CAS 226: ch 9 and ch 10

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3 call to actions that blogs have...

1. a link to another article 2. a click to tweet CTA 3. A graphic box link to a page selling tips

List the four key style elements for social media copy

1. be brief and clear 2. use a conversational tone 3. use active voice 4. use action verb; limit adjectives and adverbs

three ways to make get you residual message cover and foucs the audience

1. concentrate on one thing in your blog 2. use the right verb to explain what you want from your audience 3. write the residual message in a declarative form

6 part structure for effective campaign plans developed by Evan LePage at Hootsuite: {list the 6 parts}

1. construct social media objectives for the client 2. conduct an audience analysis 3. perform a social media audit and adjust the client's social media accounts 4. analyze social media content in the client's industry, and detail effective message designs STEPS 1-4 IDENTIFY ANY PROBLEMS OF ISSUE THAT THE CLIENT'S ORGANIZATION'S CURRENT SOCIAL MEDIA USE 5. create a social media content plan that includes a content calendar. A content calendar specifies when the content will appear in the social media channels when used in the plan. 6. test social media messages, evaluate audience reaction, and adjust the plan if necessary STEPS 5-6 DESCRIBE SOLUTIONS WITH A PLAN THE CLIENT EXACTLY WHAT TO DO WITH SOCIAL MEDIA TO STRATEGICALLY DISTRIBUTE EFFECTIVE CONTENT TO ITS TARGET AUDIENCE

Name the seven structures that apply to web copy

1. time (chronological order) 2. space (page layout) 3. classification (ex: menu/nav bar) 4. analogy (compare differences and similarities) 5. contrast (highlight the differences of two items) 6. relationship (show how pages are linked together) 7. problem -solution

Conversational tone: 3 Talk characteristics

1. use common words, and avoid jargon 2. use contractions at times 3. address the reader directly

3 ways to attract the glancing eye and focus on the information

1. use the second person you 2. write with the voice of the visitor, answer in the voice of the host 3. Imply the second person

Middle form social media copy

100-250 words long, is becoming more popular because it can be easily read on portable devices and fits well with picture and video media

short-form social media copy {def}

140 character count or less like on Twitter, which is now 280 characters so tweeter in now middle form.

Over ___ billion Internet users accessed social networks by April 2016, which is much higher today as the use of _________ grows.

2 billion mobile phone and social media

Most people don't read the whole headline. They read the first ____ words and the last ____ words.

3 3

If copy is more that _____ words, put it on a different page.


Long-form social media copy

700 - 2000 word, usually blogs and are linked to tweets or Facebook posts.

Blog use have a compelling head line. Users are attracted to headlines that have value, which makes a headlines a vital attention getting. Even with good headlines ______ will continue on their internet search, while only _____ read the blog.

8/10 2

journalist use social media to...

for reporting to promote their stories and new organizations front their operations w/ social media account

Attainable means {def}

goals that are feasible and takes into account the current situation for your client.

Time-bound means {def}

happens when you insert a "done by this date" phrase in your objective

In the mid 1990s, websites were becoming used for commercial purposed. In the early 2000s, web developers began to use their products and services, as well as topic associated with them


metrics {def}

measurable audience feedback

Social media objectives form a key component of the social media plan not only because they specify what exactly you plan to do with social media messages but also because they give a valuable means to ______.

measure your success

Name the two types of web copy

middle-form wed copy long-form web copy

Large commercial websites use ________ of the 7 structures.

more then one

Headline formula

number or trigger word + adjective + keyword + promise

Social media writes must be aware of the ________ they convey in their copy and use it to strategic advantage in attracting their target audiences.

personal style (brand voice)

demographics {def}

refer to the descriptive characteristics about the types of people you wish to target for your audience. This includes... - age - income - where they live - education level - gender

target audience {def}

refers to the audience made up of specific types of people who are most likely going to buy your client's product or service(advertising), or the particular people with whom your client's wants to initiate or maintain a beneficial relationship (public relations).

white space

refers to the open area on a page with no content on it. - use bullet points to provide open spaces


refers to the order of the elements of a piece of writing. to web def: means the way material is distributed on the pages so they will be linked effectively and follow a logical pattern appropriate to the topic

the headlines must reflect the ...

risidual message and grab the users attention

A problem-solution structure starts with a problem, and then offers readers a way to ________.

solve it.

public relations use social media to...

specialize in creating social media campaigns using a variety of different social media channels to deliver their message

content ratio {def}

specifies how much of the total number of posts each of the each different types of content will make up.

