Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator Exam

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-Builds new knowledge on knowledge already obtained -takes stimuli &convert into knowledge that makes sense to them -Facilitator role: Coaching &facilitating i.e. Using newborn manikin & have student approach assessment without interference

Kneeborn sim learning principles (4)

1. Allow for deliberate practice in safe environment 2. Provide expert tutors to be available to the learners 3. Include experience similar to real life 4. Be student center

Kolb's Experiential Learning Model

1. Concrete Experience - do the experience 2. Reflective Observation 3. Abstract Conceptualization -learning/concluding about experience 4. Active Experimentation - planning/trying it out

Social Learning Theory Self-efficacy is based on what 4 principles?

1. Mastering experiences- hx of success 2. Vicarious experiences- observed behaviors of a role model 3. Verbal Persuasion-telling individual they will be successful 4. Physiological - person's gut feeling that success can be achieved

Pedagogy Andragogy

1. Methods instructors use to teach passive younger children 2. Taking charge of one's learning

Kern's 5 steps to Curriculum Development

1. Problem identification:Needs assessment 2. Needs analysis of targeted learners 3. Goals & objectives 4. Educational strategies 5. Implement 6. Evaluate and feedback

Kirkpatrick's Levels

1. Reaction: Learner self confidence/satisfaction (valuable, how did it make them feel) 2. Learning: measure what trainees learned -obj. should be starting point - be able to demonstrate learning by applying knowledge to make decisions in scenario 3. Behavior: evaluate if trainees changed behavior 4. Results: analyze final results (students, employees) cost, transfer of info to practice

Keller's Motivational Theory: ARCS Model

A: Attention R: Relevant C: Confident - Make expectations clear so learner will engage in learning S: Satisfaction-Have appropriate consequence for learner's skill


Apply, choose, demonstrate, interpret, practice, solve, use, write

Content validity

Appropriateness of each item & comprehensiveness of the measurement

What needs to be in place for scaffolding learning?

Constructive feedback Explanations Reflection Revision of knowledge building

Kolb's 4 learning styles: Converger Diverger Assimilator Accommodator

Converger - problem solver & making decisions Diverger - creative & form new ideas assimilator- apply inductive reasoning to situation Accommodator- those who are actively engaged & able to adapt quickly

Validity: Predictive Validity

Correlation b/w the responses and results

Designing stage

Determine needs assessment for cognitive, behavioral, and technical issues Determine participants Define goals & measurable learning outcomes Select tool for evaluation

Face Validity

Does the evaluation tool appear to be measuring the concept it is suppose to measure

Debriefing for Meaningful Learning

E5 Model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Evaluate, and Extend (Elaborate) Fosters student reflection and uses socratic questioning


Evaluate self, peers, & faculty Know debriefing models Understand responsibility of facilitator Provide time & schedule to watch video


Exactness of duplication Degree to which the SIM reproduces the real world situation (measure of realism)

Feedback vs Debriefing

Feedback is tool of debriefing. It reflects on postive feedback and constructive feedback. Debriefing is a process used to reflect on work.

3D model of Debriefing

Focuses on Defusing, discovering, & deepening

What does perfect practice accomplish (2)

Increase confidence & satisfaction (goes through simulation, debrief, & return for same simulation)

Funneling Debriefing

Learners are guided during debriefing, but debriefer does not comment.


Learning observed through behavior Reinforced by response Teacher centered Learning shaped by others

Pulse Delta Debriefing

Lists what went well and what can be changed next time.

Benner's Levels

Novice: Need rules Adv. Beginner: recognize patterns Competent: plan with no flexibility Proficient: can modify as s/he moves along in a situation

Implementation stage

Orientation learners to environment & equipment Review goals and objectives Assess participants Determine how to respond to unforeseen issues

What are Meller's elements of activity?

Passive: things to stage realism of simulation experience. i.e. moulage Active: what is programmed to cause learner to respond Interactive: what educator changes in response to learner

Fidelity Physical Psychological Task Functional

Physical: Environment in which sim takes place (surroundings) Pysch: Are the learners mentally prepared/ believe its' real?? Task: how authentic is simulated task to real task Functional: degree of accuracy in operation (ie. give medication, how real does pt react)

Serious Gaming Interactivity Agency Parameters

Playing alone or with community Sim world's ability to allow one to create Built in barriers by game designers

Framing - Debriefing

Present simulation experience to the participants in a relevant way


Process of evaluating your own learning/ideas & being able to change them to understand and promote your own learning success


Providing specific questions before the debriefing to guide the direction of debriefing

Affective learning - 5 stages

Receiving Responding Valuing Organizing Internalizing

Social Cognitive theory Learning occurs if the role model is _____,______, and ______.

Relevant, credible, knowledgable

Planning stage

Schedule lab Organize sim teach List equipment, drugs, supplies Determine if videotaped Moulage Schedule SPs

Debriefing with Good Judgement

Using I statements and advocacy inquiry. 3 phases - reactions, understanding, summary i.e. I noticed you did not check the patient ID prior to giving them medication. That concerns me because verifying the correct pt is an important part of medication administration. Can you tell me what you were thinking at the time?


an assessment tool produces stable & consistent results

deliberate practice

learner's endeavor to practice for the purpose of improving a task/skill beyond currently level or proficiency

Developing a social contract includes..

professionals understanding their roles

Experimental learning

requires the learner to solve3 real world problems by discovering his/her own solutions base on his/her unique knowledge and understanding

Construct validity

the process of establishing that an action accurately represented the concept being evaluated

Esthetic knowledge

understanding of the situation of the patient at the moment

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