Cells Chapter 3- Anatomy and Physiology

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Membrane proteins:

Many different types providing specialized functions.

Selective permeability:

-Lipid Solubility= substances cannot pass through easily or at all. -Size= large molecules cannot pass through easily or at all. -Charge= charged molecules cannot pass easily. -Presence of channels and transporters= help with movement of things.

egg cell size


Smooth Muscles cells size?

500 um

Percentage of nutrients:

64% Water, 16% Proteins, 16% Fats, 4% Minerals, 1% Carbohydrates

Red blood cell size?

7.5 um

How many cells are in the adult human body?

70 trillion

Isotonic Solution:

Any solution that has the same osmotic pressure a body fluids.

Fluid Mosaic Composition:

Bi-layer of phospholipid molecules and embedded proteins. -Some carbohydrates, cholesterol, and glycolipids.


Carries code for ribosomes


Condense central part that is composed of proteins and RNA. -Has no membrane -Assemble ribosomes


Contains code for proteins -Double helix


Contains enzymes to dismantle debris. -Garbage man


Contains genetic material of a cell>DNA. -Typically the most central portion of a cell.

Rough ER:

Contains ribosomes on the surface. -Help with protein synthesis.


Describes every single biochemical reaction going on in the body.


Diffusion of water molecules from higher to lower concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. -Not permeable to all solutes such as proteins -Higher solute concentration means lower water concentration. (and vice versa)

Facilitated Diffusion:

Diffusion that is aided by membrane proteins or pores. -Important for transport: ions, water-soluble, wather, glucose, amino acids. -Still from higher to lower concentrations

Peripheral proteins:

Does not extend all the way through, remains at the surface.


Double-layer membrane> inner layer forms folds known as cristae. -Have the ability to divide. - contain own DNA for making a small # of proteins + specialized RNA. Filled with an enzyme-solution fluid called matrix.

Integral Protein:

Extends from the ECF to the ICF. - Provide routes into + out of the cell for smaller molecules + ions. -Bind to specific molecules (such as hormones) that trigger responses in the cell. - provide pores for water molecules to enter.


Fluid that suspends organelles and dissolves solutes. -75-90% water plus solid components. -proteins, carbs, lipids, inorganic substances


Forced movement through a membrane based on pressure. -Typically blood pressure controlled by the heart

14 stps and enzymes to provide body with energy:

Glycolysis, citric acid, electron transport chain (ETC), and Krebs Cycle


Hair on the outside of cell. -Small hair-like projections from the surface of a cell. -Typically found on the epithelial cells. -Move particles along the way as well as help cells anchor in place.

Smooth ER:

Have no ribosomes. - Helps lipid synthesis, fat absorption, breaking down drugs.


In ribosomes


Intracellular, fluid environment that contains the following:

What goes across?

Ions=Na+,K+,H+,Cl-,Ca2,I- Amino acids= valine, leucine, alanine Monosacharides= glucose, fructose, lactose


Larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones releasing energy. -Ex: Hydrolysis- process where water is used to breakdown carbs, lipids, and proteins.


Located near the nucleus of animal cells -consists of two hollow cylinders called centrioles. -Active in cell division


Long whip-like tail found on a cell. -Usually only has one -One type in human cells= sperm cells


Loosely coiled fibers in the nuclear fluid. -DNA molecules wrapped around protein clusters called histones.

electrochemical gradient

Membrane maintains an electrical and chemical gradient between the inside and outside of the cell membrane.

Chemical Gradient

Membrane maintains different chemical compositions between cytosol and the ECF. -ECF= mainly Na+ and Cl- -Cytosol=mainly K+ and Po4

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):

Membrane-bound, flattened sacs elongated canals, and fluid filled vesicles. -Inter connected + communicate with the cell-membrane + other organelles.

What units are cells in?



More rigid than microfilaments adding more structure to the cell. -More organelles and structures within the cell. - similar to tracks on a roller coaster.

Passive Transport:

Movement and with gradient ("downhill reaction") -Does not require cellular energy. -Depends on concentration differences and pressure.


Movement of molecules out of a cell. -Passage of vesicles to the ECF -Used for protein transporting and neurochemical transfer.


Much smaller in diameter than microtubules. -Cause various types of movements within cells.

Active Transport:

Net movement of particles passing through a membrane from lower concentration to higher concentration. -Requires usage of cellular energy. -Up to 40% of a cells energy supply.

What are the 4 main parts of ALL cells?

Nucleus, membrane, cytoplasm, and inclusions


One of two identical "sister" parts of a duplicated DNA.

Electrical gradient:

Present because the inside of the cell surface is more negative than the outside.


Present in all cells, but much more abundant in liver + kidney cells. -Contain enzymes(peroxidases)

Hypotonic solution:

Solution that has a lower osmotic pressure than body fluids. -Lower solute, higher water

Hypertonic solution:

Solutions with a higher osmotic pressure than body fluid. -Higher solute, lower water

Cell membrane:

Surface membrane that separates the external environment from the internal environment. - Extremely thin but flexible lining. -controls entrance + exits of substances. -Selectively permeable


Tendency of atoms, molecules, and ions in a liquid or air solution to move from areas of high concentration to an area of low concentration. - Occurs due to constant, random motion of molecules. -Becomes more distributed=equilibrium.


The molecules your body is constantly breaking up rebuilding and breaking apart again.


Thickened rods of chromatin. -During cell division, coil up tighter. -Pair of chromatids = 1 chromosome


Tiny spherical structures composed of proteins + RNA. -Assemble amino acids to form protein chains.

General protein synthesis equation:

Transcription Translation DNA>mRNA>Protein


Type of protein that controls rate of reaction. -Typically end in "ase".


Vesicular transport into the cell.

Membrane potential:

Voltage due to the separate of (+) and (-) ions. -Sep. of ions occurs only near cell membrane -Overall the ECF and cytosol are electrically neutral.

Golgi Complex:

a.k.a golgi body golgi apparatus - stack of 6 membranes called cisternae. - refine, packages and delivers protein synthesized by rough ER.

Cellular adhesion molecules:

allow certain cells to touch or bind.

Signal transduction:

allows cell to receive and respond to incoming messages.


at least 260 cells


chemicals that exist at times in the cytolsol. -Only present remporarily


larger molecules are constructed from smaller ones, requiring energy input. -Required for cellular growth and repair. -Forms ATP: intracellular carrier of chemical energy. -ATP<->ADP+PO4+Energy


lipids that contain phosphorus. -Heads=water soluble phosphate groups from the outer surface. (Hydrophilic) -Tails= water - insoluble fatty acid chains that make up the interior of the membrane. (hydrophobic)


picks up amino acids: has anti-codon which determines which amino acid


takes in liquids -water and particles dissolved in it that would otherwise be too large.


takes in solid particles. -Disposal of foriegn objects, removal of damaged cells and parts, destruction of disease causing organisms.

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