Effective social media campaign plans are based off of the ______

Professional Strategy Triangle because the plan must include complete explanations of the situation, including the client's objectives and the social media channels that will be used for the campaign.

active voice

when you use subject-verb-object sentence order.

middle-form wed copy

-provides a specific topic -usually fewer than 400 words -con taint links - ex: arrangement

Social media expert Peg Fitzpatrick suggests that you use your audience analysis to construct a composite "____ ____" in order to visualize the __________________________ your client wants to cultivate in their social media audience.

"ideal customer" type of person

"To plug into my best creative and energy levels I like to think about my project for a couple of days. This allows my ideas to marinate and makes the writing process much more natural"

- Catie Beatty

"I advise aspiring professionals to practice their craft diligently. Find opportunities to do your own writing through our news releases, your blog posts, or volunteer opportunities. You'll be surprised by how much you improve."

- Jason Carlton

"My position with Intermountain Healthcare is pretty primary responsibility is social media, but I also work closely with journalists and serve a a spokesperson for five of the hospitals in the system, which gives me the opportunity to blend these two positions through my writing"

- Jason Carlton

"career success through networking, honing his writing skills, ad preserving through setbacks"

- Jason Carlton

"the challenge was to determine my audience and what they needed to know about the issue. What information did they need?"

- Jason Carlton

"Right from the start you need to decide if you are going to be a generalist or a specialist. Generalists are valuable for their adaptability. But the demand for specialists continues to grow, especially those who are stem knowledgeable about S.T.E.M and other technical fields. Cyber security is also a very hot specialization for writers"

- Jean Thompson

"storytelling is so important! Writers can set the stage with a brief challenge overview and emphasize the impact and outcomes delivers are most valuable. These writers do more than just push messages out; they are invested in their client's success; they become e real business partner"

- Jean Thompson

6 most popular problem-solution copy writing formulas

- before-after-bridge - problem-agitate-solve - features-advantages-benefits - attention-interest-desire-action - star-story-solution - star-chain-hook

Social media expert Stephanie Schwa says that four copy writing elements represent your social media brand voice. Our job is to tak characteristics from these four elements to construct the social media voice that our audience would most appreciate. List all 4 elements with examples.

- character/persona + friendly, playful, warm, authoritative, inspiring - language + complex, savvy, insider, serious, fun - purpose + engage. educate, inform, sell, entertain - tone + personal, humble, honest, direct, scientific

What industries are hiring social media coordinators {or social media managers}

- journalism - public relations - advertising

long-form web copy

- long articles like blog, web features, and opinion pieces - no limit

middle-form web copy style

- must be presentable to both phone, and computers - web is still mainly designer for computers - which is why we need white space extensively - social media limits white space because people only really use it on a small screen vs their computer - use bulleted lists, helps white space and glancing eyes

The content plan has three types of content. What are they?

- original content updates - original feature updates - curated content



social media channels are the same as the general idea of social media platforms, which include...

Facebook, twitter, tumblr, pinterest, yelp, foursquare, and more

Two things (first and second) that make goals/objectives attainable are...

First: The staff that your client will work with in creating messages. Your objectives must consider the time that it will take for you writing and production staff to produce social media messages as you specific the frequency of social media posts. Second: You need to be realistic about audience reactions to your planned social media messages. To gauge appropriate metric goals, try examining other social media sites in the client's industry.

The industry social media analysis includes two sections, name them.

First: List a set of industry practitioners that have a social media presence and briefly outline the social media channels that they use. Second: Highlight instances of effective social media use by these other in the client's industry.

