fast food restaurant) offered spoons that had a tiny oval at the end. These spoons were used by some people to snort cocaine. Mc Donald's quit making these spoons about a year later.

mucous, eye, snorting, transport, 7, snorted, pills

Today's heroin user is more likely to snort than _____ and more often than ______ is employed and educated. According to a recent report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the number of people seeking help for heroin addiction has surpassed those seeking recovery from _____. Users tend to be younger than ever before, and, when older, are predominantly middle-class and _____. In the 1990s, the messages that heroin was "in" among certain groups in American Society were all over, from print _____ advertisements to television computer commercials. The _____ look of death was coined "heroin chic." In 1997, President Clinton brought attention to the glamorization of the use and abuse of heroin in an address to the US Conference of ____. He decried the "heroin chic" approach taken by certain fashion photographers. His remarks increased _____ exposure of the "heroin chic" phenomenon. The fashion industry responded with acknowledged of addiction among models, photographers, and others associated with the business and _____ campaigns that glamorized heroin use.

shoot, not, cocaine, professional, fashion, anorexic, Mayors, press, ceased

Many prescribed medications are administered through ____ contact (e.g., Nicotine patches, Estrogen patches, and pain patches) or mucus membrane. Skin contact is becoming a more ____ route of administration for prescription drugs. In terms of length of time to reach the brain and feel the effects, skin contact is the ____ route of administration. No matter how a drug is taken, it ends up in the blood stream, which transports it to the ____. Determining the route of administration provides ____ about the individual's drug use patterns, health risks, and level of ____ regarding drug-taking behaviors. Knowing how someone uses drugs can be helpful when designing treatment services or relapse prevention plans.

skin, viable, slowest, brain, information, sophistication

From the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, _____ tobacco use declined substantially, but a resurgence in use developed from the mid-2000s through 2010. Since 2010, _____ levels have declined modestly in all _____ grades and then remained steady in 2014. In 2016, an estimated 9.0 million people aged twelve or older in 2015 were _____ smokeless tobacco users.

smokeless, prevalence, three, current

Among the 30.2 million daily _____ aged twelve or older in 2015, 12.4 million reported smoking _____ or more cigarettes per day (about a pack or more per day).

smokers, 16

An ongoing debate among _____ and researchers is whether nicotine, the primary reinforcing ____ in tobacco, acts to arouse or calm the user. An example of this paradox is that, while nicotine ____ heart rate and blood pressure, it usually ____ emotional behavior.

smokers, substance, increases, decreases

Today's heroin user is more likely to ______ than shoot and more often than not is employed and ______. According to a recent report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the number of people seeking help for heroin addiction has ______ those seeking recovery from cocaine. Users tend to be _______ than ever before, and, when older, are predominantly middle-class and professional. In the 1990s, the messages that heroin was "in" among certain groups in American Society were all over, from print fashion advertisements to television computer commercials. The anorexic look of death was coined "______ chic." In 1997, President Clinton brought attention to the ______ of the use and abuse of heroin in an address to the US Conference of Mayors. He decried the "heroin ______" approach taken by certain fashion photographers. His remarks increased press exposure of the "heroin chic" phenomenon. The fashion industry responded with _______ of addiction among models, photographers, and others associated with the business and ceased campaigns that glamorized heroin use.

snort, educated, surpassed, younger, heroin, glamorization, chic, acknowledgement

After the Revolution in America, a new _____ of alcohol as the cause of serious problems began to emerge. Alcohol became "______"—viewed as a demon or devil—and this negative view is in part attributed to Benjamin ______, one of the _____ of the Declaration of Independence and prominent Philadelphia physician. Rush published a ______ titled "An Inquiry into the Effects of Ardent Spirits on the Mind and Body" that focused on the relationship between heavy drinking of distilled liquor and jaundice, tremors, and ______. Rush also concluded that hard liquor damaged the drinker's morality, leading to various antisocial, immoral, and criminal behaviors. Rush introduced the concept of _____ to a psychoactive substance and referred to the condition of ______ and overwhelming desires for alcohol as a disease. Other physicians who recognized these symptoms in their patients became the first _____ of the temperance movement. The movement supported abstinence of distilled spirits and temperate or moderate use of beer and wine.

view, demonized, Rush, signers, pamphlet, seizures, addiction, uncontrollable, leaders

Much of the ____ ____ amphetamine supply comes from "super labs" in _____ and Mexico, operated by the "Mexican Cartel." The manufactured drug is then transported to various points of _____ in Nevada and the west. Today "Meth" is a common theme in the news has been all over the headlines. The question has been asked by some media whether the "____ _____" is concoction of the media and public imagination.

west coast, California, distribution, meth epidemic

In 2014, _____ adolescents aged twelve to seventeen smoked cigarettes reported past month binge alcohol use at a higher percentage than Black, _____ or Hispanic adolescents.

white, Asian

It should also be noted that the general rule of thumb in ___ is that a drug with a downer effect will generally result in a more agitated type of withdrawal (i.e. see the example of alcohol withdrawal above in this section) while drugs that are stimulants generally result in a more ___ and lethargic withdrawal (i.e. see the example of methamphetamine withdrawal above in this section). Finally, the DSM has not recognized that ___ related drugs have a withdrawal syndrome until DSM 5. The evidence for an articulable withdrawal syndrome is so compelling that the authors of the DSM ___ that cannabis withdrawal must be listed as one of the potential symptoms of a cannabis use disorder.

withdrawal, depressed, cannabis, agreed

Substance use disorders include the following diagnoses: 1) ____ 2) intoxication 3) other ___ disorders 4) unspecified substance-related disorders 5) substance use ___ According to the DSM 5, a substance use disorder is defined as "a cluster of cognitive, ___, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual ___ using the substance despite significant substance-related problems."

withdrawal, induced, disorders, behavioral, continues

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