Social media now has the ___ internet usage of any type of internet site. These sites include____

Highest - Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or Google+ [which is dead]

popular blog examples

Huffington post Drudge report

Professional Web Development: large corporate setting vs small operations setting

Large: web copy writers are members of a large web production team. Small: web copy writers may have more responsibilities like posting pictures and graphics.

curated content {def}

Occurs when your team finds and distributes material from other sources, curating it like a collector. It refers to reports. It can be planned or unplanned. - planned reports work effectively for content that is available on a schedule basis. - unplanned reports occur when your social media team encounters an important issue in the news that should receive attention from your audience.

Social Media Content Plan consists of 5 sections. Name all 5.

Section 1: - Presents your chosen content ratio and your reasons for adopting the ratio you chose Section 2: - Describe your original content updates. Here, your should include a discussion of the topics that your updates will cover as well as the social media channels you will use to deliver them Section 3: - Provides a detailed explanation of the curated content you plan to report on a weekly basis. Explain exactly what the curated content will be, as well as how frequently you choose to report it, You also need to provide reasons why you choose to report it. Section 4: - Focuses on feature content. Carefully explain the promotional content that you will plan as weekly features on your client's social media channels Section 5: - Provides the content calendar, usually constructed on a spreadsheet. A number of content calendar spreadsheet templates can be downloaded for free online.

Business use the SMART system to create effective objectives. What does SMART stand for?

Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound

Web 2.0 {def}

The second stage of the development of the WWW, when developers designed new protocols into web browses that improved user's ability to post content on web pages and have content delivered to them. Facebook took advantage of the Web 2.0 two-way communication system

World Wide Web

Tim Burners-Lee matches hypertext documents to the internet in 1989. Hypertext - refers to a string of text with electronic links that take a user instantly to other text.

social media campaign {def}

a media strategy that uses more that one social media channel, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, to promote and build an audience attention for an organization's brand.

The third step The social media campaign audit provides

a review of the current social media activity of your client before you implement the campaign. It aims to identify the accounts currently used by your client and then to perform modifications to make the most effective use of social media channels. The task is to create a single, unified social media presence for your client.

social media {def}

a set of rules of digital tools that allow for the creating and sharing of messages in a way that builds collaboration and/or relationships.

Start the social media campaign analysis with a brief paragraph summarizing ___a____. Bullet points work well to information about how the competitors and similar businesses use various social media channels. You goal is to find the ___b____. Once you find examples, you can gain inspiration from successful use of social media by others in your industry. Adapt the ___c____ models from the other in your client's social media campaign plan.

a) how your client compares to others in their industry who use social media. b) best practices c) successful

Start the social media campaign audit with a paragraph summarizing ___a____. Then set up a bulleted list of the social media channels that were used by your client with information about ____b____. The second part of the audit including your recommended action steps to ____c_____. The recommendations in this section will revolve around the need to eliminate duplications in ____d____.

a) what you found when examining your client's current social media accounts b) when they were set up and the way your client currently uses them c) adjust the social media accounts to create a unified social media presence for your client (brand voice) d) accounts and use particular social media channels that will accomplish your campaign plan's objectives

In social media copy, Use a ___a___ tone and ___b____ voice and limit the use of extraneous ____c___ and ____d____.

a)conversational b)active c)adjectives d)adverbs

In 2010, Matthew Latkiewwicz introduced the idea that companies needed to use writing characteristics to create a social media persona for their brand. Once that persona is created, writers should use it for

all copy to build consistency across social media channels.

Social media campaign plans must also address it's audience, including ____

an analysis of the audience demographic, psycho-graphics, and lifestyle segments.

The fourth step of the social media campaign plan features an...

analysis of the social media activity of similar businesses in the client's industry.

Lifestyle segments {def}

are a subset of psycho-graphics that focus on characteristics such as hobbies, outdoor/indoor activities, vacation preferences, sports participation, and aesthetic preferences (like art, music, movies, TV shows, etc.)

Social media objectives {def}

are short statements that explain exactly what you want to achieve with specific messages placed in particular social media channels these statements reflect the needs of your client, which is a part of an overall public relations of advertising media strategy developed for your client

psychographics {def}

chart the attitudes, values, and beliefs held by the people in the target audience - ATTITUDES are opinions about current issues important to the people in the target audience - VALUES refer to ethical or moral principles that guide people in decision making

In the social media campaign content plan, you will specify the frequency of the posts along with a...

content calendar that shows the times during the week that you will post.

Advertising professionals use social media to...

create and place ads in social media to effectively reach target audiences.

Be sure to ______ all your objectives, because it helps provide a measurable indicator of whether or not you reached your time-bound objective.


Golden content ratio {def}

default ratio that must social media professionals usually begin with. The model specifies 30% original updates 60% curated reports 10% original feature promotional content Is referred as the 30/60/10 ratio

How you do specify a target audience? Through what three main categories?

demographics psycho-graphics lifestyle segments

In the social media campaign audience analysis {second step}, you must carefully specify the types of people that are your ____.

desired/target audience

Space for copy is minimal and audience attention span is short, which means you must ____ each word.


Social media copy writing shares many similarities with____.

electronic media writing and web writing.

web content management system

emerged in the early 2000s enabled users to publish web pages without have programming skills. EX: word press

To develop and fine tune sophisticated web pages, professionals need a working knowledge of

html code, as well as style sheets, xml code, and graphics/picture editing.

Social media campaign plans {def}

include everything that you do with social media channel as to achieve specified objectives for your client

The content plan and calendar are essential elements of your social media campaign because they provide.....

instructions for you social media writing and productions team.

residual message

is a brainstorming statement that specifices exactly what you want your audience to think, believe, feel, or do as a result of reading your blog.

Measurable means {def}

is an objective that results in something that you can count or quantify. These are usually likes, comments, or follows {which are all metrics}

Relevant means {def}

is determined by the types of content you plan to post and the type of social media channel you choose for the post. Objectives prove to be relevant when they specific the client's needs.

original content updates {def}

is written and produced by you team, these consist of short messages

Page landscape {def}

it fills the screen in a way that makes it easy for the visitor to find information at a glance. scrolling should be minimized on most pages

original feature updates {def}

its length will depend on the social media channel you use

When writting a blog headline, proper keyword selection is critical because ...

keywords are searchable.

If you are writing for a website or blog, remember that...

planning is the key to great web copy.

Specific means {def}

that each objective refers directly to tangible things, with no ambiguity. It names a particular social media channel, describes that exact message content, and details how frequently the message will be posted.

Social media campaign plans must complete explanations of the situation, including___

the client's objectives and the social media channels that will be used for the campaign.

call to action

the content that drives consumers to buy, usually ask readers to do something EX: click to tweet

channel {def}

the delivery system for a communication medium

the four key style elements for middle-form web copy style is the same as...

the four key style elements for social media copy

customer will scoll throught the comment section but not ...

the whole website.

social media coordinators or social media managers {def}

their job is to design campaigns and specific messages tailored to particular social media channels.

Social media campaign plans must specify the types if social media messages to be used, along with_____

their placement and frequency {aka making a posting schedule}

Conversational tone is note writing how you speak. A sentence written in conversational tone borrows some characteristics from verbal speech, but ______.

they do not exactly mirror the spoken word.

People don't read every word on web pages, they glance and if they find what they need at a glance then....

they leave and go to a different website.

When writing in conversational tone, use proper grammar and think of limiting your words to ...

those your audience members would use in everyday conversations.

blog word count and 2 types

usually 300-1200 words long blogs and persuasive blogs long blogs are associated w/ topics that seek to inform, as they often provide detail necessary to the topic persuasive blogs are often short, containing appeal that simple to understand

web logs

were regular opinion pieces that focuses on the political topics, pop culture criticism, hobbies, and other personal interests topics. In 1999, web users changed the name to blogs

The web has become a vital, central part of the ...

world economy and the marketplace for ideas.

Today, the style guide is one of the first things you will encounter when you become a social media specialist for an established brand. If you are working for a company that does not have a social media style guide, then...

you will need to make one.

The fifth step of the social media campaign plan specifies the content that...

you will post on your client's social media channels.

Brevity is a virtue, and means that

your sentences are short.

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